1000 Cockroaches Versus 1000 Ants... Who Will Win?

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[Music] hi guys today we will make a competition between a thousand cockroaches and a thousand aggressive Redwood ants let's see who will be stronger both in single competitions and an army to army battles [Music] the Cockroaches are unusual they are turkmen such insects do not know how to move on vertical smooth surfaces in particular on glass they can only climb up where there is a little sealant left in the aquarium and you can find white individuals among the Cockroaches [Music] white color is typical for cockroaches that have recently had a molt let's move on to the ants the Redwood ones are the creators of those very high ant hills that can be found in any Forest so they've decided to form a pyramid in one of the corners [Music] and we begin checking both groups of insects with a boiled quail egg I wonder who will cope faster ants or cockroaches we peel the egg cut it in half [Music] each part goes to the aquariums and start taking bets [Music] the Cockroaches immediately tear into the egg and begin to bite off pieces from it but the ants have a slightly different situation these run around the aquarium and ignore the egg most of them even prefer to sit in the corners we put the half to the corner [Music] where the concentration of insects is clearly more meanwhile the cockroaches have already surrounded a half of the egg from all sides fighting off the pieces evenly they do it disorganized and constantly push each other off the treat the ants act differently creating a certain cue for the right to eat [Music] half an hour later we can already conclude that the approach of cockroaches has turned out to be more effective and they clearly lead in eating this is how it has been happening for the next two hours [Music] we have discovered a very interesting detail during the process of eating eggs by both species of insects the Cockroaches like protein more they have completely eaten it in two hours almost ignoring the Yoke at the same time the ants like the yolk more and they eat it more actively if we can of course call the speed of eating active in comparison with cockroaches while some of the ants are slowly finishing eating the egg the rest are hanging around [Music] let's check how the ants will behave if we put one cockroach to them it begins to rush in all directions literally from the start but the ants have already noticed the stranger the forest inhabitants immediately pounce begin to bite it and grab its paws such ants bite very painfully besides they spray with burning acid but even being on its back the Cockroach tries to resist spinning around its axis and what's interesting is that the ants do not attack the insect altogether but only a few red soldiers the rest are just fussing around as if nothing is happening nearby at some point the ants grabbed the Cockroach and carry it somewhere so one cockroach against a whole gang of aggressive ants is not a warrior at all let's see how the insects will react to the liquid product Let It Be Pepsi we draw the drink into a syringe and [Music] put a plastic container in each Aquarium the Cockroaches not only drink some even decide to swim however the ants also do not differ in organization but the speed of both groups of insects is different it takes the Cockroaches only 20 minutes to empty the container but the ants need 1 hour and 15 minutes to do the same [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] and now let's see how the Ant and the Cockroach will be versus each other one to one the petri dish will act as an improvised octagon the ant immediately begins to chase the cockroach [Music] [Applause] foreign basically the ant has definitely become the winner here judging by the score it is definitely combative by nature which cannot be said about the Cockroach let's offer two communities of insects one more yummy a banana we cut off two equal pieces and put them into each Aquarium [Music] the ants again decide that there is nowhere to hurry well the Cockroaches predictably surround the sweet fruit from all sides [Music] [Applause] and they have eaten this banana in just 10 minutes [Music] the ants haven't coped even by half after the same time while the red forest dwellers are slowly enjoying the fruit it's time to check how three ants will feel in the company of 100 cockroaches perhaps the ants are not as fast in eating food as cockroaches but they definitely lead in matters of sharpness and conflict once they are inside the aquarium the Reds begin to hang around the cage searching for someone to fight [Music] one of the ants grabs the cockroach's Paw and then it tries to throw it off helplessly running back and forth [Music] these Fearless insects are still ready to rant and Rave in spite of the numerical enemy superiority the main thing is that there is a victim the Thousand by thousand fight is getting closer and meanwhile we'll give the insects a piece of boiled chicken meat [Music] [Applause] milk it seems that the ants like meat much more than anything before they immediately pounce and everyone wants to tear off a piece moreover each of them pulls the meat so strongly in its direction that as a result the piece moves around the aquarium that's why we even have to rearrange the time lapse camera all the time everything is stable with cockroaches as we have already found out they are omnivores so they do not refuse from meat [Music] the ants finally finished eating after an hour and 40 minutes this is the first product that they managed to eat before cockroaches the Cockroaches completely turned away from the meat an hour later by the way they did not eat it but rather drank because all the moisture was extracted from it dried meat stopped interesting them so we gradually came to the main issue of our video what would happen if one thousand Redwood ants came across one thousand ever hungry cockroaches we divide the ant aquarium into two halves moving the inhabitants into one part in the second part of the aquarium we put the whole cockroach population the battle begins well it's difficult to name it as a battle crazy cockroaches begin to run over the heads of the belligerent ants there has already been a sharp smell of formic acid above the aquarium after the battle beginning croaches run into the corner to hide from the attack [Music] but they're the red owners are waiting for them foreign it's turned out that the situation is not in favor of the ants and the floor is covered with the bodies of the fallen in the battle although they are good Fighters one by one it did not help them against hordes of cockroaches it would seem that the outcome of the battle is decided but suddenly something begins to happen the smell of acid appears in the cockroaches from the left half of the aquarium rushes in all directions the surviving ants have grouped and Avenged their dead comrades foreign [Music] by the fact how this ant beats a cockroach alone they are not going to give up in any case the outcome of the battle has not yet been decided and both groups intend to fight for a long time so let's leave them for a day after 24 hours we decide to take a look at how the battle is progressing there and an amazing picture appears in front of us the surviving ants like 300 Spartans group in one part of the aquarium and fight off all the attacks of cockroaches that are passing by the cockroaches have also lost a lot of Fighters and therefore they do not risk approaching the evil ants thus the wall-to-wall battle ends that's is all for now bye bye [Music]
Channel: LiveToday
Views: 5,639,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: experiment, experiments, diy, racoon, live today, LiveToday, amazing, unbelievable, unbelievable experiment, What's inside, what happened, Mantis, Tarantula, Terrarium, what if, rescued a squirrel, rescued an animal, animal Rescue, 1000 Cockroaches Versus 1000 Ants, 1000 Ant, 1000 Cockroaches, Who Will Win
Id: ZxWo8aaZiPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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