When Comedians Broke Character on SNL

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easy Brandon you getting a little toofy down there sorry about that [Applause] [Music] Mama Bill hater Stefon was introduced in a regular skit with Ben Affleck that struggled to reveal the character hater and mulany had worked on eventually Stefon was brought on as a weekend update correspondent dishing the dirt about the latest clubs and hot spots this place has everything bestus lupus Dan Cortez hater broke character regularly and often with his outrageous descriptions of New York's evolving Social Scene usually because John melany was secretly tossing in brand new Q cards it's no surprise hater never held it together aor man who always high fives Children of Divorce in this earthquake news report sketch Rachel brahan playing a doctor provides updates to a news team she shares a list of victims who were on the verge of changing their names before the earthquake Pete Davidson playing a firefighter in the scene struggles to keep a straight face when the doctor mentions some quirky names on the list Tiny Dick and Morgan Mindy n no sorry Pete laughing so proudly at the names makes me think he probably wrote this entire script he is a great kid Holden two dicks has got us all laughing down here Phil Hartman cracked up a bunch of times one of my favorites was when he played Bill Clinton and almost choked on a burger it's no secret Dave Chappelle likes to shake things up when he hosts SNL the comedian first cracks up when debuting his deep Dennis haybert impersonation and again when he breaks the fourth wall with an unscripted comment that makes Pete Davidson nearly die of laughter America look at Pete Davidson's lips Dave Chappelle was just straight up like if I'm I'm going to break character I'm taking someone down with [Applause] me Larry David the guy who usually keeps a straight face in funny situations had a moment where he couldn't help but laugh it happened during a skit called new wife where he introduces his friends to his much younger new wife played by sesily strong she does the whole gay circuit she's big with the twinks daddies and even the technos the funny part is that his character has to use some ridiculous hip lingo and it got the audience cracking up even Larry couldn't hold back the laughter in that one you know 3:30 a.m. performance but uh we do have a meeting at 6 a.m. yeah we got that 6 a.m. meeting in this hilarious sketch the cast could barely hold it together as hater played an elderly man accompanying his much younger wife to hang out with her friends Horus speak some French Horus speak some French to them no what cracked everyone up in the sketch was the scooter that bill hater's old character used he kept crashing into things including people and that's what had everyone in stitches you should be ashamed of yourselves hater never seems to break intentionally and he always tries to fight through the giggles which makes the whole thing all the more hilarious oh yeah my cards are terrible oh yeah in the main Justice sketch Jamie Fox and the cast hilariously act out in a bizarre situation in a main courtroom everyone including Fox fully Embraces the funny accents and absurd lines okay all right all right now all right here we go I'm ready to make my ruling okay however a specific moment featuring the words swamp and butt makes Fox break character Lily white butt across the swamp to pull out that ass F Jamie Fox was doing his best not to burst out laughing and then out of nowhere Jason sudas decided to plant a kiss on his arm oh that completely threw Fox off and he just started cracking up in this Barnes and Noble firing sketch Kevin Hart playing a manager has to let go off two employees sesily strong and Bobby moan thinking they're the ones getting fired comically insult their co-workers you are the dumbest I ever met Clark except maybe Trenton the absurdity of their insults makes Tim Robinson another employee suddenly pop up behind Hart catching him off guard and genuinely making him laugh I would never find any person in this room except for car oh no except for Carl for real you got to go one Chris Parnell and Molly Shannon visiting will Ferell in Dr Bean's office to get their baby's test results took a giggly turn after Dr poop makes an appearance and the plotline and laughter escalated from there what the hell was that we misplaced your baby this highlights how great Chris Parnell was on the show strangely even will Ferell and Molly Shannon can't hold it together but Chris Parnell doesn't miss a beat Louis CK and Kate McKinnon are acting as polish immigrants in a tenement Museum sketch initially everything goes smoothly but when Lewis attempts a Polish accent it sounds so strange that Kate McKinnon bursts into laughter I wish I could bring home more money this sets off a chain reaction and they both struggle to contain their Amusement holding each other's hands tightly to recover however as Louis CK's accent becomes more and more inaccurate they continue to battle their laughter throughout the performance do you know how to when Chris Farley and Adam Sandler teamed up you could bet on two things it would be funny and strange and someone usually Sandler was going to break do you know where you want to go Hank go way in this simple bit where Farley reads from a Zagat guide dressed as his wife all Sandler has to do is shout things to God things are cool until Farley decides to give his leg a [Applause] rub Bill hater and Kristen weig broke character again laughing uncontrollably when Bill threw a drink in her face and placed a strainer on her head leaving no option but to join in the laughter instead of getting mad bill can hardly hold back the laughs because Kristen's dead pan reaction right after all that spitting and splashing is nothing short of hysterical James Franco famously said that the hardest part about working with Ferell is trying not to break character because there's something about frell's eyes that will make you break while playing the recurring character Jacob syi on Weekend Update he tried so hard to hold back his laughter that tears streamed from his eyes completely fogging up his glasses Europe and Asia alone will be stricken with this terrible Affliction I've witnessed many character breaks on Saturday Night Live but this may be the most memorable one since Bill hater completely lost it during a dress rehearsal of The Californians Bill hater and Fred Armon can't look at each other in just about any sketch without tracking but when they did The Californians it magically happened every time haters trademark screwed up laugh face armon's total break and even weig slips are the best parts of the Californian sketches during a sketch featuring characters from Adam Sandler's best movies it was Jimmy Fallon playing Sandler's grandfather who managed to break him out of character why don't you shut up maybe turns out he went on this ridiculously long gibberish rant because he misread the Q cards pure accident but it made the scene way funnier Chris Parnell was a rock on SNL and never really broke character he had this uncanny ability to keep a straight face making it tough to catch him slipping this is arguably the closest Chris Parnell ever came to breaking character on SNL of this F establishment well I don't care if he is your son he's Jimmy Fallon was probably the most break prone cast member just a look could set him off this sketch featuring host Affleck dra and Fallon uses a lot of Boston isms and it's Affleck's native mockery that takes Fallon down bro bro bro seriously bro
Channel: TheLaughPlanet
Views: 784,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedians breaking character, comedian breaking character on snl, snl character breaks, snl character breaks compilation, breaking character snl, actors breaking character, kevin hart snl breaking character, bill hader stefon breaking character, bill hader stefon, will ferrell snl breaking character, character, breaking
Id: tvvL0ibiHd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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