When 10mm Ain't Enough: The S&W .44 Magnums

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[Music] [Music] all his could you pack that gun around [Music] let's take my glove off look at my hand your hand hurt my feet back the way I pulled you I'm doing something weird let me show you knocking India hard well it's weird say a little bit of pain on that I think it's pulling some skin off oh oh dude yeah holy crap weird it's just the butt look there was a blister to conceal it on that last couple shots it was a little bit painful what's happening when I'm shooting you see right there actually kind of right that thing that's where I was going to go out but that part of the butt is going right into my hands the way I'm holding I need to change my yeah change my grip somewhere cheese [Music] I interview [Music] [Music] [Music] upper-left oh I like that girl a group she is a nasty girl she is if you doubt me then just shoot her and then get back to me the Smith & Wesson Model 329 PD scandium framed 44 Magnum six-shot revolver is a nasty girl maybe you need it when ten millimeter ain't enough I finally got a hold of one for testing and review and here we are tabletop grv nutnfancy project and she is nasty she will inflict pain upon you she will inflict bleeding upon you when you shoot it and no I am not exaggerating Jardine when he shot this gun was bleeding afterwards and he was wearing gloves soldier boy guy team pierce Steve was bleeding after shooting the model 329 PD 44 Magnum these loads bleeding he didn't have much to say nice about her she is a nasty girl nasty but I want to tell you this oh how I love her oh I love her the 329 PD is one of my all-time favorite revolvers I'm just saying it right now yes she's nasty but man she serves a purpose she serves a purpose and she she has to be nasty because she's lightweight only 26 ounces shut up what that is amazing made primarily for the Alaskan guide market up their fish guides hunting guides dude the 3:29 sells like crazy always has up in Alaska retains its value well be because it is an Outback tool a wilderness tool in the hands of those guide people up there fishing guy hunting guides Ashley pilots - I've talked to a pilot that a bush pilot flies up there and he carries a 329 PD as well 44 Magnum she's nasty because she's lightweight so she's gonna recoil a lot and yes she is unpleasant to shoot and it is a skill set to shoot her well I kind of like how she's a sheep in this video a lot kinda like that or to stick with that theme but if you talk to Jardine you talked to Steve they have nothing but hate nothing but contempt for this gun hey Jordy you want to shoot another cylinder full of the 240 grain JP American Eagle no I'm good you go ahead what did I say as I'm on it dude I had a great time shooting it and my hand didn't bleed at all no I didn't I mean I was wearing on a pig something like this I took off I was getting battering I think right here right yeah right here I get battered so when I shoot least with the wood grips my knuckle gets sore right here but it didn't peel skin on me but those other guys they took their gloves off I don't showing you video I mean they're they're bleeding their skin ripped off shooting this gun this twenty six ounce 44 Magnum sorry I was kidding Steve he was our soldier boy guy that came out and you'll hear it maybe in the soldier boy video I'm just telling that something less like what my six-year-old niece had no problem shooting this gun she's like give that gun to me I'm kidding of course I'm just messing with them oh it's so funny though I just makes me laugh I'm sorry it's just a funny gun to see guys shoot cuz it recoils like a freaking mule and I've talked to this and some other reviews in the past ten years or so and I again thanks to gun he's a great American gun store for loaning me this gun and allowing me to do this review thanks cinema thank you and they actually caught me a couple boxes of ammo too which is awesome allowed me to shoot it more so I think I ran at least six boxes through this one and about four boxes through this one this is a model 29 steel frame classic both four inch barrel there's actually four point one inch barrel this is a beautiful gun she's a nasty beast too this one oh this has got that all all day long second cool Dirty Harry thing going on grant it's a four inch barrel I think wasn't dirty Harry rocking the six inch barrel yeah but dude it's just a beautiful gun beautiful gun we're gonna jump back to how it shot I think the high point of pain why we reddit right these are not inexpensive guns either to buy definitely not to shoot I mean here we're seeing a box ammo 44 box for jhp which is not bad I looked online I found it in bulk buying it 500 rounds for just standard ammo 60 cents around 2 all the way up to a dollar 75 around and I'm talking 44 mag not the also compatible 44 special which you should practice with but the dollar 75 around was like the Federal Premium 225 grain Barnes expander bullet buck 75 around and the guns themselves are gonna hover right around a thousand bucks each one now I would really I'm just going to love with you guys I would really really love to buy both of these guns and keep them by me I want her beside me so I can fondle her while I watch TV movie and an occasional YouTube video out of genre YouTube video that's always what a watch car video is what I watch our music video not gun reviews not I freeze no maybe watch movies I do watch watch watch reviews those are fun but does it all we're going in pou right now if you haven't figured it out this is an ultimate fondling gun for me it's just so freakin cool the 329 PD it just feels good it looks mean it's just a great looking gun that is actually kind of a byproduct for its intentional use or its focus of being a lightweight guide gun really for bear protection and that's really where the philosophy of use will have to be based and anti bear bear protection gun when I did my Glock 20 review this is the gun I referenced the 44 Magnum 329 PD scandium frame 26 ounce which one would I carry well these 44 magnum rounds are serious you guys know this right they are serious they produce serious numbers the factory listed velocity on this round the federal 240 grain is twelve hundred thirty feet per second and seven hundred and thirty foot pounds at 25 yards so if we multiply that by six that is approximately forty four hundred foot-pounds of energy from six rounds of 44 Magnum now I find that the velocity will be somewhat lower perhaps substantially lower but still that is a very potent handgun cartridge the 44 Magnum I am a fan however it is difficult to shoot I think I've established that already both verbally and showing you the video of the bleeding sadist I guess funny dudes oh my gosh still laugh about it just watch this guy shoot it in comment it just made me laugh Oh get serious nothing philosophy geez bear gun absolutely would this be my go-to choice as a bear gun either the 329 PD or the steel frame 29 and I think the four inch barrel versions are good representations of what guns guys are using up Alaska I would say it's very very close to a top choice but I'm still gonna go with thank you very much the Glock 20 here in a Galco jackass rig this is a 3rd gen Glock 20 I love this gun it makes me happy and this is ten thousand foot-pounds of energy with the right loads Yushu buffalo bores out of this thing awesome and this will not make your hands bleed usually it won't and it's very accurate very reliable the firepower is amazing freakin 15 rounds of 10mm dude no this is my go to bear gun still a Glock 20 or a Glock 29 and I just reviewed that about four months ago the Glock twin these would be my first choice I'm just being honest with you actually being very consistent but this is up there if you said hey man you're going to a guy's cabin we're gonna go into Kodiak bear brown bear territory we're gonna go fishing and I couldn't bring my gun he goes and we're gonna loan you a 329 PD is your anti bear gun I'd be going awesome awesome I would totally take it I take probably at least one speed loader maybe maybe two I would carry it in probably a cross chest you know guy holster diamond makes one a leather one which is really cool maybe I would carry that Bianchi AK you mold waterproof holster that one's only 25 bucks and I'd be happy 26 ounces absolutely now four years going back to I don't know sixties seventies eighties the guides we're carrying this type of gun the steel frame version of the 44 Magnum those who don't ought to carry a you know 12-gauge pump shotgun with slugs is what I'm saying that's that's like a go to anti bear gun always has been I've represented that and all the reviews but here's the deal when we talk philosophy of use and having a backup gun in bear territory it really depends on where you're doing it I think in the lower 48 it's probably not an issue not always there are some areas in the United States which have experienced bear attacks sometimes fatally so but I think they're extremely rare and you generally don't have to worry about it not saying being prepared for it isn't wise it might be but I would do everything in my power to avoid any bear confrontation and taking the life of any bear I love bear I don't want to actually hurt him at all but if one breaks in in my tent in the middle of the night and decides he's gonna have me or my wife or my buddies that I'm out with or my dog for instance for dinner of that night or as a late-night snack I stays Smith Wesson model 329 PD has something to say about that and that's where the philosophy of use is anchored with this gun like I said it is it's it's a perfect anti Bayer gun for being portable and with you at all times and that's where I was going you might take a shotgun but what if you leave it at the tent you go out there you know go drop a deuce take a number one out there in the woods are you always going to have your long gun with you your Marlin guide gun and 4570 how many stories have we heard of guys hunting when they saw the big one and they didn't have their gun with them it is so commonplace it's laughable this you would have on your belt and with you at all times and if you needed it it's right there this one is that the perfect bear gun not at 44 ounces and did I mention that's what this one weighs 44 ounces makes it easier to shoot somewhat but dang I don't want to be carrying this gun around to me the model 29 is mostly a range gun maybe a home defense gun I'll bounce back to that in a second but mostly a recreational collectible it is this to me the 329 PD is a working gun an Alaskan bush country working gun or anywhere where you think you need a lot of penetration a lot of power from your cartridge and you are willing to accept obviously the blast the recoil the diminished firepower six rounds is all you're getting of course the ability to go through obstacles that's when that gun makes all sense the 329 PD awesome let's go over features and then we'll talk about how it's shot once again and I'll try not to laugh when I get to that point sorry and then would I buy it I think you kind of know where I stand on that all those issues already I've just not been a too secretive about it now this SKU number it's 163 for one for the 329 PD comes with two grips is this gong Colo I really don't know we just ran it with the wood grips it also comes with a set of rubber grips I actually did not get those from gunnies I probably should have but of course we just ran it the set I think they look great I think they're adequately comfortable but again we have an exposed back strap and that is a very bad thing for a twenty six ounce 44 Magnum I've talked about exposed back straps before like in 9mm some 40s and I said and I like I don't really dig it in this gun it's really bad because that recoil is getting transmitted directly to your hand but this is how the gun came and I opted to test it just like this and these are the grips that made the other guys bleed apparently no it's not funny it's so funny it really isn't I'm not laughing I'm what happened at something else let's just pretend I'm laughing at someone else no I did talk to him about their grip and not Steve so much because we don't have time but Giardina didn't and we kind of explored some different options on his grip he is left-handed so he was doing I guess this right here and we really couldn't figure out why he started bleeding from the grips it was the transition down here or something we talked about it on camera a little bit maybe I'll show that somewhere along the way but the grips look great do they reduce shock nope there are some other grips you could put on there this is an M in as in November sized revolver but the X frame grips will fit and you probably ought to investigate the Hogue grips and they have like a sore birthing insert in them and I hear good things so they're meant for an X frame gun and guys that put it on there 329 PDS don't take them off they love them they probably do add a couple ounces however if that's important to you could I shoot it with the grips as is these wood grips absolutely in fact I would be very tempted just to leave them on I like how they look they contrast well against the titanium cylinder the black look of the gun it's a second cool thing for me and shooting it shooting it for I don't know four cylinders full I have no problems with it at all personally none a little battering of the knuckle like I said on that no problems scandium frame we do have some Nicks from desert use here incidental normal nice flat blade trigger on there and I did pull it on the scale and single action on this one the 329 PD pulled at four pounds nine ounces on the model forty-four surprisingly a little bit heavier at five pounds the double action is stiff as you can imagine and I did shoot it a lot from double action and it worked just fine really smooth trigger single action is amazing it really is nice wide hammer spur on the 329 no sharp edges no burrs no sanding grinding necessary on the twenty-ninth same way cylinder release standard Smith & Wesson which is to say pretty much perfect got no issues with it let's look at this twenty nine Oh beautiful that bluing can you imagine if you did concealed carry this gun which I did say I would bounce back to and here it is pulling this thing out with a bad guide he's looking down the 44 Magnum you've seen it movies so many times I would have to say it's still intimidating I would think he would basically analyze his life decisions and go do something else if not he's an idiot this is an intimidating gun intimidating no I wouldn't conceal carry either one one reason is lack of firepower six rounds for me generally isn't enough I don't care if it's 44 Magnum 357 I might rather have an autoloader with a quick-change magazine in it and plus I don't need 44 Magnum in a concealed carry philosophy views nor do I want to have to worry about it's over penetration what if I make a shot then it goes through a wall it's an instant person I don't ever want that to happen to me 9mm is fine 45 45 ACP in some in some cases 10mm is what I go with but 44 mag to me I wouldn't conceal carry this unless I'm just doing it for kicks and yeah I'm doing it for real but I'm saying tonight for a second cool thing that today and doodle does this all time tactical doodle he'll carry something odd because he knows the chances of him using it are slim to absolutely none and he just carries a gun that makes him happy and so maybe a 3:29 that day would be the choice hey what do you carry your check you guys you go yeah I got 2940 format which by the way if you if you ever gear check with a 329 PD and I put you on camera and your video gets published I will pay you $100 how's that $100 if you aren't you're checked with a 329 PD genuinely gear check in other words you didn't know you were gonna meet me so life is it a trade show or a public appearance so you show up with it that doesn't count that's all plan and fake I'm saying if I just surprise you and do a gear check and you have a 329 PD on you that's $100 I'll pay you $100 cash how's that pretty cool but no I wouldn't I wouldn't do it myself it's well it's kind of ridiculous and it's a fat gun look how wide that cylinder is see if I have I do I have my digital caliper I'll see if I can get a reading on it right now with is such a huge dimension in concealed carry I've said this forever to me the the reference is one point one eight inches and that would be the width of a Glock slide so here we're 1.7 inches plus you have wide big speed loaders taking taking the ride also on your belt or in your pocket and those are also bulky and hard to hide back to features titanium alloy cylinder six rounds standard locking up front and in the back I didn't see any problems with it throughout the testing the lockup is tight cylinder movement is good the cylinder gap let me get my light out here is tight there is some carbon buildup on this one right here as you can see probably kind of come right here right behind the forcing cone see yeah there you go good look at the gap here I mean it's a Smith & Wesson dude it's Smith & Wesson usually not always but usually does such a great job and fit and finish look at the cover plate the lines on this one scanning frame you see the lines here demarcation right there no I didn't take that off covering up the lock work but it's just cool got the atomic symbol for the scandium it just looks cool that's it this is a shrouded barrel of course I didn't have the shroud shoot loose there have been some examples of the TR r8 that have done that it's also a shrouded barrel that's the 8-shot 357 the Smith does but this one was stable at least in our testing really good-looking barrel so it looks like it's a fully under lugged barrel again it's super lightweight but it just looks so mean authoritative the sights on the 329 PD are phenomenal red pipe up front fully adjustable windage elevation in the rear we found them to be well regulated I don't have to adjust them at all oh by the way on the table that's an old 238 patch of mine and then we got the sharp patch civilian da patch there in 3d vinyl available at that fancy Pitt cartel com shameless promotion we've got oh this is new this is a full size OD skyline a blade HQ link below this is sick look at that dudes testing coming soon and then I have infidel and clip sick oh yeah back to the gun look at how cool that carbon stained cylinder is that just looks awesome that is so Boba Fett looking you don't want to clean that by the way at least not on the sides when you do on the front you probably do because you want to get built up so much that it would lock up the cylinder rotation but it looks really cool hard to get off by the way that is hard to clean that's a hard cylinder to clean now check this out 44 Magnum is gonna have a lot of blasts a lot of gas coming out and so we have a shield here right above the forcing cone to minimize or prevent flame cutting this is that stainless steel portion right here if this is somehow removed or if it falls off you're going to have problems because you're gonna get flame cutting of the scandium frame and watch out after that all bets are off so this is a very critical part that flame shield and we'll see if there's any flame cutting there I know there isn't already checked it out I want to show you though in detail what it looks like after a lot of shooting there are guys that have shot thousands of rounds through their 29s up and all Aska i read their reports and they have nothing but good to say there's a guy had a failure of his frame but it turned out he had a obstructed bore when he shot it so that's kind of all bets are off and I doubt seriously that Smith Smith & Wesson would honor the lifetime warranty in that case otherwise they would no problem with a star extractor extraction was easy smooth just look at the 329 in that case give him some love - I love this gun - I really do it's a second cool thing for me the 29 I should say there's your cylinder cap same walk-up basically same gun just different materials I have just cleaned this up just a little bit now this has the old-school red insert Smith & Wesson sights on it since it is a classic I've always liked that sight picture is excellent home defense what I use these probably not I can't mount a light on it that's important to me for threat identification mm-hmm and I don't need 44 Magnum for home defense I wouldn't do it could you sure you use it for anything recreational shooting if you want to make enemies either guns gonna make some enemies for you dude yeah guys if there's someone you hate I'm just joking around here haven't shoot your 329 PD full power loads well I did shoot this Oh features oh this one has a classic square but Smith & Wesson in frame grip so walnut beautiful Gribbs exposed back strap I shot both these grips I don't mind him I don't I mean I don't know if I'm just holding it right or what but I I just really didn't have a problem shooting either one these guns you'll see me shooting a lot I I could do it right I could shoot a whole box ammo through the 329 PD and be laughing the whole time I just loved it now you know after two boxes I'm about done cuz again my knuckles get battered right here so it get black and blue right here no torn skin but the rear of the trigger smacks it pretty good look at that Smith & Wesson emblem on the 29 these unfortunately both have the internal locks on them I have heard of failures of this the locking mechanism here will just decide to rotate itself and lock the gun up and then they have to go find the key and fix it we did not have that happen however in our testing another issue would be crimp failure of your round and so the bullets actually unseat and they come forward and they lock up your cylinder with the American Eagle load this one I didn't see that happen at all and we shot a lot there's a lot of great loads you can run in these guns they of course you could reload for it that's probably what you want to do if you're going to be shooting it a lot and again 44 special might be the way to go with that it's going to recoil less less wear and tear on you and the gun but a really nice load that I would like to investigate I think I wrote it down here somewhere well the Winchester Razorback XT it's a 225 grain load I would like to shoot that see how it is it's that it's really accurate load I've read I talked about the Federal Premium 225 grain Barnes expander cool several hundred eighty grain jacketed soft point loads where you can get them at five hundred round Watts and that will drop your ammo cost down if you're buying that's intriguing to me CCI makes 240 grain jacketed hollow point load and I think you can buy that thousand around Lots for 500 round Lots and it drops around about 63 cents a shot so that's that's totally doable here's a look at the front of the gun by the way 329 PD barrel insert stainless steel again it's just a very cool presentation overall it's just a great looking gun if you shoot yours again I recommend just leaving the exterior dirty it looks so much better that way now the not model twenty-nine classic maybe you want to keep that clean because it's a high polished blue another philosophy of use of course just fondling in collectable guns they are just great showpieces great conversation piece pieces actually - and then we'll talk again briefly of how it shot how they shot these nasty girls they are nasty its ferocious man the 3:29 pd is ferocious and recoil it takes a special skill set to shoot it properly to manage the recoil and I imagine with a charging bear coming on you it would be even more so yeah it's not to say you can't do it if you're an experienced shooter but this is the hardest recoiling pistol I've shot to date haven't you no touch base with a Smith & Wesson 500 yet don't know if I ever will don't see a lot of use for that gun this I do see a lot of use for this one is brutal and recoil as well you would think of 44-ounce 44 Magnum be okay but I mean Jardine would shoot this he go oh my gosh that one would recoil just as bad I thought this is a lot more ferocious myself but ya know let's go to paper on accuracy and this by the way is done after check this after all the shooting on steel so I mean if you you've gone through several boxes of ammo in this thing that's saying something your hands getting numb in the case Jardine Steve the team Pierre they're bleeding apparently no I'm not laughing it's something else and yeah it's and then then then we did accuracy testing check that this is standing 10 yards out of the 329 PD holy crap dude that is amazing yeah I forget which one ive shootin both of them and I shot more targets and this is only one I could find if I find others our roll them on camera I mean the accuracy is superb really really surprising to me standing desert after Steele shooting again American Eagle 240hp accuracy mind blowing but I wouldn't recreationally shoot these unless it's probably 44 special maybe 180 grain would be less punishing on you again you could change the grips out to something more shock-absorbing maybe a you know a shock absorbing glove of some kind we just used regular pigs or tactical gloves mechanics whatever but again I didn't have a problem with it for me I enjoyed it and Jardine said it said hey I'm not shooting this thing anymore you go and finish off film me and I was like rock on man I'm enjoying it and I was just laughing I was just like I know I'm in love with this Twisted Sister I am in love with her she's beautiful she's mean and nasty and lightweight and that's why I like her and she fills a role so this takes us would I buy it yes both of them the 29 in the 329 nine without question both them are ranking 5 stars both of them I'll just say it on camera 5 stars 5 stars there's nothing I don't like about the guns they're fit and finish is superb the reliability was 100% we had no issues whatsoever I didn't use speed loaders with them but I think there's enough clearance there you can you know speed loading a 44 Magnum when you're testing it that's kind of ridiculous I kind of want the gun to cool down a little bit yeah you get to grips with it you put on the rubber if you want go with more shock absorbing grips if you want we talked about that yeah I would buy them in fact it's all I can do not to buy both these guns I don't think we have funds for that but if I could I would mostly for second cool and as a TMP cast member for instance soldier boy drill it was hilarious to have Steve the TMP air topped to run soldier boy without any warning whatsoever come to the mat and I say hey there's your Smith & Wesson 329 PD 44 Magnum load up and have at it and by the way he was a trooper he did it and did well well at the second part with a little bit of instruction he did better with a small plate I don't think he hit it at all what he said about was hilarious so that's my review there great guns I would still go with the Glock 10mm all day long if I'm going with a handgun in bear country this 329 PD is a very close second but I think more than that it is full of all types of second cool collectability status and full of conversation for anybody who can appreciate the 44 Magnum its history both in movies and in real life and just two super cool collectible revolvers nutnfancy I got to say some rounds for accuracy testing though unless you want to do this all over again the 44 mag do you probably prefer that one it's nice gun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hochi use this gun for so 44-ounce 44 Magnum what would you use it for your bear repellent do you would you take a 44-ounce gun with you well you'd have to have a rig like a shoulder rig something like right here I'll use it for a car gun yeah do that to a lot of gun fly [Music] awesome [Music] [Music] drop was pretty [Music]
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 174,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S&W model 329 review, model 29 44 mag review, nutnfancy .44 magnum, S&W 500 review, dirty harry gun, most powerful handgun, bear handgun, shotgun with buckshot bear, bear defense, glock 20 review, glock 29 review, glock 5th gen review, glock 19, glock 20, canik tp9, cop pistol, sig p226, beretta mp, glock accuracy, glock durability, best glock, 10mm stopping power, glock bear gun
Id: gDax8GfM_bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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