When a Roblox Horror Game is Too Hard..

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do you like Five Nights at Freddy's do you like Zach's gas station do you also like performing monotonous retail jobs while being threatened by Supernatural entities and monsters lurking at night inside of a gas station while also venturing out to fix a flimsy generator that could have been replaced ages ago well thankfully for those who have that specific Niche I've got epic news for you Cliffside station is a Roblox horror game that is the quintessential example of five Nets at Freddy's if it had the Cooperative nature of Zach's gas station another Roblox game funnily enough there's actually a FNAF Co-op game on Roblox but it's Goofy and yeah not really all that scary anyways Cliffside station involves you and your team managing a gas station restocking supplies handling customers and then inevitably having to deal with a bunch of vengeful ghosts who for some reason want the staff dead there's also a weird Noob Monster Who's just there I guess but hey what can you do against a bunch of angry invisible people I'm ban and I talk about Nish box games and today we're looking at Cliffside station as always be sure to suplex that like button subscribe and turn on notifications to ensure that you don't miss any future videos like this [Music] one when you join a Lobby be it multiplayer or solo I don't care you start out reading a newspaper advert for a security job Five Nights at Freddy style or though this time you're at some random remote Gas Station instead of a piss poor p Seria with some crusty busty robots according to the ad the gas station's hiring because of some rise in crime though I'm not entirely sure why it felt the need to mention hiring inexperienced workers so blatantly you know what actually you know how hard it is for me to get an entry level job where I live I have an experienced resume I applied to over 30 plus places and they just ghost me I saw an ad that if I saw an ad that said hiring experienced inexperienced workers sign me up also by the way the pay is only $200 8.5 a week that's less than Freddy fazber calculating that you'd be earning about $549 an hour on a 38 hour work week that's quite literally exploitation especially if you look up minimum wage laws online like this example here involving the relevant info from Australia Canada and the US if the gas station wanted to be even cheaper they could have just outsourced the job to a couple contractors from China or India or something this is a jab at Plants versus Zombies most of the team behind Plants versus Zombies IES were replaced with outsourced work to a small team in India whose work is a significant downgrade in quality compared to before EA late off the previous PvZ members in favor of cheap dog water foreign labor okay interesting fact for me to learn today all right all right so you start the game on night one as you complete each night the game gets progressively more difficult thankfully there's an instruction manual with all the info you need to survive the game's mechanics but for now the first night has as the instructional manual highlights zero [ __ ] threats kind of like 5 minutes at Freddy's 3 although you can get killed by some monster if you stare at the computer too long or if you stay outside for too long and you like catch a cold or something I don't know during the night you get the opportunity to restock the stor shelves in preparation for the shift in the morning while this is pretty manageable for the first night since nothing happens it gets more hectic as you play just a quick criticism but the amount of text on the instruction manual for the first night alone oh jump scare look at all that text must be a reference to this FNAF game named post shift 2 anyways after beating the first night where nothing happens your day shift starts this is where the similarities with Zach's gas station begin kind of you have a budget system that starts around $5.8 th000 while you'll be able to handle well if your team plays their cards right the developer message in the lobby screen tells you that that the day gameplay is lackluster compared to that of the nighttime section so really you just got to watch customers come and go into your gas station it's a good scenario to sort of absorb the scenery around the map which is presented in a pretty visually appealing style akin to early mid-2010s Roblox by the way you get a new night guide in the instruction manual after every night you beat so you've got even more University essays to go through also after you beat each night you're greeted with a cut scene showing a messy storage room with red lighting it's just kind of there I guess I mean for the first two nights it introduces the new monsters but after that the game just throws it in there for no reason like the monsters stop appearing in these cutcenes so you're just left with an empty [ __ ] storage room which is really funny in an odd way anyways after the first night and day cycle this is where things finally escalate if only a little bit night two begins with the introduction of the IRG ghost no idea why it's called that probably some sort of gimmicky name that I'm not getting IR ghost is pretty simple just sit on your ass on the computer and watch for the ghost on the screen when he enters which is alerted through the notification system you look for him on the camera system and basically just sort of temporarily nuke him out of existence by hovering your flashlight over him before his next return if you don't then he'll stay in a random area of the station whing to strike anybody who walks into him like an invisible landmine do you remember how I mentioned getting killed while on the computer cuz you have to keep in mind of the window watching monster called The Shadow stalker it's a noob monster because of course it is I mean seriously weird strict d and he only watches a computer user and he will wait for an opportune time to strike and give you back shots to get rid of him you have to look back from your chair periodically or else he'll Munch you already on the second night the problems start rearing their ugly heads while it's not really the end of the world at this stage of the game the progression and difficulty inevitably means that the ey or ghost will become a lot more aggressive as you continue on necessa the need to always have someone man the computer every [ __ ] night if some someone dies on the computer to the shadow stalker good luck cuz now you've got to get another guy on the computer taking away attention from stocking the store awesome also this is the point of the game where you'll get punished for any minor mistake for God's sake you can get fined for letting a ghost in this is the craziest Phantom tax I've ever seen anyways you beat the night and do the day shift as normal on the third night The Night Stalker arrives he looks exactly the same as a shadow stalker but don't get it twisted don't let that in the suspicious symbol in name fool you it's two different monsters I I think the the the nightstalker attacked during these increased Paranormal Activity events though it's better to describe it as something like a blood moon event I'm pretty sure it also makes the IR ghost and shadowstalker a lot more aggressive but anyways whatever the nightstalker will relentlessly try to climb into the station's Windows somehow requiring the player's full attention stopping the nightstalker is also basically just clicking on the guy until he pisses off like the ey ghost not entirely sure how the nightstalker can just phase through a full glass pane but I guess the station has rolled on Windows or something or he breaks Windows silently one of those at this point some of you might have picked on the fact this game is insanely dependent on good teamwork and communication now I was lucky enough to have a very rare and in demand material known as friends to play with what can I say I got ho I'm a sigma with W Riz after all for the most part our exper exp erience was pretty smooth sailing I can't really say the same for those who are forced to play with randoms because they have negative canl til or maybe they have W rids it's just they're too busy mewing and can't communicate with their teammates in Discord chat anyways Knights four and five are the same as each other with the ladder just being more difficult I'm pretty sure night four is the point where the dynamic weather system is introduced from this prant onwards weather will occasionally hit the station but the severity of the weather is dependent on a weird warning system from 1 to 6 you'll also only be warned for weather levels 3 to six the worse the storm the harder it is for your team to do basically anything your vision gets blurry the raining backdrop makes it hard to hear anything and worse yet there's a chance the power will go out I'm just going to say this right now I was the person watching cameras the entire game in other words I did not give a [ __ ] about what was happening I mean my friends were definitely stressing about the weather and all that but I wasn't I was just in the office edging when the power goes out you're almost entirely [ __ ] if you're either unprepared or if you don't do anything about it as the instruction manual for this night reads you're forced to Trek out of the station Into the Wilderness to repair the station's generator given that the generator is a literal godamn Forest have fun getting lost on the way there if you don't reach the generator and repair it or really do whatever outside objective the game forces on you you either suffer maximum anxiety or lose the game when daylight arrives power outages itself are bad for the station since the computer shuts down down giving the IRG ghost free reign of the place trying to wait out the power outage is also an instantaneous game over since it will literally bankrupt your station like we were legit convinced that we could just wait out the storm but then bam Phantom tax the store caused irreparable damage to our station because we didn't repair the generator yeah that's night four for you enjoy doing the same in night five oh my God so stupid also if you succumb to anxiety you're tell teleported to some sort of weird anxiety ridden limbo State have fun getting out of there because like only two people have the badge for escaping it do you hate grying out in the middle of the night in this game having to deal with anxiety and fixing the power generator well I have epic news for you the game introduces a new outdoor mechanic on the sixth night missing parisons at random points in the game you'll have to Trek out of the station and hunt down a bunch of betas who roamed in the woods and ended up losing their duo in the mess this is pretty hard to explain but essentially you'll have to find these people or else the game will punish you for not finding them which is usually a massive cut to your budget according to the Manuel the station is responsible for walking out for any missing parisons nearby why this isn't delegated to law enforcement is beyond me is it the police department just completely broke or something I mean if they had to hire random people maybe they should have just delegated that job to Waffle House or something oh and when you do find these missing people sometimes they're just just straight up dead night 7 is the last night of the game there are no new mechanics just like in night five but keep in mind this is where the game finally throws everything right at your face if you can even remember all the mechanics introduced during the past six nights and have a stable store budget this is where your knowledge and coordinate coordination skills are finally put to the test if you've been struggling up to this point then good luck cuz it's basically the whole world against you but honestly if you were already good at night five then you're more than fine here just do the exact same thing you did earlier except there's more ghosts and all that if you beat the seventh night you're greeted with a cut scene introducing you to the station's unseen manager he congratulates you and your team if you have one on your efforts and then Ambiguously alludes to some mysterious incident from before you took the job without ever elaborating he then tells you to go home and have a break while whatever crap he's working on can finally come to fruition or something which probably says something about the manager having to do something with the monsters that attack the station there's also a bad ending apparently but I have no idea what that's about anyways would you be surprised to hear that I actually like this game as much as I sort of [ __ ] all over the game mechanics of Cliffside station it's actually pretty high quality despite its many blaring hiccups the inspiration for Five Nights at Freddy's is also pretty clear it's pretty obvious that this whole game stick is just one guy does this while another guy does this if anything it's difficult to play this game with randoms if not impossible when doing it solo you have to divide up responsibilities with one guy planted on the computer 24/7 well or the others handle the store while occasionally sending the fourth guy to go find missing people or fix the generator really most of this game's issues stem from the difficulty it really is just too difficult for new players to get in and there's no real replay value unlike most new Roblox games replay value is one of the most important aspects of modern games not just limited to Roblox and it's usually the reason why this platform has so many God off of microtransactions or mechanics that are intended to pre on users play time especially if they're subscribed to Roo premium like me replay value isn't inherently a bad thing itself but a lack of it is definitely bad the linear structural Den night's difficulties the mechanics forcing players to be assigned to one particular role for almost the entire game the harsh punishment the game lands for even the smallest of mistakes and generally just how rigid this game is structured outside of the random events means that there's a massive skill gate that blocks newcomers from being able to enjoy this game properly which is why nobody [ __ ] plays it however Cliffs Side Station ties together it's mechanics pretty well as messy chaotic and even unfair at times it is having a coordinated team means that a few issues are alleviated if not all of them it obviously doesn't extinguish the problem of cliffsides difficulty if you have everyone on board but if you're able to hold IRG ghost and nightstalker at Bay while someone manages the ray stalking while another does the outdoor objectives then it makes the game considerably easier since not one person is really forced to do multiple objectives at once as long as nobody dies or M messes up badly to be fair though I mostly spent time on the camera so my friends did the heavy lifting call me lazy all you want but if it weren't for me IRG ghost would have been munching my ass and my friends the graphics and presentation of this game is also something I liked although it isn't one of the most touch-- on aspects of the game simple graphics and detail of the game's map and presentation of the monsters or at least the nightstalker and the shadow stalker considering it was made by somebody else according to the credits really makes the atmosphere between day and night distinguishable by day it's a pretty calming at experience that's even more akin to the classic roox style of maps nothing unusual just everyday Roblox By Night the lighting makes the world feel uncomfortable to venture out and even then the station itself isn't safe from the dangers lurking outside story was kind of [ __ ] though sides from the parts where the lore just gets kind of weird like how the station underpays its workers or the mysterious manager having little to no buildup before his appearance in the game's ending coupled with the random lore drops in the instruction manual that are ultimate inconsequential and even missable like how the station's obligated to find missing parisons the story ultimately feels like something that was slapped on at the very last moment there's very little storytelling in the game itself and most of it is communicated in the instruction manual as well mostly to very vaguely explain why the difficulty ramps up towards the end of the game overall Cliffside station is a good game I liked it personally it has a strong emphasis on team cohesion and cooperation making sure everybody does their specific task while while ensuring each other's survival either at be stopping IRG ghost at the cameras repairing the generator or staring down nightstalker from the windows the visual presentation is simple effective and doesn't overstay it's welcome its problems though stem from the utterly insane difficulty terrible punishments for teams who make certain mistakes the absolutely convoluted amount of mechanics that get increasingly thrown your way as you play the game and the day shift basically being pointless maybe not as important as the other problems the lackluster story kind of takes away from Cliffside station driving away attention and new players even if a big YouTuber like rogert has played it before in some way Cliffside station is simultaneously interesting uninteresting balanced and unbalanced the premise of the game is intriguing and obvious inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's in format with everything tying together nicely if your team can handle it in the face of new solo que players basically just the average Roblox player it falls apart pretty quickly anyways I'm Brean and I talk about Niche Roblox game thanks for watching also like the last time with the Venom Shang video this was a collaboration between multiple talented people because I have exams this week be sure to check out their channels in the description anyways it's time to show off the fan art oh wait cut that part out I'm cut that part out I left it in cut that out editor sorry I'm actually going to give shout out to my fan art right now before we end the video I want to say Alo she made this one I really like this handdrawn style it's very cute thank you uh Miss Valentine I think I already featured this one miss Valentine makes a lot of art for my channel and it it hits every time this was made on my birthday by yakui I think I pronounced that right if I didn't I'm so sorry very sweet I like the body pillow I wish I had one of them in real life Burger head made this one very accurate I do have level 10 Riz level 10 Gat fill Outfield made this one he also made the intro to my channel check it out in the description um but yeah I really like the second panel of this comic for absolutely no reason in particular paint jaki made me if I was a duck and I really like this because my favorite animal for most of my life used to be a duck then I just kind of fell off and I don't know I think it's like a something stupid now I think my favorite animal is like a flamingo or a peacock or something now so uh another one by Miss Valentine I love the jaw structure very accurate and I like the eyes because this is actually the face I have in Roblox you just don't know because I have the the shades this is another one where I'm reading chat of my April Fool stream and I don't want to explain chat but that was the scariest chat I've ever seen in my entire life on a stream I'm not going to explain it but let's just say you just had to be there to see it on April fools I really I always like the amount of like detail you put into like the you know the manly parts of me is it that sounds a little zesty but I mean like the collar bones and all the the [ __ ] cheekbones like he really put out for me so thanks this is made by trashy drew me as has been Hotel character what's his name Alistair yeah that guy very nice very cute thank you that was back I thought it was gone to goon to yeah yeah whatever thank you trashy love you and area bind is the last person I want to shout out in this video he made this edit that I cannot play but he gave me credit to put it on Tik Tok and Twitter you can view it there I can't play it cuz it's copyrighted once again another Wiki thing is based basically just informative about um you know Roblox games so you don't have to watch my videos about them if you don't want to and honestly I a lot of people on here have been cooking lately I really enjoy your articles you guys share them all with me it's very nice so Dane he wrote The Chain article mger 6969 wrote the trade lands article fire Z he wrote the residence Massacre one L salid um he edited the Robert article water mayoni he made the ice spice and the Leon one I love you water Mayon you've always been there for me since years now inet he absolutely [ __ ] cooked on the Undead Nation article as well as Z spider he wrote the cool Killer article so thank you all for your contributions on the wiki and when I hit 35,000 I'll make it public so we can all share our passion for Niche games in a nice little Community thanks for being patient with this video thanks for watching I had I had exams last week was probably the worst week in recent times exams people that bean bag always been there I'm going to [ __ ] my pants if you don't turn the lights back on if you please please down go down there night I'm scared me and Robert are
Channel: Breadian
Views: 70,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breadian, roblox, roblox horror, cliffside station, roblox cliffside station, roblox underrated horror games, breadian cliffside station, breadian roblox horror, roblox horror games, roblox horror story, horror short film, roblox cliffside station all jumpscares, roblox cliffside station guide, cliffside station roblox, cliffside station guide, cliffside station ost, cliffside station all jumpscares, breadian doors, breadian roblox, breadian jim's computer, gaming, horror games
Id: GGljHMdewnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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