Teemo will be nerfed after Riot sees this video... (4 INFERNAL DRAGONS, 1300 AP)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Teemo in the Top Lane we're running Harvest jeap shot eyeball ultimate Hunter absu focus and Gathering storm we're going to do either burn Teemo or a Magic Pen Teemo or a little bit of both we're going to do a LeAndre into de malignants have that double burn on our shrooms plus shroom haste and then we can really go whatever AP items we want after that those two core items are all we need to control the map and we're against AED good and bad match up I think good because our Q can stop his Auto attacks which hit very hard with his W and he can engage onesto with his alt and his q and still do a fair bit of damage I don't know where he is there he is he lost a few minions but Teemo we range champ we can actually bully a lot of uh champions in the top this guy watch out for like a level two gank by their jungler but usually warwicks won't go for that already chunked a lot of his health he has a Doran and as Teo I don't like to shove the wave all the way in keeping it in a spot like this is perfect so I have more minions than him but the wave's not crashing into his turret so I could poke him every time he goes to farm cuz you are you're Lane bully the wave is going to crash here I can maybe get some poke stop him from getting a cannon you a't run nice oh let him uh land that Q just cuzz I can keep hitting him takes a while for it to hit and if he's only hitting the Q it doesn't do a ton of damage unless he has a lot of AD I'm missing a lot of minions but he's actually missing more I need to go Ward but I want to keep pressuring him okay even if Warwick's here Leeds a little bit too low to do anything and he didn't take teleports so he's in big [Music] trouble he's running to Graves a great chos but it's okay we might even get this guy yeah I got something too okay where's their mid laner don't know if Graves helps me push this that'd be nice I don't even care if he gets some minions nice good to see a jungler actually help the laner this stops it so CL doesn't freeze and I don't die trying to stay and fix the wave cuz that wave was pushing towards him he could have froze it denied me a lot okay we can do haunting guys or boots and book and [Music] stuff honestly I think since I flashed the mobility is going to be a little bit better here we can get a seal too boots are actually going to be more damage than haunting guys just cuz I might get one or two extra Autos cuz of my speed I'll Scout ahead nice I got those I have blue buff so I can spam my Q as much as I want for the next like 30 seconds yes sir still won that trade Warwick spot nice and now we're going to have another big wave crashing into him again so he can't really fight us you guys notice I didn't have a screenshot of my runes today I thought I already had one but I uh deleted it on accident oh give me give me I like for the runes the old school way today all right I'm going to put my shrooms back here don't want want to put him in the lane cuz they might push on accident and I can lead him into this shroom over here he's hitting the bullets he's getting chunked nice got another hit okay Warwick stole a grub I'm coming we can beat him anti [Music] mine an ally just trying his own Warwick Tristana might come okay she's dead nice oh we can make CED lose this cannon wave's pushing towards him still got the Harvest I don't think he's staying but I'm waiting for the next wave he is staying yeah if he's staying I don't want to push I was going to push uh he might die yeah my blind stopped him from getting his uh mount back that's pretty funny I graes help me top I help him get the grubs I assume Warwick just smited one of them that he got low at the beginning okay we got to be careful CL can ult us here I'm not going to Greed for another plating we've got him right where we want him there's not really much he can do to come back in this Lane now especially with me almost getting a LeAndre if I really wanted to like win Lane harder I'd go attack speed shoes but I want to play for shroom so I'm going to go sort shoes after this cuz late game I'm not going to be able to really Auto attack their team that well without dying so I'll play from a safe distance with shrooms and just win that way qu autoing my turret a he got it he's dead though he missed Q the thing about kette is he can't control when his empowered Autos go off Just DE oh he got it oh I might be dead wow that's really unlucky it didn't look like the bar was at full that's my bad I misplayed also my flash did not get me away from him yeah he got very lucky there and he's dead all right an ally has oh he's got to push it hit a shroom armed and ready at the end of the world I didn't see his mount bar but it looked like it wasn't even full and then all of a sudden he gets his mount back maybe I can grab some minions mid or the cannon well CL still lost a lot of minions there and he's worth more gold did he get a shutdown off me no not a big deal once I get leandre's it's a bit easier he did Flash and ignite there I'm pretty sure think he's going to lethality Hydra I don't know it's either that or the life steal one well now it's my turn to have ignite buddy and that's not going to work this time if I had ignite last fight that extra like one Health he lived with wouldn't have happened Warwick's not here I want to go for plating but let Al us back up Warwick smited so he might not have Smite for drag that's a big Power Spike we do kind of need this Dragon but it might be hard to get with this Tris being pretty F oh she got rooted she's dead nice we're going to lose the dragon though I'll ping grubs BL might try to do them an enemy oh he's dead you an enemy that's pretty good by him he got his uh pull off right before he got dismounted it's just that leandre's power spike is so big that's what I was expecting last time he Ed me though I was going to win it but since I didn't have the LeAndre yes sir oh I'm going to get turret shot I'm probably dead here if I can blind him before he alss me oh he's just dead a I'm dead that's a good flash fear by him he got the fear Graves away I don't really think I could have played that any differently maybe not walked by Graves but then Graves is short range so he kind of has to get close to help it's like they're going to get the grub buff which sucks because CL might just split the rest of the game why' that one die oh Harold's spawning okay they don't get the buff that's two to two for grubs I think I might lose my turret though pretty sure I beat him in a fight oh he gets the shroomies done I think I beat this guy too neat I was able to save my ignite for Warwick so he don't get to heal that shro really not going to pop there's minions literally standing on it that's kind of insane an ally has been slain armed and ready an enemy has been SL uh CL I don't remember if he aled or not I could get that but I probably die it's not worth I'll ah well that shroom should slow down the next wave he's going to try and get my turret but I'll probably kill him if he goes for it yes sir me and graves are really fun destroy yep I knew it he's going to die for it oh well in I get top turret your team destroyed AET we have malman 100 gold don't know where Tristana is there she is I want to quue this cannon so I get it but if CL alss I need it I'm going go grab red chis is B oh hey the hell I got to go get the eye Ally has been slain armed all right we need to go to Dragon actually I'll save the rest of my rooms for that oh goodbye that guy's squishy I got to crash this mid there's nobody to defend it there trist's bot gl's pushing top I get free turret here can maybe even crash it into the next one yeah I will uh okay it just went through the turret that sucks oh nobody went talk well we got the dragon at least this guy's really just going to keep pushing top endlessly the inting CL all right what are we going next um maybe Shadow flame death capap for most deadly shrooms he could be in this bush got toly think we can go get a large Rod really quick and then I'll just shroom up mid lane I think I'll do Shadow flame death cap void just for some Max damage burn shrooms this game they have really squishy team that'll hurt he's dead hey why didn't I get a blue if Tristana jumps in I can neutralize her my Q need to set up my corner [Music] rooms not exact Corner rooms cuz they have a ward over here oh my goodness what happened to her she might die yeah she's going to die that works oh my shroom stopped him but he's still going to diver probably I got a harvest I almost killed Warwick got a harvest stack Go sir uh CL might be able to dive and kill him I should be able to kill him okay canels my ability an En I'm still faster I'm Teo nah it's fine let me go put some shrooms down oh it's infernal Soul that's so good cuz I get to get free haste I just need blue buff down Shadow Flames soon I could get a magi we're getting a lot of kills they could bear in here if I show bot yeah they're on it I I have no idea why she she's not checking it okay they're not on it oh just check it please okay they're not on it I hate when people go to check Baron and then don't actually check it but somebody's got to go bot for me sarap can't really do much ver [Music] her I can either get a shadow Flame or mag I'll wait here he's going to use his Q on the wave once he uses Q I can kill him nice try buddy an ally has been slain oh I might get War Wicked yes sir got a recall here he comes help oh my God what is that speed what an outplay what a [ __ ] outplay though holy [ __ ] I can't believe I lived and I get us dragon I blinded him he couldn't do any sort of damage maybe if he activated his tat I think he already did I think me and the Annie are the only one that can kill that trist we got the dragon though that's fine I just get the shadow flame is kind of risky I can die very easy as you can see the 10 death CL almost kills me oh I'm level 16 I don't think that reveals the shrooms so we're good oh my god look it she's almost dead wow that would have one shot her if she didn't have fruits oh he's going to get popped a the shroom didn't hit him he would have got his Mount the shadow flam's a really big spike [Music] I don't think he beats me one V one if he has somebody else here probably oh who hit a [Music] shroom get more move speed with mag here's where my shrooms are doing all the work I just won that team fight for my team without even being there 20 Harvest Stacks in 25 minutes didn't they buff it doesn't it stack faster now it does I think does last damage early but it Stacks more to [Music] late deep iies was my favorite this line right here somebody will come out of their base and then just straight up die if they hit all three of these shrooms okay I just took the whole top side of their jungle they can't go in there now we can work on bot side oh wow right oh God think I'm dead now too okay he didn't have Al that was scary oh he hit it oh my God these hurt he might hit another one or try to get me oh that's bom there's a seraphine up here I don't think trist would want to follow me an ally an enemy has all right it's just them mid uh zyra's dead but he's probably going to die that's good then just got spell shield so I can't one shot her no more I'll ah I I have to sell my boots for void staff later I could go [ __ ] oh wait how did he get over oh he took the plant over the wall I think he's going to come top for me but he hit another shroom and he might even hit another okay hopefully he's doing that I got faster o we can get infernal Soul this game all four fire dragons what are the shroom steals blue oh Annie's going to burst him he's going to hit the shroom Maybe let sir SC M up an ally has been slain armed I got to go mid Tris is going to take it I think this turret's gone but we'll kill them since we're flanking or hit another shroom wow Graves just popped her in two hits let's back here sorry bro you eat that I blind him you're good nice he hit it what how dides that not hit this Warwick is just not able to play the game your turret has destroyed I think he's doing frogs oh my damage kind of insane yes sir Grom City 3 minutes till instakill shrooms and I'll have death cap so that's like automatic GG she hit a shroom team has destroyed turet I figured that'd be it's not worth but it is cuz I said so an ally has been slain your teamy all right let me go grab a death cap come on hit this it's got 5 seconds left oh we got 1,000 AP crazy yeah with zero Mr items trist hits one shroom she loses about 70% of her health two shrooms is dead I put some shrooms mid just in case they try to do a mid push while we Baron or something just cutting off all these choke points we don't have Graves though if he gets caught here we might not be able to do it trist is dead 1,200 damage Q let me go buy a blue pot really quick oh wait a second okay never mind he don't need me I have any shrooms over here probably it 1068 Baron would be over 1100 sell an item over 1,200 that's crazy it's a lot of AP team remember these used to give like six or seven percent each now they're three not moving yeah I really want want the infernal Soul there's like not really a chance the enemy team can win at this point so I'm fine with just stalling the game to have more fun like I only get stronger really just playing I get Auto she's dead oh never died Graves died wow I killed C I didn't even fight him where's Sena I don't think she can steal it infernal soul and then we can go do Baron I want blue some on the side they go mid a lot so they might hit those an ally 50 cinders start it I might get low though but it's 34 minutes in the game I'm full build we should be fine so for 770 I need more money much is void 280 oh 3K kind of crazy that we got all four infernals usually you get like two two to three max it's really hard to get four because you have to lose the first two dragons to get all four and then you have to get infernal as the soul GP Bloom would be nice uh void staff would actually hit a lot harder but less shrooms but I have so much haste from the fenders let me just go by all right 1,300 ability power our Teo shrooms I don't know if we'll get to see one in action I do have shrooms around their base somewhere the only thing that can make me stronger is Elder I'm coming look at these do 1,00 damage plus all the burns which is like just as much your team dest an inhibitor I'm popping the shrooms down oh they're hit they're hitting that's huge look at them burn Quadra kill wait Penta Penta kill let's go nice you guys enjoyed the Teo game make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't before you go I got three channels this one zag zerth and Zago make sure you subscribe to all of them it helped me out a lot Graves was a really good player that was fun 1,300 ability power pentac kill shrooms look at that damage 73,000 poor Warwick didn't get to play either got hit by shrooms or blinded almost 2K on cheap shot 4600 on Harvest and yeah thanks again for watching I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you on the zag zth channel in a few hours peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 192,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bUHRVgbCMic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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