BIRTHDAY PARTY in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

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[Music] guys today is a very special day because it is dragos birthday and that's right we have created a beautiful birthday party for him in Animal Crossing yeah a surprise birthday party surprise birthday she's guys we gotta wait for him to get out of the airport and then we're gonna say happy birthday yeah make sure it doesn't confetti like hits his face yeah I'll stand on this side grab the door why did you say turn up turn up ice-t no I lied to you oh I wanted money okay wow what a coincidence on her birthday outfit that's your brother Wow a festivity bravo Bravo Drac oh happy birthday today is the day you were born a day of celebration and lots of food and cake and his first Quarantine birthday since it is my birthday can I get some rice please thank you I mean that's a pretty humble gift just some like I begin my festivities okay now I have organized and designed the island so I will be the one giving you a tour hey hey wait up wait up don't go to the next area slow let me get changed into proper attire for the birthday boy all right birthday boy follow me fellow citizens welcome we need to hear a Claire Rocco's paradise I am a jester you weren't rude okay the party I will eat you okay follow I would find that funny I mean okay rainbow get out no I'm joking so welcome this is my new and improved plaza this is where you can just relax drink some coffee okay yeah very cute we sell desserts but not really at the same time but enough about this tour okay you don't get a tour my Island today today we celebrate a very special boy's birthday happy birthday no chairs we stand and and eat cake yes over here is where you eat and enjoy question is this water free am I gonna be charged this birthday party is absolutely free for now for me yummy for now only free for dracco cause it's just birthday look at that can you know what is this puffy thing it is cream puffs made from lunar totally mm-hmm didn't come with the furniture cos I will try some yes totally good all your candles oh yeah happy birthday not yet you have to blow it after oh yeah it's a little squishy over here but let me just tell you something this is one of your many birthday cakes you will be blowing out so everyone gather around it's very cool this is your pre birthday cake so happy birthday dracco you just spit in the cake I think so I'm not going onto the next cake okay so but next one is actually a very cool game board so these are beautiful game board pieces that you know you go one two three and you spin the wheel everyone has to start off at these cookies though it is a happy game border is this another scam game board I will go first it is I will tell you yes track oh you get to roll first spin [Music] all right you gotta fight which way am I going down or up pick what right no you already go left only that's it two three they pick this up no you'll get to pick it up did you not I'll play game board so this is the meme cat you must give him an offering on this cookie okay I got Boop you can have this garbage okay combo bleeds beautiful spit free booze lucky number four one two three four I got nothing give me a lucky number ooh-ooh one the one haha this game what's really squishy I know that's the perk of it Oh Ludo got a 6-1 you're welcome Oh what do you get what oh yeah that's right yeah leaf recipe my turn three oh I get money totally lying wait wait wait this is dragos birthday should it like all of the presents be Drago's presents no no you can't win my presence I spin again six one get out of the way four five six oh my gosh ten thousand bells fun game I like this one two three four five six oh yeah rainbow gets nothing she just gets penny was girls you and I are in the back we got a pump up our yeah we got a bring up our luck come on give me a lucky number gold rolling a two Oh hello I'm right beside her now we're friends 801 she's moving three four five six seven eight nothing boom dude we're gonna win nothing spinny spinny lucky six one three four five six boom poof I thought you're gonna run a cupcake I want the cupcake you are a Sakai rule well you got two they want to give offering to Pennywise no no thanks I got a star fragments oh wow five Hey you'll be rolling gobble spin got to it's not off my tile give me a high number to want you you are allowed to pick up the weed and you could trade it for something else oh yes I would like that now what do I treat it with I will drop yellow cosmos that I picked from funny's garden what okay fine I guess that counts and the lunar got at almost eight but she's a seven I think hooters gonna beat the map I'm not gonna win anything they demand you to lose immediately as birthday boy Evan what is this trick could you get tell people to lose offering offering offering offering oh oh I will offer some medicine whoo that's actually a good price thank you lunar for contributing something useful to the board unlike the other people hahaha next time I will make this game board a lot bigger it is very squishy yes not no I'm just gonna spin this wheel and I got myself a five was I on this one I think I was one two three four more money oh that's it that's five see look one two three four five that's right the money was on the yellow tiles funny what I don't know what you're talking about continue on with the games I am the rule maker Oh Drock Oh gets it - one - let's hurry this game up so we can eat cake three that means I'm on this nook smile ticket oh whoa lucky an all-inclusive vacation paid by funny that up to ten thousand dollars cool what just making that up I'm in last place this is so sad eight that's the biggest number one two three four five six seven eight the bad thing about being lost is there's no prizes left on the board yum yum yum yum yum lunar is about food under the board with three okay oh one two three got there yeah it's so close Jaco saw the chance give me a lucky number three one two I land on rainbow boo now I will zoom past the competition wobbly do wobbly Dee give me eight for free free what that's a one I don't care about being the game I just want a prize well you have five mystery bag oh you should open it oh it's a protein shaker bottle yeah you need that that's a pretty good price I would say so gold with a six finally a big number for gold everyone round of a slice I get a birthday cupcake oh oh it's not your birthday it's my birthday that means you have to forfeit the cupcake bad look what I'm gonna do I hate you Oh Luna is on her last spin that means the game will be over if nice any number eight Wow Wow and I win you win nothing yeah whatever this game was a bad no if you did not win you do not get hey hey hey the game for to close what are you doing in two ways I'm just grabbing no picking up and I am the birthday boy I get everything if I gonna pick up everything off of the game board because it's leftovers now following over here this is the cool chill area where you get cotton candy you get to know it's drakensberg and you get carrot cake kind of okay YUM gross but why is there a Godzilla looking over us gonna eat it yeah kind of terrifying it's a prop I have a complaint what is things these cups are too small how is anyone supposed to fit in these cups well tiny they are what are they for flowers they're for you to admire like you can be in there but you're not now follow me upstairs I have a great performance for you all this before is my magic show everyone sit stand down understand I hear there's no chance there's no chairs here why don't you give us a bench shush this is a budgeted birthday welcome one and all to the epic magic show you're not gonna want to blink or you'll miss all the magic that happens wow I've never seen it clowns do any more for the 100th time I am NOT a clown I am a jester okay does this hat look empty to you yeah yes yes it is empty just like my soul haha I didn't know you were a joy wait a minute I came here for a magic not sad comedy and in this emptiness we pull out a bunny rabbit [Music] oh oh that was cool did it come from sore like that way I needed looking what'd you say shut up there's already a bunny in here whatever I'll tell you a beautiful story once upon a time there was a peach for those ding-dongs who don't believe in magic well I say nay boom a baby poor baby how long I thought as all people Thank You 100 bells please pay out what why white I don't know I bet they know the money was gonna go to you dracco see all right here's your hundred bells for your boring tricks what what yeah I named here's your hundred bells okay I'm gay everyone gone for a cup Jocko here is in your face where's your hundred bells okay you dude doesn't he have enough money already since it's your birthday I'll give you $1,000 Wow I don't even think you need money look at your outfit it looks expensive no I picked this out of the dumpster sure like every great birthday party there are party favors you can take it now or take it when you leave I know it's one per person this is cool should we open it maybe wait I mean we could open it right now there's nothing inside I got a shovel look it's helpful useful beautiful tools huh that's not full that's so cute I got a birthday cake shovel oh and Drago didn't have these cupcakes we'll take it you're very old cupcakes but budgeted birthday remember it looks like yeah he's just eaten them yeah they're tasty here is your second birthday cake and we can pick any courts out here how many birthday cakes did you bake a lot I will now blow it out Jacko oh he doesn't want anybody gay I don't want to eat it amazing and every cake probably relight it and you make a proper wish I wish to be a belly in there would you like to move on to the surprise room Ohi game can have a plane's first chop chop no you can't have your presents yet everyone in the house welcome to your birthday room where we have couches for you sit on a kind candy machine free toys pool bath pinball and pop coin oh it's beautiful Wow another cake another wish no wait just can-can what to try a piece before he bows no I will have to wish a pirate cake first let's pretend that didn't happen we reach our start oh I wish for everyone to subscribe and I will not sneeze on this lately wait for real subscribe come I do it come on I also blow the cake Oh control it hmm well that is absolutely disgusting but Rocco do you want to see what happened behind the scenes in order for this birthday party to become magnificent as it is okay yeah follow me to the kitchen I'll show you what everyone was cooking so earlier this day rainbow and goals were in here making a cake and this is what the cake look like it's us thank you thank you very well no it's not bro very increase rows it's a basic okay so we were like this cake looks pretty gross so then we eat at it and then we bought some cake oh wait did I say gold helps cook this I meant gold helped cook that way I helped clean up the kitchen still a mess call the kitchens pretty dirty I don't think you should don't hear anything this is a this is a fire has yeah just you know what let's just turn off everything in the kitchen because yeah this is very dangerous and we don't want my house to break down why do you think there's fans everywhere it's cuz the burnt smells everywhere okay is this burnt rice I smell yeah that's a goal of doing what's just closed I don't wanna leave hey Drago I bet you we can break this machine and get all the tickets and port our little tickets in here girls wait stop break yeah machines their rental Oh lunar loan them tween a minute we forgot to give track those presents before you made a wish Drock oh we will give your presents outside this place is a man in my presence yes Drock oh here's my gift to you it was from my closet and it's very it's very cool I hope you like you what would I want from your closet everything have all the outfits in the world these are horrible I have he's all shorts they're cool shorts okay they looked cool more like comical Drock oh I got you something really cool and quirky and I think you'll like it Wow green wrapping paper why he's all green yeah mine was pink she didn't have an inflatable sofa yeah can't show everyone I have to blow it up first want me to work on my birthday I hope you'll love it would I a frozen treat set Oh what what is that well it's a special what the heck Wow that's right I beat you all give it to me Wow Luna has set the bar high guys Wow all right Drago here is your present happy birthday Wow wrapping paper that's not green it's gold a punching bag yeah ones best present that was the only thing at Tom next door oh hey Luna what's that in your hand give it to me I want it no this is my glow stick why didn't you give me that as a present I want it this is weird I think you should let him borrow it it is his birthday after well I've got this from time-traveling thank you for all the birthday gifts you're welcome bro now birthday gifts are fun and all but how about a game where you're blindfolded no just dracco right now everyone's blindfolded careful this is Pennywise chamber of doom party now it's a great birthday party so this is a mask I'm gonna need everyone who's playing to put it on and this is how it works this is your shovel this is your eye mask you're gonna close your eyes and you're gonna walk around you're gonna shovel up a prize that's it you got it where are you guys you got it you listen to me yep everybody lead games really interesting all you gotta do is you gotta play penny wise hey where everyone I don't hear this popcorns good you guys gonna play my game or I'm gonna chop you whoa you can't chop them I don't wanna weigh your silly games yes a lot of work to dig up stuff I don't know if it's just me but there's something funny looking about this penny why what are you talking about there's just who's going friends about it me me me me me what prize will Luna get blindfolded let's see okay you got close I mean we have been sick boo thank you oh I got a blue hat I like going in the funnies Island family Coons rainbow is up next what is she gone dig whoo is it gold bars someone tell me what is it yeah it's definitely gold bars you got shopping yeah delicious mm-hmm but I just got a leaf egg I'm suing this game you can't be sue this game no one's in charge of this island it makes no my suing this island from now on all prizes are mine gold get me something okay close your eyes go on oh she stopped she dug penny why no arm no I didn't it felt hard so can I try another one please okay fine go again Oh what again it looks like a paper bag what is it oh wow I got this for you Drago now thank you there you go birthday boy I do not need the glowstick anymore I have a and to find my hotness I'm super surprised that no one fell for my bad prizes yes maybe you'll get it was that choco go dig go dig boy what is in your turn to dig fine I would dig my eyes are closed I'm just gonna walk around and dig ha ha ha ha three badges but how many tree branches ok its wine that's a horrible price I will not be wearing your sweaty eyepatch I will yeah the eye patches pretty gross everyone wore it close your eyes where will you land no one knows doo-doo-doo-doo together start digging who do do you get dizzy doo doo doo lucky luck well folks that's it Rocco's birthday was a huge success right Jenna hmm I love this birthday party but the birthday party cannot be successful if you do not go eat the cake you sneeze all over the cake upon thanks I guess we can go eat cake but everyone's probably gonna be dying to know what's in the rest of these so I guess why well dig him up right now ok let's dig it's a free-for-all whatever you get you gonna keep a hundred bells come on Oh let me go to higher see I told you this good prizes in the ground and it's tiny on the last one guys they killed her it's mine now I'm standing on the last one wait what oh that's just a nozzle oh you dig don't you get well guys we hope you enjoyed this very special animal crossing video if you did the mash the like button down below don't forget to subscribe if you're new and you can have a delicious piece of cake thanks for celebrating my birthday with me bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,488,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons multiplayer, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing itsfunneh, itsfunneh animal crossing, krew animal crossing, funny animal crossing
Id: hjLDfh2QV24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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