WHEEL OF MYSTERY in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

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if it lands on five you got one of these prizes go ahead that sounds like a scam it's just you have one in eight chances to win it's not a scam I sound like a scam welcome to my house opening guys my brand-new home is finally built like wow it's beautiful it's just so beautiful wait lunar why are you holding an axe to my new house because I would like to chop it down okay do not do that okay I hope you guys all brought housewarming hey stop oh you stop that I hope you all brought housewarming gifts because this is my new mega mansion okay are you scared of flooding that's a good point now I like to live near this empty abyss Beach who official all by yourself yeah the water is blue your house is blue therefore I am blue fish laughing I'll get the fish you stole my fish man you from my Island Luna Kelly look it's a horse mackerel guy stop fishing we're here for funnies housewarming oh yes follow before it you guys go in I just want to tell you that this is the house of art all right yeah do you think what she's trying to say it'll be ugly welcome to the lobby of my very big house my man's on all done we're not in yet oh this doesn't make sense it's like why is there a locker in here it's so you can change your clothes very easy very accessible uh-uh when you said art I thought it was gonna be like you know a little bit like trashy like crazy art but that's not I'm very I'm very rich now let me explain to you guys what this is so this is a map of my town of what I want it to be before in my town later but yeah this is a good example of what so like one giant mountain yes what you want maybe and a train over here is my water cooler station where you make bad jokes and you drink water I have a bad joke okay what's your joke all right what did one water cooler say to the next I don't know what did they say what are you up to no you know how I use the water cooler the most important room in the house the area where everything happens the kitchen nope run oh yeah this is an essential room in every house it is needed the world so dirty why are there cockroaches yeah it's just a little fruit boxes in your washroom that's nasty apples in here girl wheat yeah and get off the toilet for a second while we discuss this oh yes this is stressful is the cat litter box can't be in here I need to leave oh I can't redecorate mother I'm guessing this is a fan in for wash my house smells and that's my sink and that's my vacuum this way you do your makeup on a cardboard box with the mirrors because we have this mirror but this mirror doesn't work so we rather do it on this mirror this means really good see umm are there still apples in this box I don't know you just boxes see here we can get all looks done you know become a more beautiful animal crossing' character okay so what was the theme what's the theme we're going for in this room this thing is called ratchet cuz I didn't finish it but the next one okay you obviously know what this is this is one of my favorite rooms in the house it is the Magnificent kitchen yay oh there's cockroaches everywhere are you collecting bugs why is your house so dirty it's dirty okay I'm killing them oops oh hey don't kill Jerry why do you have a fish in here have a pet a Nespresso machine does it actually make coffee it does isn't that cool and then here's sooo cool and this is the stone what she cooking no what are you cooking I am cooking literally gave this to me what is this lunar I forgot uh Daddy ratatouille ratatouille it may look like trash but trust me is good food okay it's good it's healthy no they put you queen weight over there it's not someone stolen book a new hope you top someone lost this and then I forgot to return it to them so then now it's in my house and I put it on the stove and I'm gonna burn it later what's in your fridge don't look at the fridge Drac oh don't do it hmm I'm just gonna take a peek why is it an outfit in here called police I don't wait that question why are you closing your food this next room guys is truly a work of art I call it exciting a beautiful place you're gonna be so happy oh I thought we were done I thought we were gonna go Easter egg hunt I'm scared no this house is too big for Easter this is the crazy room yeah this is where I eat popcorn just think about stuff and ride my cuticle it's a bull cake I feel like I'll get a big place to give you your gifts should we give you your gifts you're squishy in here so you can give me your gifts outside okay fine how much money did you guys bring I have a hundred and three a hundred thousand bells why did you come to my town so poor I have a game show down here that I want to show you oh this game show is still in the making but it is 1,000 bells per spin pay up one hundred thousand bells I said 1,000 vowels okay you have one thousand time I tried it I bet I can win the best prize let's the rich people go I want three tries three tries I don't think there's enough for you lunar I said I want three try I walk one try but what if I pay you with this I do not accept that that is garbage fine thank you lunar three tries for you thank you here I would like to play here is the payment here it is you're so cheap you know you know that plays I'll even throw in the fish it's not free spins bro I've to run a business around here thank you I actually have enough I play three tries I'm gonna paint pay for me give me one less rice fine hobo dracco I'll I will spare you 1000 bells you don't know Drock owes very rich he's just lying so I know why you're letting him borrow money he sounds very nice he's pretending no that is a lie that is a myth those two guys still in the making you cannot see yet is a hand it is a it is a land with no turtles gotta get dressed first for the grand show hello I'm a wiener welcome and a lad you guys can make it to my game show lunar please go to the back of the line before we kick you out fine so welcome to the game show the wheel of mystery this wheel is not just any wheel it's a wheel with numbers on it how amazing so we open so you like this hot dog is gonna scam us hey shut up I hope I'm doing my speech I'm not a scammer do I look like a scammer yes yes you're not supposed to answer that question anyways the numbers are from 1 to 8 you can see 4 mystery items lined up we know how wheels work wait I'm also an employee now I will you don't even know the rules clearly I'm missing tumor bags but you can take the trash can home as recognition prize still haven't explained the rules the rules just spin the wheel just spin the wheel y'all one spin how do I know what I get you don't get into mystery wheels like they're not numbered oh oh yeah I didn't think this game through just give me a second I must stand in the corner what is your lucky number Drac oh okay my lucky number is uh five okay if it lands on five you got one of these prizes go ahead that sounds like a scare you have one in eight chances to win it's not a scam I guess yeah just spin the wheel if it lands on five you get the prize fine I will spin the wheel come on you can do it dracco didn't know it sits in the front oh so close Jack oh I'm so sorry you got nothing please do so today you know don't sneeze a nice place next person I don't want to turn good fighting the line doesn't seem promising something wrong with your legs Gold like you glitch I'm actually walking up cuz it's a game show okay what number do you pick I pick number two okay let's see will she land on number two guess good don't know I'm pretty sure this game is a scam who do you think so close Congrats sorry back sorry oh yes three spins oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go what's your next lucky number still - yeah I don't get the point of this game don't I get a prize like to again gold nope just keep going and you know Noah for how bad I think we need to you I'm sorry mrs. weenie I think it's fair that if someone pays 3000 it's like a carnival game you know they get that automatic prize just didn't let her talk back take her spoon and give it to me you know no no that's not part of the rig I mean the wheel the wheel the wheel I really like the gold ribbon to the right of me it was not meant to be next up is rainbow yay I'll pick a number and my number is eight and you better hope it's lucky hey rainbow fine ah just whatever it is number eight well the wheel ever stopped spinning the wheel doesn't stop spinning oh seven I am sorry rainbow her you kidding come join the sadness Bob over here his ring for good luck I shall be weenie hot jr. weenie hut yeah there's no heart you're gonna be sad as these contestants over here I hope not I got a chance I lost all my money I lost Lunars money okay lunar do the honors spin the wheel my lucky number shall be four will the wheel stop when it will uh she got Oh X six seven seven that equals nothing shut up I got three more chance to my no - come on Luna I'm rooting for you but make me angry I'm crying oh that's an eight I play more cuz four plus four equals eight you can try again leave a like right now so I can get a four nor out saltiest you're definitely not getting a four oh [Music] well straight up out of pity points I will give you gifts since you guys are giving me housewarming guests okay actually no only the people that paid three thousand get gifts Wow good fine fine whatever just pick what you want Wow pity prizes for our contestants enjoy yay I hope this is worth a thousand bells better because each one what I paid stop giggling what this is a scam I got tree branches you know what you broke my heart [Laughter] come back here before you guys all give me my house warming gifts let me show you the last room upstairs we have no beds in this house because I just compiled this full of things I found at the super houses so dirty so she's a hoarder you like it roaches up here - why is there cockroaches it's a party room is a dirty party room do you know where I sleep you want to know Oh aren't you sure that's gonna fall on your head hopefully not sometimes I sleep backwards you guys she has us safe there's something valuable apparently that she puts in here rainbow I told you I'm really rich I sold a lot of turnips remember we went turnip I sting I'm gonna figure out what's in this safe it's gold bars wait a minute that's just a phony there's only a hot dog suit in here it's not fake I swear see this house is great we have foosball that possibly works I mean if you're oaken besides being a crystal ball nice room is pretty cool this is a footballer I should pear it works what do you rate my party room sakes Atherton leave a comment down below on how you think my house is leave a rating make sure it's good a to our ladies I'll let you spin the wheel maybe thank you for all the lovely housewarming gifts guys welcome dracco Lunars is wrapped in black wrapping paper and gold is then blue she really put love into her gifts la mine was blue - okay it was baby baby you know what baby blue works - it's open rainbows gifts hamster cage cute I need a hamster yeah do you like bells Wow you should give her 50 spins on the wall-mounted TV no you don't like my gift I like it it's well more TVs okay thanks that's a good TV sir yelling sports camera and a flowing river flowing thank you guys for the amazing gifts okay let's go do some Easter egg hunt say now that's enough time for a house tour don't mind my flans land right now I'm remaking my town let's take a look I always will see I love but now when there's no talk to the bunny going any boy hey there skipper it's me zipper I'm the lucky yellow bunny and I'm here to say there's something super special hippity happening today Wow he rhymes yay let's all clap guys clap any time now clap clap clap your zipper zipper I know what you're thinking no this is not a costume and don't you go snooping got it I see something back here Zippity zap that's enough of that let's talk about why I'm here to spread lots of bunny day cheer today is a very special day which is why I want everyone to go outside and play I have a wonderful bunny day game listen close and I'll explain ready are you ready yeah the time has come let's look for eggs that's my bunny plan say Zippity when they are here they are everywhere find them if you can did I make myself clear Yes No maybe so hmm how about this there are six types of eggs hidden around the island you see so wonderful oh you should go look for them and then bring them back to wonderful old me these eggs aren't hidden inside buildings no siree my eggs can only be found in the great outdoors check the trees check the rocks check the water to search the sky search the ground that's what you should do wow this is a lot zipper if you find all six types I'll give you a funny bunny reward and here's a little something I made for you to you a recipe card that's a bunny day art recipe go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find and now a grand announcement are you listening kid whatever here it is yes bunny ding-ding the DR recipes are hidden all around this very Island special prize awaits you what a luck is some bunny who finds the crafts all the money people don't get hurt now shake that card tail and hippity hop out of it I'll be waiting thanks Dipper that was a mouthful Rocko are you okay doc are you fine man he seems dry and Rocco I am Drusilla egg good clothes clothes how'd you get it oh wait did you just see the bunny he's just side boot as we walked away are we annoying bunny again walk away well he's a sad bunny that bird it gets tired jumping I mean if you had the jump of the whole day well I heard zipper has something in his back I want to see turn around someone make him turn around Tehran's OB Oh quick in there he's not a bunny he said what I mean he said excuse me but could you please stop staring at my back it's rude you won't find anything back there anyway oh sorry okay well go find a zipper bye okay I have a question what of eggs supposed to find any eggs when there is no trees or rocks jacilla follow me it's an empty land I'm trying to lift in my island right now and I spent the whole weekend I spent about two hours trying to do this and I'm crying inside and I don't know where to start but let me show you the lat the badlands over there's the badlands don't go there massacred this whole land yeah no one go over to the back mountain that's a bad area let's play a game whoever finds the most Easter eggs wins in two minutes I think two minutes fast okay go hunt right I saw Betty egg yeah no look I dug up an earth egg no I need a rock a good one for my rock my rock get out come on okay there's nothing here I gotta keep fighting oh this is something finding a lot of Earth eggs I think that counts you have to get your screen I found tree the timing I'm gonna win me and lunar erasing yeah my huh guys where's the spirit of Easter come on stay away it was less than two minutes ill it's a fossa come on I think I could fish up an egg they said it it's in the rivers so if I see something suspicious I will fish also guys I have a cool like fresh tap water stand where you can get some delicious water with a bug cup okay this is the forbidden area I don't want to show off yet because I decorated really nice and I'm saving whatever I gotta eat to the next place does anyone see any fishes oh I see an egg that's mine I'm going to Forbidden Lands Betty hoppity Zippity stop about you this is a river egg come on River egg whoa ground egg nope dude your ground egg look I'm gonna riff right there in land there's nothing here no cheese no nothing I chopped it all down come on please be snow it's just a dumb fish be on no I need eggs I don't think this is a fish it looks much bigger but I'm just gonna go ahead and try to fish it up anyway so seawater eggs are kind of like medium-sized fish are they in rivers though they're everywhere okay I highly doubt this is an egg but come on Wyatt why can I fish this are you a name no it is just a carp how carpi two minutes is almost up guys it's almost done I'm going for the homestretch please be an egg still no egg it's not besides one egg do you see my hat do you see my dress rainbow egg I say no I know eggs eggs to be an action one water egg the competition is over there I finally got it I got an egg yeah this is happiness I'm happy so it looks like I am the winner I found three eggs I'm pretty happy but I don't have an egg outfit I found one I found 12 eggs okay you're the winner then whoa gold is the winner of the egg hunt even though she wants a bad lens which you're not allowed to go to but I went to it too so I'm also gonna feed me smash like and I'll give you some fresh tap water don't forget to subscribe if you're new we are crew and we'll see you all in the next one bye guys i time to continue to scan people with my mystery wheel no biting no welcomes no noise visiting no one wants to spend you lunar lunar heard this purple bubble gum i'ma do it next time the wheels bigger [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,590,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons multiplayer, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing itsfunneh, itsfunneh animal crossing, krew animal crossing, funny animal crossing
Id: R1pGAejsnJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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