I Found Dolphins in a Sewer!

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today I'm going to be exploring the sewer to see what mysterious creatures we could find inside of it now we recently discovered Axel in here but we also caught a ton of fish I've never even seen before so I thought it'd be a good idea to explore some more to see what else we could find and we're going to try and catch all the rare fish that we can out of this sewer and this one so let's get started and see what all we can catch now I didn't know it while filming the intro but in this video I would end up catching one of the rarest fish in the world but you're going to have to stay tuned to find out what it is it's literally the last thing I was expecting to catch so we're we're going to go ahead and get started on this side this is where we caught most of the Axel along with a bunch of other mysterious fish and I already see a bunch of fish down there we're going to see if we can catch them here we go oh there's a fish right there that was a bigger fish you guys did we get it yes we got it first net in this sewer this is insane we've only been here once before but this is starting to be one of my oh my gosh we caught like three fish this is starting to be one of my favorite sewers of all time what do we got here got a little tilapia we don't want to keep him we'll throw him back in the sewer but we got this guy look at this a little Oscar he's not even that little he's he's like a juvenile right there that's pretty cool we're going to fill up the keeper bucket and get this guy in here first Keeper of the day in the first net this is super exciting we also got another tilapia well we don't want him see you buddy let's get this guy in The Keeper bucket all right there you go little guy first fish of hopefully many tonight let's keep going and see what else we can find it looks like the water is a lot lower than last time I can actually see to the bottom but I do see a bunch of fish big net there let's see what we got oh I see a fish oh my gosh what is that oh I don't think it's alive oh my gosh you guys this fish is dead it's not moving but I don't even know what it is this is what I'm talking about this sewer is filled with did he just he's moving he's moving get him in the bucket he's alive oh he's barely alive guys this is not good this might be because the water is so low in the sewer right now that it's lacking oxygen we're going to get this guy in the bucket and hopefully we could save him but I have no idea what that fish is if you do comment down below oh man we've merked it up big time you guys look at the water it's disgusting in there oh what is that oh my gosh look there's a big albino fish in the corner you see them that's definitely a f oh it's there's two of them what are those okay we got to try and catch them they're up at the surface right now that means they're lacking in oxygen so we need to catch these fish out ASAP before they die look at this I'm going to try and catch both at the same time come on get in the net yes oh my gosh what are these are those gamis oh my God they're giant gamis what is going on right now they are so cool look how big they are now these guys get way bigger than this we have some big ones of our own and we caught him out of pond X they literally get massive so this is really cool we're going to add them to the keeper bucket and who knows there might be some more in there big scope come on oh oh my gosh I just spooked like five fish at one time there were so many in there did we get any oh what is that oh my gosh no way Helen you know what that is no that's a freaking prawn like skeleton or something you guys look how big that prawn was this is crazy you guys right here is an exoskeleton of a giant prawn they're kind of like crawfish mixed with a lobster they get massive but that means they're in the sewer oh my gosh well hopefully we could find one tonight all right we're going to try this corner we haven't gotten in this corner yet even though the sewer is not that big it's really hard to catch them when they're like way faster than my net but I'm trying oh I caught the prawn shell again we'll send him back anything alive what is that oh my God Helen that's alive right there it's moving what the heck is that it's like an eel ew it's so slimy oh my gosh what the heck is this you guys our first mystery fish out of the sewer look how tiny it eyes are you guys that is one crazy looking fish right there that is an alien okay our first alien of tonight all right buddy there you go with your friends let's make sure we didn't catch anything else out of here oh my God it's a fish right there look that's some sort of cichlid for sure wao that is one gorgeous fish right there you guys definitely some sort of African cichlid there you go little guy now sadly that mystery catfish that wasn't looking so good he passed away I have no idea what was wrong with him but I do have a theory now the sewer water is very low right now there's not a lot of oxygen and whatever fish are in there they're trapped meaning most of the fish that are in there if we don't catch them out soon they could end up dying from a lack of oxygen so it's a good thing we're catching them out let's keep going all right let's get back in there try to catch what that oh my gosh something Big's in here look okay I'm a little nervous we'll get to that sewer soon but uh I think there's something massive in there look I see a fish on top right now come on I think I got it what was that oh look right here oh oh there's multiple fish look at this we got a little baby oscar oh he's cute that's a little baby gar oh my gosh that is the smallest gar I've ever seen seene look how cute he is wow he's got some big teeth for being so small too he's really cool we're definitely keeping both of these guys baby oscar and a baby gar oh wait what is that there's something like golden right there you see that he's right in the corner okay I'm going to try and N him guys there's a big fish down there oh I got something oh my God it's a tilapia woohoo are you serious that's definitely not what I saw whatever I saw was big and it was albino definitely not this guy so we're just going to toss him back see you buddy ah it smells so bad in here you guys it reeks oh we got something oh what is that oh my gosh no way it's a gar this one's a lot bigger than the baby though look how cool that is so maybe some big gar were in there and they had babies cuz that's the second baby gar we've caught tonight that's really cool we're going to keep him there you go big guy and then we got some more tilapia just some lame little fish we're going to toss him back into the sewer oh oh my gosh look Helen Helen Helen in the corner look see it come on come on get in there I got it yes oh my gosh that's the fish I saw oh it's a might CID that is so cool you guys an a tilapia oh my gosh forget the tilapia that right there is a Mida cichlid super colorful super cool I think this was the fish I saw down there I thought it was albino but just turns out to be a Mida cichlid still really cool we're going to toss them in the keeper bucket and keep going even though we've caught a lot of fish already there're still a lot more in there so we got a lot more to go oh my gosh what is that holy crap look at that fish I have no idea idea what this is that's definitely some sort of catfish oh it's so pretty that is so cool look at the colors on that thing look at its mouth oh look at its freaking teeth that is crazy looking you guys if you know what this is comment down below it kind of looks like a Cory catfish but the face looks very different I have no idea like I said you guys this sewer it's filled with a lot of surprises and we just caught another one let's add him to the bucket there you go little guy all right big n we're going to scoop the whole sewer right here we had to Coss something in there oh we did oh no way help oh my gosh there was a lot in this net there was a lot of stuff going on look I think that's a prawn that's a freaking my God look at the size of that prawn you guys that is crazy looking oh my gosh and it's so soft that is creepy you know what I think happened I think what we just caught before I think that was his Mt so he just moled that's why he's super soft but that's really cool you guys well we found the prawn but that's not the craziest thing that we found in the net look at this we got a little tilapia we don't care about him we'll throw him back that's a blue crawfish oh wait I think this is a malt of a blue crawfish that means there's blue crawfish in there that is crazy so we found the mle of the prawn and this right here is a blue crawfish so that's proof right there that they're in the sewer we caught the prawn now hopefully we can catch the blue crawfish oh oh right there right there oh yeah we got him there's a bunch of fish in this net look what is that oh we got a bunch of H blue catfish I think look at this that kind of looks like wait it kind of looks like the one fish that we just caught you know what we should put them side by side and compare them and you know what they look a little similar but definitely different oh my gosh oh I didn't even see that at first look at this thing oh my gosh we caught one last video here but this is a freaking giant this right here is a black ghost knife fish a crazy alien fish I mean look at that look at its mouth I don't think I've ever seen one this big that is so cool probably one of my favorite finds of tonight so far and the cool thing about these guys is they can actually swim backwards in the water check it out all right there he goes look at that he's swimming backwards oh my God hold on zoom in zoom in on the corner look oh my gosh you see that look look at him yes I got him oh my gosh I think this was the fish that I saw before remember I said I saw a big albino fish at first I thought it was that Red Devil but this is definitely what I was seeing it's a big albino pleco that is so cool oh my gosh I think that's a chocolate playo it's not super yellow it's a little brown so that's probably what that is but that's still a really cool find you guys he's really big too what else we got in here ew is that a bone there's teeth Helen look there's teeth right here what is that ew what the heck am I touching right now oh my is that a freaking alligator that looks like an alligator right I don't know what an alligator looks like that's an alligator it looks like this that looks like the jaw of an alligator that is pretty scary that's an alligator bone I've never seen something like this you see those tunnels right there those connect to like a creek or a canal or a pond where there could be alligators and what could have happened is an alligator crawled into the sewer and as the water level dropped it got too low for him to get back out and he got trapped in here but this is definitely an alligator skull that is crazy we should keep this it's like a souvenir that's disgusting well that's pretty crazy I don't know what to think of this we're going to add the pleco to the keeper bucket and I don't know what I should do with this come on oh oh something was big I just hit something big maybe that was the rest of the alligator did we get anything though oh I think we did what is that oh my gosh wo look at that catfish that looks like a cintis but with really cool patterns another mystery fish out of this sewer look at the patterns wow that is really pretty you guys if you know what kind of fish this is comment down below it's got some pretty gnarly teeth on them too look at that oh that is super cool what else did we get W oh my God what is that holy crap Helen look at this fish what I've never seen anything like that either that is two mystery fish in one net no idea what either of them are but that is crazy we're going to need a freaking bigger bucket and as soon as we thought we caught all the fish out of the sewer we started catching more and more oh we got another one look at this a big fish right there he's flopping oh my God it's a jack dimsey oh my gosh it's a beautiful Jack dimsey all right there he goes oh oh yeah we got another one back to back there are so many fish in here what is this guy oh that is an Oscar if I've ever seen one and he's gorgeous too look at the colors on that guy oh that is so pretty and into the bucket he goes oh yeah oh we had to have caught something there oh and we oh there's multiple fish looks like we got some cichlids here whoa look at that thing is that a Jaguar that might be a little jaguar cichlid what are you oh no way that's a fire Mouse cichlid that's a big one too that is two really cool cichlids in the same net we haven't caught a fire Mouse cichlid that big in a long time that is super cool and then we found something completely unexpected oh there's a lot of fish they're hiding all the way oh oh what is that what the heck oh oh he's climbing out of what the heck that's a lizard Helen that is not a fish it was climbing out of the net what is that I've never seen anything like that's a lizard he's climbing on my hand he's so adorable wait a minute oh my God God I just realized I think this is a tiger salamander that is what the axelos that we caught in the same sewer turn into oh that is so crazy that means they turn into salamanders I've never seen an actual salamander before they're a lot more rare than the Axel but that is so incredible holy crap I think we're going to take him home you guys this is my first ever tiger salamander he's so friendly too he's just super calm all right you know what let's get a bucket without water and we're going to throw this guy in there we're going to take him home later as well all right we got an empty bucket there I guess we'll throw in some of this I don't know comment down below stuff about tiger salamanders but I think I got The Perfect home for him you guys will see later but for now he's going to sit in this little bucket that is so cool you guys comment down below a name for our new tiger salamander oh I see something right here look oh that's definitely a fish oh I got him wo holy crap look at the colors on that thing that's got to be one of the prettiest African cichlids I think I've ever caught look at that it's purple blue orange pink what else we we got we got another hopel catfish you know what we'll throw him back but we're definitely keeping this guy this is the prettiest fish of the night all right well there you go into the bucket we're definitely adding that guy to the sigid pond and he's going to look amazing we're going to do a few more Nets in this sewer guys and then we're going to move to the other one if you guys remember earlier in the video we heard something big splashing around in there could it be a gator could it be a big fish I don't know but we're going to find out soon these fish are getting smarter and smarter each net they seen all their friends just get abducted and I think they're catching on but that's why we have the fish traps you guys we're going to place those later wait wo I didn't think we caught anything at first but look right there that's a baby flounder just like last video we caught a couple of these here last time this guy is so much smaller though look at that that's a literal flounder in fresh water I have no idea what's going on well that's definitely the smallest fish of the night but really cool so we're going to add him to the keeper bucket Let Go my fing oh there he goes it's definitely starting to slow down I don't see as many fish as I was oh speaking of oh my God there's something right there oh as soon as I said I wasn't see any more fish I saw something did we get him though oh we got him oh my god look look right there it's a fire reel he's coming out he came out of nowhere look at the colors on them what is this some sort of cichlid I have no idea what that is another cichlid what is that oh my gosh I have no idea what that is look it has spots all over them guys comment down below what these are oh there he goes there he goes and then we got the cichlid there they go oh wow look at that a tilapia all right you guys we've been nting around in here and we haven't caught anything it's starting to slow down I mean we just caught a tilapia and that's the first fish in like 15 minutes so it might be time to switch over to the second sewer because the first sewer is definitely starting to slow down however we brought two fish traps and we're going to place them both in there and leave them overnight and that way if we missed anything hopefully we could catch him in the fish traps so you know what we're going to throw this guy back do one more net and switch over to the second sewer come on that was pretty good please I need a fish oh my gosh Hol what what what is that what the heck are these I have no idea what these fish are some sort of knife fish maybe I just realized we cut the gator again oh my God that's disgusting we'll throw that back this is some sort of knife fish I've never seen anything like it and we got two of them these are super cool well that's definitely one way to end off the first sewer look at this one it's got like a striped pattern down its body that is super cool so there they go into the keeper bucket you guys look at this hole so far I mean there is just handfuls and handfuls of fish what is going on and all those fish came from just this one sewer and now it's time to fish the second sewer and see what else we can catch in there all right here we go second sewer it's pretty deep holy look look in the corner right there there's a big cichlid or something that could be what we heard earlier when something was thrashing around in here so let's see if we can catch him here we go there's something else Helen there's something bigger okay we're not going to focus on that we're going to try and catch the CID first yes we got him look at this this thing is freaking huge I don't think he's going to fit in the cooler so this right here is the same type of fish that we caught earlier that Midas cichlid but this one is just so much bigger and it's a good thing we always come prepared for big fish every time we do these videos so we're going to go ahead and get this guy into a bigger tub in the back of my truck all right buddy here we go we're going to set him in there first fish out of the second sewer super cool but let's get back in there and see what else we can catch oh oh my God what is that something big is right there it back is sticking out of the water that's how big it is I'm pretty sure it's a fish oh my God oh my gosh that's definitely what we heard ear it's big is that a freaking alligator oh come on get in the net oh did you see that Helen oh my gosh that's a clown knife fish look in the corner there it is get in the net get in the net yes oh my gosh it's a massive clown knife fish look at that that is the coolest thing we've caught so far tonight it's a good thing we brought that big container we're going to have to throw this guy in there but we're definitely taking this guy home look at that now it's a really big fish but there's something bigger in there I didn't get a good look at what it was but that is insane look at that clown knish so pretty let's go ahead and add him to that tub and we're definitely keeping him oh my gosh look how cool that is one of my favorite fish of all time the clown knife fish all right now let's try to find out what that really big thing was oh I just caught something oh my gosh this is literally like the hot spot for big fish look at that Oscar oh this thing is gorgeous the sewer is just loaded with bigger fish you guys that is really cool that's like actually probably one of the prettiest Oscars I've ever seen well I guess we'll throw this guy in the tub as well all right there there he goes well let's keep going and see what else we can find oh wait a minute check this out wao oh my gosh Helen Oh I thought that was a go catfish at first I was about to freak out what the heck is that definitely some sort of catfish I have no idea you guys I've never seen anything like this another mystery fish out of the sewer that's super cool let's add him to the keeper bucket there you go little guy you are super cool oh oh oh oh my God this is big this is big I think it's a snake head oh my gosh are you ready three two one oh God oh my gosh look at the size of this he escaped he was so big I don't think he ripped a hole in my net that's good well we just found out what the big fish was it's a massive snake head that thing was probably the biggest snake head I've ever seen oh god there he is there he is look holy gosh it's a freaking whale I got him oh God it's so heavy it's too big for the n oh there he is there he is okay this is it this is the one no escaping yes oh my gosh that is the biggest snake head I've ever seen you guys these things are super aggressive look at the size of his head you guys this is literally like a record siiz snake head easy we just want a picture wow look at them compared to my body it's literally half my size that is a beast of a snake head sadly we can't take him home and keep him as a pet that would be very illegal I wish I could so we're just going to have to send him back back into the sewer but that is insane super cool I mean look at them compared to my body this is crazy you guys this is probably 10 lb plus all right well I guess we'll send him back into the sewer we're just going to lower him down into the net there he goes all right now don't worry guys that snake head is not trapped in there he can actually crawl back into that tunnel there's still water there I guess he just likes the sewer I don't know but we're going to get back in there do a couple more Nets and then it's time to place our fish traps and leave them overnight we've already caught some insane stuff out of here so let's keep going and see what else we can catch C let's hope we don't catch that snake head again by accident he's still in here oh my gosh you heard that look I got a big fish in the net what is that oh wow look at that that's a big Texas cichlid wow he's pretty we got this guy anyone else oh what is that oh no way Helen wao wo that is a really rare fish right there I've only caught one of these in my whole life it was a little bit bigger than this guy and you guys called it aoid you said it was very rare and this is my second one ever so that is really cool I didn't know they were in here we got that guy in a Texas we're going to keep them both oh there's the snake head I just hit him sorry buddy don't mind me oh wa I think we got something is that another blue crawfish mol oh I think it is look at that that's definitely remains of a blue crawfish so that means they're in this sewer too anything else oh yeah we got something look at that oh it's a little baby oscar we've clutched so many Oscars already tonight another one to the list oh oh my God oh my God Helen that's a freaking eel oh my gosh it's trying to get out ew that's a lit eel you guys it's prettyy big too what is that oh my God it has wo it looks like wait I think it's a lungfish oh my gosh I don't think I've ever caught one in a sewer before this is a little baby lungfish you guys look see its little legs right there oh that is insane this is like one of the coolest finds ever super cool fish oh my gosh we have so many fish in this bucket check this out we're literally going to have to get another bucket this is insane oh my gosh all right what we're going to do we're going to do a couple more Nets in the second sewer and then we're going to place our two fish traps in and leave them overnight guys let's do it now we've already caught a bunch of rare fish tonight however the next fish that we would catch would top all of them oh that was a good Scoop oh we got something what is that wa oh that's a bigger fish check this out what is that wao what is that what the heck holy crap Helen what the oh my gosh what is that I have I literally have zero clue this looks so bizarre I've never seen anything like this what the heck did we just catch looks like a dolphin it looks like a it looks like a dolphin are you kidding me tell me that's not freaking dolphin right there hold on wait a minute we need to get this thing in its own bucket I have no idea what this is okay buddy you go in there you guys we just caught something absolutely insane usually when we catch a fish that we don't know what it is we have an idea like oh it's like a catfish or something but this guy I mean I literally have zero clue it looks like nothing else it looks like a dolphin right like I'm not going crazy yeah it's like a baby dolphin what the heck is this you guys if you know what this is comment down below this is really cool though we're definitely keeping them we got to put him somewhere special that is such a cool fish look when he's like bent like that it's like a dolphin jumping in the air right there this is insane you guys okay I think on that note we need to place our fish traps and we're going to leave them here overnight clearly there's a lot more fish in there we're going to take this guy home along with all the other fish Dam he's like shocking me really it's shocking me I swear it's actually shocking me electric eel dolphin hybrid okay I don't know what's going on let's just get our fish traps placed all right so here's the plan we got two different fish traps two different sewers and each sewer and we're going to bait them up with tilapia and leave them overnight we could literally catch anything in these traps so I'm very excited there goes the bait for the first trap and there goes the bait for the second trap all right check it out we're sending the first trap down there it goes right there is pretty good all right and now we got the second trap we're just going to toss it down and hopefully the snake head doesn't destroy it and while we wait for this fish trap to marinate we're going to transport all the fish that we've caught so far back to my house including all the fish from the Nets the big fish and that crazy dolphin looking thing I I have no idea what it is but we're going to head home now and get them into their new homes here we go all right you guys we've made it back to my house and we got a bucket full of fish as well as the big fish we've already caught from the sewer and we're going to be adding most of them into the quarantine pond so we're going to get them in here treat them for diseases and yeah we just got a bucket full of fish here we go oh my gosh look at that we got fire reels catfish prawns Oscars a bunch of knife fish look at that giant black ghost knife so many fish you guys what a haul today we CAU so many fish this is one of the best huls yet and we haven't even got to the fish traps yet you guys this is insane and we also have all those big fish and we're going to go get those guys into the pond as well check it out guys we got a big net here we're going to scoop up all the big fish we got the Midas got the Oscar and the clown knife here we go oh that is so cool see you guys and now you guys we have two things left that mystery dolphin fish and the tiger salamander and I got the perfect spot for both of them all right check it out you guys the tiger salamander is somewhere in here oh there he is what's up buddy and right right here behind me we're at the mini Pond now the reason I'm putting him in this Pond is because it's half land half water so this guy he can climb around he can go in the water he can do whatever he wants this is the perfect spot for this guy we're going to set him right here on the rock this is really cool you guys our first ever tiger salamander oh there he goes into the water I love him so much that is actually so cool and now you guys we've made it into the fish room and this is where we're going to be putting that mystery dolphin fish and we're going to go ahead and add them into this fish tank it's pretty much empty except for that little faka puff fish and until you guys tell me what this is and where to put it this is where it's going okay here it is right here it's shocking me again okay I'm getting them straight in it's shocking me I don't know why it's shocking me but there he goes look at him swimming around he's interacting with his environment like it literally looks like a dolphin you guys I think that is like one of the coolest things we've ever caught especially out of a sewer so that's all the fish that we caught so far and now we're going to give it a few hours and then go back to the sewers and check both fish traps and hopefully we CA something crazy in those so we'll see you guys then and just like that you guys we've made it back to the sewers and it's time to check the fish traps they've been marinating here all night long I'm very excited guys we got a brand new buggy here with some fresh water and here we go let's pull up the first fish trap all right there's the first trap right there I do see some fish moving around all we need to do is Hook the line to the Pole right now so we can pull it up oh oh I got it I got it first try let's pull it on up and see what we caught here we go oh I see fish oh I hear them too there's a lot in here look at this there we go all right we're going to zip it on Open and see what we caught oh look at that there's a big fish in here let's grab him first it looks like some sort of catfish wa what is that all right we're going to add this guy to the bucket I have no idea what that is definitely some sort of catfish what else we got in here we got some cichlids oh check this out another one of these fish that we caught earlier I have no idea what that is that is so cool look at these cichlids holy smokes that is a beautiful African cichlid there's a puffer fish oh my God we caught one last time out of here W look how pretty this one is look at him swimming around it's a little baby puffer oo oh look at that that's another one of those mystery knife fish no idea what that is another gorgeous African cichlid all right we're going to dump the rest out look right here there's something stuck in the Trap ow oh he just spined me wo that's something I've never seen before look at the shape of that fish that is crazy looking oh oh my god look wo yes it's a blue crawl yes there's another fish over here oh my God we missed so many good Helen you just spotted three fish we'll get them into the bucket sweet you guys the first trap was loaded but we got a second fish trap to check right now so let's see what we caught in that one all right check it out here's the second fish trap it's sitting right down there we're going to use a little tripod here and try to hook the Trap no falling in oh God I'm about to I got the Trap check it out okay nice and steady we got the Trap look how much it's sagging there's a lot of fish in here let's see what we oh my God oh my God we got more of these mysterious fish how it look which ones you got a lot of mysterious one these the really wow that one is massive we're going to go grab a separate bucket for These Guys these are super special we need to keep them separate all right this is the bucket for the Dolphins we're going to keep them in there we got another one ow ow it's shocking me what else we got oh wow oh my gosh Helen that is the prettiest Playco I think I've ever seen what kind of Playco is it I don't know it's so cool though look at the spikes on them it really hurts oh my gosh there's a lot of really good fish in here look at that can you see them there another lungfish this one's massive come on I got him look at that look at that lungfish that's way bigger than the first one we caught out of here we'll get him in the bucket we got another chocolate pleco it looks like yeah not as big as the other one but that's still really cool we got another datnoid I think but look at this wow look at the handful I just pulled out we got some little catfish Oscars cids knife fish oh my gosh another puffer fish too that's the second one it looks just like the first one you guys the second trap is way more loaded than the first one so this is really really crazy look at this guy look at the size of this daid oh my God look at that that is such a cool fish all the stripes down his body that is insane and I think that might be it we'll shake the trap out to make sure look at all the fish that we caught from these fish traps you guys we got two whole buckets full of them and we're going to take all these fish we just caught in the fish traps and bring them home put them into the ponds put them into the fish tanks and yeah this is going to be crazy guys so we'll see you back in my house and we've made it back home now and we got a bucket full of fish right here now we're going to add most of these fish into the quarantine Pond however there's two that I want to put somewhere a little bit special now if you guys look right here in the fish room we got a fish tank with this little puffer fish inside of it he's really cool and we actually caught him out of the same exact sewer and right here as you can tell we caught two puffer fish in our fish traps and yeah we're going to add these guys into this fish tank and there they go oh my gosh they're so cool look at the colors on them they're beautiful and the rest we're going to add into the quarantine Pond let's take a look at all the other fish from the previous trip it one's looking really good so let's get the rest in here there they all go we got lungfish blue crawfish we got a bunch of really cool stuff but the really cool stuff is those other Dolphins we caught the really cool pleco and the big datnoid and I got the perfect spot for them now the big datnoid we're going to go ahead and add to this tank this is where we put the other big one there he goes see you buddy and if you're wondering where the other one is he's in this tube or at least he should be there he is and for this guy this really pretty pleco I have no idea what it is but we're going to add it to this fish tank behind I me we got some really cool fish in here and it'll go perfect so and he goes see you buddy wow that is literally one of the coolest plos I've ever seen there he goes and that leaves us with two more fish you guys and you know what they are the little dolphin fish please don't chop me okay I got them ow ow they're shocking me why why are they shocking me go go go go okay there they go we got a trio we got three of them and yeah we'll keep you guys updated on them and hopefully you guys tell me what the heck they are but yeah if you did enjoy this video please go down there and leave a like subscribe down below I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
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Views: 8,409,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dolphin, sewer, sewer monster, fish, saving fish, aquarium fish, aquarium, fish trap, exotic fish, fishing, cichlid, big fish, catfish, fish keeping, florida fishing, bass fishing productions, bass fishing, outdoors, freshwater fishing, invasive fish, snakehead, catch em all fishing, blue gabe, Paul cuffaro, nick bingo, barbs buzzin, predatory fins, pet, Blakes exotic animal ranch, fishing video, animal, sewer fishing, rare fish, eel, monster, pleco, alien fish, trap, pond, monster fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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