Light Bulb: A Masterpiece in Roblox Horror

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[Applause] hey this is Leon you keep blocking my calls so I haven't heard from you in a while you know that you're okay I don't know I'm sorry I truly am I need to know that you're okay I know you and that you're probably going through a rough time I've been on YouTube reviewing Roblox games for a while now a lot of which are criticisms and videos and a lot of the time I seem to get questions along the line of ready and why do you care so much it's just a Roblox game what do you expect you see all Roblox games are for kids which means that you're not allowed to critique them you should just lower your expectations to zero because at the end of the day there are simply no good Roblox games mind you the majority of the comments like this are coming from people who have grown used to the thousands of lazily inspired games on Roblox and it's just what they should come to expect now kind of like how if you eat enough microwave food you slowly try to convince yourself that it's actually a gourmet meal in an attempt to cope with the sour reality but I however refuse to lower my expectations for Roblox games specifically Roblox horror games but why because of this gem right here light bulb a psychological Thriller with a top-down perspective about your character trying to escape a Labyrinth of nightmares all while being pursued by a monster that hides in the dark I know that it sounds kind of boring right now you know a lot of Roblox feature you trying to escape up remote location while being pursued by a big tall and slender creature but here we go this was long before horror games were just being spammed into existence for one the game has a complete narrative it's by no means a complex one but it's one that's solid and it makes sense most horror games nowadays are just simple concepts with a cool name that have literally no planned narrative they just have chapters that are either Loosely connected or not connected whatsoever all they do is just fart out a random game and if it gets enough players and they decide to make a part two but if the game does horribly it gets abandoned light bulb is a game that was simply from a different era 2015 to be exact and despite literally being made by a child it was able to utilize the Roblox Style and platform well to make them memorable and unique experience it's a game that has a distinct beginning and an end isn't that just crazy anyways let's get into it light bulb starts the player inside some sort of storage room with very little to no context depending if you decide to read the game description or not anyways a description in question states that you have to escape the Maze and that you're being stalked by a creature that lurks in the dark when you turn the corner and turn the lights on you're immediately met with this monster you then have to hide in the locker in order to evade it foreign connection terminated after that encounter with the big black guy you then walk over to the phone and agree to the phone call which is cut short because the monster on the other end is messing with the lights or something shortly after that weird encounter you find a little sheet of paper presumably from a textbook or something it tells you about the game's antagonist named the hide and Seeker who's a malevolent creature that hides in the dark waiting for you to find it and then makes it strike it will also stalk its victim relentlessly driving them to the point of insanity after that you have to solve a puzzle like most horror games but the puzzle isn't insanely difficult but it also doesn't feel like it was pure padding guys a Roblox horror game made a puzzle that a young child could figure out without making it boring isn't that just crazy oh yeah the reason why this puzzle isn't boring is because it's it has purpose it's an introduction to the monster well after the initial introduction I guess after learning a code to input into a lock the creature is shown toying with you even and peeking its head around the corner and immediately turning away the moment you try to catch a better look at it light bulb isn't just a top-down horror game the camera angles will change on a variety of occasions in order to enhance the experience the first time that you come down this hallway and the camera angle changes you sort of get a feeling of uneasiness like the game is setting something up and while you walk back after the monster makes its presence known it gives you that very payoff in a knot in your face way this changes how you play the rest of the game as every time that the camera angle changes you expect some sort of scare even if it isn't there the game gives you this impression that the monster is ever present always watching you it could strike you at any time whenever it wants to whenever you enter a dark room and flick the light switch it could strike out and kill you but it chooses to mess with you and this right here is something that light bulbs remake falls short on but we'll discuss that later in this video anyways yeah after inputting the code into the wall the entire wall moves out of the way for you and you continue pressing on throughout the maze you read this weird journal entry about a guy who was just going and saying accompanied by a meeting from the monster in the background as well as this really interesting and terrifying segment you walk into a room and grab this key and soon realize that the key is used to unlock the door directly next to it through this door is a piece of paper where when you pick it up you're met with the scary music again realizing that the creature is banging at the door they're forced to hide on top of this bookshelf where the monster shakes a little bit reaches his hands up and then just stops the room goes dark for a second and then it goes back to normal he was just toying with you this entire sequence is optional by the way you don't even have to encounter it it leaves you with this odd feeling reinforcing the power Dynamic of the creature just choosing not to kill you and instead just troll you then you're greeted with another phone call where the guy on the phone states that the monster could be anywhere at any time so it's best that you watch your back during the phone calls make sure you look around while on the phone it could be anywhere that thing is still around here I hadn't seen it in a while I don't like to look into his face it's it's nice I think it has really good hearing if you haven't seen or heard it in a long time you should probably be more concerned which once again builds onto this Perpetual feeling of General uneasiness throughout the entire game especially since whenever you go into a phone call the camera angle changes and gets all up close and [ __ ] it's kind of nice because during games like this you think that during dialogue scenes you can relax but not really there's also the scene that you can encounter with a fake phone call where as soon as you pick up the phone the phone guy is like it's a trap you have to hide and you tuck yourself behind this little bookshelf uh so I know that the background gameplay right now looks really [ __ ] goofy but a lot of the cutscenes and bits of this game are actually broken so what I did is I spliced in footage of a fan made game but that fan made game in particular has randomly thrown in some elements that to put it lightly ruin the subtlety of the original game also the creature leads this little message that says I knew you were hiding in there somewhere oh by the way the phone guy comes up with the plan to escape that consists of cutting the power and well this does seem like a bad plan with all things considered you know who are you to say no to it the phone guy says that cutting the power will work because the maze is actually a virtual simulation I have no idea how this conclusion was reached also the phone call gets interrupted by some other guy who's apparently just the monster messing with you hey have you been hearing that guy on the phone don't listen to him he's fake he's gonna cut me off he's not real you then Venture into this industrial looking area complete with some little jump scares that actually kind of startled me not gonna lie there and then there's this occurrence with the monster where you fall into a pit and then the darkness starts chasing you or you can just choose not to fall into the pit and go over this little red tube thing and there you find the final phone call where the phone guy is like I'm getting the doors open when you get in pull the switches and shut off the maze's power I know this seems like a bad thing to do but you have to trust me don't listen to the other one that may be talking to you he's just a distraction it's the monster trying to get you lost these switches we may never see the light of day again this is our one chance to escape don't pull the switches don't let it convince you I'm real I'm real so yeah obviously the good ending is the one where you pull the switches you're kind of weird if it wasn't pulling the first switch makes the maze start glitching the [ __ ] out and the monster starts panicking pulling the second switch makes the monster Panic more and then you're set to a sewer where the game changes to first person perspective you then see the Monster as this little Microsoft Paint doodle floating towards the exit where he leaves a final plea for you not to leave but he has like zero RIS I was just like I'm not feeling these I'm like you thought I was telling you so you just leave and that's the ending the good ending to be specific eight years later and I still don't completely understand why the hide and seekers in the sewer are just chilling now can you guess what the bad ending is you don't pull the switches simply enter the hole and yeah so good things about light bulb the atmosphere was nice the Perpetual feeling of being hunted was a little Dreadful as a child walking into a pitch black room before you turn the light on gives you this feeling of anticipation like the monster is just waiting kind of like that in real life I don't know if you guys ever experienced that one of my favorite things that stuck with me for literally gears was how well the monster's visuals were handled the monster was always obscured by Darkness but it still had a present and you never got a good look at it when you do decide to go snooping in Z curses inventory you'll see how goofy that the monster looks it really does show how sound effects lighting and atmosphere can really elevate a monster's visuals you only ever see it for short glimpses sometimes I'm scared by the lighting or you're just too startled to really get a good look at it anyways so I also really enjoyed how the game was complete unlike games nowadays light bulb is a short easy to understand narrative but it didn't feel like it bored me Roblox horror games nowadays are almost always expected to be incomplete garbage that are only made to make money another great thing about light bulb is that there aren't a lot of opportunities to die dying in horror games breaks your immersion especially if it happens over and over again because it kind of ruins the scare Factor instead just turns it into a rage game modern horror games now just use dying as an excuse to charge you a hundred Robux for a revive all right now it's time to do a 180 and talk about a part of the game that I didn't like three of the major monster encounters are optional first two encounters are legitimately good sequences but they can be easily skipped unintentionally even I came back to light bulb and replay it several times for the video and I had runs where I accidentally skipped over the encounters and I had to go actively searching for them because of video purposes the Dora trap and the fake phone call trap are well-constructed sequences but they literally stray from the path that most players would take especially the phone call one where I had to actively search for it to get footage I guess that's why they call it the hide and Seeker there's nothing really wrong with having optional Encounters in fact they encourage replayability and even reward the player for having a good eye this is why the third one works well because if you catch the red pipe on the side of the wall then you don't have to fall into the pit however I think that if you skip the first two encounters and it's really easy to get bored or forget how threatening that the monster really is because there's going to be nothing scary happening from the first puzzle to the industrial area literally all right so with so many good Roblox games that are old Light Bulb Has Not aged well for one doesn't seem to be very fly with the kids nowadays kids want to play horror games with their friends they don't want to play alone and risk actually being scared also the game's [ __ ] broke and it's Roblox no wonder why zekers left the platform to make actual games and has with most popular old games new creators are going to want to revive the game and put their own personal spin on it so let's talk about them shall we light bulb reimagined is really not that good and I only found it because of YouTube videos and also I needed non-broken background footage it's basically the original game except it's been fixed perfect but then the Creator decided to rub his dick onto it and add a bunch of unnecessary stuff subtlety never heard of it we need blood everywhere in dead bodies and pictures of the monster right next to where it appears literally the monster would just stand stagnant in the background at certain parts and since the monster was drawn in Microsoft Paint not only did it take away from the mystery of the monster from the overexposure but it also points out just how [ __ ] stupid the monster was also your character talks in this game for some reason you'll say stuff like it sure is dark in here like yeah totally couldn't [ __ ] see that with my eyes thanks game and when I say that this game is unsubtle I really do mean it during that hallway scene the entire monster will peek out and lights will Flicker and before he pops up you literally see the exact same decal put onto a picture frame several pictures of the monster are plastered everywhere the smiley face drawing is also plastered everywhere for some reason there's loads of dead bodies which is not only disloyal to the original game's tone but it also kind of takes away from the mystery in the original game it was kind of a mystery of what would happen if you got caught with the monster just continued a torment used for eternity or would he kill you in this version he just kills you it also proves the existence of other humans in the Maze where in the original you were just kind of wary of whether the monster was faking both of the phone voices or just one of them I'll say do you know how the guy on the phone told you to just look around for the monster yeah this game programmed an entire cutscene that just happens right there to demonstrate that to you complete with the sound effect in case you missed it make sure you look around while on the phone it could be anywhere that thing is still around here I hadn't seen it in a while I don't like to look into his face it's Eyes the game will also start playing the menu music theme just because it sounds creepy not because it fits literally you can hear where the music starts and stops because it's meant to be a menu theme but this game is telling you to be scared it tells you oh boy it's dark in here that means we're supposed to be scared that's why we're playing an out of context scary piece of music is this game just a light bulb for people who have a learning disability light bulb reimagined does not respect the player's intelligence at all it does not trust you to make your own judgment or have your own thoughts it has to make sure that you see the Monster it can't just have it in the corner of your eye no it has to have the monster just come right into your right into your face they literally thickened the red pipe on the wall in order to make the third monster encounter unavoidable and oh boy the monster has red eyes in this game that means he's scary there's also a lot of falling shelves in this game there's one thing that I commend this game on other than fixing the original base game the ending no I mean like seriously the ending of the original just relied on you to sign trust the guy on the phone or not but I can totally see the ending here actually tricking somebody first of all there's three whoevers instead of just two and after pulling the first leveler you're teleported a few feet into a room that has the death hole which has an exit sign above it actually kind of clever very good job dude wait honestly quite impressive and then you pull the other two levers and you're teleported into this room with the overuse smelly face drawing in a random pool of blood the floor collapses into the void because why not and then you're brought to the Sewer also you can see the hide and seek are smiling down at you for some reason why is he happy that I escaped maybe he's just trying to raise me to come back and yeah the ending is pretty much the same from here the bad ending is also mostly unchanged there's also a true ending which from what I've seen and heard about it it's basically just the good ending except you escape to your house and go to bed and the phone guy goes crazy why does the phone guy go crazy because in zika's inventory there is an unused asset where the phone guy goes crazy and since this game loves to use out of context reused assets from Z curse's inventory they made the phone guy go crazy I've also seen and heard that the special ending takes a lot of time and effort so I'm not doing it also from the YouTube videos that I've seen of it it looks really [ __ ] stupid I appreciate the game for fixing light bulb but I think it really missed the mark when it started meddling like the guy literally just went to Ziegler's inventory and grabbed a bunch of scary stuff and put it everywhere even if it doesn't make sense for the narrative there's literally decals from zeekers his other game silent dark in this game and that goddamned smiley face is plastered everywhere even on [ __ ] exit signs and [ __ ] light bulb re-illumination is a 2019 reboot of light bulb it features more up-to-date scripting and building but also obviously changes some elements of the original for the better and for the worse first and foremost the game is made up of chapters the game can still be beat in one sitting though and the chapters are more or less just there to show scenery changes yeah and also this game gives you a lot of places where you can just straight up die it's not even like in a climactic way like in the original this game just seems to straight up spam a lot of the levels where the lights are flickering and then if you're caught in the room with flickering lights then the lights go out the screen goes silent and allowed noise plays yes overall the creature has undergone a lot of changes if the name is completely different and has a different purpose and a backstory and it's a lot lemur and less subtle the game creator decided to cut the monster sequence from the beginning as he believed that it made the monster come prematurely and also gave up its weakness too early as well but then they just throw in this really forced sequence one scene later yeah subtlety mods are creeping around no we can't have that this is a modern Roblox horror game so they need to make the screen go black and the lights go out and add a [ __ ] scarecue in as well foreign [Music] it's also borderline insulting how they also add the heartbeat sound effect like instead of making your actual heart pump this game just adds the cheesy sound effects like oh yeah you hear that that means it's time to be scared I thought you were trying to build tension but the first encounter with the monster is a pseudo jump scare and I'm not bashing on the game solely because it's trying to do something different if you actually think that then I'm calling the game out for falling short on what it's trying to emulate they bring back the Trap from the first game although that's once again less subtle and a bit more on the nose the monster's handwriting in this game is also a generic creepy font compared to a handwritten look unless you count the reused hello asset from the start yeah you're also not allowed to have a moment of realization to yourself where you find out that you've fallen into a trap no the creature has to straight up tell you that you fell into his trap while you're in the Trap overall temnota that's the creature's name in this game seems a lot more active than the hide and Seeker the hide and Seeker in the first game was just toying with you it straight up showed you that it could kill you if it really wanted to which this Trope comes with its flaws but it's nowhere near as generic and straight up damning as temenota's sentiment temnota is actively out to get you he will try to catch you He makes himself present quite a lot in the game but mostly in the form of the self-contained waste of time flickering light puzzles straight up tells you that he said a trap for you but then proceeds to bang on an unlocked door and then fail to find you hiding in a comically large FNAF 2 style event so while the hide and Seeker is just purposely trolling you as an excuse to not catch you to note his excuse for not catching you is just being [ __ ] stupid the game literally implies that temnoda does not know of your presence unless you alert it first like the sound of a metal door opening how the [ __ ] there's only one person not including the other guy on the phone how are you losing track of me what are you doing in the background tenota are you just making a sandwich and then you hear a metal door and you're like oh that's where he went also this game once again does not respect the audience's intelligence this might be because this game is trying to adapt for modern audiences aka the iPad kid generation of Roblox players the game gives you hints in the form of your character talking to yourself but you are the main character your avatar is the character shouldn't I be giving myself hints talking to myself in real life in my own head you know I do not need the game to tell me that a key is used to unlock something or that a door is locked you can just like put a sound effect or something or just rely on me to figure it out I don't need the game to tell me that something opened when the camera and sound effects are showing me that directly the only situation where this inner monologue comes in handy is when you run into these doors that are wedged shut and can't be unlocked which wouldn't require a monologue if they weren't there in the first place a locked door that cannot be opened is unfair to the players I mean they'll assume that it holds some significance they serve zero purpose at all the text also crawls across your screen and cannot be skipped the skip button just does not work half the time so yeah honestly uh this uh this inner monologue is pointless and stupid and just does nothing good for the game since the game's very similar in the original in terms of basic story beats I guess I'll just talk about the overall story of the game or at least try to the game seems to expand on what was previously established in the first game about how the maze is a virtual simulation now I've played through the game multiple times and I still don't understand the lore completely because I guess it's just all up to speculation so what's speculated by fans is that there is some sort of mental illness plague that read across the country and this company decided to make a simulation to help remedy these people complete with an AI named temnota which means Darkness also that reminds me that I don't think its name is reference in the game I also had to look that [ __ ] up as well anyways the AI decided to go Rogue because of course it did why not your character also has this random out of place flashback to when you saw a ballistic missile threat on your television at your house I see that the president's equipped his daughter with too it's unknown whether or not the threat was real or not or if it was just you having a schizo breakdown probably the latter and yeah that's pretty much it for the story beats a little light bulb re-illumination has three endings or two endings with one with extra flavor good ending you escape bad ending you die true ending the exact same is the good ending except before you escape you input a code into the computer and then it does something I believe people said that inputting the code either frees everybody in the simulation kills everybody in the simulation or kills the monster or sets the monster free alongside everybody else I don't know I think they just added the true Landing as an excuse to get another playthrough out of you I don't think anybody really gave a [ __ ] if tamilda is made out of code how would he escape no answer didn't you shut down the entire simulation and kill everyone uh I don't know whatever you want to happen kid didn't you literally get mad at someone for not understanding the story what is the story there is no story there are a lot of story beats that are simply hinted at but never really utilized explained or even expanded on to build a proper story it all adds up to the impression that light bulb re-illumination wants to have some sort of purpose other than just recreating the old light bulb but relax the intelligence and understanding in order to do it and this kind of carries over to how the game in general just seems to miss what made the original so great it misses chances to build on parts of the game that need Improvement or seem Barren it throws in generic and purposeless flickering light levels in order to make up for the lack of the monster rather than creating new unique intense scenarios with the monster just like in the original it tries to build onto the original story but ends up just going flaccid when it has to do something other than just leave mystery boxes everywhere was this game story written by JJ Abrams swear to God if anybody in the comments goes Britian they didn't explain everything because it's meant to be open-ended like how the original was alright first of all the original was open-ended but not nearly as damning as this some things are better left unexplored but like this game tried to explore those things and just halfway through was just like nope never mind We're not gonna do it I don't think this game is totally made but I do think it's extremely generic the monster isn't creative anymore it's just a pair of glowing eyes in the dark definitely haven't seen that one before the story also has a lot of pointless clutter I don't doubt that the game devs had a passion behind what they were trying to do but I ironically believe that this version does not do the original Justice I've been meaning to review light Bob on this channel for literally over a year or two now it's honestly really significant in the history of Roblox horror as it shows that one kid with no budget can truly use his creativity on the Roblox platform to create something unique there are horror games nowadays that have literal teams working on them and there's still shitty repetitive stale predictable and blatantly money hungry and people get paid to make these games by the way it's very annoying when people don't know about this game because so many [ __ ] people are always like ready and why are you so harsh Roblox games can't be good if games like this were easier to access for these people then this argument would not be as rampant light bulb managed to be simple short not Flawless but still amazing it used the Roblox platform to its fullest and the soundtrack is an incredible addition to the game definitely check it out in the description as I'm putting a link to it as well as all three games there for you I've also used it in the background of this review if you like this video and want to see more make sure to comment like And subscribe to my channel my name is Britian I play and talk about Roblox games thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Breadian
Views: 104,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, yt:cc=on, breadian, breadian isle, roblox horror games
Id: Jpfx-fjBDaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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