A Young Woman Gets Obsessed With a 50-Year-Old Guy | Shannen Doherty English Action Movie

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stuck in the bunker you're not going to win this round to easily any boy I got a 100 says I get down before you guys they covered oh can I have some of that feel I'm being hustled now you guys can live with yourselves give it your best shot go ahead I don't believe this no no no no B look at [Music] this I guess some guys are just lucky [Laughter] you could make that shot again in 100 years I don't have to make it again I already got your door jff give these guys another round and put it on my tab what you're not going to join the losers no I got to get down to Marina I'm meeting a surveyor don't tell me you to sell on the boat part with the Tranquility no way my insurance guy says I'm under insurance so I got to get reappraised come on Ed let's play little cards give us a chance to get the money back Kurt no the roll this gu's on he'd probably strip Min us all Ed go on out of here go I'll see you guys next Saturday on the te all [Music] right do easy there that's right is the rigging set Mr bledo are you aboard Mr bledo hello hi I'm Ed bledo what can I do for you I'm Lori brindle with Pac nor West Marine I'm sorry I'm late but I H traffic oh I was expecting uh Ron catson right Ron got hung up in Newport I offered to fill in so you wouldn't have to reschedule of course if you'd rather wait until he's available I'm a good surveyor I don't think you'll be disappointed Oh no you're fine I was just I was expecting a guy beautiful boat had it long about 10 years she was a darling picked her up cheap and refitted her myself Well you certainly did a nice job plus a small fortune in a lifetime of ours do you live on board no I uh I use it as an office though my secretary comes down three times a week well I've seen a lot of boats but not many this old in this kind of shape Mr blon you know you could call me Ed okay Ed should we get started that be my guest it's beautiful did your wife help you decorate no my wife hated this boat from the get-go I knew I had made a tragic mistake she divorced me immediately well let's go for and check the operating systems she's diesel powered right yeah twin diesels I rebuil them myself last year a [Music] well we should have this wrapped up by the end of next week if you'd like I'll copy your insurance agent direct that way it'll save you the postage and I'll be very generous in my appraisal thanks I'd appreciate that you're a very lucky man I'd give anything to own a boat like this well you have to give just about everything but as long as I'm captain of the Tranquility there's a crew J jersey with your name on it aboard is it my imagination or have you been flirting with me all afternoon I hope I haven't offended you I just want to make sure thanks that I had fun did I give you my card yeah I think so call me I'll crew for you [Music] anytime really [Music] really West may I help you I'm sorry Mr C out of the office you mail call oh Ron wants to get the paperwork on the Phillips yacht to the buyer broker ASAP I'm almost finished with it we can messenger it before lunch who the hell is Captain Tranquility oh that's Ed the guy I told you about his yacht's called the Tranquility I told you he would call didn't I it's my crew Jersey I'm impressed this guy shows potential crew call this Saturday 5:00 p.m. for a wonderful Sunset dinner Crews up the coast bring nothing but your smile Captain Blood so sounds like a great date it's more than a date you say that every time Lori yeah but this time it's going to happen [Music] reporting for Duty Captain welcome aboard have you ever seen the sunsets at Catalina they're fantastic unbelievable great place to go on a weekend Cruise oh I'd love that listen why don't we trade off here we'll head back have this incredible meal planned for us Unforgettable I think the whole evening's pretty unforget getable so [Music] far my father hit the roof when I dropped out of the University my second semester but what good was a little arts degree going to be in real life so I bummed around on sailboats in Florida for a few months went to school there got my Marine surveyor's license Pac Norwest recruited me for their Seattle office transferred me down here last year dad must be very proud of you why don't I make some coffee waa fair's fair you've been working like a galley slave like I'll make the coffee and clean up you just sit back and relax I think you're trying to spoil me I hope so okay I'm spoiled is this what you had in mind that's what I had in my Mr BL this this [Music] who right there that's [Applause] [Music] good dad dad are you here Dad come onad you here on [Music] board hey sweetheart what's going on Dad I was worried sick about you you know I left like a jillion messages on your machine last night I called the country club at 6:00 this morning they said you missed your tea time you never missed your tea time Saturday the guys are going to kill me so then I went by your house you weren't there I was starting to freak what are you freaking for Steven surprised me with a weekend at lacasta we're leaving in a few minutes we were supposed to have dinner tonight I didn't want you to worry so Dad what is going on why are you sleeping on the boat we'll have dinner next week you go to lacasta and I'll see you later okay wait can I get drink of water I'll get it for [Music] you here's your water sweetheart why are you Whispering you got a woman stashed board or something yeah I got a set of twins en jooy LDA call me when you get back dad what is going on well excuse me ah sweetheart this is Lori brindle she uh she did the uh you know the Marine survey on the boat for the insurance company Lori this is my daughter Andrea wow welcome aboard hi well Dad I really ought to be going now oh it was nice meeting you Andy I can call you Andy right I mean your dad's told me so much about you look why don't you two relax and I'll go fix some juice and coffee oh thanks but my boyfriend's waiting for me in the car yeah they're going to go to La coner for the weekend oo I'm jealous well maybe when you get back we can all have dinner that might be fun yeah I owe you one well it's nice to meet you Laura Lori sorry no problem have a good time I will thanks I'm going to walk her to the dock it'll be okay you could have told me yeah she's really young you have a problem with that I didn't say that actually she's very bright she's a lot of fun and I just don't want you to think that she's just another role in the hav for me how do you know you're not just another role in the ha for her oh you're cruel tot aost call me when you come back see you all right whoops everything okay yeah you did great yeah yeah listen why don't you get dressed and I'll show you a great place for breakfast oh it's a work day I have to be in the office by 9: so why don't we get undressed and Skip prast what do you say Mr [Music] bledo know you still here you got our hle we'll be [Music] late so so he's the man I'm going to marry marry you had one date must be talking great sex with Beyond set with spiritual I've never felt like this before does he feel the same way Ed is going to love me forever and ever amen [Music] I don't know maybe we ought to notify the press it is news not a single bledo Hail Mary shot in 18 holes it's been so long since he's had to pay off Mo out of his wallet you guys make me sound like Bobby Jones I don't play any better than you it's just I don't play as bad as often can I help you um yeah can we just sit anywhere sure sit anywhere you like enjoy yourself have a great oh man check this out guys wa good work God she's unbelievable is she a new member here what kind of guy gets to go to bed with a girl looks like that huh huh and not guys like us that's for sure speak for yourself J listen to him you know she looks like she might be just your type I should go get on her yeah why not you're single I mean old as hell but single two to one she shoot you down okay I'll bet you 50 bucks two to one that she leaves here with me not with you like she gets up and walks out and you walk out with her uh-uh she's got to be on your arm Cherry you warn me you think I'd run a cheap scam like that on my friends all right 50 bucks two to one she leaves on my arm we got it back done done don't wait up for me guys I can't wait to see this about now she told him to buzz off she's getting up I do not believe this guy excuse me guys I'd like you to meet Miss Lori brindle hi are you guys really going to give him $100 if he walks me out of here he promised me half of it you guys will never learn I'm going to let you off the hook it was worth the 300 to see your face though J what do you say Miss brindle shall we go do something interesting oh yes Mr bledo Ed bledo call me yet Eddie fasted all right coming at you when I was a kid the girl rode on this bar in the front you know I haven't done this for years my butt's killing me oh let's go faster let's go faster what are you trying to do destroy me this has been a great week no ready [Music] ready it's [Music] beautiful honey are you sure you have to go away it's only going to be for a couple of days I'll be back in a breath never felt like this with anyone so safe like nothing bad can ever happen as long as your arms are around me do you love me I surely do I think about you all the time you love me forever until the Statue of Liberty sits down [Music] do you think I'm kidding that this is some kind of a joke I want us to be forever this is going to be so perfect [Music] a [Music] [Music] thanks keep the chain thanks [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi honey how was Phoenix it was fine what are all these clothes doing in here these shoes oh Tina's boyfriend's in town from San Francisco I thought that I would give them a couple of days privacy I didn't think you'd mind if I stayed here all these clothes for a couple of days well it's kind of silly me running back back and forth between my place and yours when I'm here most of the time don't you think besides it'll give us a lot more time together what's wrong what did I do wrong I thought you'd be happy well it would have been nice if we had talked about it I mean it's kind of a a major step you don't want me here fine I thought it would be a surprise but I guess the Sur surprises on me I'll pack my stuff Lori listen you don't have to pack it was a great surprise I'm really happy now I have you all to myself really really I didn't mean to make you mad I should have asked you didn't make me [Music] mad I have a present for you you're not not too tired from your trip are you you don't feel too [Music] tired oh this person hi Lori my dad with you he's meeting me for lunch I'm a little early can I get you something while you're waiting one of those would be great been shopping yeah I got a nice suit my d dad's in town next week we're going to St Pi's for dinner oo I think he's going to like ad I mean there's so much alike of course it may come as a shock to Daddy that I'm living with a man much closer to his age than mine you're living together he didn't tell you it's been a couple of weeks now no I didn't know things were so serious we've made a commitment to each other Andy I thought you understood that oh yeah well I knew you'd been seeing a lot of each other I just didn't realize well I hope I haven't upset you no not at all it's just you know it's been a long time since my dad has had any kind of relationship and uh oh come on he's so attractive he must have had lots of girlfriends what were they like you better ask him Andy are you okay with your dad and me yeah why wouldn't I be for starters my age i''d probably like it better if I was about 40 or so then you'd still be daddy's little girl excuse me like I make him happy Andy just because he loves me doesn't mean he can't love you anymore everything's a crisis today do you have a phone that I can use yeah I want you use the one up in the office thanks Cafe o play he seen Lori yeah she's upstairs making some calls you're living together she moves in and you don't even tell me she brought over a toothbrush and a change of clothes I don't think that constitutes living together you better tell her that Dad how serious are you about this girl not as serious as I am about you sure we're having fun I'm entitled to have a little fun don't you think does it feel permanent I've only known her a month the girl is probably running around signing her name Lori bledo just to see how it looks Hey listen we're all grown-ups here babe everything's going to be far I just want you to check and see if you're playing by the same [Applause] [Music] rules right up sir do I look all right you look phenomenal relax I'm the one who should be nervous I just want this to be perfect it'll be perfect know damn it I'm not going to be jerked around by tanak and his people like this now you tell him I'll meet him in Vancouver at his hotel at midnight tonight that's right but a meat is a deal I mean damn sure he understands that are you just you just set it up I'll get back to you ah you look Sensational thanks I want to introduce you to Ed if you're older than I am you're too old for her I'm 58 well I think I just come in under the wire I'm Ed blo check brle Ed oh what do you drink white wine for you I H scotchbox you're teaching her some very bad habits Ed Scott rocks for this beautiful Vision you see before you who just happens to be my daughter what about you Ed oh that'll be fine for me all three say that all right so Ed what do you do besides Rob cradle Daddy please do you have any people in Chicago I do business there with Lou bledo he's very uh big in real estate no I'm the only bledo I know Chuck so you travel a lot huh well constantly there's no substitute for that Personal Touch and what about you Ed well most of my clients are in the mid West you know I talk to him by phone and I would say about uh now four or five days a month I travel we have a great travel day plan for you daddy we're going to take you to Newport Beach on Ed's yacht it's really fabulous I'm sorry sweetheart I'm flying up tonight it's just one of those further moment things Ed I'm sure you understand you you pause to take a breath and somebody's going to climb over your back well I was hoping that you get a chance to meet my boss I mean I just got a promotion he thinks that there's a chance well that's that's terrific l you know she really is a go getter as she always has been so what's good here and don't tell me prime rib I'm trying to cut back on red meat dad couldn't you just stay over one more day so we can have some time together we'll do it next time don't worry and I have my secretary call and coordinate and you bled so you better take care of her I'm going to come looking for you I'm sorry sweetheart you know how it is sometimes well now that we have him out of our Lives what he say we go dancing don't you get it you said it couldn't be helped why could he do this this one lousy time why can I be important [Music] hi hi babe you're late I was starting to worry how was your trick it's good so how do you like it gives the room more of a feeling of space it's much more open how come you got the television over there you know the afternoon sun comes through those windows over there and hits the screen you can't see anything put Shades up problem solved well I don't want to put Shades up I mean put Shades up I can't see the bows actually I like the room the way it was okay fine we'll put it back the way it was it's no big deal why don't you go fix yourself a drink I have a fabulous dinner hey Phil and Jerry picked me up at the airport we went over to the club and had a sandwich and a few beers why don't we just have a drink La what's the problem you know you could have called I spent all afternoon on this who asked you to I've been married twice I don't need another wife look I just thought I don't answer to you you have to understand that otherwise we're going to have a major problem [Music] [Music] here I'm sorry [Music] you know the best part of fighting is making up won't you let me make you be [Music] happy hey you okay yeah I'm fine yeah I don't know you seem a little uh distracted the last couple of weeks business kicking your ass oh business is good I just picked up three new clients in Chicago things are great okay it was a mistake letting her move in she's everywhere I'm telling you she's everywhere she's watching it too right so I decided to go in the bedroom and read get a little time to myself 2 minutes three tops she's in there next to me now she wants to read she doesn't even want me to close the door when I'm in the bathroom oh God some guys would love to have your problems gorgeous young girl so hot for you she can't keep her hands off you there no question a lot of it's great I never been when a woman who turns me on like this I'm the one who wants to get the headache in order to get some sleep but I think it's getting to be too much of a good thing I think I'm smothering and worry what a way to go have you talked to her told her how you feel now ask her for some space space I couldn't pry her off me with an abalone knife I'm not kidding you and I like her I really like her I mean you know there's something something to B but I think she wants forever they've had two Forevers so enjoy it my list I'm going to get a beer coming yeah going to work on the B remember that oh virgin gor God oh God remember that place in Madrid where Jerry almost got in a fight with the bartender cuz he thought the guy was flirting with me you were flirting with a bartender yeah well so were you oh he was look just like Julio inaz we should all do another trip together you know go some place fun Vegas what do you say whole game just like old time that would be fun which ex-wife are you going to take add number one or number two do you remember the last time we went there um we saw Billy Crystal he opened for Liberace it was so much fun he did a Sammy Davis thing I almost went excuse me I have a headache I think it's past our bedtime I didn't mean to teal off okay J sweetheart Lori Lori Lori will you wait a minute now what the hell was that all about these are my friends we have a history together we enjoy talking about old times I'm sorry if you were left out left out try invisible and it's like that every single time we go out with them Ed it's like I'm not even there you didn't make any effort to participate you didn't say 10 words all night okay I'm guilty I don't have much to say about the gossip at the club or cellulite or having my stomach tucked my God Ed I felt like I was at a party with my mother's friends they may be fat and they may be old but they're my friends [Music] I can be such a [ __ ] sometimes I don't know how you can stand me sorry please don't be mad at me I'm not be mad at you just said I get so jealous I don't want to share you with anyone I'll get better I promise I mean if you want to go to last V oh let's go I don't want to go to Las Vegas I hate Las Vegas all right I want to know where we're going I want to know what's happening with us everything's great I mean I've been happier than I've ever been and I said I was sorry please don't punish me I'm not punishing you listen sit it's been a long time since I've lived with anyone and I've gotten a custom to being alone I need that time what did I do it had to be more than just tonight what was it look you're still paying renit tinis why can't you just stay there a couple of nights a week it'll make the nights we spend together all the more special I thought you wanted to be with me I do want to be with you I don't want to see someone else it's just that I need some space okay Mr blone I want to be with you more than I've ever wanted anything that means only thing with you a few nights of a week [Music] fine you're terrific you know that don't you you ever forget it [Music] there you go Lori I really can't talk to you about my dad anymore it makes me feel uncomfortable and I just feel better if he just left me out of it if he was seeing another woman you'd tell me wouldn't you Andy look he's not seeing anyone else and if he was he'd tell you you got to give him some credit you know he's not going to sneak around on you you know I get this terrible feeling that I'm losing him and I don't know what to do it's like the more I love him the more he pulls away from me and I try and stay away to give him his space but it's tearing me apart why can't he want me as bad as I want him you know if he's not willing to make the same kind of commitment that you are maybe you should think about where you're headed what do you mean did he say that he wanted out no no we're talking about you here youve thought a lot about marriage right since the day we met I know it sounds crazy but I knew he was the one look Lori he is a great father but a lousy husband I mean his marriage what he wants of course I mean he doesn't say it but I know it's in his heart you're assuming an awful lot you know it's weird part of my heart says it'll love me forever and we'll be happy in the dark part says that I'm losing him Andy [Music] surprise hey I didn't expect you well if you were it wouldn't be a surprised now would it here sit down make yourself comfortable but not too comfortable because I'm kidnapping you here's s lover what's going on I'm driving us up to the mountains to the most romantic bed and breakfast for the next 48 hours our most sensual fantasies going to come true Mr bledo that's fabulous but we got to do it next week and then I'm Yours Body and Soul the reservations are for this weekend tonight this weekend is the club championships it's a tournament I have to play in cough yeah golf you'd rather play golf than make love to me this is important Ed look I plann this all week I ordered flowers for the room everything don't destroy this for me not after I work so hard please I'm the defending Champion it's a tournament I can't miss it's match play the guys are counting on me the hell with the guys damn you why can't I be important just once hey you could have asked me don't make me choose between you and the rest of my life you're not going to like the choice I make I've had this I want you to get your stuff and I want you to get out of here I'm going to give you a half hour when I come back I want you going fine just go [Music] hey seor careful it's time thanks this has been a really wonderful day Dad I missed you I missed you too this is a lot better than that fancy stuff to sell in that shop for your campfire coffee made with the eggshells just like he taught me when you used to go camping in the sieras like yesterday so have you heard from Lori not a word in the last couple of weeks do I hear a little disappointment in your voice I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't miss her I just don't love her the way she loves me and that makes me feel guilty like somehow it's my fault like I made promises to her that I never intended to keep did you no I may have committed a few sins of omission but I never told her I wanted to marry her I mean that was all her idea so why do I feel like the bad guy because that's exactly how she wants you to feel feel she really knows how to manipulate you how to push your buttons I thought you liked her I just don't think she's very stable I just I really think you saved yourself a lot of grief by cutting it off with her there you go Annie thank you really you should have her read your cards I mean she's fabulous she got the whole situation with enemy right down to the time since I moved out when did you start smoking again oh a week maybe longer it's no biggie so anyway she reads my cards and she tells me that this man loves me more than he's ever loved anyone but he's afraid to show his feelings he's afraid that he'll get hurt so that's why he won't call me he hasn't called you in 2 weeks Lori has been married twice and he got burned both times he's afraid that if he'll commit to me I'll hurt him he dumped you look you've got to deal with that t don't say that well that's the way it is I mean you're just going to make yourself crazy again just forget him move on kill call when the pain of missing me gets too much he'll pick up that phone and we'll spend the rest of our lives together here I'm sorry she's out of the office uh-huh oh he's the most romantic man in the world okay hi how are you doing oh beautiful okay there a sign here mhm here it's for you oh thank you you should put those in water as soon as you can they'll last longer that way thanks open the card Robert oh um he's the one I told you about the guy I met at the Museum you owe me two bucks for the tip oh sure I'm sorry Tina it was a joke you'll have to tell me more about him later [Music] hello please wake up please talk to me Lori what's wrong I know you miss me darling can't you just tell me you miss me Lori it's late I'm tired I need to see you we need to talk we owe each other that much don't we I don't think that's a good idea why can't we just sit down and talk tell each other how we're feeling what went wrong I mean would that be so hard laori it's over between the two of us please don't call me I'll be at the Pure Cafe at 12:30 at our table I will sit there all day and all night waiting for you Ed Lori I'm not going to be there it's over you'll be there I know you better than you know yourself 12:30 [Music] darling I can't believe it the putter has a Bandon me oh you had one bad day big deal you had one bad day you three putt five greens and see always win yeah disgusting come on P you know curtain field are going to think the Hogs got us I got to take a past J I got some things to do he don't do it not unless you wanted to start all up again what you think I'm going to go meet her forget it I told you that sanction history whatever you do don't sleep with her okay I mean you can uh you can talk explain listen but don't get into the Sheep music Jerry come on where you Ed it's me Jerry your friend remember you say it's over just let it stay over come on let's go inside we'll have a couple of laughs huh come on I didn't order this it's compliments of the gentleman well why don't you just take it back and tell him I'm not interested no dice man I don't know what to tell you I tried my best I guess it's not your day whoever you're waiting for is not coming so let's be friends look I'm sure you're a really nice guy but I'm with someone I'm the only one you're with now why don't I sit down here and we get to know each other why don't you just get lost hey be nice baby hey take care hey excuse me hey now you just stay out of it man I knew you'd come we tried being a part and it didn't work did it tell me how much you missed me I missed you Lori I missed you but this thing has gotten out of hand we've come way too far way too fast I would like to continue seeing you but I know you want more than that and I can't give that to you I want you Addie just like you want me I mean I've never wanted anything more in my life you make the rules I can't do that I feel like I'm stealing from you I don't want to get married not now you know maybe never and I know that that's something that you want and I'm just not going to be able to deliver you're scared [Music] sweetheart you don't have to be I could never leave you I could never hurt you I can never be with anyone but you and I'm the only one for you we're soulmates Ed will you listen to me I like my life the way it was I'd like to get it back I cannot be the guy you want me to be where we are at it's like we made a complete circle back where it all [Music] started this is where we first made love nobody's ever loved me like you love me Ed I want to feel you against me loving me I want to go back to the beginning that's not going to make any [Music] difference teen in [Music] here you like tired so it's over no way I told you it would be fine didn't I God Ed was such an animal mean there was this creep at the Pier Cafe where I was waiting and he was hitting on me and Ed actually fights him puts his lights out right in the restaurant you know no man has ever f for me like that made me so hot we barely even made it back to the boat his stamina is really amazing he just keeps on taking me higher and higher you made love to him again and again and again well I hope you know what you're doing Lori CU it seems to me like maybe he's just using you you know why can't you just be happy for me maybe you're just jealous hi this is Ed leave your name and number and I'll call you back hi baby it's me are you there today God it was unbelievable I'm still all tingly call me soon L I won't be able to sleep until you kiss me good night I love you forever and ever [Music] amen for [Music] [Music] hi this is it leave your name and number and I'll call you back it's after 3:00 in the morning I've been calling since 10: where are you why you called me I'm worried about you sweetheart please call so I can get some sleep hi this is Ed leave your name and number and I'll call you back [Music] hi baby it's me are you there I'm it's you darling where are you why haven't you called [Music] me dad will you please talk to Lori so she'll stop calling here I'm trying to sleep call me tomorrow [Music] great just great it's 6:15 in the damn morning where the hell are you don't tell me you where Andy are at with your friends I called everybody you better not be seeing someone behind my back if I found out you was somebody look don't do this to me I won't let you do this didn't yesterday mean anything to you don't treat me this way you're killing me Ed you're killing me [Music] Lori you up anyone survive the crash God what time is it it's qu to 9 if you hurry we only be a few minutes late sounds like the green batt of flu you know I C him all night and he never answered just kept calling I just couldn't stop I know he was home why wouldn't he answer why don't you just um get some rest now I'll cover for you at work everything was okay we made love yesterday you made love maybe he just had sex look if he wants to end it there's nothing you can do about it I'll call you later look I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of all of this she was here for nearly 2 hours today crying on my shoulder that's cuz she really likes you she's trying to leverage you through me and then she's trying to get me to give you all this information about how she's suffering listen she's fond of you and you have been mean to her no mean is what you are doing to her you tell her you don't want to see her and then you take her to bed it was done and then you started it all over again God she seemed so together when I first met her what about you you are like a junkie for her don't you see that you can't keep giving her these mixed messages cuz as long as she sees a little glimmer of hope she's going to keep trying I told her it was over I told her it was not going to work out did you tell her you cared for her she says you did I don't know if I told her I cared for her I still have feelings for her I'm not that coldhearted but that is exactly what you're going to have to be okay she is so desperate she misreads your kindness and your decency as love I don't care how hard it is but you got to turn it off you got to cut her off pretend like you don't care I don't know if I can do that well you're going to have to dad cuz she's not going to stop I'll go the wars Marge messages huh most of them are from the same person I don't think she's buying that Mr bledo is Phoenix for a couple of weeks story I never realized that you had such an effect on women neither did I she'll get tired of this game pretty soon though yeah I'm sorry if it's a hassle for you she doesn't strike me as a quitter everyone around here thinks they forgot your birthday more huh yep listen why don't you take a walk I give her a call got it [Applause] [Music] hello Lori listen to me listen to me this has to stop look I'm sorry about all the calls but I had to talk to you I was going crazy I don't blame you for being mad but didn't you like your presence it's just not going to work Lor I tried to tell you that yesterday I tried to make you understand we made love Ed what was that all about were you just using me like some [ __ ] is that all I am to you of course not you know that but this can't go on yesterday was a mistake don't do this not over the phone like at least have the decency to tell me face to face please we can meet this afternoon no we can't see each other again it'll just make it harder on the both of us Lori I'm truly sorry if I hurt you no you're not don't call me again I'll change my number if I have to it's over between us please Ed just meet me please I promise nothing will happen please I made Catherine swear a Blood Oath she wouldn't try to match make while I'm in town she really tried to act surprised and we ran into you Ed she can't help it she's been trying to hook me up for [Applause] [Music] [Music] years Catherine and I went to school together I actually dated Jerry before she did and you let a good thing get away you stole it hi guys hi I didn't know you played tennis Lori well I just took it up a friend of mine's a member here we're playing in a few minutes I don't believe we've ever met I'm Louise Murphy I'm an old friend of Catherine and Jerry's and a new friend of Ed's I'd like to think so if you'll excuse me I'll walk lry down to the tennis courts sit down Ed I'm starved you know it's been so long since I've seen you guys a friend of mine can get us amazing seats for the neita baker concert let's all go my treat Lori I'm late come on walk me to the car what do you say Louise I mean he's sleeping with both of us we might as well be friends right come on Lor you'll think you're serious oh I'm sorry I'm embarrassing everyone these things can get so complicated well it was nice meeting you Louise let's have lunch we'll swap bedtime stories I'm sorry [Music] she's a little old for you isn't she darling how dare you embarrass me like that you're embarrassed how do you think I feel why are we hurting each other like this we love each other we do not love each other I do not love you this is not love this is insane this is ugly and Si please don't say that save the tears it's not going to work I want you out of my life but I love you I do not love you you understand that I do not love you Ed please I'm sorry wait wa [Music] [Applause] [Music] You' got to get it together I mean you need this job I can't believe you just walked out after Ron talked to you today I mean you keep screwing up and Ron will fire you Lori and your work's gone to hell you're Moody distracted rude to the clients not presenting the image of the firm wants to project you be the same lecture twice in one day sorry te it's just everything's gone Brown you've got to forget about Ed I mean it's just tearing you to pieces I would love to forget about Ed do you think I like humiliating myself over and over but I can't I can't get him out of my head I drive by his house all the time just to see if he's there I follow him I know he's seeing someone else if I see him with her I don't know what I'll do I'll be able to take that maybe you should talk to somebody a professional a shrink you think I'm crazy no no I didn't mean that you seem so lost and maybe if you saw somebody talked about it hey there are other guys out there lots of them nobody's worth what you're putting yourself through you're right and when you're right you're right and you're right go have a good time are you going to be okay absolutely just wake me up and tell me all the juicy details you sure go get out of here I'm fine okay look I won't be home too late [Music] [Music] okay that'll be $8 thank you [Music] all right all right all right hi baby e didn't think I'd forget your birthday did you Lori don't do this go home not until you open your present happy birthday Mr bledo Lor for God's sakes go home oh come on I know it's your size let me help you with the ribbon dad hello this is Tina Lor's from me I'm taking her to the hospital why what happened she tried to kill herself she cut her wrist San Diego General we're leaving now yeah [Music] oh the watch arm watch arm we got a head injury here where you want way there J how is she she's alive at least she was when we got here nobody will tell me anything do you have any quarters this thing only takes quarters you found her huh she was still conscious those blood all over the place scared me to death she put your name on the walls with her own blood um she told me about what happened at your place she was really out of it she just kept saying Your Name over and over again daugh was there I guess I shouldn't have let her I shouldn't have let her leave in the shave she was in you know I should have done something I wasn't thinking God she's not real tightly wrapped when it comes to guys she's done this before not this bad I mean she never tried to kill herself or anything she's done some weird stuffff awful you want some no no you didn't put that razor blade in her hand it's not your fault that she loves you Dr James call pathology Dr James please call pathology uh Mr bled Zone yeah that's me I sa her she asked for you hi I'm Dr irn how is she well she's lucky she lost a fair amount of blood but she didn't cut deeply enough to really uh do the job we've given her light sedative she's resting now when can I take her home well we have to keep her on a 72-hour psychiatric hold that's standard for suicide attempts she's asked to see you Mr bledo uh no more than 5 minutes why don't you go is that all right uh yeah yeah fine fine thanks you're the one who brought her in h how you holding up I've been better yeah she's going to be right yeah should be Ed where's H you're going to be okay Lori just get some rest now everything's okay oh I see him lie back he's not here go call him tell him he was here he was with me the whole time he stay until he knew you were okay I knew he'd come it's okay you know everything was perfect on the outside but inside I had this big hole in my soul I was looking for anything to fill that hole to stop that loneliness inside it's like I was waiting for my life to start then I met Ed I mean it was so right it was so fulfilling it was mystical [Music] spiritual it's like that hole had been filled [Music] it's like a piece of the puzzle that fit perfectly to make it [Music] complete I never felt so loved so safe so [Music] cherished but I kept hearing this little whisper deep inside my head that it couldn't last but I wouldn't listen to it and I get this terrible feeling in my stomach like I was going to vomit I mean it had to be real it had to last forever Ed could never leave me because if he did the pain would literally be too much to take God couldn't be so cruel to make me wait my whole life for Ed and then suddenly take him away from me I mean I want to believe that don't you understand I need to believe it is that why you tried to kill yourself to pull him back to you no I just couldn't take it anymore the pain the way I humiliated myself over and over I mean I couldn't stop it I knew I was driving him away but I couldn't control myself it was like I was outside my body watching a stranger do all these crazy things [Music] so Lori tell me about this guy oh he's about 61 maybe taller thick brown hair kind of long in the back amazing blue eyes has he asked you out yet Tina he's my therapist there can't be any personal contact he's brought me a long way the guy must be great I should write him a thank you note for giving me my best friend back thanks Tina really appreciate how you've been there for me through all this I had to go through a lot deal with reality the reality that Ed doesn't love me probably never did I was just a little diversion a great ass to show off to his buddies no he trashes my life and he just walks away I like to make him hurt give him a taste of his own medicine I like to go in there when he's not home tear the place apart slash his clothes paint his walls like to take a screwdriver to that car of his I'm boor that's crazy [Music] I was only kidding but I had you going didn't [Music] I the miserable little [ __ ] cancel all my credit cards the clients had to pay for lunch call the bank for me will I got to straighten this out I thought this was over this is never going to be over I can with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening [Music] it was a terrific day is yeah I had a great time too well I'd invite you up for a drink but um I've got an early flight out tomorrow will you take a rain check sure I'll take a rain check when you come back couple of weeks I'll let you know when my plans f up okay I hope so you're a terrific I you make me laugh I was hoping to make you Swoon that too good night [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] make sure you get shots on both sides and talk to anybody that might have seen anything I'm going take BL can I talk to you for a second a shot of that pce right there yeah give get it gave me this book when I graduated from college look at him what a mess when's the uh last time that you saw Lori Brendle Mr fo couple of months ago night she tried to kill herself did she make any threats at that time no well she tried to call you s uh try to contact you in any way I get 20 30 phone calls a day all of them hang up she canceled all of my credit cards she changes my Airline reservations and I know she'd follow me well the laws against harasment why haven't you talked to us before now because I didn't want to get her in trouble how was that for a laugh okay now uh does anybody else have a grudge against you Mr bledo Bad business deal jealous husband anything like that it's not anybody else it's Lori she knew how important that boat was to me she knew the thousands of hours I spent restoring it she knew this was going to hurt she did it as sure as I'm standing here and she's going to get away with it right cuz you're not going to arrest her I got buckus here Mr bledo all right I've got no physical evidence tying her to it I got no witnesses her roommate has given her a Soo Alibi I mean even if I popped her the da would never run with it I could build a stronger case against you what are you saying you think I blew up my own boat you're going to get a check for 250k from the insurance company you've got a likely candidate to take the heat no one would suspect you I mean she's crazy she's tried to kill herself she'd do anything right but she doesn't get the check for 250k does she Mr BL hey I don't have to listen to this I'll call my lawyer all right listen save your DME my gut instinct is the lady did the deed but there is no way I can prove it I hope you have a good sense to change your locks yeah locks Smith's coming tomorrow you're lucky you could have been aboard the boat sorry tell me what happened what do you think happened he fired me edwins again and he's destroyed my life Lori let me take you home ed for Dad Dad Dad you home the door was open dad I closed early you said it was important it's stuck what are you doing here where is my father look it won't go in it's crooked Andy no listen I just came to get some of my things Lori I believe you I just don't think we should be here when my dad's not home no Andy we should wait for him he needs to see what he did to me don't do this please just don't shut up and sit down [Music] well I guess you'll be happy I'll be out of his life but so will you you know I really liked you Andy I wanted us to be friends we are friends will you stop lying you were against me from the start you poisoned him with your lies I mean I don't understand it all I ever wanted was for Ed to love me but you just couldn't let him go he hurt me so badly he has to be punished for that just give me the gun Lori just put the gun down put it on the table I know you Lori you are a good person you're a sweet person you know I've seen so many shrinks since this nightmare since I degraded myself since I humiliated myself do you know what those Geniuses had to say that I wanted Ed to love me because my father never did this was all to make my daddy love me well you he loves you doesn't he Daddy just loves the hell out of his little girl I'll show him I'll teach how to cry dad she's got your gun come on in Ed come kiss your little girls get over [Music] here let her go no Ed you have to lose I mean you can get a new boat you can get a new car you can even get a new girlfriend not so easy to get a new daughter is it you dad let her go you're killing her dad you're killing her let her Let Go Daddy it's okay that Hur go [Music] [Music] [Music] you have to deal with your feelings you can't just bury them we still have a lot of work to do no look I'm tired of this now I want to go home this is his fault don't you see this is all Ed's fault how come no one sees that [Music] you become a great first mate Louise I've had a good teacher Captain this last year with you has been incredible you giv me a whole new life how about some lunch good [Music] idea well Mak sense to [Music] me well what do you say I take you up top and you can check it out for yourself huh [Music]
Channel: Behtreen Cinema
Views: 162,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood English Action Movie, Action Movie, English Movie, Hollywood Movie, English Action Movie
Id: N6RTinmvAXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 9sec (4989 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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