Double Team | English Full Movie | Action Comedy Sci-Fi

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Katherine you're damn cow is in my way it's not a cow chag it's the swamp whatever it is it's in my way in your way your Swan is beautiful you're beautiful not for long yeah you still be sexy a bit rounder and a bit softer check the baby it's what we want now of course pun Jack you don't believe in front doors there's a back door too you of all people should know that hey how'd you find me we never lost you my friend so you know I'm retired come on how long do you think you can sit on your ass and watch the sunset you're a hunter Jack admit it you missed the game you don't get it for me it's personal for you it's politics come on politics makes money brings you opportunities everything's politics you want personal I'll give you personal stavos is back and we want him alive we want all his nasty information names clients Escape rotes that's why we need you after all these years chasing him you're the only guy who knows how he works how he moves come on Jack this is your last shot we've got a Delta team prepped and waiting for you in antp face it Jack you can't retire until he [Music] does is Quinn coming back or not I don't know maybe he really is retired if he is we got to plan B move the seat up it's a little tight in the rare but that's generally true the CIA isn't it so you bust a few drug cartels in third world countries you testify in front of Congress that to make you a deputy director get to the point the point is you're nothing but a minor leager you only good for one thing you got Quinn back in the game that'll be challenging pull over here and by the way I left you a present get me out of [Music] here hey CH are you look [Music] fine [Music] going to tell me that it's not dangerous we're going to be back in 36 [Music] hours I'm looking for [Music] you I'm looking for yours who I bet that hurt that hurt these hurt too but I kind of like this one right here though who are you I'm the man you I hope you don't drud a person by the way they look I hate that who dos your hair Sif a Roy the last guy made fun of my hair he's still trying to put his head out of his ass I don't want to know about your sex life well this has been fun now who in the hell are you Jack Quinn if you want to dance ask me nicely I just want to check and see if it's you Mr Quinn damn the legend walks I heard you dropped out of the game [Music] Jack waa that that's Workshop who's that Rudolph I may not have raineer but I do have the best elves in the business Christmas chopping for Bad Boys huh I don't play with the bad boys anymore Only the Good Guys baby just tell me what you need I got [ __ ] here so new even I don't know I have it our fans gets the glory but defense wins the game I take cash go did you open there yeah far the [Music] ho but I don't take personal checks I have a Ru here you break it you bought it got it gentlemen this is Delta one forget you've ever seen [Music] him this is Mr yamir he has information that stav Ro will be servicing tomorrow afternoon somewhere around here an amusement park who's my dead eyee that would be me sir now how to use it it's been modified to shoot Fran isod darts can you shoot a man at 200 yard with that with this I can shoot the deck of a hummingbird he's like a snake if you look into his eyes he'll get you in the back when we ID stavos move into position you only have one shot two darts will kill him man three will kill Rhino and we want stavos [Music] [Music] alive Delta 5 check the two Arab women by the carousel on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it something's happening Bravo one we have starros North Lot greay Mercedes we've got three men moving the driver staying with the car let him in Bravo Delta 2 and5 move to Baker the rest of you hold Roger Delta one minutes about what a night to do this this is way too easy he's in my sight and I have clear coverage on him ready to fire that's the stos it's the Lefty TR is Lefty sir it's not him the driver find the driver on route to ground position come on my friends come on come on here we go that's right we're securing the exits I got him Roger at the Tiger cage who's the woman she's hiding something it could be a bomb my [Music] God I'm locked down Delta one Delta 2 and 5 in position sir we're ready to take him Delta 1 what are you waiting for Delta 1 ready to move [Music] in that's one I'm waiting for your com man you have your shot what are you waiting [Music] for clear out clear out too late clown boy move to position [Music] [Music] three let's be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people [Music] d [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] y his mother told me that his favorite thing in the world used to be when he go riding his Little Pony on the weekends he love riding that little horse little horse going to miss my [Music] boy I'm a professional Quinn I've killed I've killed a lot but most of the best is I've killed deserve to die my little boy was 6 years old mister my little boy was 6 years old now that makes it personal [Music] mister [Music] a [Music] a [Music] help [Music] candidate for Colony residency Quinn Jack Paul born 1959 entered Foreign Service at 22 a Advanced Training demolitions tracking psychological counter measures speciality anti-terrorism last assignment stavos acquisition video segment a19 ANP interdiction agent Quinn achieved clean opportunity to acquire Alpha but Target Alpha escaped you went soft soft agents a liability but because of your skills you been assigned to the Colony no if you fail to cooperate Mr Quinn you have an alternative nerve gas is quite painless but effective but why bother you're dead already at least that's what your wife and the rest of the world have been told if you wish to live just put your thumb print on the scanner next to the TV 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 to Identity confirmed thank you Mr [Music] Quinn Jack glad you decided to join us Alex gold smiled the taxman you were killed six years ago God it's been six years already oh well I'm on board some friends are waiting to meet you gentlemen come and meet the famed Jack Quinn made it ment you died in Lebanon Beirut actually everybody all agents or ex agents or ex enemies we're too valuable to kill and too dangerous to set free welcome to the Colony Quinn St I understand this VI is not approved I thought I killed him in TLA apparently not well enough I really dislike that man Jack you must wear this at all times simple device really part pager Part Timer lets you know where to be and for how long when you hear its signal you must [Music] respond we're a think tank Jack we're linked into every law enforcement data base in the world we analyze terrorist incidents and recommend responses to our client governments we are the last line of defense against Global terrorism and nobody even knows we exist now what's on the menu for today what you're seeing is wreckage of a global air 747 on route from San Francisco to Soul South Korea our image generator is interpreting signals from the crash side headset on hand on the scanner at all times attention we have a feed coming in from Washington DC I have a brief statement from the secretary concerning the global air tragedy but I won't be taking any questions of the 176 passengers on board the flight there are no no survivors the CIA is reporting the plane was daed by the North Koreans in an unprovoked and deliberate terrorist attack the secretary stands by this assessment and will hold a briefing later this evening regarding the United States response the Koreans are denying responsibility while the American president consults his allies Jack your continued usefulness depends on your ability to analyze and interpret incoming data during times of Crisis this is the colony's reason to exist Jack thank you plan explodes from internal malfunction very fast it's gone we've just intercepted a transmission of global 277 cockit voice recorder Pacific Center we've got UNS traffic at heading 32 I'm I not a pleasant Prospect the Koreans having that technology anyone with an alternative anyone analysis confirms the report mha you bite I'm not sure he's lying he SC ring something up they must know something about the shutdown let's re exam exam in the satellite images hold it there what's that look there's a shadow Bingo an ax no an F4 weasel recreate the computer simulation to include this new possibility if it flew close enough it might be hidden from their scanners North Koreans pick up the F4 on radar but shoot down a passenger jet the Americans were using the jumbo jet as cover for a data Recon on weapons test they were set up so the Americans could EES drop on a military base inspired nice call Jack underwater lasers lasers starting 1 M below the surface interlocking lasers destroy anything they contact the lasers don't get you the undertale will they've thought of everything Jack no one ever escaped no one no one last one to try was a chap named Bryce this was before the lasers were installed poor fellow didn't survive 48 Hours his Guardian took care of him each resident is assigned a guardian never know who he is it's the guardian's job to observe his assignments attitudes Behavior production that sort of thing if a resident escapes the guardian is sent to terminate him how did you hide this place for so long bking devices we're virtually [Music] invisible [Music] hello Catherine cine hello I hope I'm not disturbing you can we talk yes this is marani from the Galleria Luna in R we spoke last week one news we'd like to arrange an exhibition of your sculptures you're surprised yes I understand I'll tell you what I'll send your plane ticket by messenger in the [Music] morning you have 5 minutes to check in at your Cottages gentlemen [Music] 7 6 5 4 3 2 [Music] 1 thank you Mr Quinn please remain in contact until [Music] cleared [Music] [Music] the mecap around [Music] go [Music] yeah hi I'm marri foli we spoke on the phone yes well I'm glad you accepted our proposal I'm flattered it's very generous but you know it will be so difficult for me you mean you don't want to show your work here you have other offers well it's been only four months since my husband it must be hard for you I know but perhaps this will open a new chapter in your life no no the problem is moving to Rome I'll have to sell the cottage and Rome is so expensive you must stay with us at Regina we have plenty of room and I'll make sure you and the baby have nothing but the best car in Ro tonight you'll meet the gallery owner he's been waiting a long time to meet you [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] this has all the air marks of a stabos operation it confirms our earlier intelligence regarding stavro's current activities what we need to know is who is paying for his talents in view of this we anxiously await your analysis of this event what's unusual is no one's claimed responsibility location Barcelona the algerians have been flexing muscle there recently the algerians can't afford staros maybe it's personal Vengeance stavos working on his own that's not his style why would he suppose it was some psycle a random act several groups have been active lately in Spain what do you think Jack Jack no no Jack we're awaiting your comment it's nut St stos it's a copy [Music] cat I had my chance at stavos I also failed he is my last unpa debt now he's running around loose and I'm stuck on this rock you are our last great hope the last one still playing the game who was good enough to get him what does he know about this place we're not sure that's why I so dangerous agencies around the world used his Services when they needed someone with the stomach for difficult work it's ironic really when he was our Ally he was considered heroic now he works for someone else's a scallywag let's face it he's fallen out of fashion I'm afraid we've uh had to part with your beautiful Swan I took the liberty of uh doubling the price my husband loved that Swan he thought it was a cow [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] ah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] you have 5 minutes to check in at your Cottages [Music] gentlemen [Music] 5 4 3 2 thank you Mr [Music] Queen [Music] [Music] no get moving are [Music] down right let's go up [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] fre come here I need help with the cable pleas what can we do here I see it give me some smack [Music] it [Music] [Music] hey have a fire Sho yes [Applause] a gentlemen fasten your seat bels we'll be landing soon who's his Guardian [Music] boo damn where'd you come from I heard they made you disappear I need merchandise sorry I'm closed for theight you're open now let's talk I need some mean toys I got something new here you're going to love it'll make you the baddest ball of black guaranteed check this out laser sight fully automatic you're going to need a holster for that gun oh These are nice can you fly a plan like a bird but my ass to stay on the ground brother I'm having to sell new gas grenades you praying cash I'll pay later oops I just declared a 7day cool off here thank you very much you know I'm good for it sorry brother you got the game dead man don't get credit I'll give you three CIA bank account numbers when I get a merchandise I'll give give you the exess codes I don't know man I look at you I see nothing but trouble what the hell I kind of like [Music] troll what do you mean no parachute my creation is better than a parachute n are you sure this works of course it works you sure of course I'm positive it works yeah yeah look you die you get a full refund trust me Good Luck [Music] thanks give me a hand here how about the fudge is that the best you can do let's try something else that's love baby hey watch your head now death what I call Hang Time what's wrong with you are you nuts you're crazy man you're crazy my h stylus did you test it did you I don't need to test it I'll build it I'll see you back at your shop and maybe I'll give you the exess codes what do you mean maybe trust me fight me [Music] [Music] yes C I'm coming one [Music] moment [Music] get [Music] a R your babies do tomorrow is heartbeat listen don't be late oh uh I wouldn't take uh this car right's a bit bumpy yeah I'm glad to see you can still play you know if I were you I'd check into the hotel naona in Rome your babies due tomorrow that's his heartbeat listen don't be late oh uh I wouldn't take uh this car right a bit buy yeah I'm glad to see you can still play you know if I were you I'd check into the hotel naona in Rome you babies do tomorrow that's his heartbeat listen don't be late oh uh I wouldn't take uh this car oops don't SP the paint job thanks thanks I'm just protecting my investment this just a little too dangerous for me I want the numbers I want them now this car is rigged I need transportation to Rome Transportation you say I has some Connection in this [Music] area I told you if they can make it I can steal it why didn't you steal something bigger I fig you want something to blend in so that plant your clothes what's WR my clothes you look like a carrot with earrings damn bicycles get out of the way you're blocking a lane I picked them up they're entering the auto Str to Rome that checks with our latest information Quinn's wife is now reported to be at the hotel Regina Splendid we've got a game going I love you so [Music] much [Music] H bring it around to the rear of the hotel anything for Jack Quinn see Senor right here thanks yes come to the back of the hotel we'll have a bell man there to see who waiting for you at the front desk Quinn well it's not a bomb maybe the access Co I would love to get paid those bank accounts are FRS empty that big is qu why are you lying to me I bet the colony doesn't even exist Does it it's not about the colony what the hell is this a sonogram of my son stavas has my boy you go back to ANB I'll get your money I pay my debts quit keep your money why you telling this before what do you care you always play defense right it's time to get out the bench the best defense is a strong offense right right stos has been making the rules if we play this game my wife and son are dead you're going to send an email message it's going to be intercepted by every agency in Europe what's the plan I don't have one but stavos doesn't know that so he'll do what he thinks I would do so he has to check it out and when he does he'll take us right to Catherine stab look at this H quin's clever very sensitive man another time another place it's just too late I'm taking you to the hospital you'll be safer there position here sir give a look I am blocked repat I this is a circus everybody's here there's the Mad some local boys on the corner even the carbiner holy cow it's a full house pardon me hey keep moving buddy so um it seems your plan isn't working patience he'll be here if we need help I have a brother you have a brother yes I have a brother it's sanr chap the truth [Applause] man [Music] Quinn no that's what he [Music] wants [Music] cine [Music] no you know something Jack I never break a promise never I don't want you to worry about it I promise you I'll send you an invitation to the baby's christening think about wearing black let my wife go take me well actually Jack I think I'm going to take all three of you no visual I got stavos and Quinn I have a clear line I snipe on the roof I going to be a live I be you're out of the game you sure he's up he's in I have to call out a five pointer [Music] Hey where's my wife I don't know what you're talking about man back [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] it up [Music] where's Jack don't worry Catherine everything will be fine who are you people ja's coming take your business I don't want to know what day it is when i s rer I'm looking for a guy named I never seen Wars like this what is this the bones of my brothers you are a friend of brother YZ he has done many favors for our order including a Mainframe processor that must be seen to be believed what's up what's up what's up this is my brother regulo and my brother Romo this is my brother Quinn these monks have been collecting information on Rome for 500 years the syst has been really updated cyber monks that prescription labor you found you're tracing it right now oh yes internet some 27 doctors prescribed this same medication in the last few it's an outside signal is it going to crash where in heaven did that come from May I incoming message thanks for the blessing Jack he's down here somewhere man these entries for fortune in a spiritual sense we are now under the tber river this a branch of the tunnel will lead under the island of d is it the only way to get to the hospital without using the bridge so that's where stavos will place his man good luck yes good luck thank you Brothers catch on the internet my brothers I'll wait for your email okay push push okay like that push push damn it's stuck maybe I have something in my pocket what do you have what's that my lucky coin and my lucky Detonator and my lucky plastic explosive syx that's the stuff Pander in duct tape preparation my friend you got to have the right tool for the job you got to be prepared for anything damn not a wi preparation huh hold on let's find a rock you don't mind do you man it's for a good cause thanks oops air ball you need practice man I hate practice but I never miss twice brother baby it's [Music] okay he's on the island of course he is I need time give me 60 seconds then kill both the women up there go go go hey be careful you while I'm in the hospital you hear something up there [Music] h hey it's me it's me it's you it's you come this hospital is off quiet you take care of it they're over here I heard them this way go Mar what are you doing just standing the hospital no running please quiet let me help you down let's go what's going on no check she saved me they said you were that it's okay I'm here I'm here it's stavos where is he was our son where's my son I know where they are you go get your boy I'll take care of her thank you he ow [Music] me [Music] get rid of it where the part's over You Know Jack I can call you jack can I I bet you there's not a single night you can't close your eyes tight enough that seeing my little boy's face I'm going to give you a chance to save your son if you live today you'll get to know your son and if you don't I raise him as my own you know men are strong Jack but the tiger stronger watch your step check you know nothing wrong with stepping on a mine it's stepping off the counts come [Music] [Music] come where did he come from yes the cross is the m ready now w don't you go off and party without me okay I'll be [Music] [Music] back got [Music] you [Music] a a [Music] yeah baby safe let's just get the hell out of this place going to blow you take care of my son I'll take care of [Music] stos [Music] [Music] w [Music] a [Music] lift your foot my tall friend and that mine all turn you into red paint ah you got big feet Mr Quinn you got to be careful where you put [Music] them looks like you're on the best now star Bros I forgot to tell you hope he don't mind I know you went through a lot of trouble digging These Hoes putting up these markers and I know mines don't come cheap but I moved a couple of your crosses sorry yes behind you [Music] oh where's my son where is he I'm looking I'm looking it was right here [Music] Jack a get down is everybody okay it's me Daddy [Music] [Music] yeah I want to remember my Roman Holiday give me a souvenir cut a piece of your hair oh and your shirt Queen you may like this here's a souvenir for me maybe my corner be lucky for you too I'm not giving you any pieces of my hair Mr G Smite quite a magician Mr y now it's my turn to disappear to to L to well you can bet your ass they'll blame me for this one I wonder what the fine would be yeah Merry Mary
Channel: Reel Vision Movies
Views: 549,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, watch movie, full free movies, free youtube movies, movies, best movies, free movies, FullFreeMovies, ActionMovie, ComedyMovie, Sci-FiMovie, ThrillerMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Double Team, Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Hark Tsui, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dennis Rodman, Mickey Rourke
Id: FcXyZtmKmJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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