Our NEW LIFE in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

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welcome one and all to the official opening of crew island my goal here is to turn this island into a beautiful town a very nice town where people could relax and enjoy but there is no stinking way that I am picking up any of these weeds anytime soon look at me I can't even take care of myself and I'm gonna trick the rest of the crew members to help me clean it up anyway hurry up I gotta run all the way to the airport and pick them up let's go what's taking her so long I don't know hello people welcome to crew islands hi long enough what happened to your face did you not okay so before you guys ask me what I'm wearing what the heck are you guys wearing cute clothes I'm rich pretty clothes like the normal human should be wearing follow me on the outside hurry up people booties out of the door this doesn't look like the brochure yeah you also said you the mayor of the town I am the mayor remember when I told you guys that this place was wonderful beautiful flourishing with flowers these are flowers I see no those are weeds okay can I borrow that hat no this is my hat protecting me from the Sun okay so guys what I want you guys to do is to start shaking these trees are you shaking wait one question one question I found money yeah where are your shoes shoes I don't wear shoes because with shoes I'm slow look at me look how fast I am hey I got money in your drew thank you I will take that your whiny type of honey or rare items must be given to me second mirror of this town okay the first mayor then the first mayor is Tom Doug no I'm kidding wait are you do you litter stuff around your house what are you throwing peaches this is delicious rocks oh it has like I'm doing my laundry um you guys fun even mayor of this town has no order this is yeah you needed what it wardrobe or something can I show you my house first my pleasure I'm familiar to go my goodness are we all gonna fit that is rude rainbow don't how dare you judge my house sighs no I mean like there's a lot of us just get your butts this isn't even a how oh my gosh this is it Mouse come to my tent this is right chill you know place right endo switch don't touch anything you'll get sick hey you need a refrigerator how did she live like Hello maybe we can help maybe us town folk inhales oh I just oh gosh she's tight these are my parents hey stop stepping on my food that's breakfast Hey okay guys I think we should help funny with crew island thank you follow the place where we will live so since you guys now want to help me with crew Island I have to check the mail first mail is very important mm-hmm you've received a message from Luna Luna Semyon message funny stuff stop I'm rich in Bellevue even attached a gift to this I'm throwing the trash obviously I shut up into the belt I didn't say I'm gonna give you bail hey give me something then did she design that dressing herself by the way not end this was free anyway okay pay up okay good I will bequeath you are so generous very generous person giant clam I'll show you the most generous gift I will give you I'll take Jerry from the benevolent land of toast you go thank you for your cherry I there I already have many cherries but I know but this cherry is special because it's a toast to get cherry now I got a kick from lunar follow me what does the thick do please shake the trees people Oh okay okay we're shaking shaky that's my neighbor trip me see town - well he's yelling at Easter does not like gold well gold back up back up I forgot to tell you the roosters very trigger roosters everything here in order I'm ready no I'm pumped up about the spot you helped me pick out for my tent thanks for the push I hope you can keep looking out for each other like this it's good to have buddies okay oh right okay you got something here for you buck hey oh my gosh we're fighting this for my place oh cool goose gave me a gift that's for true I have a cool hat item finally I won't get sunburned this same hat does me let's be twins Jocko does have a really cool hat this is the laugh the hard life of a man money right can I ask what's the point of shaking all these trees yeah you're gonna find me money oh because hey hey don't do that don't shovel trees look I found more coins Oh rainbow you're not allowed to grab the coins it's for tax purposes yeah there's a tax in this town I'm sorry I need this excuse me tax purposes thank you Oh Oh clay tax purposes hey hey drop that yes I ain't dealing in cool town drache Oh drop it apples I'll take an iron thank you taxi her purposes we got to keep cleaning up the town you Talia shake trees there's not really any money just this town is poor after all what you did here I think there's a mosquito are you oh there's a very cute squirrel that lives there Oh guys you know what we should go fishing here let's try fishing for once okay and if put more money this she oh there's a big fish right here you fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish oh no we're too loud I will catch the fish before funny catch the fish come on fishy there you go I'll catch the fish first let's see what it is regular old battery yes I caught the black bass man funny look what I found what's your fight I don't know oh that's rare that's a rare i musn't get me new tax purposes everything is I never explored the north side of my Island so we can pull over here see you don't need bridges I'll just offer plebeians enough good hey I know I done thing with my fruit you found a cloth lying fault that's perfect because I'm always dropping my clothes on the floor house-sitting let's see this the fossil is right here for taxes oh I can't place it out here now you have no excuse to you guys SOS SOS hurry to the beach why we found wine it's a message in a bottle where are you what Oh up there yes rainbow no what do you bring for the tax purposes this isn't tax they could be in trouble a message in a bottle mm-hmm reading open dearest reader are you paying proper attention to your appearance darling and you can help you put yourself together your recipe in this bottle do make one for yourself when the mood strikes best wishes Gwen I do not like what what are you saying playing game trying to tell you something well you what's wrong my face sweet just got roasted is Gwen stalking you guys we have to go make a marinade will be shaky-shaky twigs I think I can make a mere with these oh and you need ayran Oh funny actually Holt found me ayran there's a sign right yep yes thank you let's look at our DIY recipes Amir we need wood and IRA Nuggets I already have iron nuggets we need wood though I can help provide the wall means you need an axe time to go to the crafting store we got to buy ourselves or craft ourselves and axe so then I can make myself a mirror and look at myself in the mirror because that Gwen person thinks I'm unkempt I think she's just telling you to wash your face yeah I don't think you should um you're taking a little too far no mm-hmm I'm making a flimsy now I'm gonna make a beautiful island whoever's message in a bottle that was I got myself a net what else do I need I mean I can't build myself a leaf umbrella umbrella is my cute you know what we're gonna build on Bella to clean it does that machine sell anything good yes they sell clothes maybe you need some what that's it dude I'm gonna ban you for no I'm kidding welcome to the Nook shop a multimedia terminal from nook Inc once per day we get bonuses air miles to waste on stuff let's go to nook shopping a magazine for 210 bells that's expensive next there's more they sell a cute bear tea for 800 I kind of want that he's a diaper okay I don't know it's very weird I don't know what it is it looks like fancy bloomers or whatever very weird it's don't-don't-don't look in the machine just don't do it are you gonna sell me an axe ah welcome welcome I'm so happy that you I'm so happy that you made your way here we're still setting up but for starters we intend to offer a small selection of goods for our Island residents space is limited right now but we'll try to save some fresh stock but we'll try to have some fresh stock each and every day I'm sure you're busy but feel free to have a look at some of the items were thinking of selling I'll take a look great handy water cooler and a campfire of cookware that's nothing he does not sell an axe he sells a slingshot and a watering can but I don't need this stuff make axe whatever it Rocco can I borrow an axe this little Timmy won't sell me before I get the axe from Drago I'm gonna sell my giant clams and all of this stuff I caught today apples some tree branches wait I need that yeah that's it that's all I can sell how much money is this look at all the fine things you've brought in today allow me just a moment to run the numbers and done I can buy these from you for the total of 3000 and 140 bound good yes sold thank you please come again Oh before I forget I wanted to tell you something about fruit you just sold me when you eat food like fruit you'll find yourself energized with more power and you might have imagined has anyone shared that with you what I mean is you can break oaken rocks or maybe you and dig up a whole tree if you had the right tool now it's fine for you to sell me your fruit but you should try eating it once in a while too I have to eat I must leave he should resign starving hey guys please bring me all the fruit but I'm gonna get some clothes first it's all near your house what does Kalu's I don't know Hollywood I'm buying it I can't place orders because you guys are here hey I can't even wear these cute pollutes whatever I can just imagine myself wearing them I am here to eat Hey you may come will show you your food stash before it rots let's go thank you just like you said I got a peach was a rotten I don't think you should stick it in your mouth I'm putting it no I'm eating it she's gonna be all-powerful for ya I'm gonna be so strong eat your fruit skies wait where's Luna she's stealing from crew Island yeah I'm too rich to steal wait how much bells do you have how much money how much about you say I have PSE grand what she is rich I'm rich would you mind sharing me some no I'm a hard worker - I'm just eating at the moment No are you guys eating your tiny super fruits yet I don't like these shoes that you threw on the floor you like I'll trade you for my blue wines hmm oh yeah I need some blue shoes okay you can trade just let me finish eating I'm almost at ten apples just gonna eat my belly 10th apple let's go I'm full now why do I do oh yeah you have the power to use the mighty axe but what are you yeah hey wait you should use your power before vibrating now yeah I will trade you for beautiful stones gotta take it and I will give you if you think about it honey's kind of having a garage sale so we should yeah welcome to my garage sale loafers what I have running shoes you give me loafers to lay no tradebacks I don't know how I feel about loafers did I make a profit thank you for this axe so welcome it looks swell get these yellow shoes they match perfect old shoes are cute hey stop stealing my style hey these shoes are cute yes don't refuse to put on pants are you guys excited for my mirror down tree we can't chop down trees no you dig up trees okay one two I think this is enough to make a mere by the way weeds are a good way to make money no weeds are for chumps no it's not you can make me that's what lunar is rich so everyone's stealing your weeds right now mayor funny that's a tip for me oh thank you everyone drop the seeds before I hit you how will you stop it you will all die hey my purposes huh hey I didn't collect no weeds I have enough supplies to go craft in there now BRB ok ok time to craft a mirror a wooden table mere crafted yes that's right guys we could finally change our appearance --is through this handmade mirror the others left for a bit so i can decorate my little cute island and let's put on this clothesline whole beautiful now my clothes my try this is the wooden table mary crafted BAM does it work should I change my look with this wooden table mirror to change it up so with this mirror I can change my hair so I could be more beautiful yes oh there's more hairstyles we're didn't go for these pigtails cuz it looks cute and these eyes are hilarious our look must be more glowing now beautiful we have a tooth and now we are looking cuter than before since I do have more than 3000 Belle's I can treat myself to some nice things before I visit Lunars I I'm going to finally buy these beautiful pants I always wanted I also leave a comment down below on what these are and I'm not sure if they're like underwear or boxes they look funny I like it the cute bear tee for 800 bells an outdoor air conditioner that's too expensive for me that's it I'm gonna save my money so I did the closing in my inventory and then I asked them I was like guys where's my clothes and they said it ships the next day so I have to wait one whole day so I get no clothes what cool thing rainbow wrote something on my bulletin board and it says this island in five words sometime it'd be like that see you like it that's the moon yeah that's my mood right now with this I've been visiting Lunas I'm visiting why she keeps saying she's the rich island we'll see about that I am ready to depart to Lunars Island goodbye dodo mm-hmm this is your captain we're almost to Crescent so please prepare for landing return your seat to the upright position and make sure your seat belts are fastened aim fastened I see you guys bountiful country we'll be making a water landing but that's okay hello I'm here hello err you had a makeover is makeover I'm beautiful yes don't say anything I love that under eye mascara thank you you know does your island have any bugs I need to catch something probably near to somewhere Oh butterfly right there oh you gotta cross the river there's a barfly over here I'll have to eat myself across the river perfect whoo nice the butterfly is crossing the river again I hate you it knows your new yellow butterfly let's go hmm yes I can't did yellow flashlight shouldn't all butterflies be yellow that seems like something gold would say why I agree sneaky perfect yes I caught a common butterfly they're often flutter by jaco don't I look like you like me now that I'm really shy I'm so cute to become successful like me and many bells you will get a bountiful house like this beautiful purple I want to see you guys goodbye he didn't even ask to go into her place you just yeah you did not I knocked and I okay the door and this is my house Wow your house is so cute what's in here I wonder what's inside I'll just take a teeny tiny make hey no PPIC guess it makes sense oh lunar there's garbage in here you're a garbage collector everything is amazing and that is why actually is a very cute house look she has the limited-edition switch what a shot well she's showing up leave like because fruit is delicious don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for watching we are crew I will see you on the next one bye bye next time I'm very rich you seem very nice clothes this is what happened to you be stealing my town you get burned like like Jerry here what are you doing [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,017,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons multiplayer, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing itsfunneh, itsfunneh animal crossing, krew animal crossing, funny animal crossing
Id: n-C1t0Js3Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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