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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Lucian in the mid lane running Airy maniflow Transcendence Gathering storm eyeball and ultimate Hunter we're going to go AP Lucian he actually has a 90% AP ratio on his W and it can get pretty low cool down and then his Al has 330% so we can do a lot of poke damage not a problem I'll just love to we are against an aali so I'm going to shoot out my w i missed but we have ay cuz comet has a longer cooldown AA we can apply with auto attacks and everything it does a little bit less damage but you can apply it more often already oh it didn't apply there where's my AR there it is at least she doesn't have a Doran Shield so I'm trying to think of what I'm going to go first item it's either I think I'm going to go luden's I might grab a Blackfire torch too call it magic I call it good aim but we don't want to build too much Magic Pen because even though my w does magic damage my Al does physical magic magic pen will do nothing for that now when I hold her she feels cold I be missing at least we can't miss Auto attacks oh wait now we can she's invisible isain there we go getting chunked I'm running out of Mana though also they have a Zach something seems too good to be litch pan prob maybe an nashers could potenti work but if I'm playing around W pooke and ALT you don't really want to mix in Auto attacks with that too oh nice he did some good damage to her you can that should do it nice little combo for her you're better off oh that did not hit the side ones how do I push this wave I'm going to get jumped on by a Zach well we have enough for a lost chapter we we'll see how bad our Mana consumption is I think I can get one of these and I'm leaving we'll see how bad our Mana is with lost chapter I might go to Lost chapter items with this cuz Blackfire could be good too Blackfire plus ludin will add a lot of poke LeAndre could work too instead of Blackfire I guess but it doesn't give any haste and I feel like we're going to need haste we'll see I could throw in an ldr at the end is my last item and crit gives you more bullets on the alt to plus the armor pen would make it hit really hard so that's probably what I'm going to do so maybe I just get as much ability power as possible and then throw in the ldr and see how hard my ALT hits an ally has been SL so I think my w poke damage will fall off towards late game but my ALT won't comes back malignance I don't know if that would be good it'll probably only put one small circle under them whatever's in the Beyond I hope it's better than this I hit the minions 's good poke with Harry he's going to do like no damage later cuz it doesn't have any AP scaling yeah R has 330% the only thing that sucks is you get more bullets with crit and there's no AP crit items where's their jungler I don't want to dash forward to poke her with W just because Zach might gank and then she's going to Al him we're getting grubs my Mana is actually fine with lost chapter we're not using that much I mean I'm going to get more haste so we'll see he's probably on Dragon that's starting to chunker though when I actually hit them they it's going to be really hard to hit her with Alto cuz she's just going to jump away so oh that didn't hit oh my God that was scary cuz I didn't have jump up oh I almost got her has I should have ignited my zero damage Auto attacks no wait Pantheon's going to get her I believe in him oh oh she still had flash fine we leave her there's a Zach around oh no now he's dead to Zach unless W they just let him recall where the heck did Z go all right do we have we have ludin or Blackfire which everyone I think ludin cuz it's going to be more burst and we need cool down Boots the hell out of the Shadow though dark Harvest page to work with this build uh no you want poke with either Ary or Comet AR is probably a lot better than Comet though you I missed cuz the whole point of this build is the W poke early and then we'll transition into some R damage hopefully the r does damage I haven't played this build in a long long time also I'm like really close to 100K subscribers on this channel so if you haven't subscribed yet consider doing so and help me out maybe we could hit it today or this week oh my w kills the casters now in one shot we see Zach no place for feelings in this line of work a full heart's an easy target my wave clear is a bit better now I was thinking about throwing in like a manamune but I I remembering trying get in practice tool it only activates once off your alt Dam that did like over 300 damage did I take Scorch no I took Gathering Scorch is really good too but I figured the game would go kind of long cuz I'm not going to like on V5 too hard with this at least early maybe I'll get strong so Gathering as soon as I get the second at 20 minutes It'll be like way better than Scorch it's like some surprise burst I shoot a w and an alt at the same time an ally has been slain I mean I'm good versus squishies tanks I'm kind of worried about but if we do throw in that ldr at the end I think we shouldn't have too much to worry about on dead plating I'll get it yolo my wife's what could we go next Horizon Focus could work actually how about a horizon second gives haste bonus damage reveals and I think the bonus damage will work on my alt too I never run out cuz it works on physical right oh that hit her oh the luden hit her somebody's here I should be fine I have Dash and Flash Zach doesn't do a whole lot of burst but he will CCE me for a while but he shouldn't hit it I might be dead oh I missed I forgot aalii players can just go all in if they feel like it but I could have killed her before she killed me if I landed that W which I missed though I deserve to die um we could either have I mean how many inventory slots do I have let's see storm surge could work too kind of it doesn't give any Haze maybe we'll go Blackfire and Horizon and then Blackfire Horizon death cap ldr maybe time to I think I might do that we'll do this first and see don't want to be on the side yeah I could do ler nashers Al I don't really want to get close enough to play around my Autos though cuz you see as soon as a Kali got close to me a 03 of coli just pretty much one shot me under turret an enemy dead I need a poker down an enemy has been slain I don't know where she went she might have just based or she's she went bom damn much did that just do that just did like 500 damage and it's already back up again oh I'm dead she dies though if she goes for this oh my God she didn't all she's learning the aaliis I play against always learn they're like all right if I just sit in Lane he's going to just slowly outplay me but if I just Al the second I see him I have a chance I didn't really outplay there I she misplayed because I feel like she could have aled the second part of her all she would have died to the turret but I would have died that's the whole point her going one for one is worth it any day I'm doing good damage though I wow this is actually hitting pretty hard I'm just trying to think what would be better than blackf because like it's it's not going to hit I mean it will hit pretty hard the mana's kind of wasted I don't actually need the extra Mana but the thing is it has a burn which increases my AP and then it gives haste there's not many items left that I could build that give haste used to think nothing was colder than death now I know different and that burn will work on my abilities unlike um the nashers and Lich Bane which I have to get pretty close and Lucian doesn't have long Auto Range it's pretty short oh no they're they're diving bot you guys got to go um I was thinking about alting this wave but it's not going to clear it that much faster I'll just take first turret oh she's here your team has destroyed a turret the thing about LeAndre Shadow flame they don't give they don't give any haste and I kind of need haste leandre's burn would be better than Blackfire burn though it it hits a lot hard harder an ally has been slain where is she please don't be in this bush oops you I mean I want to dash over the wall and kill morg you're a little crazy that is this Jin oh I just I want to chase them so bad I was like where's a k though is where I fight the dead a to be careful that was a juicy W on them there she is yeah she has L paint she could easily H 100 to zero me one she has to hit the e if she misses the E I should be safe we could just go death cap right [Music] now we'll go death cap since I want the Blackfire but it might be better to save the Blackfire till later when I have more AP because then it's going to increase AP more we'll see we'll either do Blackfire or Leon or uh yeah black F LeAndre it's a health and damage increase from LeAndre could be good it's just this death camp and then the LeAndre will give no haste and the ldr gives no haste so I'd be stuck at what I'm at now which 70 I guess is pretty good spin long about lost souls and you're proud to lose your own I hit her your team has destroyed a turret you buy Merks no he's roaming I think she's low enough where she can't go in now yeah she's too low I got it wait what was that was that her alt or did she transform oh oh what killed her how do you what's this guy doing chasing Lilia I hit him enemy has been slain the ludin looked like it hit twice since it was on a single Target he we got death cap shadowflame would be kind of wasted since M do physical my Al does 3,000 damage if I hit every bullet your team has destroyed a turret yeah I think we go Blackfire or LeAndre or even a lich Bane an ally oh me Canan what did I just witness that's the beauty of aalii he could be an absolute potato but still solo kill me with ease oh Lux is like I remember the damage Lucian did to me I'm backing up well I wh when do I go for oh my God dominating in the bush I think she's in the bush maybe not CH in the well met I think leandre's burn would actually be really good it's going to do more than the blackf burn go and then damage amp will increase my ALT damage too we've got a good enough amount of haste no place for feelings in this line of work a full heart's an easy target Dam I whipped if Morana hits a bind on somebody and I Al him though I think it's like almost a guaranteed kill if it's not a tank once I get ldr I think I can melt zck you stare into the mist and theist right two of those puts him at that HP can't Dash in again Camille's going to me an ally has been slain uh I don't know where kie is he's like I know she's up there an enemy has been slain an ally our MF was really deep up there hell of a we need Dragon oh that even hurts her it magic I call it oh she didn't take that we might be too low to do dragon Camille's going to flank us from up here oh I got hit man down man down I did not even see the Lux spine um yes all right MF does a lot of damage they should be able to beat this guy uh-oh oh no oh no I think Pantheon beats him unless he has flash we'll take it claim the dragon sir he aled in so then he couldn't block the bullets but he did get the Jin he wouldn't have got the Gin if he didn't so I don't know if it was worth I guess it's worth it's Team Deathmatch who cares oh that was a close one how are you supposed to Green you know comes back I think the items I chose are like the absolute Max damage I want to dash in an all but there's a Zach over the wall an ally has been slain whatever I hope it's than this I got to protect her oh that guy's too low oh God she doesn't have Al though we can beat her up hit her I missed shoot Lucian W is like really easy to hit but also really hard to hit at the same time like the AL back up these guns run on Fury I never run oh why' she just do a back flip from behind me I thought there was like Pantheon jumping in that scared me I Tred to why did it go to Narnia over there what the heck oh wait where did oh Ki I was like where did Cam come from oopsies all right oh we need to we need to stay alive or we lose Baron run kie might die bowling ball almost all right we shouldn't lose Baron at least okay maybe yeah yeah we're fine we're fine we lose MF though leave her leave her now you're going to get Camille aled oh she's too fast keep going no now morgana's going to die too she's fine I need an ldr so my ALT does damage to Camille and uh zank where the hell is it I get the crck cloak how many more bullets did I just get we kind of have to play back because aalii and Camille are guaranteed kills if they get to me or any of our back line I wish I was close enough I got Zack flash go that way did a Calli TP no she doesn't have TP she just walked this ain't war war oh no got to look for binds desty they're trying to go in so oh get her get her all here I think we're good MF got a Jin get the blob man nice we did it we did it guys we could go to Baron we can go to Dragon we can go mid I don't care I've always fought I don't know if I'll be able to do this on my own I'm just going to Al how much FR are 2400 I'm going to save my Dash in case Camille TPS this Ward I'm on I need 300 gold this line of work a full heart's an easy target magic I'm sure it's fine H where's the rest of my team that's fine Neil's dead if we get Jin we're fine okay we're fine I knew Kam is like looking to do that the whole time he just wants to Al me one shot me but I now finally do damage with my ALT a lot of damage oh my God I said 5,500 but now I have 40% armor pen so it goes through the armor that she didn't didn't build but I mean she has base armor so it actually increases my damage plus it gives me more bullets my W's good poke but it's not enough to kill people unless they're like they're Bing we might get out if she hits another q I don't know oh wait aie flashed I think oh my God wait why does she have a force in nature that's actually terrible vers me but I mean I guess it's good versus Lilia morg too but if I alter it does like physical damage J's going to come Al oh good bind oh my God wait oh my goodness go get a morg I'm coming oh I hit him he's down 6K damage Luci when I'm go like full lethality crit build on lual I think I I got it up to like 8 or 9,000 oh my God it's actually shredding her so this is really good considering I'm AP and I don't get the extra bullets from crit because I can only build one crit item and my w still does damage your team desty we go grab a blue potion she stands by that Cannon it should be able to finish the job oh that sucks I could sell my boots for um I don't know anything your team has destroyed a turret there's a right side and a wrong side don't want to be on the wrong side I'm going to back up I'm one Camille or aalii Al away from just being erased can still be I know it oh wait Dragon oh infernal Soul now they're definitely doomed I guess we could just go mid it don't matter we're going to win the fight anyway you think nothing was colder than death now I know I did a lot of damage there you have SL an enemy gotcha missed [Music] we did it oh that was fun crun crun Smurfs it's a normal game congratulations I didn't know Lilia had a skin where she's not a deer all right well if you guys enjoyed the AP Lucian game make sure to like comment subscribe these videos on Lucian normally don't do well I don't know why he's pretty fun to play damn look at that AA damage almost 3,400 on arir and let's see physical to Magic physical to Magic see I still did 20K physical but I did do 35k magic thanks for watching
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 80,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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