Batman's Butler Alfred DESTROYS Superman

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Batman's butler Alfred pennyworth destroyed Superman in a fist fight the last son of Krypton is taking on some of the toughest meanest and most powerful enemies the DC Universe has to offer but was beaten by Batman's butler that's right Alfred pennyworth beloved elderly Butler of the bat family got into a fight with Clark Kent the last of a hyper-powerful alien species on any normal occasion a physical altercation between these two would be Unthinkable but the world of Injustice is anything but normal in a world as topsy-turvy as that one sometimes the unthinkable becomes reality number one why did Superman and Alfred fight Injustice takes place in an alternate Dimension similar but very different from the prime DC Universe The Joker tricked this world Superman into killing his wife an unborn child followed by the detonational nuclear bomb in the heart of metropolis all of this heartbreak at once was simply too much for the Man of Steel in a fit of burning rage and hatred completely off color for big blue Superman drove his fist through the Joker chest in Cold Blood killing the madman for good but Superman's pain and anger didn't stop there he'd soon create the one Earth regime a brutal dictatorship with Superman as the supreme leader forcibly bringing all of humanity under his heel in a misguided effort to curb violence and suffering but not all of Earth's superhuman Community went along with Superman's totalitarian vision for the planet in fact the leader that emerged to lead the resistance proved to be none other than Batman at first Clark and Bruce simply butted heads as Superman began quickly taking steps to put his new government into place but something really crazy happened in Arkham Asylum if this never happened Alfred would never have fought Clark when Superman arrived with his right-hand advisor Wonder Woman They had a terrible objective the inmates at Arkham some of the worst criminals in the country would be relocated at best and executed at worst Superman believed that the elimination of criminals would further his goal of a worldwide Utopia Batman obviously disagreed and arrived to stop the two at all costs however in a shocking moment of betrayal Damien Wayne or Robin switched sides to stand behind Superman and his regime this alone would certainly have hurt Alfred more than any of Superman's other moves Alfred had been like a second father to Damien and to see the young boy manipulated by Superman's strongman routine would have left Alfred distraught but Robin's betrayal would only be the first tragedy the day would bring and that's because during the fight between Batman's forces and Supermans in a moment of accidental rage in a flash of anger Nightwing was struck and killed by none other than Robin himself the sudden death of one of Earth's most empathetic and compassionate Heroes would have been bad enough but the demise of Batman's first son at the hands of his youngest was simply too much to bear this moment raised the conflict to a new level but more importantly Alfred pennyworth a loving caring surrogate parent to all those young men and women that Bruce brought into his life of vigilantism over the years lost two sons that day in fact Alfred was so heartbroken that when Catwoman arrived at manner to comfort Bruce she found the butler drowning his Sorrows by staring at the bottom of a bottle the blame for these losses Alfred believed lay squarely on the shoulders of none other than Clark Kent and when time came to take the fight to Clark himself Alfred took his chance and when the time comes for you to hit something be sure to hit like And subscribe with notifications on number two when did Superman and Alfred fight the conflict between Superman's new world order in Batman's Rebellion reached a fever pitch with the development of a Kryptonian super drug synthesized by Lex Luthor the pill was capable of giving anyone who ingested it increased strength speed and durability such that conceivably they would be on an even playing field with the Man of Steel knowing that if Superman's forces were able to gain Soul access to this technology the war would be lost Batman devised a daring plan to Infiltrate The Fortress of Solitude and steal a pill once it had been deconstructed Batman hoped his own forces would re-synthesize the ingestible and give themselves the Fighting Chance in the coming clashes the team consists assisted of Captain Adam Catwoman Green Arrow and Black Canary while Captain Adam battled Superman to keep him busy the rest of Superman's Squad made it into the Fortress where they were surprised to find Superman's parents Martha and Jonathan Kent hold up and safe from their prying eyes their distraction didn't last long however as Wonder Woman's sword cut through Captain Adam's skin and caused a seven Megaton nuclear detonation in the upper atmosphere Superman whom Adam had hoped the explosion would have killed survived and when he returned to his Fortress he was not happy an explosion at the entrance to the cave had prevented all but Green Arrow from actually entering Superman's inner sanctum Oliver tried to fend off against the enraged soups but his Arrow dinged off the Man of Steel skin and injured Jonathan Kent only making Clark angrier and more volatile realizing he had no way out green arrow made the only play he had left only able to swipe one single pill without Clark scene Oliver latched the payload to an arrow and launched it past Superman far out into the tundra where his comrades were waiting afterwards Superman promptly beat Green Arrow to death without Mercy even as his own parents screamed at him to stop when Superman finally finished murdering one of his oldest friends he'd realize he'd been tricked and that one of the pills had been successfully taken he raced to the Batcave scene only red Batman made sure his allies had gone deep underground before Superman arrived so only Bruce would be in danger should Superman lose control once more your delusional Clark Batman told the man as he landed with a thud in the bat cave but Superman fresh off of murdering Green Arrow clearly wasn't in the mood for games he grabbed bats by the throat and held him Aloft be careful how you speak to me he seethed as his eyes glowed red hot I'm here to put an end to this no you're not Batman retorted without hesitation if you wanted to kill me I'd be dead you didn't have to face me you could have used your heat vision to lobotomize me from space then a pause before Bruce continued is that Ollie's blood you're covered in Clark recoiled at this saying he but Bruce finished sentence for him was the most ethical and compassionate friend we had go on justify all these death I'll call Dina and you can tell her why he had to die for the greater good Batman's plan was to keep Superman talking long enough for his computer to analyze the pill but when Batman told him I know why you're here Clark I've seen this before you think I can stop you and somewhere deep down you want me to Superman lost his composure he tossed Bruce across the cave bellowing stop talking as he lashed out but even after colliding hard with the cave walls Bruce stood and continued to be raiding Clark that would be easier wouldn't it he continued if I stop talking I'm sorry to disappoint you with this anti-climax but I'm not going to do it Clark I'm not going to fight you I don't think I can beat you without killing you and I'm not like you I'm not a murderer with the word murderer Batman opened a file on the central screen replaying Clark and Lois's vows to one another from their wedding ceremony while Batman was able to keep Clark talking for long enough for the back computer to examine and replicate the formula behind the super pill Superman's patience wore thin quickly when Bruce brought up Lois and understandably sore spot for superman but Bruce's distraction didn't work perfectly when Batman finally made a Mad Dash to reach for the pill and teleport away Superman caught him just in time Clark lifted Bruce above his head with terrifying ease you're right he said I'm not here to kill you Bruce but I can have you in a position where you can hurt me or the world anymore with that Clark brought the bat down over his knee breaking Bruce's spine with a hair-raising crack even the initial break was too kind for Superman who kept pressing even as Batman's spine diffused from his vertebrae finishing his ugly work Clark threw Bruce to the ground with disgust but even as he walked away Clark could send something and was amiss what did you do he asked in shock when he saw that the formula had been uploaded to a remote computer Bruce in immense pain and barely conscious replied I gave us a chance we can send this size it now we can stand up to you what came next was truly harrowing Clark pressed down on Batman's broken back setting spikes of unbearable pain through his friend as he demanded to know where did you upload it to who has access to it tell me but Batman couldn't be coerced into speaking simply telling his old friend no matter what you tell yourself in the future I want you to remember this moment when you resorted to torture for the greater good this remark gave Superman some momentary clarity as he stepped away as if repulsed by his own actions but as soon as he did Superman heard a familiar voice behind him paired with a comforting hand on his shoulder number three Superman vs Alfred Superman turned to see the dark piercing let-down face of Alfred pennyworth looking back at him clock Alfred spoke in a stoic tone Alfred Superman responded once he turned but the surprise of being confronted by Bruce's Butler blinded Clark to the real danger staring him straight in the face the super pill that Batman had been scanning was absent from the table which meant that instead of the feeble old man Clark was now facing a human being with powers on par with his own suddenly without warning Alfred pennyworth thrusted his forehead into Superman's nose with such unexpected power that it took the Man of Steel completely by surprise it's doubtful Superman has received a single hit as devastating as this in years and that includes the nuclear blast he recently walked away from on impact Superman's nose exploded in blood from the force of the headbutt Clark fell to the ground silently nearly losing Consciousness as Alfred stood over him fist bald ready for more I'm so disappointed in you the butler said matter of factly as he approached for another walloping no more Alfred demanded as his super-powered foot rocketed into Superman's transcending Kryptonian blood scattering across the floor of the bat cave do you hear me he asked as his fists sent Clark's head glancing with a sickening crack into the stone floor finally Alfred let all of his anger out everything this would be dictator had taken from him was finally his to take back the butler began yelling at the man who had taken two of his children away as he pummeled him into the ground again and again you don't get to hurt my family anymore Alfred yeld finally blow after blow sending Superman's skull crashing again and again into the ground this was in all honesty one of the most one-sided beating Superman may have ever taken Alfred was able to take Clark so completely and totally by surprise that the last son of Krypton could do nothing but crumple to the floor and wait for the beating to be over finally when Alfred determined Superman had had enough he stepped out from over Clark's beaten bloodied body calmly with impressive boys for one who had just defeated the most dangerous and powerful man on Earth alvard walked over to Bruce saying easy Master Bruce I've got you what about Ruth began to ask but Alfred quieted him before he could finish his question knowing that even though the blood oozing from his ears Superman could still hear his words we have everything we need sir Alfred said as he carried his son towards the teleporter there's nothing worth saving here never piss off the butler while that about wraps it up for this video I've been Morse code you've been awesome and on behalf of plot armor Comics we sincerely thank you for watching and we hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 1,637,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alfred superman injustice, alfred superman injustiça, dc comics, dc, injustice, alfred vs superman, alfred vs superman injustice, alfred fights superman, superman vs alfred, superman injustice 2, superman injustice, superman comics, alfred, superman, batman, plot armor comics, plot armor comics superman, plot armor comics batman
Id: TYowr7mcz00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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