When Did You Know That Your Girlfriend Is Crazy?

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redditors who were dating someone that went from i think i want to marry this person too i think i need a restraining order what happened we were actually engaged to be married then she went on holidays without me and came back pregnant she then told me you have never done anything to prove you really love me accept this baby and help me raise it to prove it i declined and asked her to leave the home that i paid for and that was in my name she refused so i made arrangements cancelled my lease then left and told her there were four days left on the lease i think she wailed but what am i supposed to do i don't have a job he cut himself in front of me and threatened to stab my cat she cheated on me the day my dad died i'm so sorry for your loss also duck that [ __ ] after being beat down mentally from her i started suffering from erectile dysfunction at 22 years of age eventually i mustered the courage to leave her she quickly moved on to someone else who would later become her husband and called me every week to basically rub it in saying how much better he was than me how much bigger he was at me etc etc i moved out of state changed my number never heard from her again she called my parents and even showed up at their home but they told her to go away about 10 years later my friend ran into an old friend of hers apparently my ex got arrested for beating her own mother got out of jail and beat her husband then tried to take their kids from him she was arrested again and later released guess i dodged a huge bullet there we met online we both had video games in common and hit it off fast forward two years and we get engaged all was well until he started getting abusive toward me and our pets i felt stuck because i could t afford to live on my own then he went on a business trip and i found child prn on a hidden flash drive turn this in he got arrested turns out he was also hiring prostitutes and staff he's in prison and it's illegal for him to contact me i graduated she wanted to transfer schools so we moved to a college town where she told me she'd been accepted as a transfer turns out she hadn't been accepted and when she applied was not accepted she got a job at walmart while trying to figure out her next move after about two months she decides we should move to pittsburgh she's convinced this will solve all her problems and make her happy except we're in a recession and i just got my first good job i don't want to move she became abusive i didn't want to go home she was constantly negative and on the edge of a screaming fight i was just avoiding her at the end we were together four years before that and she was always moody but not abusive six months of that and she went to her hometown to take a semester at a local school and stay with her parents i called her two weeks later and told her not to come back it had been like a weight was lifted from me and i never wanted to see her again i was young dumb and thought i was in love and ignored many red flags as he got more comfortable around me he let his crazy out someone stole his cell phone and he asked me to purchase a shotgun for him so he could go shoot the person who did it it took me another year and a half to leave i did try breaking up with him but he told me that if i ever tried to break up with him again he'd kill everyone i love and then himself so i'd know what it was like to be alone that relationship ended in an order of protection against domestic violence he was nuts started dating this girl during my junior year of high school we dated for about 7-8 months when she started becoming a huge flirt i don't judge but it's not something i could emotionally handle so i called it off i started getting closer to one of my best friends as she was a huge support during the breakup and eventually caught feelings my ex did not like that late one night i see her flexing her dad's gun on her instagram and in the comments saying i'll shoot the both of them went to the dean's office at school the next day and she got arrested and spent the night in jail actually did end up giving a no contact order started dating in high school had some ups and downs but at the time i just chalked it up to us being immature my last two years of college really proved he just had serious issues when i moved out of state for good it's like a switch flipped and he got extremely possessive and controlling wanted all my friends numbers gave me a schedule of when we need to be in communication and if i missed any he was blowing my phone up with threats of suicide finally got the restraining order when he showed up to my friend's apartment looking for me threatening to call the police because i still had a pair of issues that i didn't even have i found out he was soliciting underage girls like a record scratch it was over did it whoa thank you all yes he was arrested and went to jail i'm so sorry and i know your pain i wouldn't wish this on anyone my fiance was arrested for child prn it was over when i finally learned why homeland security and the county pd had raided my house about three hours after they burst through my door i had to take our four-year-old daughter for a while pay evaluation thankfully she wasn't abused his ex-girlfriend bailed him out of jail i worked with agents to record him confessing everything to me i will never forget that t i had to hear in response to some messed up questions they had me ask i learned he talked about our daughter online to other perverts and tried to buy a very young girl's vaginity from her mother he went to prison last month for 25 years on a plea bargain the worst version i have of this was a guy that i had been dating who ran my truck with a moving van repeatedly at an immigration checkpoint in new mexico well after dark he thought it was funny he'd been behaving badly but i just thought it was the stress of the move the aggravated assault by you hall is when i decided to break up with him he stalked me for years after that harassing me at work which led to me getting fired i switched from law firms to legal software and that seemed to make it harder to find me his stalking ended in blowing up a brick and mortar mailbox with plastic explosives i think he laid low after that because the fbi was looking for him he eventually moved back to california years later an ex-girlfriend of his contacted me about seven years later when she was settling his estate he wanted to make sure there weren't any children started dating not long after a previous relationship at first everything was amazing and i did everything for this girl for my 21st birthday we went to oldham towers with two of my friends one boy and one girl we stayed over at the hotel we were all in the same room having a drink and a laugh when suddenly my gf storms out the room for no reason rightly so i follow her back to our rumors to ask what's up before i can even finish my sentence she punches me square in the face gets me to the floor and kicks me about five strokes six times i ask why and it's because i'm apparently always looking at my girl friend anyway in the morning we set off home and i assume all is well we drop my friends off and as i pull up to her house she puts her feet on my windscreen and kicks it three stroke four times cracking it not sure why i stayed with her for a month after this as she scratched at my face repeatedly when i accepted an old school friend on facebook she punched me in the face while i was sleeping apparently my phone had awoken her when i received a text in the middle of the night from a girl asking if there was any chance i could come pick her up she assumed i was cheating and figured that the most efficient way of addressing her concerns was to just punch me in the face hard while i lay there sleeping the text was from a non-alabamian cousin who had some sort of semi-emergency and needed to get picked up from a party what started as i got out of a long abusive relationship started to trickle out over time as and it ended a week before i met you oh and it was my high school sweetheart oh and it was a marriage oh and it was my only relationship ever oh and i was the abuser when his brief time out of work turned out to have really been years and other lies were surfacing i was already trying to get myself out with as minimal of consequences as possible by then the whole fake personality he had constructed had long disintegrated when i dumped him he called me every name in the book then proposed then threatened to kill himself i had a friend with me with the engine running and everyone knew where i was warned his mom of what happened for months he would leave voicemails of himself sobbing his next ex looked me up and called me for help when she dumped him oh i have two of these the first one was a guy seven years older than me one day i came home from work and was told that my underage half-sister claimed that he tried to kiss her he was drunk and passed out i could wake him up to get his side of the story so i packed up his tea in his car and made him leave when he woke up i think we were together for three years and that's how it ended second time was a guy that kind of idolized charles manson i was young dumb and up for taking most any drug so we had a fast and weird relationship then he pushed me away by pretending to find god or some shti i left started dating the guy i had a crush on and got to call that psycho stabbed his father a bunch of times and wrapped him in a shower curtain my crush stayed by my side despite the ridiculousness and 12 years later when married with absolutely no drama in our lives whatsoever he pushed a little girl in a store because she tried to pet his emotional support dog instead of just picking up the dog he put hands on her there's a lot more but that sticks out the most i recently found out he was arrested again she was unreasonably hot i feel i'm good looking but she was just stupid beautiful she found out my ex's name somehow without my knowledge found her facebook and started sending her threatening messages i have no idea why she then deleted every female number from my phone all my relatives except my mother and aunt sat were listed as such her hotness made me continue with her for another three weeks after this she said that she has issues but being pretty means that most guys put up with it and i need to just deal with it ending it with her felt more like trying to explain complex mathematics to a donkey she wouldn't accept it for ages i respected her self-awareness about how psycho she was though tbh she made it clear what i was signing up for some girls like that know fully well they're insane and they wear it like a quirky badge of honor classic i got home from overseas and found drugs not my clothes still load of money missing and left her two years later she's married but still constantly texting and emailing me new number and emails when i block the old etc finally got enough proof that she was keying my truck breaking pot ctc at my place to get an epo on her got a full po and it's finally quiet he had a psychotic break trapped me in the house for nearly three months and almost killed me twice an llyr paired me into a miscarriage told me it was right that the baby died because i am too cold to be a good mother stalked me for five years after i got away from him i hope every bad thing happens to him last thing i heard from him was seven years after the fact he was homeless on the streets and used his ssi checks to call me up and tell me we were meant to be together i'll kill him if i ever see him again we started dating in middle school and he was my first boyfriend so i was head over heels or so i thought i constantly was told by other people that he was cheating on me with a bunch of people i finally broke up with him after three years after we broke up was when he went nuts he broke into my house while i was at school he then would wait outside my house on the front steps every day because he got out of class earlier than me then when i finally got a job he started showing up there once i started dating my recent boyfriend junior year of high school he would continue to make up lies and tell my current boyfriend all these rumors he would corner me at school and push me up against walls really dodge a bullet there he still is crazy and continues to dm me on instagram six years later as if i'll ever answer i started going gray in my early thirties and she started insisting i dye my hair because she didn't want people to think she was a girl with daddy issues dating an old man restraining order time came when she started spiking my conditioner with strawberry blonde dye my high school girlfriend of seven years started doing heroin and pills and stole my grandfather's watch i had since i was a kid in the engagement ring i intended to propose with from me among other things i didn't need a restraining order out of her being violent or crazy toward me she just broke my heart and i never wanted to see her again clarify i did not get a restraining order or think about getting one like someone who would get one i just wanted her out of my life date number one super pretty very witty we got along great date number two find out she's been engaged and not one not two not three but to nine different guys she's 24 years old wtf red flags everywhere and i'm just trying not to make the rest of the data awkward then it gets into children somehow and says i'd make great babies finished the date and i was kind to her and promptly didn't see her again it was a heat wave and our tty apartment didn't have ac i suggested we get one apparently this was a trigger comma for him and he flipped out yelling that i was too fussy and there were plenty of ways to stay cool i was kind of too stunned to reply he then dragged me fully dressed into the shower and held me under cold water as since he was a foot taller than me and stronger i couldn't do much about it i joke now that he poured cold water on the relationship but honestly i was utterly terrified and so embarrassed by the bruises from where he grabbed me i used cover up on them i don't miss my early twenties ash t i think this is happening to me right now my soon-to-be ex just moved six hours away for school and she has formulated a criteria for me to follow one video chat a day must always reply texts etc she also says i love you way too much although we have been together one five years she still finds a way to wheel it in every second conversation it's exhausting for me and feels like a chore rather than a fun relationship she is overly emotional and has said she would kill herself if anything prevented her from having me i want her but i dk hat without causing serious damage to her myself or someone else ex-fiance said she was going to a basketball game with a friend days go by i run into said friend and she has no idea what i'm talking about when i ask about the game she tells me my fiance went with a male co-worker okay i have no problem with her going with a male friend but the lying was the red flag that made me want to confront her so i do just that she immediately accuses me of cheating in retaliation the fight continues and finally she admits she was planning to leave as soon as we had taken a trip to pr that i had been planning she had never really left our home state when she realized i was gonna kick her out and cancel the trip she lost her mind and trashed my apartment on the bright side this gave me the opportunity to come out of the closet and meet my current boyfriend damn reading these makes me feel so grateful to be married to my husband their drinking went from yay weekend to one of those bottles big enough that they have a handle on it unsure of what this size is every single day and a little coke every now and then to smoking meth and all of this tea that goes with a downhill spiral violence delusions job loss etc sometimes you just have to stop trying to help and run soon keep in mind this was in the late 90s there was chemistry and lots of long talks on the internet and on the phone and we were getting along pretty well and one day i don't recall how it came about to the topic but it came about to the topic of coca-cola and she began to spin harder and faster and more eccentrically than a toy top on a whirler gig teacups ride about how coca-cola was jewish the next 20 minutes were filled with her regurgitating the absolute worst anti-semitic garbage that could have been sourced out of any hate organization's manifesto the kind of stuff that gets vomited on 4chan and 8chan today i listened to her just spew it all out and then thanked her for her viewpoint and excused myself and left and then my dog ate my cell phone the last i heard about her she had moved to the pacific northwest i guess to be with other white supremacists i just feel bad for her children who had to grow up with that culture i hope they're healing i found his secret email address for all his craigslist personal ads driving along in my car my girlfriend and i had began to argue the argument got heated quick and before i knew it she was screaming at the time i was living with my grandmother and if you passed a church without blessing yourself my grandmother would smack you in the back of your head so as we passed a church out of habit i made the sign of the cross all of a sudden the car is so quiet you can hear the tire treads on the pavement my girlfriend says the most terrifying voice i have ever heard to this date god isn't going to help you now it was at this moment i knew one night while we were on a drive he casually told me that if he ever needed to dispose of a body he'd dump it to tata works i guess because the lie would help with decomposition he said the body would disappear without a trace he also told me on another occasion that his ex had accused him of trying to kill her turns out he was a textbook sociopath npd and i'm just waiting for that knock on the door from the fbi when he finally snaps he's on the autism spectrum i knew that going in but over time his behavior became increasingly bizarre like he started wearing a fake wedding band thinking he was a marine police officer even though he couldn't get accepted into either training program and he started stalking me i'd be out running errands and he'd appear out of nowhere when i broke it off he lost his tea and harassed me for a few weeks calls and texts non-stop this was before blocking eventually he convinced himself i broke up with him because i was scared to be a cop's wife again he's not a cop two years later he called me from a new number to ask me to be a reference for his police academy application i had a long-term boyfriend i had never really thought seriously about marriage but i also thought we had a good future together then for christmas one year he gave me a huge extravagantly wrapped package which turned out to hold only a small velvet box when i saw that tiny red box my stomach dropped and i suddenly realized that i could never marry him lucky for me the box only held some nice earrings and after a bit of soul searching on my part we broke up a short time later in those moments between seeing the jewelry box and opening it i saw my future with him stretching out before me he wasn't a bad guy but it made me realize that he was not the guy for me really i'm grateful for those earrings because they allowed me to examine our relationship and end things before he did actually get around to proposing you know for a man who generally views himself a piece of shitty this thread has been a pleasant surprise my last breakup was bad we had a long distance relationship over the internet at the time i thought i liked her but i just didn't feel a spark well i accidentally laid her on for four years because i just didn't know how to tell her without breaking her heart what kinda killed it was when she told me that a long time ago she sent warning this is beheading videos to furry communities which i was a part of dart i felt devastated that she do that to a community that i liked at the time i lost all interest in her admittedly i still feel bad for leading her on but i've since moved on from that hey no judgement but this is by far the most bizarre comment i've ever read you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 20,326
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, crazy girlfriend, girlfriend
Id: MvrTbjTgVMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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