Joey Diaz Talks with Brian Redban About His Low Points with Drugs

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you know I just learned something about Parliament Parliament cigarettes just I don't know if I told you this or not so people that do cocaine usually smoke Parliament's because they can put cocaine in the in the filter you know instead of using a key it just did this put it in whatever and so I'm looking at this box the other day there's a line of coke right on the side of the Box you see it your line oh yes and even an arrow there's even an arrow pointing down at it like hey idiot it's a nice market is a market except I had people yeah how did the brought polymers with you had a before the board I feel [ __ ] smoke on the ban ya know uh Jesus Christ gonna be ten years inside last and that's what I remember I remember when you never do it yeah in years it's a long time again you know I was uh telling me I was telling somebody about the time with tape in the Joe show and you taped that conversation tell these people at my lobe you know what date was that it was about ten years ago 11 years ago it was right before I got off yeah right people were like the winter before I quit cocaine and he used to be you're going through something where you kept on getting really like serious where he said you know you feel that your spirit has left you you're left your body that you're over like you really made everyone in our group believe that you were dying and you were like not telling us something or because you seem like you seem like you lost a thousand dogs you know like I mean it was it so we recorded you I documented that time the videos somewhere on the Internet is called Joey Diaz ready to die and it was really interesting because that that's when I first started meeting it or I first started I wasn't tight with you at that point yeah we have but rather than like a year you know yeah but then I saw you overnight just become this post not it was town in the [ __ ] you were talking about it wasn't the Joey today though it was a little sad version of you know no it was you know we had Chris Harrod on yeah night and he went to a bunch of drug [ __ ] you know and that's why I wanted to have a light podcast of mind I said I'm gonna have some jokes and [ __ ] around what I somebody had asked me about those videos recently and I told him go online and look at the shape I was in like I remember exactly what I did that week like it was I spent maybe 600 bucks I did not have like at the time I did not have this money and in those days I have a guy that would deliver right to your room I met him at the UFC mm-hmm mm-hmm I remember that weekend this is crazy you know what I don't know if you remember this you gave me a little and you put it in my front pocket of my coat I forgot that I had it in there I was wasted when you did that I found it about a year ago I put on the jacket and I pulled it out I was like holy [ __ ] I know what does this work I did it too it's great that would go it Stewart my friends were in town I'm Jersey I was there with you Rogan and somebody else sorry maybe yeah and I basically went to the room when we got there got the delivery I didn't do any coke before the show and I think right from the [ __ ] show I split but why we were there like two nights in Jersey no no any segment shot that vague yeah Vegas yeah we shot that the second night right I think we were there what the first night was the second night with the UFC or the first night with the UFC solution we said right on the special and then over the UFC or something like I left the UFC like Joe said some to me like he goes my friends alone low guys said you went left and I saw people were bothering me make him asking me questions about what I'm saying when they piss me off all right but Joe knew I had lied to me I couldn't even watch the USA like I was like I gotta go home and get hot and the guy was bringing me vicodins and thought of the sex and Valium and you don't think I was eating off three of them together like [ __ ] and then we go to do this show and it's being you in the room and you're like what's your problem with something like oh you know man it's [ __ ] over like it's over for me like I don't see me first of all I've been here for seven years of 66 half years or know at that point eight years I have no success at no level like the only success I had was the Comedy Store and I booked like MADtv and my cold case but there was no success and then I got a shot to do The Longest Yard and the movie comes up number two and all these people in the Senate going Doug when this movie comes out your phone's not going to stop ringing well the movie came out and then the phone didn't [ __ ] you know not at all like I got called it the two pilots or something and I got a meeting with Tom Hanks that was it like nobody else called so it just kept mounting like it kept mounting mounting mounting so the movie came out in May of 2005 by [ __ ] December 2005 I was a mess and all a tooth now 2006 I got the fat wall removed that's right and that was when that we thought you knew what that fat ball was because you would say make it cute like you like your to have jokes about it like giving it a cigarette or something and like how you just have this big like cyst type thing on your necklace come lay and neck you just told us it was just fat juice or something like that in me enjoy really I think he it's something worse that's why so depressed he's going through this then we thought you knew what it was and it was like he didn't want to tell us like hey yo they knew from the beginning it was the world cancer with it I just I couldn't do this girl I was dating any justice you know I was [ __ ] failing as a comic you know the only shot I got nothing and turns on it and I was deep in the back and by that point I was deep in anything you had by 2006 I was deep into whatever you had like when I went out compadre if you had you know I went to the crack episode you know I still remember getting the surgery on Tuesday not doing coke like one day before like I said stop at 30 days before the surgery okay I stopped the night before like I stopped for in the morning yeah and I [ __ ] I'll never forget going home and she don't coke and blood was coming out of the stitches like what point in your life do you I had nothing man and this poor girl who loves me I can't do nothing I pay half the rent one month and one month I wouldn't pay rent like we had to get a [ __ ] loan for $600 a month six years we paid six thirty six a month for six years from the disaster I did at that house and I just wouldn't work and then Joe is just I was just doing rogue gigs with Joe and basically snorting my [ __ ] ass off that poor kid he knew it and he was starting to get the bread yeah he he gets upset about him really was that yeah and then 2007 hit and I was on a real ten and I started doing every one that summer I was like you know what I'm not gonna last I'm gonna just do heroin and that'll slow it down and then by the grace I still wanna go on to San Francisco with you and we were at that [ __ ] hotel with the nautical and had the red seafood soup yeah yeah we have a red chowder - out on the mermaid yeah we stay that we wear cobs yeah and we would stay in there and I still remember going to San Francisco and being clean for two months like it was the exact date like change we were up there and the remember the room was sold out around the corner and it was me you remember lunch I remember they found a suitcase across the street from the hotel in the water in the ocean it was a woman chopped up in pieces do you remember that and there's that famous picture of me and you both sitting in in the window sill and when I go both squeezing into this window silk we were looking at the police across the street like taking the body out of the suitcase I was like wow it was just like wow we're just watching creativeness with CSI [ __ ] it was such a bad like part of me wants that tape to get taken off but the other part of me no because I want people to see where I was not whenever I look at it I got only one over that person and it's good for people to see that because a lot of people go through social [ __ ] like that I tell people dog just in there stick it out and you'll be [ __ ] like we talked about all the time the beauty on the other edge the other side of this like what's happened I got married you know the baby I mean the beauty has [ __ ] evolved and anyone in our group was going through [ __ ] remember like Ari was going through a battle depression he's easy he thought he was going to die soon Duncan was going through a horrible breakup Eddie Bravo was so poor that like he couldn't like he was so broke and then overnight everybody as you know really changed their life around like it was there was some it's just to show you man like yeah so many people come up to me and go you know if it wasn't for the podcast I had no life and I was just working a horrible job and I press all the time I didn't want you know I thought my life was over and then you know they started listening apologize now they feel like they have friends and [ __ ] like that you hear that should all the times you know so it's it's really interesting that we documented that time of your life because that is that that really was a one the first times I ever had a friend really like I felt like when my friend was going to die that's never happened before in my if I people just kill himself but I've never had somebody like I didn't think I was gonna kill my snow I think you know I thought you were going to die because I just thought that had my hip on I just thought that my heart was going to stop and then something came over me like when I went to when Marilyn got the cancer that was no Natalie's I hope that was it was ready Soto yeah but once Malin got the [ __ ] cancer was when I went to a house number you know what dying doesn't look like fun yeah it really does Liz much as I don't like what I'm doing and all the problems I got going on right now you know what dying really doesn't look like a lot of [ __ ] fun especially having cancer and I mean she was fine at the store and I find out she didn't go to bathroom for two weeks the next thing you know she's in the hospital jack yeah that was overnight that was over there yeah over [ __ ] night so once I saw what was going on with her I was like you know what I think I'm gonna get this life a chance let me just see what the [ __ ] we could do here cool
Channel: Joey Diaz Clips
Views: 479,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joey Diaz, hilarious, JRE, hilarious story, comedy, up, Joey Diaz highlight, joe rogan, The Church, highlight, Brian Redban, Lee Syatt, funny story, Funny, Podcast, Joey Diaz Stand Up, Video, comic, Stand, The Church of What's Happening Now
Id: JmCwpOvM7NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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