When a Chameleon Trusts You…

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meet Bernie I bought him for an absurd amount of money and then brought the little guy home he is not looking good his cage is like a prison his skin is peeling away and he has more attitude than my mother-in-law I have to help him because I have a bigger mission in mind finding him a mate can I find Bernie love or was it too late well it all starts here on day one right after I got him I had to work fast shedded skin is covering his eyes nose and mouth the cage is far too dry so it was causing his skin to flake away the solution I got a humidifier I could tell he was excited well as excited as a chameleon can get the fog helped his dead skin strip away from his body he clearly knew it was helping so I decided to let him be overnight on day two his skin had cleared up but this was not a long-term solution I had bigger plans in mind anyhow I needed to get him food [Music] I made sure to buy him some options chameleons eat a ton so he could easily eat all of this food he didn't touch it I tried feeding him one at a time but he went on a hunger strike he wouldn't eat anything I offered instead he would flare up and change color which is the equivalent to flipping me off it was like he was saying you're so chameleons are pretty much living mood rings when green he's happy when blue he's excited when orange he's mad and when he looks like this he's photoshopped as you can tell Bernie's clearly not a social butterfly but that all changed when he met Becky Becky is my female chameleon and she's been alone for far too long she needs a mate she needs something only Bernie could offer right now Bernie is in no condition to breed the first step was to build him a new home I began with the tank which is three feet long by three feet tall so about the same size as my apartment I laid down some wood and eventually got a layout I liked then I locked everything into place with some spray foam the foam should double in size overnight on day three Bernie still wasn't eating he was too afraid of my hand but then I had an idea with this feeding stick I was able to feed him without getting too close now the real question is is it going to work he ate for the first time I could not believe it he launches his tongue like a homing missile it accelerates five times faster than a fighter jet the tip of his tongue is covered in a sticky glue to capture his prey Bernie is a living weapon and now that he's eating I'm able to work on his new home the foam had cured and the wood was stuck in place it was more secure than my marriage so now I began carving it took me hours and hours of work but with time I finished now I had to hide the ugly layer of foam I added a thick layer of silicone and dirt onto the background everything was going smoothly but I had one problem Becky she was becoming impatient she's been eyeing up Bernie and is definitely ready to breed Bernie was still unprepared so I continued working with him [Music] on day 10 he took food off my hand for the first time he no longer hissed he no longer got mad we were making progress the tank was almost finished I washed on the background and brought it inside I added the substrate planted it plumbed it added lighting and then it was complete [Music] it was perfect I bet that nothing bad could possibly happen something horrible just happened a mold outbreak mold can be deadly to chameleons and I had to act fast so I got a cleanup crew these animals should fix my mold problem just like therapy should have fixed my marriage I was very hopeful on day 21 the mold is now completely gone just like my wife the cleanup crew had eaten all of it now I can move Bernie into his new home instead of trying to pick him up I wanted to see if he would come to me please he trusted me all of the Care was worth it this is the first time he has ever seen a real plant he has been locked in a wire cage all his life now as if things couldn't get any better the tank has red this storm began to clear and fog rolled in [Music] on day 30 it is time for Bernie and Becky to breed this is going to be risky Bernie is four times her size and could easily kill her this date could go horribly wrong but what if it's the other way around what if Bernie is scared what if Bernie isn't ready all right look man the worst she can say is no right hello so after a short pep talk he is ready I got Becky and placed her on a branch it wasn't long before they spotted one another [Music] Bernie wasted no time and began to change color he is trying to impress her and began to slowly move in but she's playing hard to get so as he approaches her she turns away she climbs up into the canopy while Bernie watches from Below he follows his way up to her until they are facing head to head this is his only chance he wasn't going to get another shot so he made his move [Music] she attacked and became extremely aggressive all felt lost my mission to find Fernie love had failed [Music] but then I realized he may not have bonded with Becky but he had formed a bond with [Music] me from a scared lonely chameleon he became a man's best friend he follows me around eats from my hand and always begs to be pet we'd come so far thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Dr. Plants
Views: 6,958,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chamelon
Id: jPRptjypRQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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