How Royale High FAILED Its Own Game Design.

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we waited so long for their updates that never came I slowly started coming back to it but I eventually ended up leaving the game again thank God I quit Royal High in 2020 I love the role plays but left as soon as it sto the release of the school was supposed to be its big comeback when everything slowly got more and more pricey I ended up quitting I played a little in the new school but when they announced that they were getting rid of the Mask bottles I left right then and there it's not even a fun game anymore what are you studying in college right now game development yeah let's go we love our game devs do we no we don't okay this the whole point of this video no I mean I learned a lot of stuff from my game development program at my college the first question I asked him is what are the big ideas that you learned from your game development class you went into these structural ideas that make up a game and I think can be applied to Royal High so games are built with three components mechanics Dynamics and Aesthetics mechanics are things that player can do and those are things that are quite simple like jumping moving around clicking things Dynamics are how two mechanics work together for example when you change to a male body type it changes the way your clothes are designed and the third one Aesthetics are the emotional responses you receive from playing a game Aesthetics are the most complicated component in a game because they are subjective responses from playing the game you basically gave us three things that games all have with this information I'm going to go into more detail explaining how these concepts are built into Royal High now mechanics firstly you can talk a lot about mechanics and honestly you can talk about Dynamics a lot too however these are very very intertwined with Roblox and the things that you can do in Roblox things as simple as jumping and clicking things which Jackson already mentioned but in a broader context the mechanics in Royal High would include things like Sunset Island the dressup system and dorm decoration wishing at the fountain for Halos you can level up you can get XP by finishing quests there are also mini games which I've categorized as archery the Tidy textbooks and musical chairs trading and purchasing there's also the daily login and wheel spin you can also socialize so we just have just a bunch of these really big mechanics it seems like a lot of things to do in Royal High right honestly most of these things have been a part of the game since its creation yeah these are all things that you can do in the game right however Royal High I wouldn't say fail in making its mechanics there are a lot of mechanics and they're good mechanics to have in a dress up game these mechanics are all present and they're all functional for the most part however you can make the argument that Royal High did fail or at least did not keep their mechanics up to the highest functioning quality and that is because of bugs and glitches that aren't fixed regularly there are a lot of bugs and there are a lot of glitches in Royal High that exist and have existed for years and that is a separate video that I think that I'm going to make all the glitches in Royal High for Dynamics it's a little bit more difficult to find examples of this in the game however there is a crossover between dress up and trading people trade a lot and that's because they want items so they can dress up and they can use them the other really big Dynamic present in the game are between the mini game quests and levels so with the release of the third campus quests were implemented and there were a couple new mini games that would also give you XP now that of course changed the way that people grind for levels the two main Dynamics present in the broader context of Royal High would be trading and leveling up or grinding now for the Aesthetics Aesthetics are as we said before more complicated and this is because they involve emotional responses is that people receive from playing games so the 611 framework is six emotions and 11 instincts that games typically create make sure you're writing this down okay in the 611 framework there are six emotions that a game can employ fear anger Joy Pride sadness and excitement these are all pretty simple emotions but where it gets complicated is the instincts that caused them the 11 instincts are survival self-identification collecting greed protection aggressiveness Revenge competition ition communication exploration and color appreciation and I know none of you guys understood anything I just said but trust me these instincts show up in every game and they're the reasons that you have emotions from playing yep and she didn't write it down I did write it down what are you talking about Royal high is a dress up game so it's not like we're going to have all aspects of the 11 instincts or all aspects of the six emotions present in the game however there are three main instincts that Royal High and employees and these instincts are self-identification collecting and communication self-identification is pretty self-explanatory because Royal high is a dressup game you can play as whoever you want to be and it's fun and it's great right like we as players have a lot of fun making ourselves making who we want to be as people making characters and dressing up when we engage in dressing up our avatars we feel a sense of happiness and we feel a sense of Pride those are the two emotions that primarily come out of this self-identification Instinct in the early years of Royal High options were limited back then of course it was a princess dress up game mainly for girls so we have come a long way since then but recently there have been changes that have stood in the way or have become obstacles in terms of self-identification the main problem being of course the masculine system changes and that leaves masculine players with no new options and it's discouraging that is the opposite of what joy and pride are lots of different people flock to this game because you get to choose who you want to be and now since we don't get a lot of new updates and we don't get a lot of new content and the one time that we did last year unfortunately was not even able to be used by people who present masculine and it's disappointing to see one of the other places where Royal High has failed here and I honestly believe that they have lacked ever since its creation is the cultural representation cultural representation in Royal High has always been a little bit of a problem in the multiple cultures that they have tried to represent they have fallen short on the main example being the cherry blossom set which was supposed to be a kimono but of course as we all know it's very culturally inaccurate there are mistakes and we've been promised of rework never got one and of course the incident in 2022 with black history month and Lunar New Year very discouraging they promised to fix these issues and to be engaged with different cultures accurately however they did nothing for the past 2 years since 2022 which is it's just very discouraging and it's interesting because a lot of other games have picked up on that the lack of cultural representation that Royal highight gives and provides accurate or at least more accurate representation of cultures different cultures other games do that because Royal High failed to do it we've seen the consequences firsthand one of the reasons why it is so important to talk about cultural representation and cultural accuracy in these games is because they are dressup games they are games for us players and we want to see our own cultures represented well in these games so in the terms of self-identification cultural representation is a really important part of these dressup type games it's what we want to see it's how we are represented to players who are not a part of our culture that we are also concerned about too now the second instinct is collecting a lot of people in the community have this Instinct I don't think everybody has it though because Royal High used to be a roleplaying game collecting really became a really big thing when trading was introduced to the game it also became really prominent when sets started coming out regularly Royal High was known for good quality dressup sets and items especially the ones made by Suki mecki who at the time I would argue was the main set developer for Royal High I love her so much no one can top Suki mecky but anyway trading was introduced now people had a way to trade items for money or for other items and collecting became a really big thing and that promoted unfortunately a toxic environment from both the players and the developers because the the developers weren't following up on the rules and regulations that they had placed in terms of trading a lot of Roblox games that have trading have this problem though trading and purchasing items elicits a lot of emotions of course if you get a trade you get something that you really really want for a good price you'll be excited about it you'll feel pride and you'll feel Joy if you try to trade with someone and you can't afford to have an item that you really really like that can also elicit anger and sadness I think collecting is actually one of the biggest instincts it's one of the most important ones in terms of keeping players coming back to the game this became a problem when Royal High failed to update their game and there was a massive lack of updates and new content and new items in 2023 and even in 2022 when I returned to Tik Tok for the first time there was a lot of talk about badge collecting badge collecting saw its rise I believe when Royal High started to failed to keep up with their updates and failed to give us new content people weren't focusing on collecting items anymore because there was nothing new to collect people were focused on collecting Badges and that also became a problem trading morphed the concept of being rich collecting is one of the biggest instincts that Royal High implements in its game and one of the biggest reasons why people have kept on coming back I for one am a huge collector I have almost every item in the game it's an instinct that can promote unhealthy behaviors and addictive behaviors that Royal High I wouldn't say exploits but definitely uses to their advantage all around the collecting Instinct can promote unhealthy and toxic behaviors but they're also addictive and that's what kept the game going and here in the middle of editing this video I realize that I didn't even talk about how expensive these sets are we get so few items in a year and when we get new stuff it is so extremely expensive and it is so discouraging for an average player to go in the game and have to grind for hours just to get like a part of this set it's frustrating and I admittedly take it for granted because I have had Diamond multipliers for the longest time but most players don't have that it is just a bad decision game-wise to release something this expensive because the majority of players are not going to be able to afford this not unless they have multipliers this is important because if players don't think that they have any chance to get this set Before Time runs out why why would they spend time on this game trying to grind for diamonds and trying to complete the set when they know that they won't be able to afford it logic people logic good Lord and see again yet again Royal High continues to jeopardize its own game and continues to self-sabotage by releasing sets that are extremely expensive not beginner friendly it is so unnecessary to have a set over 200,000 diamonds even a set over 150,000 diamonds and I thought we were done I thought we were over this I thought we were going to bad decisions have been made that's all I'm going to say back to your regularly scheduled program the last Instinct that I want to talk about is communication Roblox especially has socialization and chat built into every single one of its games almost all of the games the popular games on Roblox are multiplayer games where you interact with other players in real time Roy High uses that it was founded upon the idea of being a role-play game with the release of Campus 2 the communication Instinct was further boosted and it was at the time really wellmade but with the release of the new school campus 3 Royal High failed to make its game a good roleplay game and there are a lot of reasons why the communication Instinct and role playing elicits pretty much all six emotions that we've talked upon again these six emotions are fear anger Joy Pride sadness and excitement and of course when you're role playing you're going to feel a lot of things because you're acting as a character you're basically acting with other people in real time improv make believe it's fun and you can feel real emotions through these interactions before campus 3 was released I remember there being a lot of talk about the hope that roleplay would be promoted again that roleplay would be revived I honestly believe that Royal High wanted roleplay to come back that is a big reason why people spent hours upon hours on this game because they would interact with other people they would interact with other people in role plays that could last you know half a day it was wild it was fun and I remember those days especially in campus 2 but we all thought that campus 3 would help Royal High has released clips of sneak peek we are going to be able to carry our friends for roleplay purposes and they're definitely aware that Royal High has had a huge roleplay aspect in it but the new school didn't promote roleplay at all it actually only promoted level farming with the quests that was the first thing that they implemented the quests not the classrooms not the entire School the quest a working functional level farming system that people can spend spend hours grinding on because they just don't have everything on campus 3 released yet they don't have a real class they don't have the cafeteria we don't have the updated archery game we don't have the basketball game we don't have the art class we don't have a lot of the parts of Campus 3 that made Royal High Royal High you know what I mean campus 2 and campus 1 you know you have the dance you have art class you have everything in one place everything in one server but for campus 3 you have to teleport to different servers to get to a new location that is really hard to navigate for people who want to role playay when you were in campus 1 and when you were in campus 2 you would be able to go to all these different locations with the same people in your server but you can't do that anymore in campus 3 and in campus 3 you don't even have a set schedule yet and that's probably because you don't have you don't even have a real class you just have musical chairs that's not a class I understand that Royal High really really wanted to turn up on the build and impressed people with how pretty campus 3 is and it is gorgeous but you know you can't have everything in one place like they had campus 1 and campus 2 before and that means that if you wanted to role playay with someone and like go to the dorms or go to the bathroom you would have to leave the server and then coordinate with the person or the people that you are role playing to go to the same server that you are going to and that takes you out of the roleplay and that design of having separate servers for separate locations in itself it's a really big obstacle for people who want to rle play in this game so the big three instincts self-identification collecting and communication these three instincts are the main instincts that Royal High implements in its game self-identification through the dressup system elicits the emotions of joy and pride Royal High has created obstacles in terms of the self-identification Instinct through the lack of accurate cultural representation as as well as the failure to make a body scaling system in time for new items to come out leaving masculine players without the option to use new items in the game collecting the second instinct is arguably what keeps players coming back to this game collecting is promoted through trading purchasing items at the shop and even badge collecting it elicits the emotions of Joy excitement anger sadness and pride Royal High has failed especially in the years of 2022 and 2023 when there was a lack of new updates and new content leaving players with no new items to collect the final Instinct implemented is communication communication is built in almost all Roblox games with its chat feature Royal High was founded on the idea of being a princess roleplay game communication through roleplay elicits all six emotions fear Joy Pride anger sadness and excitement Royal High has failed with the release of Campus 3 to promote communication and to promote roleplay because of the way the game is designed each location in the new school is in a different server making it hard to coordinate across a group of role players to move to a different location because you have to join a new server and these are all just the Big Ideas I haven't said a thing about bugs I haven't said a thing about how mobile players and Xbox players can't play the game especially in the new campus Because of memory issues of how much memory it takes to run even Castle's heart Royal High has failed fundamentally in its game development with the release of Campus 3 it's one of the biggest reasons why it lacks the ability to be a Revival for the game and because Royal High fundamentally failed at its own game design and own game development all the problems on top of that it just makes the game feel worse I don't know how to describe it when you fail at the fundamentals you're going to have a hard time building upon those things if your base fails then everything else fails with it on top of having failed fundamentally you have problems like managing developer attitudes lack of communication lock of bug fixes those problems are made even more worse because World High has failed in the fundamentals of building their game to be successful in the ways that they were successful before now keep in mind that me and Jackson are both not experts I'm just providing a different lens and a different analysis on why Royal High failed with the main aspect being the game itself and not focusing on any of the other problems that Royal High has outside of the game in the 611 framework there are six emotions that games can employ why did I say that why did I just say have because that's the right word that's a better word really yeah I'm so smart just just shut up shut up
Channel: kaivicii
Views: 309,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: berry avenue, brookhaven, funny, roblox, roblox roleplay, roleplay, rolox, royale high, royale high locker, royale high quest, rp, story, tiktok, viral, youtube shorts, beaplays, callmehbob, callmehhaley, royal high, royale high archery, royale high campus 3, royale high edits, royale high new school, royale high new update, royale high update, pov, gaming, game design, game fail, game theory, flamingo, capcut, dress up, dress to impress, astro renaissance, roblox codes, free roblox, rbx
Id: YbEJL7_fTxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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