When a narcissist sees you as being too strong, this is what they'll do | NPD | Narcissism

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when a narcissist sees you as being too strong this is what they'll do narcissists desire nothing more than to be in a position of power and control these individuals have a great need to exert Authority and command over the people in their surroundings including their spouses co-workers and friends this need drives them to behave dominantly and aggressively so why do people act in such a manner because they don't have the impression that they're in control of the situation and because they're unclear about what to do they will attempt anything that has a chance of being successful there are a lot of people who have been in violent abusive relationships that have continued for a very long time with narcissists both codependency and narcissism are characterized by an obsession with achieving power and authority over other people they're going to make an effort to control you regardless of whether or not they believe that you will be an easy or tough Target for them we will take a look at some of the strategies that narcissists use to get rid of people they view as a threat to them these are the individuals who are not readily swayed by the opinions of others they're powerful and self-reliant individuals and individuals who have developed in both their thinking and deeds but before I get into that I just wanted to start off by expressing my appreciation to everyone who took the time to watch this video I'd like to extend to you an invitation to contribute to the growth of this channel by forwarding this video to any of your friends or family members subscribe to this channel if this is your first time here so that you don't miss out on any future updates that you might find interesting let's begin narcissists have difficulty accepting people for who they truly are and as a result they have a tendency to treat other people poorly people that aren't easily influenced give off an air of confidence have a healthy sense of self-esteem and are generally well grounded are the ones who make these people feel threatened the fact that this is the case doesn't deter them from pursuing the individuals in question there is no such thing as a whitelist when it comes to dealing with people who are narcissists those who are vulnerable and even those who are powerful will be the focus of their Invasion the methods by which they interact with people are what sets them apart the narcissist's ultimate goal is to destroy everything that stands in their way and to achieve this goal they will stop at nothing narcissists are people who believe that the only way to improve their own self-esteem is to bring down the self-esteem of those around them even though some of us are smart and tenacious and even though it's possible that we won't cave into the love bombing that they're throwing at us they're still intent on convincing us to comply with their demands because of this we need to keep in mind that although narcissists like to employ love bombing to bring others under their control they also have a range of other ways at their disposal this is something that we need to keep in mind at all times when people realize that flattery and charm aren't enough to win someone's favor it's not uncommon for them to play the victim in order to earn your sympathy for instance it's not uncommon for people to play the victim in order to Garner your sympathy narcissistic people care very little about how other people feel about them as a result of their actions or words at this point all they require is something to work with in order to move on as a consequence of this they are willing to make do with everything they can get their hands on regardless of whether it is love adoration pity or hatred because of the mental and emotional investment you have made in them it demonstrates that they're significant to you and plays a role in the trajectory of your life as a consequence of this if they're successful in making you feel sorry for them they will continue to use this tactic and will likely sprinkle some flattery and charm on top of it for good measure if they're successful in making you feel sorry for them then they have accomplished their goal therefore the narcissist's last-ditch effort to gain control over us and make us agree to their will is to appeal to our pity and make us feel sorry for them this is the narcissist's last-ditch effort to acquire control over us and make us conform to their will in order to avoid going to work they would dishonestly declare that they were ill or suffering from a disease in addition to this they might deliberately hurt themselves in order to attract your attention to the shenanigans that they are engaging in it is not uncommon for them to get combative and insist that you're the only person who can assist them in any way they will proceed to reiterate the same thing narcissists are excellent actors and actresses because they believe that this is the only way for them to reach the level of control that is necessary for them when confronted with the reality that you are more powerful they will come as feeble they will look weak and submissive in an effort to win your trust and gain your confidence narcissists want to maintain control over their victims so that they can bring about the victim's destruction because of this it is possible for them to turn around and force you into the ditch despite the fact that you helped them get out of the ditch in the first place this is because of the way that the ditch is constructed the goal of a person with a narcissistic personality disorder is to exert absolute dominance and control over others at all times regardless of the circumstances or the consequences therefore in order to get you to fall for their scheme they will act as though they're either hopelessly in love with you or a helpless victim they receive a skewed perception of their own self-worth and an inflated sense of superiority as a result of the massive boost to their self-esteem that results from bringing another powerful person to their knees after extracting as much useful information as they could from you they would do it with great seal and then cast you aside once they had finished using you even if they're unsuccessful in getting what they want by flattering others being Charming or playing the role of the victim The Narcissist will not give up if they are unable to exercise influence on you and bring you to your knees in an indirect manner then they have just one option left open to them on the other side The Narcissist has a more limited toolbox to work within this scenario the reason for this is that they didn't spend enough time getting to know you to discover any hidden flaws or secrets that you might have as a result you have little choice but to prioritize the people who are in close proximity to you physically everyone has the possibility to be taken in by another person and narcissists will make use of that potential in order to either get access to your life or simply learn more about you they would pursue a relationship with a member of your family or circle of close friends who is very important to you their main objective is to make you uncomfortable and turn other people against you by waiting the favor of everyone in your inner circle to accomplish this they must first win your favor they have only one goal in mind and that is to turn the people against you because you've turned down their overtures in the past the people who want to take advantage of you are now more prepared than ever to do so in the future The Narcissist will never be content with simply disliking you in the future betraying you or abandoning you they will always want more participation is required from all of the people in your environment including yourself as a consequence of this they seize every opportunity to spread untruths and engage in slanderous conversations about other people they do this intentionally in order to sow the seeds of conflict and to cast aspersions on the character of another individual they're the kind of employees who will not stop at anything until they get you removed from your position and replaced with someone else someone like this might make up allegations against you claiming that you're guilty of actions that you didn't actually commit when a narcissist realizes that you have more popularity and respect than they do they will become obsessed with finding ways to knock you down and make themselves look better they will act in this manner because they are terrified of the things that you will do to them the ultimate goal of the narcissist is to maintain complete control at all times they're willing to engage in any dishonest or unethical Behavior such as stealing lying or cheating in order to achieve their goal of achieving dominance and taking control of your life it is extremely irritating for narcissists when other people are more successful than they are they despise it when other people are able to see through the false personas and identities that they have constructed for themselves they despise it when we are wise to their tricks and traps and don't fall for them they despise our autonomy our ability to fend for ourselves and the strong moral character we have because of this they are attempting to steal our belongings while at the same time destroying Us in the process the narcissist is prepared to take on the challenge of vanquishing you regardless of how straightforward or complex of a Target you may be for them if they're unable to gain your favor through love bombs and victimization they will most likely resort to underhanded tactics and solicit the assistance of your friend or family because of this you need never let your guard down and always be on the lookout for their traps and strategies regardless of how far you make it a narcissist will never stop attempting to bring you down to their level exercise Extreme Caution never let your guard down and don't let anyone push you beyond your limits I sincerely hope that the information that was provided was enlightening please share your opinions in the comments section below and if you want to make sure that you don't miss any of the new videos that are uploaded to this channel in the future consider subscribing and make sure that the Bell icon is turned on thank you when your existence was enough to make narcissists crazy this is what they do to win you back everyone welcome to another video happy to have you here today 's video is our way of saying thanks for watching and for all of the support you've given us over the years good now let's begin if the narcissist truly cares about you they will do everything it takes to get back together with you this means picking up where you left off they know just what to say and do to get a response out of you this tactic is the foundation of the Arsenal used by all narcissists no matter their specific flavor in the hopes that their significant other will put the past behind them and look forward to the future they may come up carrying gifts the common strategy is to make you feel special by pretending that no one else matters as much to them as you do it is a Hallmark of narcissists that they are able to focus the attention of others on themselves The Narcissist doesn't appreciate your uniqueness since he or she can't see above their own needs but they know how to sway you in spite of your best efforts to cut ties with them some narcissists may try to re-enter your life a narcissist will come back again like a boomerang they'll keep reaching out like a snake until they find a way back into your life this may be the case if they rely heavily on you as a source of supplies or if they have other motives for trying to damage you these are the two main reasons why a narcissist might want a committed relationship again hoovering can be a lengthy process for narcissists since they are easily distracted by what they consider to be more fruitful Avenues however if an outstanding candidate is not available or if there is a dearth of competent candidates they will have no choice but to go back to their previous partner in short they'll be back when it's convenient for them they'll use the same strategies they used before to get back in your life and harass you further after all satan won't appear brandishing a pitchfork in horns no they'll show up at your door posing as a guardian angel with presents narcissists know that if they put in the time and effort to create intimate relationships with their potential victims they will be better prepared for future Hoovers the narcissist's goal is to gain their trust so they may treat them like Mindless servants long after you've abandoned The Narcissist they're flying monkeys will continue to spread rumors about you and keep the narcissist in the loop about your movements you should be ready to execute a no contact policy with any friends or family members who are unwittingly working as flying monkeys for the narcissist once you've identified a narcissist in your life I've learned to treat everyone like flying monkeys whether they're my sister my parents or my friends if my pals keep spending time with the narcissist I may as well bid them farewell The Narcissist can use these tactics to keep tabs on you and predict when they will be most effective in contacting you whether to violate no contact or catch you off guard in the event of a loss such as a death in the family a breakup or a promotion the narcissist's next ruse is to claim they're the victim narcissists will try to convince you that they can't survive without you they even threaten you that they will hurt themselves or even commit suicide if you leave them or refuse to accept them back they're being overly manipulative here they would make a spectacle of their desperation and helplessness to emphasize how dependent they are on you an onslaught of apologies pledges to change and crocodile tears may be forthcoming if their initial attempt doesn't work narcissists have no trouble shedding tears when it's time for them to do so they hope that by appealing to our emotions they might sway our decision but you'll just have to take my word for it male or female narcissists May suddenly burst into tears for no apparent reason the tears are fake too to re-enter Our Lives narcissists will say or do things designed to make us second guess our decision to cut ties narcissists will say or do anything to make others feel horrible about themselves usually they get what they want by appealing to our higher morals so expect them to try to persuade you with a mix of Charisma Tales a winning smile and possibly even tears they will resort to any means necessary to win your affection pity assistance and Allegiance the narcissist is heartless and can't feel our pain they are simply interested in using us for their own gain they rely on us to satisfy their narcissistic needs and boost their confidence it's crucial to keep your composure when confronting a narcissist who tries to re-enter your life don't give in to their niceties or their phony attempts to help you instead fight back because of this we may safely assume that the narcissist's apparent kindness is insincere and that their actions are driven by ulterior motives to plunder your wealth or eliminate you altogether they also have no qualms about using Goodwill as bargaining leverage they put up a convincing performance of sorrow and remorse narcissists are the type to wait patiently for you to reopen the door so they may come back in narcissists may take weeks months or even years to get you where they want you to be but as soon as they do they will instantly resume their destructive activities or begin their plans to ruin you narcissists don't just make innocuous gaffs that can be easily rectified with an explanation or apology and forgiven with the expectation that the offending Behavior will not be repeated in reality narcissists can't help but damage others whenever they get the chance moreover if you leave the door unlocked they will keep trying to get back inside aiming to get rid of the narcissist and the Annoying flying monies who are willing to offer you to the narcissist should be a top priority if you took away one of the narcissists flying monkeys they might take the other away too because they have no use for it the narcissist will care about you only so long as you continue to meet their needs narcissists may turn to Flying Monkey tactics if they believe they can win you back with pity or excessive politness always be on guard for the narcissist's favorite control restoration method and any potential henchman it entails one day next time will come be on the lookout for any indications that the narcissist may be making a return and don't be reluctant to discuss any tactics you think they may have used to re-enter your life and I guess that's all I can think of at the moment I hope as usual that the information provided is of use to you post your thoughts questions and concerns about this in the comments section below we can't wait to get in and read them Please Subscribe and activate the Bell icon so you don't miss any of our future releases thank you for taking the time to watch this when you realize a narcissist is targeting you these methods will make them back down hello again and welcome to another episode in which we shall discuss narcissists in great detail for starters I'd want to extend a hearty welcome to each of you if you enjoy my videos and would want to subscribe to my channel I would greatly appreciate it there has never been a better time to subscribe if you are new here just hit that Bell icon and you'll know the second I put up a new video thank you for watching my videos and helping me to succeed in building my channel narcissists tend to be liars and pretend they aren't who they are the man who is hiding in plain sight each and every day in every waking minute narcissists put on a mask to disguise who they really are what they're ashamed of what they pretend that they aren't and what they have to hide even from themselves for the most part they never disclose to anyone including themselves their vulnerabilities anxieties doubts or regrets when it comes to accomplishing a task narcissists are solely concerned with how they appear to others how to safely and effectively interact with a narcissist is covered in detail here it's not anything you want to miss so let's get started without further Ado here are tried and true strategies for establishing authority over a narcissist first it would be best if you also learned to keep your ego out of the equation narcissists on the other hand are unable to do this whether you believe it or not you don't need to have the final say to win you don't have to be right you don't have to explain or defend yourself if they don't believe you you can't in all honesty but they enjoy watching you dance begging and pleading to be heard and understood this is the problem what you believe will not be accepted by them and their egos are so big that they won't even admit that they understand what you're saying so put your pride aside and allow them to believe they were the last to speak up make sure you look after yourself that is the best thing you can do for your well-being secondly ignore them make sure there were no visible indicators of emotion at all when dealing with skilled manipulators the last thing you want to do is put yourself In Harm's Way don't give them ammunition to use against you after that what do you think keep your Poker Face on the more you can control your feelings the better don't give them even the slightest glimpse into your thoughts and feelings for your own safety and the safety of those you care about you should keep that information Secret not to throw one's pearls in front of a pig as the saying goes in order to Humble a narcissist it is best to remove all of the things they can use to get you when they do something you don't like you have to act as though it's no big deal even if they are intentionally hostile to you you'll not be harmed by their passive aggressive actions nor will you fall for any of their tricks when a narcissist realizes they have no power over you they are humiliated the mere fact that you don't react to their actions shows that you can read them well you couldn't care less about what they are up to they don't even somewhat matter to you you find them nothing to be interesting or motivating the fewer resources they have to work with the less likely they are to make repeated attempts to annoy trouble or harm you when you aren't paying attention to them they can't play the games that keep them thrilled don't pay any attention to a narcissist since they'll take any attention at all positive or negative just sit tight and everything will work out third setting clear and confident boundaries will serve as a big wall for a narcissist narcissists often believe that they are entitled to more than they are entitled to they won't understand but you will the word no can stand alone as a complete sentence I'll think about it I'll get back to you or say you need time to think about healthy mature and responsible ways to respond to a narcissist's requests demands and expectations don't succumb to the pressures of guilt shame or any other form of bullying it's important that what you say and mean are congruent it's easy to lose credibility when you don't do what you say you'll do a healthy population will abide by your rules they'll be grateful that you made it clear when it's time to set limits or enforce boundaries the opposite is true when it comes to narcissists if they don't give up quickly and move on your boundaries should be firmer and clearer it would also help if you learn how to defend yourself both emotionally and physically fourth always improve your self-esteem it's much easier to stand up to name calling lies and a smear campaign if you know who you are and have a positive self-image reconnect with the love you feel for yourself your family and your past in other words you're not as attracted to manipulative and bullying people because they lack empathy put in your time fifth gather evidence one must take careful notes when interacting with narcissists there aren't many words to describe something that is only black and white when everything is documented it's hard to make up stories about what was said keep records of all correspondence you have written or electronic with them it's possible you'll never use it but knowing you have it is a great feeling keeping meticulous records is thus crucial the facts speak for themselves when dealing with a narcissist there's no need for Words which would only lead to more drama last but not least don't be rushed if you want to put a narcissist in their place you'll have to be patient you can always count on the truth at the right time develop a sense of trust and perseverance the narcissists I've spoken of allow only those truly worthy of attention to get close to them time is all that is required they really ought to a narcissist will be exposed as such when disparate elements do not fit together or make logical sense eventually the public will learn the truth about the narcissist all of them should be able to communicate with each other let it go and not worry about it too much I don't know anyone who'd want any more of that those are my final thoughts on the matter but don't stop now if you want to learn more about the negative effects of narcissistic abuse and what you can do right now to heal from it so that you can start living your best life in peace confidence and freedom you can watch more videos on this channel thanks these subtle signs that show you your narcissist truly hates you a narcissist takes pleasure in the contempt of others is hostile to love and values hatred over all other emotions whom do they have this intense hatred for they dislike you very much if you dare to argue with them or if you attain any level of success that they find unacceptable they will actively want to damage you narcissism is characterized by pervasive and unhealthy level of Envy The Narcissist will continue to hate you whether you receive a modest compliment or a prestigious prize to what end does the narcissist's animosity toward you grow as your success does narcissistic people are nasty because they are self-centered for this reason it is easy for them to find fault with and even actively dislike nearly everyone and anything they might not tell you outright that they hate you though that way you won't ever see them as an enemy which is good for them the plan is to win your affection and Trust so that they can use that against you later when performing narcissists can make you laugh or cry I hope this encourages you to strengthen your commitment and makes it less likely that you will be persuaded in the future you can't let the narcissist mess with your feelings once you've realized how much they hate you the following actions taken by the narcissist demonstrate their intense hatred for you many people don't believe narcissists even when they tell them how they really feel because they rarely Express themselves openly the word hate however is not without significant weight it's a strong statement of dislike to say that you detest someone or something this is a common response in narcissists and it's often triggered by people they claim to love it's obvious even though our minds are set differently understanding a person's emotional condition often requires little more than paying attention to their body language words and gaze most narcissists would never let on that they feel anything other than scorn for you but their actions would suggest otherwise people's actions speak louder than their words yet we should still pay attention to both covert narcissists may use cover tactics to exact revenge on individuals they hold in contempt or punish their malicious behavior has created issues for me for instance and they have spread rumors about me to one extent a narcissist hates you can be determined by how they treat you if someone ignores you lies to you ghosts you gives you the evil eye intentionally hurts you makes fun of you in public or shames you you understand what it means after humiliating you they may try to make up to you but that's just the beginning of the list of things they could do the difficulty arises from the fact that we may fail to recognize the narcissist's behavior until it is far too late by that time you may have experienced enough damage that they no longer care about you this is because they were pros at having us question their intentions and blame ourselves for our problems when it comes to hiding how they feel about other people narcissists will stop at nothing the only thing left is a silent assailant who strikes at any opportunity any person who goes to Such Great Lengths to make others believe they are someone else is a covered narcissist the remaining foe is one who looks like a friend or a relative or a partner you love people won't collaborate with you because of the lies and defamation that have been spread about you one way to know how much someone cares about you or how badly they want to hurt you is by the falsehoods they tell you in other words if someone can look you in the eye while telling you a falsehood they clearly don't care about you whatever the case may be can someone provide you with false information to make you unpopular a liar's lies have a high likelihood of being believed an alarm should go off if they are able to make you believe that you have a mental or other illness when none exists in all likelihood you won't have much longer to linger around here you shouldn't think of them as a buddy a loving deed is not one that involves deceiving another person in order to make them feel better about themselves or to make them feel appreciated in spite of their best efforts any plan that relies online to succeed is doomed to failure that they don't care about you is all the proof you need you may not consider them an adversary but they most certainly count you among their opponents narcissists are also Liars who use deception to hide their hostility you might conclude that a narcissist has an extremely low opinion of you if they have slandered you in the past or are doing it now hatred likewise isn't something that disappears just by wishing it away even though they are trying very hard to keep it a secret it is evident from their actions that they have something to hide when you get near enough to a narcissist you can see the Envy pride and greed that fuel his or her lies I think that's everything we can talk about today to show your appreciation you may click the like button and forward this video to anybody who might benefit from it and for future videos please consider subscribing to our Channel and clicking the Bell button below thank you very much for your kindness please enjoy the rest of the week everyone this is what goes through the narcissist's mind when they're looking for a partner the narcissist's complicated personality is reflected in the marriage they seek for a narcissist to feel fulfilled they require a special someone who possesses not just one but a unique set of qualities you can learn a lot about how a narcissist chooses a partner if you imagine the narcissist as an architect who creates a relationship Paradigm tailored to the narcissist's abnormally High needs for emotional and intellectual fulfillment to maintain their own psychological survival narcissists have learned through experience which types of people can and cannot satisfy their needs and which types of people will and will not put up with their erratic conduct and warped understanding of social rules first thing first welcome and thank you for clicking this video we've all had to deal with a narcissist's lack of emotional maturity and this video will help by describing how narcissists try to find a happy medium in every situation the idea that they are continually looking for caring adults to take care of them has led some to compare them to children who have outgrown their bodies one has been stated is true regardless narcissists emotionally immature as they are seek out parental figures who will indulge them while yet letting them make their own decisions they would appreciate it if you did things like laundry cleaning up after them dinner preparation grocery shopping bill paying Etc they try to project an air of superiority in order to avoid the mundane activities that prevent them from pursuing their true interests they want a partner who will value and respect this about them and so they expect you to tolerate their mood swings their demands and their General lack of gratitude they fantasize about the day they can indulge their inner spoiled lazy brat without fear of punishment though you're treated like garbage they still expect you to care about them a narcissist's focus is almost always on themselves and their own needs almost never come before those of others they long for the freedom that comes with acting like a child but also for the responsibility that comes with being an adult like a youngster yet also in charge of the person caring for them their behavior will become entitled demanding and spoiled they have an inflated sense of entitlement and are always coming to you for attention this is due to narcissists conviction that the rest of us are inferior to them and hence we owe them our loyalty in exchange for invitations to their expensive dinner parties this isn't always the case with narcissists of course they could even appear like a great fit or even appear at first but if you act in the way the narcissist wants you to all of their cunning traps will be exposed they would much rather have you all to themselves so that they can Network covertly The Narcissist no longer sees any value in you thus you are disposable in their eyes and because narcissists may be sympathetic when it's convenient for them many individuals who fall for them mistakenly feel that the person they fell for is still there this allows some people to hold on to the belief that things can and will get better but for those of you who find yourself in a similar predicament somebody emotionally immature self-absorbed manipulative greedy and envious is leading your life nothing you accomplish will ever be good enough in their eyes and they don't care about your feelings or well-being providing for their needs and showing interest in their desires is all that is required to get what they want narcissists have to abuse and exploit others The Narcissist like the person who answers a personal ad in the newspaper has an extensive wish list you should never ever complain because it's counterproductive it's crucial that you constantly work to get the narcissist's favor to attract a narcissist you need low self-esteem and to put their needs and wishes ahead of your own if you want to win over a narcissist your needs and desires should be much like theirs assure The Narcissist of your undeen love and gratitude by constantly showering them with displays of warmth and kindness okay I think we both grasp the meaning but what I'm getting at is that being in a relationship with a narcissist has a profound effect on your psyche the heart can only take so much of some varieties of narcissism a narcissist can convert you into a slave if you aren't prepared to deal with him or her narcissists are cold-hearted individuals who take no pleasure in the pain they cause what is really important to them is giving in to their feelings and doing what makes them happy you can't expect fair treatment from a narcissist and that's the lesson to be learned here as always I pray that this video is useful to you please share your thoughts with me by commenting below please consider sharing this video and give it a thumbs up in advance if you find it entertaining I really hope that the video was informative for you and seriously
Channel: BehindTheScience
Views: 2,066,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behind The Science, BehindTheScience, narcissist, narcissism, narcissists, covert narcissist, when the narcissist cant control you, can narcissists change, narcissist definition, when the narcissist can't control you, when the narcissist loses control of you, narcissist losing control, npd, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic mother, narcissistic parents, mental health, covert narcissism, narcissist control, surviving narcissism, emotional abuse
Id: JeKoEmwNxpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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