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[Music] w [Music] hey everyone Oakland and I and Harper are going to do some thrifting we are going to Fresh St Mission thrift first and I actually went to Goodwill earlier today it's Friday night the guys went golfing and we're not going to be left out from fun right yeah so we're going to go to the thrift store that's our version of fun yeah what are you hoping to find toys toys and we're getting we're donating some from home right yeah I told her she needs to get rid of some things if she's going to go look for something I generally let her pick out you know one or two things depending what we find and so we're going to get rid of some stuff and donate it and that way we're not just always bringing in but we're also taking some out is this what you're going to donate yes okay I should see if I have anything donated a couple bags and a few other [Music] things come [Applause] Harper should we check these out for the boys here let's see get some for the boys okay be careful Oakland you go behind me go to the toys careful burn can I get oh is it Calico Critter stuff we get those look at those little things a let see what they [Music] are okay that was not terribly successful the girls or Oakland got things for her dollhouse and we got a bike helmet for her otherwise I didn't find anything but I'm at my parents place I need to water their flowers uh they're in Ohio at the moment and so I'm going to do some of that and the girls I think are going to play a little bit outside okay do the other one too my dad loves birding it's a hobby of his and he has this little bird sanctuary back here the other day he heard of a very rare bird that was in Florida like St Pete area so Nick picked him up from the airport on the way home from Ohio and they stopped and sure enough he saw it he says it's like only honestly been seen in the US I think like a couple times so he put that on his lifer list and I think he said it's one of his honestly most top like rare birds ever so I think he was pretty happy about that I did not inherit his bird watching abilities I'll say that but it is really intriguing how how they can pick up sounds how they can tell by all the little things about a burer is just very very cool [Music] a present so we got a bag of doll furniture or like dollhouse furniture I'm trying to convince her to put it in the actual dollhouse that we have but she's got her own little setup here a lot of these puppies she's had and she has played and played and played with these things I got them at the uh thrift store as well I'm still working on uh teaching them how to play nicely together it's a bit of a challenge okay so before I forget this is what I found this morning at Goodwill I am just very much annoyed at the prices these days it's just barely worth buying used honestly this one was I know what they retail at Target this is a 3T be good for Harper $5.99 I mean it's still expensive but they retail for at least 15 at Target I just saw one similar recently polo shirt for Jackson $5.99 like I say $6 I don't know I can get him other places for that but you know sometimes you just pick things up because they have it this is cute 100% cotton for Harper as well uh this one was $4.99 thought it'd be a good like light weight summer top and then I got a shirt that I think is in my color it's like a purple fuchsia color it's a J Jill $5.99 for that then I grabbed this pan it's oven safe it's just a cute size and I like collecting things that are different this one was only $149 I I don't know you know why this is cheap compared to something else uh-oh look at this there's 3.99 on that and 149 here so that makes more sense the 3.99 is what I would say it should have been I should check my tag but I think she scanned that one I may have gotten a little bit of a deal on that one it's so unnecessary dwelling power the past I know that God is good he me to where I'm [Music] Aton be [Music] blue don't just [Music] like gr together [Music] I have this super inexpensive little slicing tool from [Music] Amazon it is so quick so if you want slices of things please get one I have it linked in the description box okay we are going for a quick walk see if I can get it a mile before it's dark Oakland's wearing her new helmet [Music] yeah picked up a [Music] passenger how was golf dude huh how was golf it was horrible horrible why dad shot8 over through nine oh and I probably shot like 20 over no clue we didn't actually play 18 yeah I I thought I am so hungry right now so I wanted to introduce you guys to something that I think that a lot of you guys would enjoy I have mentioned factor in the past but they are a meal delivery service that comes straight to your door they are fresh never frozen meals and I bought these meals uh myself so it's something that I truly love and I like talking to you guys about things that I you know personally love and use I love getting stuff delivered because for one it cuts down on my time it cuts down on me being on the road and in grocery stores and all of that and if you are like me uh hopefully you're not but I have a problem with not taking time to eat like healthy nutritious meals during the day especially these meals are great for those cases especially but could be for you know variety of reasons but they have around 35 different meal options to choose from and 60 different like add-ons they have smoothies juices um they have things for breakfast lunch dinner they are Chef prepared dietitian approved and they have different uh food groups or menu groups for you if you have different diets for instance like paleo vegan all of those things I just love that they provide a portion meal siiz portion that you can heat up really quickly literally 2 minutes in the microwave and or you can do it in the oven too that would work so good the chicken is not overcooked it's very juicy and moist and I'm typically not really a white chicken breast girl I love my dark meat and it also gets me to try new things Excuse me while I don't even sit down to eat so good so if you've been wanting to try these out or if this is the first time you've heard of it uh go to factor75.com or click the link below and use my code Lynette 50 for 50% off of your first box and 20% off of the next month's order so that's again lyette 50F factor75.com for 50% off your first box and 20% off of your next four boxes essentially so I will leave that in my description box and you can find all the information there so thank you to factor for sponsoring today's video so this is not the time of year to be planting stuff in Florida garden wise you should be starting in like late fall but I picked up some mint at deiler and I think I'm just going to try putting it in like a bigger pot mint is something that we always used to have like a lot of in the summertime Garden Tea mint tea whatever you want to call it and I think I'm going to try and do that at least girls oh my look at the mess okay why don't you get down okay Mom can I this too Dad yeah come let's go this way I don't see Dad it's over here [Music] [Music] what you eating what are you eating let's go get the boys oh thank you thank you let's go get the boys so we made it a family outing tonight Nick thought that we should just all come uh we're doing nine holes of golf the boys and he are here at Bobby Jones and we're just walking it CU they close at I think 6 or something and if you're on the course you can walk it as long as you don't have a golf a golf cart so we're getting our exercise in tonight who do we spy over there why did the gator go out the time well I don't know that was the gator came from our house no it's not the gator that came to our house Gators like golf courses too look at the gator he's moving he heard you where he's staring at us we saw something like Queen an's lady in the back or something and kayen went and got wow those are nice but I bet they have all kinds of bugs on them look at that um trying to think what I could do with them lay them here in the back a little better drainage girls are putting leaves in here no that just Harper not me that is not helpful can't do that it's not right not help it grow good okay need a big area that we could plant the mint in but mint leaves just really take over and so I don't really have a good spot to do that so we're going to try it in here that might be too Mom you have to pull like this just very gently and kind of squeeze at the bottom I [Music] can't let me do it oh I should probably have another bucket yeah but don't have another one though B more okay okay we going to get some water the whole yard back here is not very nice uh We've thought about like laying faked Turf we thought about doing like fun to have like a putting green just because it's such a small area but even even that those quotes are just kind of not anywhere in our budget at the moment and so we just kind of have left to go so there's not really any Landscaping back here that would be really fun to have like fresh flowers and I did not get it done it seems always when it is the time of the year to do it I'm always like thick in the middle of stuff and like I don't have time to pursue it and if Christmas is coming and it just feels like odd for me to be planting stuff like in late fall cuz I'm so used to Ohio stuff even after 5 years but but uh maybe I'll get that done I think I just need to kind of like dig out a portion of this grass here along the side and then I could plant the seeds and I know they'd only be annuals but we'd have a pretty long growing season and honestly I feel like they should almost go the majority of the year because I think they're pretty hearty with hot weather and stuff like that so I don't know maybe I will someday so we got Harper this water table for her birthday what well it's also for Oakland Oakland's been playing with it too finally broke down and bought one never had one before this one was like $ 75ish and I can go ahead and Link it below they've been playing with it quite a lot and I think it's a good purchase [Music] feel like I just have them mountain in the laundry today and I mean I skipped one day anyway it's definitely a Monday over here and I also decided to you know wash the sheets and stuff so that you know adds to it normally I do maybe I don't know one or two loads a day sometimes I'll skip a day depending what's going on you know but that's about what it comes out to I'm going to hang these out over the pool fence to dry I think and then it won't be quite as bad [Music] hallelujah hallelujah I see you in everything you're working it all out for me oh what can I do but sing and give to you all the glory you put all my fears to rest I bring to you my my anxiety oh I am forever blessed your passion is always chasing me you are why do you want to sit over there because so far away from us why are we playing football right here almost done Harper done are you almost done done [Music] okay Mom okay we had an early dinner and kateen and I and Harper are going to go do a little shopping Kaden needs some clothes and some shoes and things like that so we're going to head up to UTC and see if we can find anything [Music] [Music] [Music] a i aming [Music] we're going to the beach [Music] soig I want [Music] s so it is Thursday morning we are packing up to go to South Carolina actually I thought I'd just give you a brief update as to what we're doing we are going there for a fundraiser golf tournament that Nick is going to with some of his buddies a friend of theirs is sort of in charge of it it's I think in North Carolina is where the tournament is Landrum area but then we're going to be in like upstate South Carolina also going to be making a stop at my sister's house um Dallas and Erica we're going to sleep there tomorrow night and then on Saturday the guys are playing golf and then my brother-in-law is actually also playing on the Monday that they have the tournament so that's kind of why we're even in that area there's a couple friends of ours and their families are all we have a big house and so we'll be there for a couple nights so yeah we're taking the family hopefully it'll be a good time so I I need to run to Walmart to get a few things yet and I thought I might show you just a few Clips at least at Dallas's kind of see but I'm not planning to Vlog this weekend necessarily so I've just kind of ended up documenting bits and pieces of this whole last week uh not really like anything super exciting but also I didn't show near everything just kind of some highlights and daily life and hopefully you've enjoyed it so far all right we are back from Walmart I thought I would just give you a quick little random haul here I got some black jeans for Kaden hopefully they'll fit and a couple of polos these were on clearance $11 for Caden as well this is a 72 so it's probably like just a tad too big but I couldn't leave them there with the price the way they were I think they may have been marked down because there's like a little blue spot here but I figure I can get that out and it doesn't really matter that much anyway and there's a new Bab in church little boy his name is Cody so I got him some things rattley little book a little sippy cup we love this kind a pack of Pampers and then I just grabbed a couple of outfits I don't know if I'm going to give all of them but these were super affordable and they're so cute um these were like five5 or $4.98 so some little onesie type things that are like nicer than just swansee and then a modern moments brand sleeper with no feet I got some pajamas for Oakland because she all of a sudden just barely has any and a cute dress outfit they also have some in like a black with flowers but she wanted the pink one of course so that was cute and this was $4.98 I got some sandals for Harper some toothbrushes some undies for Oakland got some vanilla okay so here's like some snack stuff and things to Take Along on the trip some raisins got some of this juice I got the ultra thin pretzel sticks and then some chips got some bagels to have for breakfast and I'm guessing we'll buy some more things when we're there but we're not there very long so I don't want to go overboard and then I just grabbed some Danimals as well I also grabbed a four pack of these Bento style boxes to take along to pack things in it's a fairly long road trip and I figured this might occupy them in less stops less expense but I cannot recommend them because the lids are really not very tight at all so anyway so I saw this packing hack and I've never done this before but I do think it'll work really well you basically pack all your kids outfits and you put them in one of these cheap shoe organizers I just ordered two of them off of Amazon I have one for the boys as well next time I would order one with like the bigger sizes for shoes because uh their some of their clothes barely like fit in but it works perfectly for you know smaller kids I even have a couple of shoes in there and I've got like her crib sheet for Harper and then I've got jackets and then I've got the outfits and you can even put like you know your hair accessories with it uh put like a pamper with her PJs and I think I'm actually going to just pack most of our clothes in these totes because they stack nicer and they're a little bigger easier to maneuver especially since we're not doing any airport type of thing so I'm going to fold it up and put it in there [Music] [Music] you're all showing off [Music] easy easy what [Music] was I I just looked at some Aries very nice go along there in the cage [Music] see [Music] [Music] want [Music]
Channel: Lynette Yoder
Views: 46,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lynette Yoder, mennonite mom, mennonite bloggers, lifestyle, vloggers
Id: CLvWfm5r0o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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