When Actors Couldn't Keep a Straight Face!

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it's crime o clock baby it's I said baby while filming the elevator scene in the master someone did the one thing that you're really not supposed to do naturally the entire cast in the scene broke character I love how Walkin stays in character but you can see him cracking and collecting himself at the same time even though the movie Ugly Truth was terrible when it first released in 2009 it is one of the romance movies that has somehow still managed to age badly the movie is filled with terrible jokes that were never funny but the movie's blooper real once again shows that there was more chemistry among the cast offc screen than there was on screen sorry to hijack your date brother no no worries uh you're what the [ __ ] was that my daddy want to cut a bullet by his bare hand no [ __ ] the Chris Tucker jackiechan Trilogy was insanely popular at the box office but the mixture of Chan stunt work still learning the English language and Tucker's mouth and brain moving at two different speeds led to a lot of slip UPS Che Chee what free a freeze Daniel Day is an actor that manages to famously stay in character even in between takes so it made the moment he cracked and There Will Be Blood subtly giggling in a very serious scene that much funnier we take this GL he's completely crazy and to cut my throat give me the [ __ ] keys you [ __ ] sucker [ __ ] this one was hard on the entire cast in this scene according to Kevin Pollock none of the actors could take the line seriously and one of them kept farting eventually the director gave up and decided to split up the takes they'd already taken and just like that an iconic scene was born in English I made a [ __ ] key she what the [ __ ] you can tell it's improv because all the actors are genuinely laughing here's an iconic friends moment that wasn't easy for the actors to stay in character for David Schwimmer later admitted in an interview that filming this scene made him laugh harder than he had ever laughed in his entire life kot hiot one of the most famous cases of actors breaking in SNL history this Debbie Downer sketch might have Jimmy Fallon to blame for all of the giggles he seems to be the one that kicks off the laughter but eventually Rachel drch can't contain herself either media is so sensitive there so secretive the best part is that the Laughing starts early on in the sketch so there are five full hilarious minutes of actors struggling to get their lines out speaking speaking anything can happen during live television and Jamie Fox learned that the hard way Fox was live in front of a studio audience when he messed up his lines and broke character while playing George Jefferson but you know we was broke so all we full all Al is live everyone sitting at home just think their TV just messed up honestly he may have messed up but he handled this like a professional and made it extremely funny all we could for it was you he's cute the scene where Tommy has to interrogate a pug was actually filmed with a real dog so shaking it angrily wasn't an easy thing for him without breaking character the bug had other plans the galaxy is the the bug had other plans the galaxy is the best S I can't wait till bu yes I can't wait to f a butt this movie was full of funny unexpected moments something I'm sure that Natalie Portman isn't used to since she doesn't typically star in comedies so it came as no surprise that she couldn't hold it together for one of her funny onliners it took her a few tries but she made it through I know the feeling well it's been burning in my Beaver since it's been burning in my Beav it's been burning in my gut since the day that's in case you didn't already know this waxing scene was 100% real the hair on his chest wasn't fake and neither was the removal so technically this entire scene was a break in character since all of his reactions were authentic p no Kelly Clarkson Jim Carrey was one of the most successful comedic actors of the 9s and with little wonder the man is really truly funny though Liar Liar wasn't one of his most enduring works the blooper real real stands as a testament to car's improvisational talents everyone on the set of fresh prints had a genuine love for one another that still shines through to this day so watching them all flub their lines in Extremely Goofy fashion feels like a real window into their usual interaction I'm a happy chicken well where are you going we we haven't finished shooting the when this news anchor doesn't realize the cameras have gone live it takes her a few moments to catch up and by that I mean she stares at the monitor off camera and says I'm so pale you're on it today's snow is crippling much of have to hand it to her though she Dives straight into the regularly scheduled programming like a gosh darn professional I'm so pale you're on it anyone who has watched a single Stefon segment on SNL is likely aware that bill hater has a little bit of trouble with breaking the moments when he breaks in the super bad gag reel are some of the funniest in the movie but there are other highlights as well including plenty of great stuff from Leeds Michael sah and Jonah Hill they're women Evan okay they're not little girls anymore and they need our dicks just as much as we need their while Yan was an important piece in the Star Wars machine he did have his fair share of slip ups for instance after delivering a line about killing younglings he is noticeably hiding his laughter behind his hand I have seen a security hologram of him killing younglings not Anakin I'm guessing that took about 50 takes before he didn't fall to the ground in tears of laughter killing younglings not Anakin do you know Jason and Jerry were both having a tough time holding back their laughter during a scene where Frank is telling George he wants to start his own computer company do you know what it takes to compete with IBM and Microsoft yes I do my son oh Jesus Christ if you want to see a bunch of people failing over into over again to stay serious then this is the video for you those whispered words of Seduction sound all wrong step three I dagger you on the Dance Floor Just Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce you going to throw up you're going to [Music] smile since you're a big bat can you turn into a tiny vampire freak everybody out here freak everybody out I don't want to freak you out I don't want to freak you out Donald Glover and Danny py seem to have a last on the set of community in this clip we see how genuine their chemistry is between takes by the end of their riffing Donald Glover can't even remember what the actual dialogue is but honestly any one of their improvised lines would have fit perfectly into the scene she was my first Wonder Woman you know it's Chas B right this Chast B the peak of the bloopers comes when Ron's co-anchors are visiting him at the Lighthouse and trying to persuade him to return to normality will frell threw out absurd onliners that make Paul run literally cry with laughter tell me that doesn't feel like a [ __ ] talk about a river of ejaculate That 70s Show was one of those sitcoms that created a family out of co-workers just about every episode features a cast member standing in the background stifling laughter hey I don't know what you heard but this show ain't free While most television series wouldn't be able to get away with such rampant character breaking that '70s show actually benefits from it these characters feel like genuine friends and the organic laughter only serves to strengthen the illusion you cannot pinch my boyfriend ow ow ow ow ow David cross's character on Arrested Development is a never nude in one episode he breaks his mostly madeup condition and parades himself in front of the cast bearing all I slept very well last night
Channel: TheLaughPlanet
Views: 1,218,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actors breaking character, breaking character, laughing scene in movies, bloopers, Actors Couldn't Keep a Straight Face, character breaks in tv, character breaks in movies, unscripted moments, improvised scenes, friends cast breaking character, office cast breaking character, best of breaking character snl, snl character breaks, snl breaking character, bill hader breaking character
Id: qxPo1PpewiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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