Undercover Cops,, What Were Crazy Ways To Not Blow Cover?

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serious those of you who worked undercover what is the most taboo thing you witnessed but could not intervene as to not blow your cover i once took my vehicle to an independent shop for routine maintenance i said i was dropping it off for as long as it might take as i was going to take a long trip the following month i sat across the street in a diner eating soup and drinking coffee i got a call that my vehicle needed about four thousand five hundred dollars worth of work an hour and a half later it never left the parking spot i told them i didn't want anything done they said it was half a part already duck you firestone i am an assistant service manager at a dealership that firestone was turned into a parking lot worked as a ghost passenger for an airline basically i flew around and graded flight attendants performance while still parked at the gate with the door open one flight attendant began berating passengers who were using their smartphones which was completely permitted at the gate she threatened to have the person in front of me thrown off the plane if she didn't put hers away she also threatened me after we left the gate and were taxiing to the runway i looked back to see her sitting in her jump seat using her phone took a photo of it and included that in my report she initially denied using the phone and claimed i was being unruly on the aircraft after she saw the photo she changed her tune i was running a wire we were looking to arrest a guy who beat a two-year-old so bad she had broken femurs we wired up mom and had her go to the boyfriend's house and try and get him to confess mom started out great led the boyfriend along and started to ducking blow him he then ducked her a man who beat her daughter so bad she was lighted she ducked him on wire i was punching my dashboard and wishing i could arrest her as well it was awful i am a private investigator contracted by governments to check massage shops to see if they're soliciting they usually get sent to shops which have had multiple complaints and an investigation is in its final stages and they need evidence to support their case so i go to one place everything seems normal except for being asked to strip there for an oil massage eventually i am asked to flip over therapist without asking just starts rubbing some gel on my parts at this point i am obligated to refuse and finish the session i ask her to stop but halfway through the sentence i am hit with the most intense pain turns out she was new and was unaware that alcohol gel is not the same as massage oil long story short manager was convicted of coercing staff on the basis of their visas being revoked if they didn't comply and i had to stand in court and tell the events of that day i worked as a hipaa inspector for a bit sht is scary i'd go in and say i was looking for my mom that they called me she was in an accident i was early twenties pretty much every place i went gave me all kinds of protected info on the patient the company would have placed fake records in the computer one smaller urgent care place was like hm no one with that name here's our sign in log for the week take a look with last names first names and reason for visit yikes i worked for an armored car service for a while as an undercover guard when a place had a lot of money or if it was a risky area two plane closed guards would arrive before the truck i would scout the place and outside to make sure the uniform guys could get in and out safe we wore a color of the day and the local cops knew who we were as did the uniformed guards it was a pretty easy job and i only once waved off a pickup because of a bunch of latin king sitting on benches out front i hung out a while to see what was going on and hoping they would leave so we could make the pickup as i sat on a bus bench across the road i watched one of the guys take out his needle point i never would think that a gang member would tow his needle point to a stick up job edit only the top paragraph showed up i guess i ducked up format or something i'm not good on my phone former loss prevention here best job ever by the way witness so much sx in the stockrooms couples singles trios you name it we had cameras everywhere of course especially in the stockrooms due to rampant employee theft we had countless hours of employee sx on tape we couldn't reveal the cameras which would tip off the thieves so all we could do is watch i am so so so late to this party but here it goes i'm a tv producer i was working on a popular documentary a while ago we were following a woman who was addicted to heroin and had resorted to prostitution in order to make money to support her habits one day a friend of hers got thrown into jail she decided she needed to work really hard to bail him out so she called her friend who owned a crack house and he let girls like her turn tricks in at about ten dollars a pop to answer arp's question i witnessed this girl share needles with many people and watched as john after jon came into the house and disappeared into the bedroom with her for a little bit so bored adults wanting to give drugs to little kids to see what they would do while high couldn't intervene legally but was able to use normal social discouragement and shaming to stop them specifically there was one girl who thought it would be hilarious to get a little kid high the kid was probably about 10 or 11. exactly the age you should never be doing drugs she seemed really oddly excited about it like it was the best idea in the world or the most exciting thing she had ever come up with and the other guy with her just wanted to appease her to get in her pants or had no morals or whatever so nobody in this group of people thought to stop it or say no come on accept me some things are just wrong i don't really have anything against adults using drugs personally but giving them to young kids is about the most trashy thing you could do like some others here i also worked as a private detective nothing too taboo that i couldn't intervene in but when you do mostly workman's comp there's a lot of completely despicable sht going on other times you get some weird tea some examples one there was a guy we were watching that was completely dominating some handicap competitions in the state he really sold the handicap big time the only time he broke character was when he would stand up and unload his wheelchair from his van in his privacy fenced backyard two where are all of the school district's computers going to people who buy them from the security guards at the warehouse that one actually made the news 3. where is all this soda going to the truck drivers this one i actually was interviewed and hired into the company to watch what happens on night shift was secret shopping at a high-end restaurant around 100 per plate the buses came over and refilled my water glass that i had already drank out of and overfilled it so he poured part back in the picture from my glass and proceeded to refill everyone else at the table from the same picture i really wanted to throw a fit but could only include it in my report i worked as a secret shopper for a while for a small store the most egregious thing i found were employees would hide inventory if they knew a sale was coming up i'd also go in and ask questions about what equipment i should use just to test their general knowledge most failed but there were young kids getting paige t so i felt bad squealing on them i also forgot to add that i had to put up with being hit on by teenagers and creepy older guys i had to play along and see if they knew their shitty despite throwing terrible game i used to investigate insurance fraud the one thing i saw that made me the maddest was when i was working in the run-down area near the philly zoo and saw a strung out mother walking with her toddler and jerking his arm and screaming at him for not keeping up with her quick walking pace the kid was not even two years old i really wanted to get out of the car the funniest one was where i had to go undercover in a bar to investigate this one person you ever see the stallone movie over the top yeah that's pretty much what this guy ended up doing right on the bar right in front of my hidden camera and looking direct into my camera lens it was awesome the arm wrestling match went on for minutes and this fire guy too hurt to work at times it was very entertaining to work undercover when i worked qa for a video game publisher they had me work an e3 as a secret player basically i got to play new games for that publisher and act like they were amazing in front of press while i was taking a break i saw one of the producers hooking up with a booth babe he didn't recognize me but i knew he was married and had a kid on the way i didn't say sh t he got laid off when the rest of us did about a year later but that's just kind of how e3 goes couple showed up to a party with their kids boy about eleven girl around nine get paid by host have kids do it with each other for entertainment of some of the people present for further tips let a couple sickers join in after a few minutes working as a pie without giving too many details i was a part of a drug happy orgy a pair of unfit parents set up had my partner do the drugs off-camera with the excuse of me having a drug test for my job so i couldn't partake in that 10 plus people there mostly in couples and i ended up screwing the unfit mother and recorded her getting sandwiched at her home and plenty of other things needless to say the kids are in that house anymore ended up quitting after that job kinda ducked with my head the money was kind of ridiculous at times though edit it was a custody case i've had to do some forensic pc work scene bodies mishandled by funeral staff psychologists molesting their patients veterinarians torturing animals dentists killing children with unnecessary anesthesia doctors filling a man's chest with metal stints for no reason older doctors that are clearly incompetent cutting up some poor guy indiscriminately i know i see the worst of the worst but it is enough to make me not want to go to a medical professional until i absolutely have to even then it is iffy edit all of these cases have the full attention of legal authorities all of them took place several years ago anyone who could be charged has been charged worked as a private investigator for a while mostly did work calm cases seen some shiftiness drug deals etc worst thing was conducting surveillance on a person at an apartment complex get there before light to set up my rig little bit before sunrise this mexican couple fifties-ish in a truck pull up in front of my position guys pulling a trailer gets out rummage through a dumpster for metal and stuff okay not so bad then the woman with him gets out and between my vehicle and said dumpster proceeds to pop a squat and tea on the ground way to start my morning guys thanks did i watched an eight-year-old boy get punched in the face by his mother who was about to sell me an ounce of mj we waited as long as we could to not burn the ci then locked her up on both charges even though i wanted to bash her face and right there i don't know if this counts but when i was in high school over 15 years ago i worked at a kfc the manager wanted me to keep an eye out on workers and report back to her she wanted to know who was stealing boxes of stuff potato and gravy chicken salt etc she conveyed that my actions would be looked upon very favorably and perhaps even lead to a better position eventually like management if i acted a spy i told the guy who was doing it that i was meant to be a spy he thanked me and gave me five big bags of chicken salt heaps of coleslaw and potato and gravy i got so sick of that tea so quick that i gave most of it away to my relatives i lived in a pretty poor working class area so did my relatives so they were stoked because they loved kfc i don't think she found out what we did so i guess i didn't blow my cover as a double agent i finally have one i was jtf6 and we coveredly patrolled for drug harvesting activity akka drug plots my partner and i had eyes on this one location we had to observe them for a period of time to generate a decent salute report we see this while this road warrior looking kid come hauling us up on his dirt bike with who we thought was his mom or grandma then we witnessed some incestuous or at the very least underage relations by the feral kid and the she beast he brought with him the whole time we're just sitting there in our hide grossed out and unable to move or intervenor we'd blow our cover and the whole op back when i was a secret shopper i would often times run into an employee that broke all of the rules i was there to observe nothing too crazy or noteworthy it's just hard to watch them break protocol out of politeness social grace the employee was being a genuinely good person i'd give them passing marks anyway i review hotels secretly and eavesdropped on a man argentinian from his accent oscar concierge at a very trendy upscale hotel to secure him an escort as far as i'm aware the concierge didn't deny his request i think hotel concierge people can normally get you anything you ask for if you have the money or at least lead you in the right direction would be an interesting ass credit actually i watch cops undercover whenever the opportunity arises one time i saw an elderly man lose his grip on his walker and fall to the concrete cops were stopped at a light right next to him and watched him lay there waiting for him to get up on his own took them almost a minute to decide to get out of the car and help him up when they did get out they took their time one with a cup of coffee still in his hand sipping it as he strolled over to the helpless man human trafficking child prostitution white slavery nothing got done about it politics i spent six years as an undercover cop juggling two identities it was about 11 years ago i was brought by an underling of one of the drug lords passed away couple years ago to the underground factory like where the drugs are processed i had to learn to smell it taste it and feel it to categorize their grades and make sure the quality meets the requirements the drugs were not something like what i've tried when i was really young once you're addicted you want to take it every 4-5 hours i had to take it because that wasn't a good time for an ambush i couldn't intervene blow my cover because i would have died as the people inside are all armed everything was told to my boss a pie and i was admitted to rehab center for more than eight months i am sorry to say that these are the only information that can be revealed now i'm living somewhere far away with my family not anywhere near cop or spire level but was once hired by a music retailer to see how much attention his staff were paying to theft by shoplifting his store while legally ripping off the store i saw the guy i knew watching me and clearly encouraged by my blatant behavior he proceeded to do the same not too big of a deal but watched a guy get jumped a couple days ago by four teenagers took his bag of booze wallet and beat him for a few seconds before rising their bikes away entire incident was less than 30 seconds i was working uc as a leo worked for a company that done inventory point of sale sales and other food related software seen number of things happen in hotel hospital kitchens that should have those places shut down all being very high-end clients also since then i've never eaten food from a hotel and if i'm ever in a hospital i'm refusing that also pie here was in a tty neighborhood and saw a guy beat his girlfriend pretty badly made an anonymous tip to the police but they got they way too late and the gf ended up going back to the guy anyway i used to training at a call center i always included being aware of social engineering attempts in my role plays management like this so much they started having me do this as a secret caller i hate to say but i got a lot more people than i should have even started doing it ad hoc for other divisions when word got round wasp was an agent that i'm not sure if she really just didn't care or was just so overly helpful she didn't think twice but man i could have stolen three or four people identities if i was actually running a scam this looks like something subreddit simulator would say pretty late to the party but i was an undercover assets protection specialist at target for a year in my early twenties the main taboo thing i noticed and one of the reasons i wound up hating it and ultimately quitting is the whole security industry as racist as duck everyone from the uniformed guards at the door to the police that did the arrests we had policies in place to prevent targeting minorities but it didn't do anything nearly every time we called the police to arrest a black person they would at minimum get tackled even if they weren't resisting we had one white guy who was addicted to heroin that we had caught stealing video games several times and had even punched my boss and he was arrested so gently you would have thought he was made of porcelain that job wore on my soul for real this is kinda boring but i was told to join a specific gang in college to leak info about it so that they could be removed from college kids of rich peeps it turns out they used to regularly duck teen girls sometimes even as young as 12 and used to give them drugs instead of money so that the girls would come around for more i thought it was quite serious so i gave all this information when i was about to pass out i work in compliance for factories in asia the main focus of my job is to make sure the factories are following rules set by who contacts them to make something i let a group of about 30 work overtime after they all stood outside my office asking why i am not allowing them to make more money before the upcoming holiday i love asian beautiful place i made my partner blow me well not exactly but we were on a midnight following a burglary team we were sitting an hour and marked auto in an alleyway when they made us i had no other play except to grab richie by the back of the head and shove it into my lap one of the team comes up to the car says something unfortunate about our assumed s dualities and proceeded to knock the place over these guys were in the cells all night screaming that we were blowing each other the bad guys went away for a little while i got to write the most epic report in the history of policing and mike got a medal for blowing me nice tsar red team checkpoint has issues but checked baggage operations are damned good at catching the ieds we threw at them i'd love to be on a red team i want to legally find out if some of my ideas would work i was a secret shopper at a walmart in oklahoma read red state the area with the most theft was the family planning section specifically pregnancy tests but sometimes you would catch a kid stocking up on lube finger vibrators vibrating penis rings and extends condoms were just not a high theft item i can't even count the times i had to call the parents of some good christian child who was trying to get busy after a football game remember folks abstinence not essential education is the key edit i have a quick story it doesn't involve me but a thing anyways long time ago when i was getting into being a professional mechanic i had worked for a private logistics carrier trucking coma one day my boss brings up a truck to my bay and he's going through its inspections the truck was owned by us the company but had weird fleet identification numbers that suggested it was outside third party owned it had different paint scheme than our usual run-of-the-mill truck but had out llc and federal line numbers on it i asked what was up with it and the boss pulled me aside telling me to not say anything or to investigate on our internal records but that it is used by the fifa sting operations only upper management could move it and limit it to only being in the driver's seat ih it was attached to any trailers no idea where it gets parked in our yard it's a few city blocks big never asked any more than that time [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 16,321
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, undercover cops, undercover agents, undercover, cops, agents, blow cover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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