Survive This: TOP 10 Reasons NOT to Bug Out
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Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 433,891
Rating: 4.863451 out of 5
Keywords: fema camps, wrol preparation, urban survival kit, usk, best survival kit, bugging out, survival advice, nuclear war, earthquake, natural disaster preparation, hurricane katrina, refugee camp, best survival gun, food storage advice, mre, e&e kit, combat egress, nutnfancy survival, last days, walking dead, survival skills, bug out vehicle, TEOTWAWKI, ultimate bug out vehicle, shtf advice, collapse of society, catastrophe advice, economic collapse, zombie apocalypse
Id: vjK38SmrGSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 10 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
For everyone who doesn't have time to watch a 54 minutes video, here is the tl;dr:
Your best provisions are at home
Home is comforting
Neighborhood support structure
When you leave, you are exposed. You'll be subjected to the elements.
Where ya gunna go?
More susceptible to attack.
You become a number at a refugee center.
SAWC (Size and weight constraints)
The transportation system will be crap
Medical treatment is easier at home
I get sick of this subject. It is usually built on the assumption that the reader/viewer is a complete idiot and usually paints everything with too broad a brush.
Yes there are plenty of newbs out there planning on roughing it in the wilderness if bad things happen, but is one more video or article going to change their minds?
Not everyone lives in a good area to shelter in place. Often times bugging out simply means traveling to a more suitable shelter in place location, probably close friends or relatives more often then not. All the arguments for bugging in suddenly become arguments for bugging OUT to the place they are more true.
Plenty of the more likely scenarios require bugging out. Floods, hurricanes, wildfires, house fires, and many other localized problems are handily avoided by simply NOT BEING THERE. It doesn't mean you are wandering the woods with your BOB, it probably just means you are loading up the station wagon and using some paid time off to see Aunt whats-her-name a few towns over or a hotel room somewhere a little calmer.
Yep, I've always said that this kind of shit has been done for eons. People already know how to survive best. The only time the right ways are completely ignored are in tv shows and movies. Because it isn't about survival, it's about drama.
Years ago when the movie adaption of WWZ came out, a bunch of us were discussing just that. The movie line was "i used to work in dangerous places.. people who moved survived, and people who didn't... movement is life."
What utter bullshit. 99.9% of all SHTF scenarios call for bugging IN over bugging OUT. I get bugging out is cool and romantic and heroic, but we aren't talking about camping and being one with nature. We are talking about survival.