When a car thief Finds Herself in Possession of $2.7 million Mob Money English Action Movie

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[Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] step out of the car Franchesca we got you this time in your dreams [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is not my [Applause] day okay boys let's have some fun [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] he [Music] Frank you are a vision listen I'll take whatever you got now and I'll come back for the rest later you know I got to evaporate for a while is it hot no thanks Joey this is the fifth car this week man you owe me best I can do is a trade F come on [Music] have Angie fax that out and bring the response hey Jack come on in sit down this is something else Jack that uh that you wrote here the governor personally responsible for sabotaging the Metro Link program bried and paid for by conglomerate of auto manufacturers yes sir what do you think his family owns the damn paper Jack well I I know that Bob but you told me to do an investigative report yes I did to clear the governor's name how can I print this huh would you print this well it's the truth isn't it oh give me a break Bob I'm sorry if the all right what I need you to do is to go up to Reno doll's come down with hepatitis or some damn thing and I want you to go up there and cover the World karaoke championships okay Bob I'm an investigative journalist karaoke is really not my field well make it your field Jack look I know you've had a hard time with your wife's death and all but you got to get over that okay I got 50 journalists good journalists call me every day for your job you do like your job don't you H yes sir go do it taking a couple of shows call me when you get up there Angie whoa whoa no no thank you thank thank you thank you I think that's clean thank you almost done man almost done no no no I appreciate it thank you thank you that'll be $5 $5 for what services rendered no but I didn't want any services rendered thank you how about extra scratch protection okay um I uh I just have the 10 so hallah go hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi I need to get uh my boarding pant please I'm sorry sir boarding for flight 407 has just ended no no I need to get on this flight I'm sorry sir now if you'd like me to book you on a flight for tomorrow I can do that but please it's an emergency I'm sorry ma'am but um but it's our honeymoon pardon me do I know H are you the supervisor what's the problem man the problem is that she won't let us go on our honeymoon my husband's a travel journalist and we never get to see each other do we sweetheart travel journalist why don't we go ahead and move them up to first class then well thank you very much that's very generous of you you're welcome we'll go ahead and check your bags here for well thank you shall we [Music] [Music] how much money you boys [Music] got ah another full house he's unbeatable you're the luckiest son of a [ __ ] I know no you make your own luck my son you make your own luck this FBI business Diego get the hell out of here why wasn't I informed about this Vargas this is my jurisdiction you think I'm going to trust you local bozos on my bust what exactly does that mean let's just say your department hasn't been exactly Vigilant in his pursuit of Stewart's operation SC screw you Vargas we want them just as bad as you I tell you what here's your chance to prove it Lieutenant you got 60 seconds to get down there [ __ ] new de come on De get with it PR [Music] come on go go go [Music] ready M are breaking through clear go go go go go [Music] FBI you got no where to go shitthead [ __ ] off fil give it up now you got no chance pleas shuts up last chance [ __ ] hit it [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] see you next time Lads oh [ __ ] somebody give me the [ __ ] out of here come on come on come on hello Mr steart it's me we got basted what did you Salvage the plates yeah of course and the real money good leave the card at the airport Southside level three put the case in the trunk I'll have Mr punon pick them up yeah all right set up [Music] flight 295 once again I really appreciate you getting me on that flight oh don't worry about it well here if there's anything that I can ever do for you just give me a call you really mean that absolutely I never lied my whole life really well Mr Never Lie uh could you put me up for a couple of nights well I I don't know if that's really allow I would see I knew it you're just lying no no no I didn't you didn't great can you grab my bag it's the Louis vitton one I meet you outside I'm going to rent a cars ising a g 2 forgot the alarm silly boy Jack get in come on get in the car jacket in the car come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I take your car oh I'll park it myself thank you very much [Music] [Music] ooh a treasure hi hi you made it huh uh apparently yes I did good are you going to let me in oh Jee there you go sorry come on in oh yeah I love this place this is totally classic yeah yeah you really like it what are you kidding me I love retro Joe excellent um what are you doing here you go a [Music] toast to the king the kingline Lieutenant Diego what a surprise Mr Stewart I'm how much do I pay you look Mr Stewart I don't know what the hell happened I swear to God I had no idea that this thing was going to go down $250,000 to ensure that my operation runs smoothly and now this the feds are on to me I couldn't blow my cover he's a bloody Pig Mr Stewart yes but he's my pig regie give me the gun do what give me the [Music] gun thank you you two gentlemen are both in my bad Bo books Lieutenant Diego's negligence allowed my counterfeit operation to be inconvenienced and your stupidity Rey allowed my plates to be stolen hold on I left the car at the airpol like you told me Mr poon hey I'm a cop remember do I have to see this shut up we're trying to build a new Hong Kong here gentlemen we need more capital I don't think my partners will believe me if I tell them you lost the plates I I suggest you two find my plates and my money before I have you both dismembered I ain't working with this scumbag no [ __ ] way keep your mouth shut or I'll have Mr punon rip out your vulgar tongue you will do as you're told can I get my gun back take it and get out [Music] oh um this is uh the bedroom oh Jack there's only one bed wherea where am I going to sleep well you you can have the bed I'll sleep here on the couch good let's see what we got here oh my God Jack Jack I'm rich wait a minute this is not your money it is now I found it Finders Keepers Jack Finders Keepers hey hey hey hey hey hey hey what are you doing I'm calling the police to report this oh no no this is my money Jack it is not your money you just said you found it I'll give you some if you keep your mouth shut Franchesca this is not right don't be such a stiff Jack I mean chances like this they do not come along every day I mean uh let's go to Mexico come on come think about it we could be set for life Jack new bills in a briefcase that's drug money I thought you wanted to be an investigative reporter Jack aren't you even a little curious just a little bit [Music] H so where to partner I'm not your partner teabag you got that stay away from me I don't think Mr st's going to like that well St can go screw himself I got a tip off about your car and the way over I'm going to wrap this thing up tonight Ste [Music] 2.7 million doar Jack you know you're exactly right you are exactly right this is my big break this is a very big story yeah I told you so okay all right all right I am on the job okay now where did you rent the car what's wrong with your eyes Jack nothing tell me nothing thank you I I I I I wear them to make me look more serious uhhuh well [Music] you don't have to be serious with me Jack [Music] [Music] he [Music] what Jesus what's going on are you hurt no no I don't I don't I don't think so who the hell is that he's a cop Jack get dressed get dressed right now a cop are you crazy are you crazy you hit a cop hurry up why are you dressed already I couldn't sleep come on come on we haven't got all night hurry up uh come here and tie him up tie him up what are you crazy that's a cop can't tie up a cop listen to me Jack when he barsh in here he didn't yell hands on your head or some [ __ ] like that he just shot he tried to kill us you know what I'm saying now if you want to stick around for another shoot at that's fine with me but I'm getting the hell out of here and if you want to live you better do the same this is crazy got a karaoke story to cover you choose a World karaoke Championship over a briefcase of money and police corruption Jack Jack you said yourself This Could Be Your Big Break now the question is do you have the balls to take it huh do you come on come on let's go find his car [Music] rise and shine Rambo we got work to [Music] do I don't know why you're so pissed off Sunshine your Firebird is a piece of crap that [ __ ] stole my car it's a matter of principle so who's this he's with me Tom you know it was a [ __ ] getting Jack Martin's photo from the DMV but that girl Franchesca I'm telling you LAPD had more stories about her than Rodney King they figure she's ripped off a 100 cars in the last two years yeah including mine well stop puning her about and get her on your car on okay pick it up and act natural hello hello Mr Martin this is Captain Powell of the Reno Police Department it's the police they know my name hello don't hang up I'm here with the FBI FBI a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay give me the phone give me the phone hey hello put the feds on hello Miss Marsh got your prince from the room lapd's got some interesting things to say about you well all good I hope look I'll give you one chance to turn yourselves in under the circumstances under the circumstances huh under the circumstances we should hop on the next plane to Canada and my partner here should do a story on police corruption I am not your partner sh I wouldn't do that if I were you you'll be arrested at the airport and I could not guarantee your safety the local boys don't take too kindly to cop killers Hey listen pal if he's dead it was in self defense I mean he came in guns blazed and we are not cop killers would you quit saying we please we we we stop that I tell them I'm a reporter you shut up what no officer not you so what are you offering what's the deal I'm not making any deals oh well then bye-bye wait okay maybe we can handle your case in federal court oh big deal only if you turn yourself and the briefcase in immediately what case would that be don't play games Miss Marsh we have information to the effect that you took a briefcase from the Mustang at Reno Airport it contained two counterfeit money printing [Music] plates hold on open the case open the case what open the [Music] case oh oh yeah well this is your lucky day officer you have the plates well yes I do but you're going to have to do a lot better than some all cor [ __ ] uh I want full immunity for me and my partner done and and I want 100 Grand you know I can't do that oh come now this is America you can do anything you like of course if you're not interested in the plates okay but I want to set up a meeting right away [Music] call me back in 15 minutes They Don't Know About The Money Jack They Don't Know About the Money [Music] so now you sure you're up for this no not really all right don't worry about it just play it cool I can do that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right jack stay cool stay cool [Music] we said alone sorry about that Jack I brought marst along to do the driving where's your girlfriend somewhere safe we're going to stand around all day or you going to toss over that case let's see some [Music] ID give him the case Jack [Music] why would you look at this we seem to be missing $2.5 million what do you mean Jack you're out of your leag boy I don't want to have to kill you jack so why don't you save us both some time and tell me where the Goddamn money is oh that's a nasty look Jack see my friend here has a master's degree in pain the things I've seen him do he could eat Jeffrey dmer for [Music] breakfast okay all right you take us in I'll tell you where we put the money [Music] P doesn't it you have a choice Jack you cooperate with me and my friend might just let you go with a few cuts and bruises or you die in unspeakable Agony and we find the girl in the cash anyway what's it going to be where's the cash Jack [Music] Trum you disappoint me Jack I was beginning to like [Music] you want me to do him yeah do no wait Diego said that limey Steward wanted us to make sure about the money first [Music] hi boys Jesus Christ are you hurt are you okay you killed these men well I had to Jack what do you mean you had to what do you mean you had to you're psychotic you are completely psychotic just shut up Jack just calm down okay they were going to kill you and then they were going to kill me what do you think that I enjoy killing people is that what you think well let's look at the facts screw you jack you wanted to be a part of this I didn't know that meant killing people jeez I'm going to jail would you rather be dead well I'm already dead I'm going to go to prison and I'm going to spend the rest of my life picking up so for some guy named Bubba yeah well that might do you some good that's very funny that's very funny all right that's it that's it I don't want to hear from you I don't want to see you I don't want to talk to you again for the rest of my life that is fine with me we'll split up after we cross the border the border the Border Jack The Border okay you know I'm afraid that your reporting days are over it's time for you to do a little bit of living can you handle that you're out of your mind if you think I'm crossing any border with you if you come with me Jack to get together we have got some kind of chance if you stay here you'll either be executed or best case scenario you'll spend the rest of your life picking up soap after some guy named Bubba now I'll drive come on [Music] 56 Lieutenant Diego we have two federal agents down in front the Old Mission off the highway 295 over right FBI contacts you got I yeah really what kind of conts you got Peckerhead oh this was a good idea wasn't it shut your whole teabag inform the bureau that agents Johnson and Mar were killed by Franchesca Marsh and Jack Martin yes sir I want news bulletins descriptions and roadblocks you got that yes sir [Music] Franchesca what I'm sorry about calling you a psychotic and called worse you saved my life and I just want to say thank you Franchesca it's Frank my friends call me Frank well thank you Frank you're welcome Jack hey you know those FBI guys mentioned something about Diego and Sir William Stewart being involved in this thing Sir William who Sir William Stewart come on Sir William Stewart he's this big big British Finance year I mean he's been trying to set up Reno as some sort of uh tax Haven kind of like a Hong Kong for the 21st century wait a minute he's bankrolling this with counterfeit do yeah it looks like it plus he's got the feds on the payroll this is a really big story Lieutenant Diego special agent Vargas has requested that you call his office as soon as possible what are we going to tell Mr Stewart Sherlock time's running out you asking me for what are you going to tell Mr Story I mean you got me out here in a Boonies somewhere they're probably in Mexico we should be going the other way well why AR we well you better go call him s off mate it was your brilliant idea you call him thanks partner [Music] gentlemen a toast Torino the first panasian American city of the United States the Hong Kong of the 21st century excuse me [Music] so Johnson and Mar are dead do you have the plates not yet not yet what I have to do to make you morons understand look calm down will you don't tell me to calm down you creton if I don't get those plates back in the next 48 hours my financing goes south and if that happens I'm going to rip your heart out do you understand me yeah I speak English good get on with it now we need to get gas we're coming up to a town here pretty soon should be something there sounds good to me hello sexy what can I get you gentlemen two beer coming right up I love bads I do leave her alone well is your problem mate people are decent around here she works hard for a living every day probably somebody Bozo like you comes in here and thinks All She Wants To Do Is screw them and who named you the bleeding popee if you must know I have a very natural gift for women yeah you got no respect for people that's your problem you got no code code I've got no code you just shot free of my mat who do you think you are Gandy they had it coming pal world will probably thank me for killing those three guys let me tell you something everybody I ever shot was guilty every one of them deserved it but you you don't give a [ __ ] who you kill you got no morals no Direction here [ __ ] joke yeah well I got my eyes on the prize mate I'm Mr Stewart's rightand man yeah I'll tell you something I sleep like a baby at night because I know who I work for you don't know it now but Mr Stewart owns you yeah he [ __ ] owns you he's taking over mate and you stupid Yanks don't even know what's going down well Stewart can go [ __ ] himself this is my retirement money let me tell you something something else we already kicked your ass once yeah and if it wasn't for us you [ __ ] would beating sauerkraut and brator what's that probably fry it too oh thanks love you boys aren't from around here are you no love we're not we're actually looking for a couple of friends of ours maybe you've seen them well I got to take a leak that mind [Music] [Music] him you want anything uh yeah anything but [Music] beef I'll get that for you meet me over [Music] there could you uh could you fill her up please hi um I would like two chicken sandwiches and two beers please haven't I seen you before I doubt it wein heart okay honey that would be great thank you very much the police are asking everyone to help a reward of $60,000 is now being offered for information leading to the capture of these two killers they are however considered to be armed and extremely dangerous how about a drink then darling H I don't think so is this the little girl you was talking about Bloody genius you are AR [Music] you did you two have a lover quirrel oh would you look over the bar D's holding a gun on me all right my God I bet you got a lovely family a husband little girl a dog she's got have nothing to do with this oh my God shut her up oh my God oh my God shut her up for you let me go please no pleasee shut up shut [Music] up come on come on get him now right now you tell me where your boyfriend is right [ __ ] now she's dead you [ __ ] Maniac course she's [ __ ] dead I shter didn't [Music] I my turn [Applause] [Music] go [Music] check why you didn't leave me of course you okay no you okay I'm never better God that's the last of it don't ever let me leave my gun in the car again do you know that there were pictures of us on that TV back there at that gas station you're kidding me no I'm not kidding you they said there's a $60,000 reward and that we're rampaging cop killers or something oh my God Jack oh my God those bastards don't the feds know this whole thing is just a big mistake are you kidding me Jack don't you get it Diego's a cop they're setting us up they're they're going to catch us they're going to take our cash and then they're going to shoot us I mean nobody's going to question anything because we're cop killers yeah but the whole no but nothing Jack this is all [ __ ] oh my God we've got to think this out Jesus I can't believe I listen to you me this is this is my fault yeah this is your fault if we'd have just reported the money when I said so none of this ever would have happened oh really well if we had just left when I said Jack we would have never gotten caught in the first place well then why didn't you leave when you had the chance I was leaving you were I I knew you were leaving I knew it yeah you know what this is your fault how is it my fault because if you had had some balls we'd be in Mexico safe with $2.7 million Jack this is that's good good I can't believe it I cannot believe it the first chance you get you try to run out on me yeah well just cuz I [ __ ] you doesn't mean I have to like you what Jack what [Music] we're not going to make it are we look Jack I'm sorry how far is Vegas Vegas it's a couple of hours why well I know someone there they might be able to help us out I've been seen them for a long time but maybe they can give us a car or [Music] something okay Jack that's good it's very good but if we do this if we do this you have to give me half the [Music] money I thought you said that that wasn't right jack yeah I I I did but even if we make it to Mexico I'm not going to have too many job [Music] opportunities there's more to you than meet Jack it's a deal yeah yeah it's a deal all right let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is just the coolest place on Earth or what not so great believe me I grew up here th speaks the great gambler no no no leave those keys but the car might get stolen and wind up in Detroit oh clever clever boy thank you can we trust this guy she she got me fired from my last newspaper what for for sleeping with the managing editor so yeah that's just what she said who is it it's Jack honey bear hi Mom you're all dirty oh aren't you going to introduce me to this lovely creature hi um I'm Francesca it's it's a pleasure to meet you oh you're so cute well come in Darlings don't tell me don't tell me you came here to get married right uh no not exactly it's true you know Jackie boy here is just a little afraid of commitment oh his father was the same way mom please we're not here to get married I'm in a lot of trouble and I need to borrow your car oh bless him just like his father mom please please I need to make a phone call use the bedroom me and Franchesca have lots to talk about thanks Mom hey Jack how you doing this whole thing is a big mess will you do an interview for us Jack what do you mean will I do an interview I'm in a lot of trouble here Bob I'm going to hang up now I I'll go right ahead I got 50 editors who would love this exclusive you want to hang up hang up I'll go somewhere else all right what's the angle I'm going to link the feds to Sir William Stewart you can prove it yeah I can prove it I got counterfeit printing plates and I got a record of calls made to me by the feds oh now you're talking all right what do you need what do you want me to do well I need to get me and my partner out of the country partner well that's not going to be easy jack you you'll need passports God I don't know about that times loves this story Bob all right all right where are you now Las Vegas Las Vegas what the hell you doing God it's hotter than hell there now all right I tell you what there's a uh a small hotel near the beach just outside San Diego it's called Uh Hotel diamore I'll have the passports for you uh day after tomorrow all right all right that's good that's good I'll bring the passports to you myself you understand stand all right thanks Bob this better be worth it so I'll tell you talk to you later what would you like for dinner we could order in mom we really just need the car oh come on honey bear I haven't seen you in 3 years I think you could spend a couple of hours with me I think that would be wonderful Esther thank you very much now you take care of yourself gorgeous H thank you Esther and thank you for dinner very much bye bye um I'll wait for you down there okay me take that do you really like her if you don't marry that girl don't come back here come on Mom bye you take care of yourself oh I will okay Jack yeah send me a postcard you got it [Music] [Applause] you okay yeah yeah thanks for being so nice to my [Music] mom God she was wild how did you turn out to be so so normal I rebelled [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the local boys found it on Flamingo Road I still can't believe she stole my car she's a piece of work isn't she I'm going to skin that [ __ ] alive hello gentlemen hello Mr s all right what the hell are you doing here I can't be seen with you let me assure you I have no desire to be seen with you either Lieutenant but you idiots are obviously incapable of carrying out the most simple of tasks Mrs J I've been thinking you got to let me go after these people on my own this Yanks are bloody liability the hell are you talking about your freaking psycho enough enough I'm giving you Mr poon and extra men they have orders to help you find and kill our little friends if You' have not found them in the next 24 hours Mr poon will kill you too instead yeah yeah so you ever been married Jack once long time ago how about you um twice they were both [ __ ] swe you like divorced and desperate now or something no no she died cancer God Jack I'm sorry thank you what was she like she was a lot like you really [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] the hotel deore the hotel deore now don't hurt me you better get out get out hey hi we would like the best room in the house I always wanted to that upstairs lucky number seven um Mr and mrss Smith Jack Smith we're on our honeymoon but you have a long way to go on the rocky road to love you and I can settle up later thank you thank you come on Mr Smith [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh God that feels good she was a nice lady huh yeah you thought so well she had the hots for you she did huh you bet you who do you have hots for oh I don't know oh there's this really really cute guy I know stop ow that hurt hurts I'm sorry it's okay I'm sorry it's all right let me see need to get you to a doctor all right all right Jack just give it a rest will you let me give it a rest I'm not the enemy here Frank I like you a lot oh don't say that to me why not Jesus I think I'm falling in love oh God shut up Jack what are you doing why do you say that to me why not why can't I say that every time a guy says that to me it's like he's coming or he's going you know what I'm talking about well I'm not going anywhere you say that to somebody you tell somebody that you love them it's like you've got them in the bag I mean it's time to move on what's the point let me get this straight you might be madly in love with me but you would never tell me you got it Einstein but hey no problem no problem you've got your way I've got mine and that's just going to be that fine fine fine fine all right here is my way I think that I'm falling in love with you fine I think you're an [ __ ] where are you going the [ __ ] is is going to find something to put on your [Music] arm thank [Music] you hi good evening to you J what can I do for you um do you have any uh antiseptic or a bandage oh my Lord what's happened nothing nothing my uh wife uh slipped in the bathroom and broke glass and cut her finger you're not going to sue me or nothing are you no no no of course not oh you'd be surprised honey not everybody we get is as gracious as you are do you want me to go look at her oh no no I can uh look at her I mean I mean you know I can it's okay sweetie I'll be right back okay fine here's my way I think I'm falling in love with you Frank yeah I'll be right out hi hi what are we going to play doctor now just let me look at your arm [Music] [Music] how am I doing doc well I think further examination might be [Music] required I don't know I mean I I want my freedom freed him from me from everything I mean I I don't want to do what anyone tells me to do I don't want to go where I'm supposed to go I don't want to act like people think I should I just want to be free do you know what I mean really free I want to do what I want when I want how I want it sounds pretty good if you can get it but we we have got it Jack I mean that's what this money is it's Freedom it's our ticket to do anything we want money's not Freedom it's a trap take what we're doing here we're hiding being chased by by the police the FBI God knows who else yeah but that's the beauty of it Jack I mean we are earning it we are earning the right to have this money it it's like um it's like we're working and we're living our whole lives in fast forward you know I mean all of the money that we would have ever earned in our lifetimes I it comes just in one go I think it's a little too late to get philosophic you really don't know what I'm talking about do you J I'm tired all I know is is that I'm crazy about you and I don't want this money to come between us hello B it's Jack we all set for tomorrow he jack how how are you I'm good well I'm okay this whole thing's a nightmare yes I know well I just you know wanted to make sure we're all set yes I I have have the passports Jack I have everything yes great listen Bob this could be dangerous you you sure you still want to go through with this I'm a newspaper man Jack don't insult me all right I'll see you noon tomorrow right yes sir don't hurt her let me see those passports what's your last request in darling mhm fanc a [Music] smok jack Jack Jack are you in the [Music] bathroom you better be in that bathroom Jack [Music] bastard damn [Music] it [ __ ] [ __ ] son of [ __ ] God damn it Jack Jack is that you no it's Bob Hartman I'm here to see Jack how do I know it's you I've got your passports we'll slide them under the door you made it tear the room apart where's the plat a Johnny journalist with them this morning fat [Music] boy I like you fris I really do but I ain't got all data chicks out with you where's your boyfriend darling what you get H on this you're a very pretty girlfriend chesa yeah don't you think so Pony no no [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] what are you doing Rambo she broke my [ __ ] nose open the [ __ ] door son off you open it h [Music] you're not going anywhere [Music] darling that [ __ ] can really shoot so i i r back I don't think so you're a scholar my son [Music] [Applause] go go go what the [ __ ] you doing ahead of cops don't you ever ever walk out of me again I was getting Cofe I don't care you wake me up first can't believe you're giving me a hard time about this keep your speed down Jack we're going to make it look what I found in the back of their car oh beautiful oh [ __ ] there they are here we go here we go here we go [Applause] hold on they don't know who they're dealing with [ __ ] [ __ ] just got a shotgun keep him off my tail Frank hold son of a b still here I like this stuff I do [Music] y good at yourself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus Christ you [ __ ] nuts who the best people on my side [Applause] how [Applause] onam we not going UPA [Applause] you guys come on get out come come on H ass I think we lost him we're still about 10 mil from the border here we need to get another car take this no problem come on let's go [Music] [Music] I'm in drop the [ __ ] gun [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right all right listen I want you to start running and I'm going to cover you go Jack don't ever do that again [Music] [Music] it couldn't just disappear cool down mate you want an ice cream what get some Wheels Sherlock they're in that van [Music] all right guys you remember this right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I need you to get us across that border are you crazy man Jack there's so many cops there we're never going to get through them no there's got to be some in the way sure some other Crossing yes sure if you want to go all the way to the bridge at the but that's a drag man all right how do we get there just hit you right on one of those trucks they're going up there to hook up with the coyotes I guarantee you that you're positive like I said man I guarantee okay I could do that yeah all right that's good take this 100 bucks wow and let me get you a King Con okay Jack you're getting very very good at this [Music] Mr ice cream man take it easy man I'm a US citizen shut up just sit here oh my God check I can bled a lot here we got to stop that it's okay it's going to be just fine huh take care of there right now it's going to be I sorry it's fine right I want you to open this up and pour the powder into the wound what are you crazy Jack it's standard procedure in most third world armies I did a piece on it Jack Jack we're not in a third world Army now we've got to get you to a hospital look at don't have time for that please no no it's not safe no if we go to a hospital we lose each other and we lose the money I don't care do it please I don't like this Jack I don't like this one [Music] pit and we're almost to the Border hold my okay ready okay okay hold on just hold on okay God okay it's going to be fun it's going to be just fine Jack Jack oh God don't you die on me now Jack Jack Jack why are you hitting me I thought I'm sorry I thought that you were dead all right Jack Jack I I can't do this anymore I can't make it I don't care about the money I don't want to lose you we Canad Insanity we could tell them right you remember what you said remember what you said about about things coming along only once in a lifetime but I got what I want right now you love me you know I do Jack I love you too supp to be out going to make it [Music] here [Music] come you know uh your cooperation will be real [ __ ] you man give me my money back [Music] [Music] Jack whatever happens let's just keep on walking okay I told you we're going to make [Music] it e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop them get down the ground [Music] Jack my leg right I got you I got you baby I got you hello Jack you bastard no Jack oh you want some more good [Music] Jack [Music] Jack say goodbye Jack here you want me you don't want him I got the plat right here get out a [Applause]
Channel: Behtreen Cinema
Views: 899,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood English Action Movie, Action Movie, English Movie, Hollywood Movie, English Action Movie
Id: 0jKqCuCTW8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 9sec (4989 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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