Wheat Harvest 2020

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a big tractor power fans I'm here live at the start of the 2020 wheat harvest here in Western Kentucky I've got some big John Deere at seven ninety combines out in the field and I'm gonna be jumping up in the cab here with my friend Matt this is my friend Tatum coming up on this s7 90 I rode with him last year he was out running a John Deere 4840 on his dad's farm planting organic soybeans see this big 45 foot header ft 1:45 McDon hi everyone so we've got four s79 he's working in this field and then three more down the road got to nine 420 our four-wheel drives on Kinzie 1150 carts and my friend Matt's coming up here [Applause] hi Kayden hope everything's good in Alabama hello to California always great to see where everybody's from God Duke from Virginia cutting wheat right now to watching this so I've got Matt coming up here little Isaac in Indiana hi everybody got a bunch of people coming in the load of Kansas Quan sure so I guess I'm on her France or Quebec Arizona well the Illinois so here comes Matt he's got a big 45 foot header going as well [Music] get a big FD 145 head will climb up in the camp [Music] so we got a model year 2020 s7 90 and a bunch of them cut weed out here let's climb in hey Matt that's right happy wheat harvest doing will put my camera down here how's the harvest going [Music] I've got someone on here from Paris France I just saw someone from Paragould Arkansas got someone from Maine Isaac is saying hi to Matt Lode Ontario Canada so we'll see Matt turn the header on here pull it Island in Norway North Alabama Tennessee farm boy on here you guys just open the section up but we've already got a big swath behind ya we're running four at this field down the road we got three hello to England and California Chile I was just riding with Gil over here doing talking to him about what it's like to run a grain cart keep them up with you guys [Music] a little Ohio in Germany we just had someone say that they were from Indiana and New York and Pennsylvania someone from Croatia [Music] so how's that week doing so far we had a couple Frost's on this in May which was unexpected yeah it hurt the yield pretty bad this field actually is better than the last ten bushels per acre better so we're hoping that the later maturing varieties are will do better because they weren't crucial you know bro states when that frosted so we'll see instead someone say hello from Greece someone was asking can any farm get this big well if you make the right choices of management definitely can this is so this is a family farm I know people are always amazed to get all this big equipment but Matt is an employee of the farm but you've been here quite a few years now yes 2006 [Music] we got Randy asking how do you like John Deere verse case I'm gonna say that you know they're all pretty good you know so here comes Gil got to 9 for 20 hours out here keeping the combines going always neat when they're dumping out to the other and here comes Matt he's got a 20 and a foot unloading auger here and he's about the 43.8% out this auger the cool crisscross shot here the two marrying each other [Music] it's always fun getting to do these live streams to kind of show everybody what's going on in the field and it takes quite a few hours to actually film these machines and get all the shots that you see about produce video so it's always nice just to ride along and see what's going on we're reading a little bit of weather it's actually been raining all morning in town and we even with a thunderstorm but it's still dry down here today [Music] at least we have a breeze the dried up the straw outfits that looks a little tough this year yeah so one of the things that's been going on this spring is we've had a lot of rain and the last few days have been nice it's been good for cutting wheat but Matt who does the spraying here with two other guys they put a lot of ruts in these two cousins this year and we can see there's still some standing water right here of course we sprayed four four times you know every time run it down the same tracks they dig deeper and deeper every times it's an ideal but you got to do so here we can see we're going over a little bit of mud and water but the combine can handle it yeah Wayne Crocker from Paragould Arkansas in here say Malone and about 335 people watching so what um what size is this field this one about 180 acres [Music] we're about half done with it you can see right here look bad okay I am I filmed in this field right after you guys are done they'll be putting in second crop of soybeans here yeah and if he people look over there in the distance I'm going to zoom in you can see there's a barn in a silo that's a big case IH farm that I fell mat and they were seeding beans over here and Billy was seating beans here and I was trying to get him whole and they would stop over there to fill up and that though I'll go get Billy I get over here and Billy's filling up and I kept on going round and around there's a little town on the other side of these trees trying to get both and nobody was cooperating that day running is it so it's hard to film all this stuff to get enough hours in and you want to maximize your time hello from Poland actually trying to get that perfect shot it takes a long time sometimes right after you leave there'll be a perfect opportunity to get all the complex lines over something right the good thing is Matt's got a drone now so he's gonna be able to help me out get those shots because I wait around and it'll probably happen in some point in the season I like to yesterday on Instagram you shared a picture we're usually also when you guys part someone always parks off from the line or the opposite direction people gonna say ah there aren't seven combines there but they really are so if people want to check you out an Instagram where they need to go so it's I than a is an Adam Matt five six seven eight Instagram and take a look here at this for our bushes tanks filling up [Music] so this is a new 2020 model yep any difference between the nineteen [Music] at the same thing that they did change the pitch oh they just don't know how much higher so that helped a little bit just to get the clearance and yeah [Music] hitting a great car [Music] that makes nice so hard to judge the distance on it you know like if you're dumping in a truck the trucks are a lot lower than the carts so we also can see you're running just about you know three miles per hour a little over but this this is a lot of week 45 feet a week if you get into a hundred bushel crop that's a lot to put through this combine falls over you can usually tell it's got big heavy heads on it this right now we're only making about 65 standing up nice but it's still cut stuff like that might as well be on the ground if it for me when I'm filming it looks pretty it makes the compound look good makes a nice video but last year we had a tornado come through and it made a mess of the week but it was making over a hundred and ten bushels so it's seems weather one way or another just makes it hard to cut so this week right here is yielding about sixty five bushels an acre because it got frosted on twice and May wheat heads out here right at the end of April and unfortunately this year it was cool we just we'd never have Frost and May usually it's 90 degrees and the whole month of May was cool and rainy and a couple of reasons I got a science lesson yesterday on why the straw is so tough and we you know the grain is actually surprised because when the print froze the frost cell wall of the plant busts and it doesn't allow the natural flow of moisture to exit the plant so this it takes it twice long for an actual plan to dry now that's why it's it definitely puts all 543 horsepower to work now in this count line there's a horsepower gauge over here it stays that towards the yellow the yellow mark right there I mean that's another question people say oh you don't need all that horsepower you don't need that combine and it it's definitely doing what it's supposed to when you get a look over here the Kinsey dump it out and you see them going over a drain here it's quite a little bit of a hill it's nice to have those four-wheel drives for that kind of work see that at Kinsey track right over the hump there [Music] so I appreciate everybody tuning in we've got about four hundred and thirty six people on here of people want to ask some questions I'll try to see what's coming through and talk to Matt and though I saw a question before about they're asking what you think about the new x9 combine it's happy Flag Day and student 14th Sunday morning going into the afternoon and I believe at 8:30 in the morning tomorrow John Deere is gonna publicly announced on their website the x9 so we'll learn a little more about what the model numbers of the x9 are and its capacity and capability definitely hoping to see you next nine maybe during the wheat season I'm working on that tracking one down and we'll we'll see what happens and I'm sure Matt you probably wouldn't mind trying one of those out of you I've one showed up here maybe so we'll see what happens you guys are third day a week right now [Music] right at the 2,000 acre mark right now so you got eleven thousand acres a week to cut some analysis uh someone asked earlier do all farms and Kentucky plant soybeans after week here in Western Kentucky yes if you get to northwest Kentucky or Far southwestern Kentucky that's river bottom ground and they can't raise wheat because the river sits out on that ground so they're just you know straight corn soybean rotations but if you're right here we're right on the about an hour north of Nashville you're gonna see wheat because it you know why wouldn't you get you know if you got a thousand acres you're gonna get two thousand acres of crops off of one you know one cropping season so please ask any questions always happy to answer them and it just neat watching the real go by and cut in the week yes this is a model year 2020s 790 there are four of these out here with McDon ft 145 heads someone just said they're demoing an x9 and fan handle so we're looking forward to hearing more about that when John Deere is ready to let the info out tomorrow oh look 1999 Lexington those are good combines you know the first lexing combine sold in North America was sold about 40 miles from here near Madisonville Kentucky we got someone asking about how was the switch to the John Deere planners this year from the Kinzie's so I I film matte matte film and what it takes a little time to produce a video when you want to get in a lot of details so but I put out a video every day and I just have not gotten a chance to produce the corn planting on this farm yet but I'll try to get it out here hopefully in the next week and Matt's been busy done hey you've been spraying cutting wheat building a new bin are you involved in that or they actually started they got all the concrete for non-stop I think there's two started building so what size Ben is that going up or not okay this is that the bin systems over three million now or we're getting closer to four million bushel bin system to keep up with these compounds or [Music] we got three beds that size three of those in five minutes that's over or a million five myself that's a lot of green what's the we got a question what some moisture on this week feel about 17 to 18 oh good [Music] and I'm afraid we're gonna get some moisture by the look of those clouds over there but we'll see who's the guy that made all these sprayer ruts here [Music] meant as a the farms got three are 4045 sprayers and Matt and two of the other guys that are running combines out here do all the spraying but they got to go when they gotta go get it applied [Music] Big Mac yup I've heard about those x9s down there we'll we'll be seeing what we can see pretty soon lota senseless hopefully I'm seeing the right fabrication [Music] what is the farm run McDon heads over john deere's i guess they came out with the first reaper head [Music] ever since before I ever worked here but they used to run you know conventional auger headers made you're beginning to talk wheat beans they very well try to drape her header and have him turn back stuck with back down now I remember the it was the 2004 wheat harvest here they got their first rate per head in 2003 and tried it out and what the farm used to do back in early 2008 90s they ran stripper heads they had Gleaner and Massey Ferguson stripper heads which simply sweep the grain off the week leave the straw standing they would do that like the first week of harvest and then switch over to 35-foot deer platform heads and then once these Draper's came along that was it that's all they run [Music] you see Gill over there was he giving up more [Music] but there was that 2004 season they were like some stripper heads running there were still one platform head running and McDon so it was leaving a weird pattern in the field there's some farmers in the area still running the strip right yeah I just I just filmed it one farm that's using a John Deere swather to swap the straw down and bail it yes someone asked you we have a freeze yes as we got frozen twice unfortunately see Matt dumped it out again let's say you guys are gonna get 1,200 whistles on that [Music] I had a question can I explain what a corporation farm is I honestly I I don't know it I've never been to a corporation farm you know the right now the farm I'm filming out here is a family farm they've been farming since the 1800s and I've got three different generations of people involved from the family work in this ground [Music] so Gil is filled up and ready to go [Music] so I talked to Gil filming him is it tough when he got this 45 foot head out there to kind of things lined up er it is you gotta get pretty close to that you got a good driver like he is gonna have to worry with without experience again that gets a little nervous we've had some close calls [Music] so we're just rolling along here please ask any questions of trying to watch them are the 90 for 20 hours new yes yes definitely planted corn with them [Music] so one of the things you know this farm switches equipment every year and the reason is because those the 9 for 20 hours is here you can have a thousand hours are close to at the end of the season [Music] top miners trackers for any anything else in the farm they do a lot of a lot of different jobs so we've got someone from Middle Tennessee saying hi of the yield out here on this field is about 65 bushels which is you know normally you want to see 90 to 100 but I also films in a field the other evening where they were hitting like 110 bushels so it depends on your variety and where the frost got it this year so we've got a hawk 36 asking about the switch from John Deere planters to Kinsey why the change I know that this farm had one of the original 2400 Kinsey's it's still out behind the shop so they I mean it's probably at least 40 years of the Kinsey really it's about all about being able to trade it john deere had a better deal good planner the kids were good players too save their bad a business decision [Music] they're both great planners yeah I mean I think I know I've talked to you about that there's some things on the Kinsey that on the wheel setup and stuff that's better some stuff on the deer you know they they're all built to do a good job [Music] so please keep on asking questions I just try to see him as they come by [Music] so no people are always asking is this leased equipment is it purchased equipment you know I don't really like to get a guest into the business stuff but actually the sprayers are leased [Music] no it's but there's a lot of people family members are involved here getting everything done and you know it's just as successful it's a successful family farm they've been doing a long long time many generations and kind of steadily growing to you know the bosses motto is if you're not growing you're dying so we constantly get bigger and more up to date and stuff and it's really impressive operation it definitely is it's neat to see this but it's also this isn't you know running big combines like this and these tractors it's really it's it's not about showing off it's about getting an industrial-sized job done and the efficiency is it's it's just about getting across these acres and actually you probably could use them another combine out here things but they they maximize what they can deal with these you know what they got here [Music] that Miller combine stay have our truckers you know like they're actually having to wait for us which is unusual so someone asks how you like this s 790 I mean you've been running these sub since 18 now so three years in the seven 90s [Music] my first started working here and 9860 you know every year trade & upgrade and get get the bigger ones so that that's the next week they just saw three go by are you getting the next time and left love to see it you know are they available next year I think John Deere's releasing a limited amount this year this farm is always known him when I first visited this farm 20 years ago they were running 96 tents which were the biggest then and went to 97 50s 98 60s 70s than than the six 90s Andes so I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see you next 9 here but it just depends on you know what's available and what they decide to do [Music] how many acres a day can these combines to do so there there are seven of them here in Matt about a thousand acres a day yeah give or take depending on field sizes [Music] good cut clean thumbs out 150 to 200 yesterday I think I did 125 the first day I did 140 did you spend [Music] it's and if you if you want to seem about this operation the video this is a live stream but the video posted on big tractor power YouTube just before this it shows all seven combines and I talked about the thousand acres a day they cover and if you watched that video all the way to the end screen then it'll show you the full season you'll see the tillage so this winter weed out here that we're looking at right now default corn last year the corners shelled in August harvested September they apply fertilizer they disc all the ground Harrow it starts eating October 10th hopefully finished by Halloween then Matt comes out here and starts spraying in January they put four applications on from January to May and then you guys start cutting and then the beans come on but I've got that whole process the whole process on big tractor power you tube and I think it's just called a full season a week if you want to sell the equipment yes this farm has always used the mcdonough heads since they really started pushing on the first one showed up here in 2003 [Music] and took a job we really wanted to run it cutting beads anything can cut wheat you know beans is really where you put a header to the test and we didn't get to try it look maybe we will this year but it did a great job cut the weeds down here which is better we really like them back on so someone just asked why you driving so slow we're going three miles per hour but I'm gonna zoom in here and show those indicator wires again so just tell us about the speed and what those bars up there above the 2,100 tell us [Music] really tall tough strong the horsepower is about max now that [Music] so that first bar there were the green and the yellow is so it's it's right at the top of the green and and you don't want to be up in that yellow and ready to loosely I try to push it in the yellow a little bit you know you're maximizing your horsepower sometimes I'll be paying attention to the red negative edge to speak warning like right now this buggers got very good three and a half [Music] like right now it's getting a mother read because I gotta get a green spot you know No so Lucky's love to keep an eye on sweets not like it is out west well yields without saying but the strong lots of it and you got to cut it green or as soon as you can because weather like this that can blow it down and you're gonna put beans in it now that the air Cedars on here they're they're just down the road and a thousand acre field I imagine yeah we've been right away we finished that field this morning and they're they're planted they're probably five or six hundred acres behind us with the planners [Music] just had someone sad here from California hello I've been to California once that just featured Matt's liger from California's rice farming TV I was pretty neat he showed us how they plant rice on his farm and out in California and look forward to following up with a harvest video rice that's something that's a really tough crowd though you can see other Draper pellets I'll shut it off so you can see it they're wet they're wet from the straw you know it don't like that's why we're going so slow [Music] Matt what's your favorite farm on the job over the sorry favorite damn good job on the farm I probably you know harvesting running I enjoy harvesting corn that's probably my favorite job planting in harvesting corn so you do a lot of jobs I mean you're on the farm 12 months a year so if we start out in January your spring you're working all winter on welding repairs in the shop which are here on the channel and then you're getting the corn planters ready and he was wearing it combines Bonet mailing a during the disk pretty much every job so Fran hydrous now you don't miss that out of that so when I'm hobbyist is going down Matt's spraying the burn down to the head of the planter so anhydrous is tough stuff so someone asked me it would I like to be a farmer absolutely but unfortunately it's not just a career that you can pick up because you have to be able to purchase your land the equipment the fertilizer you need to know what you're doing as far as raising the crops and it's I would love that opportunity but it's I do enjoy getting close to papayas sharing these videos with everyone here what's the capacity of the kimchi cart 1100 bushels he can keep about 1200 bushels on it and you know they this farm likes the basic of that thousand bushel cart because the trucks all thousand bushels away you get those big 1,500 bushel thirty-nine bushel carts but then you got a half a truck you fill one truck fill the other half and then it's sitting there waiting they want trucks non-stop back and forth of the bins yeah the truck sitting in the field idle its someone someone just asked about feel for you to use you'll be really on this side it's just a secondary way to collect data we use both the John Deere and the climate [Music] so it's good to have a backup definitely a lot of computer a lot of Technology all touch button that's some John Deere really excels and is just all touch button controls so now we're coming over one of my favorite things that just frustrates me so much when I'm filming because I wanted those perfect passes but I think they frustrate me more than you so here we are we got is this like a French train is that what it's called or something like that it's a actually call these risers drainage tile it's to help stop erosion and feel my trees [Music] usually would have been like low spots that drain the water out and we do that but a lot of times we use them to stop erosion like to be a washout or a ditch instead of the water running over top of the ground when you get a heavy rain it goes in the riser and goes underground so it doesn't wash the field one so we're kind of bouncing over this here and this is how I always know you know that this farm kind of has your own style of crafting the field here and that's that riser is one of them but it's just when you're trying to get these perfect shops or videos really gone now they hit a riser but especially in corn that's uh [Music] yeah they're kind of a pain to go around [Music] stop that's the main goal I look the Sun came out all right could be in the eye of the storm but I look it over the head but he held those risers I mean they're definitely effective but I I was writing my 47 86 blow one of the heroes and I came up on one of those and unfortunately I drove over the top of that her mom said I think I've seen you maybe clip one of those pipes so people are asking if you Bellsprout hear that this farm does not Bale the straw that so you can kind of look out there and see the straw laying there they're gonna plant soybeans here this afternoon and that straw serves the mulch and it also helps build up organic material on the ground so they the straw is much more available to the farm for that soybean crop that's going to be growing out here in a few weeks to be right out there not bailed up now some farms do ballot here and I'm actually working on a video series right now on a farm that is using a stripper head and a John Deere W 150 swather and they're swapping all this straw long so we'll be talking about that pretty soon and showing the big baler to all of our manpower is ours that we really have two people at a time to mail this closet so you got 15 semi-trucks you've been up with all this and then there are three 60-foot air grills plan the beans you've got four of these cart tractors seven combines it's a lot of people involved tenders tenders do [Music] now one of the brothers is usually gotten the CE tenders and making sure everything's where it needs to be and the other brother that on this farm is out there Seton there's a lot of logistics to take care of here everything from making sure that crops are going where they are the seeds coming in and making sure everybody gets fed that's uh how many I mean how many people that's a lot of people to get in fed everything it's it's quite your effort I've written with the farmer and it's quite the ordeal to go to Subway or Wendy's or McDonald's or wherever he get some food from and say hey we need about 30 lunches here but that is a nice thing the farm you know gives you a lunch and dinner every day don't have to worry about that yeah it's great hope coordinates a different job some you guys you pretty much know you just kind of everybody goes with the flow you've been doing it a while and we've all been doing it for years [Music] this is my job all the time everyone does so maybe you can see you've got a radio in here but there's not a lot of chatter on everybody just knows how to how to work the field you do it the same you cut the field the same way every time yeah [Music] once I've been here every year second nature but we've had about just jump up to 600 people on here that's pretty cool people watching from everywhere let me know where you're from I'd like to just kind of see where in the United States or Canada you're you're from or you know what part of the world it's just really cool when you see people from Ireland and Australia and Poland and Brazil it's it's great to nominee people like farm equipment Holland Portugal [Music] that's that's great we've got Louisiana east Scotland Spokane Washington South Africa Northeast Missouri [Music] that's very cold Germany West Virginia Israel Poland Hillsboro high Oh Netherlands Denmark Germany got one person from Christian County Kentucky that's oh yeah I know where that is you know I think it was James Morrison see out here in the field today all right we got United Kingdom Texas Spain Charlotte North Carolina and Indiana Indiana Maryland United Kingdom again Netherlands Evansville Indiana just about 90 miles from here I've I've got a good friend that farms in Evansville a lot of big Stigers up there Italy Brazil Romania South Carolina Bowling Green Ohio we're just an hour from Bowling Green Kentucky here where they make Corvettes Tennessee Fort Wayne [Music] Thomas is at Fort Wayne Indiana that's where the International Harvester made its trucks for many years France and Ireland several people from Ireland and Denmark you know it's it's interesting I can see where people are watching from and our top cut like the top four countries that watch big tractor power the United States Canada United Kingdom and India and he is our fourth largest country so it's pretty neat to have people from India watching and then it's Germany and France are also big countries watching Kansas Indiana in Columbus Ohio they are about three weeks out from wheat harvest the sake Scottsville Kentucky it's not too far from here [Music] Las Vegas Nevada what kind of so we got a question here I look kind of fuel usage basically fill these up once a day and [Music] it's about 400 gallon tank 330 gallon something there I think somewhere in there I tried to memories the sales brochures but I I got a when he hear me saying this is a class 9 543 horsepower combine I got the sales brochure open on my desk because I'm reading that beside I remember a lot of it but I don't know all the details I have not been to 50 in Illinois I do like to get up to Illinois I have a lot of friends helping me this year I have a good friend Bill who's flatland farmer on Instagram he's filming in the Champaign area of Illinois for me my friend John is filming all over Wisconsin for me he's robbing farms and photography on Instagram I've got Harris photography from Arkansas helping me out filming Michigan farming photos on Instagram he's getting a lot of Michigan footage for me friend Riley and Montana's getting some footage up there Kevin Kenan up near Rochester New York where I grew up he's filming for me all these guys are on Instagram and it's great also farming photography great Instagram page he farms films for a lot of big companies but he's been sharing some footage with me from the United Kingdom and that's just awesome to see farming in other parts of the world and to be able to share it so I'm just always looking for stuff I love getting to show this big new equipment but I like finding the classics anything from the 60s 70s 80s 90s I just find a good machine combine or tractor from that time period it's just great to be able to feature it kind of preserve what they look like and what they can do and having all these other people helping film is just knocking a lot of things off my my wish list to feature [Music] well I get someone looked it up this 330 gallon size I didn't remember it right below to Turkey get some Watson from Turkey here what size is this header it's 45 feet wide and what's a lot of week going in there [Music] [Music] so looks like we finished up this section how big is this field again Matt it was it 180 acres she has 180 okay see here we knocked off that there's a couple passes that that combines getting the last two passes there we're working our way to the right last section here we done and just across there if you look there's a little bit of a grass way there's a big field over here and that is K sights farm that I film at this is a big block of ground we're in South Christian County Kentucky and so you've got a big field over here I'm not sure the size of it but it's is big and then the next field over from that one is a thousand acres that matches cut yesterday and then there's a fence line between that thousand acre field and the farm with a seven hundred acre field over there they got three thousand acre block it's just one big field on the other side of that and I've filmed out there several times so just a lot of wide-open space in this part of the county and interestingly just up here where these trees are that is Fort Campbell Kentucky home of the hundred and first army division and there used to be that three thousand acre field that's about a mile down the road here it's used to be a six thousand acre field before Fort Campbell was built in I think it was 1941 so they took about three thousand acres of that to add to the military base and that I can't imagine in the 1930s farming a six thousand acre block that's probably a lot of mules and horses and some steel wheel tractors but I you know when you ask someone that down here tobacco is a big crop and that raised 2,000 acres of back on they say just take it one plan at a time [Music] [Music] how many seasons with this combine be used for this combine will do one year on the farm and then they'll be on to the 2021 models because they there's eleven thousand acres a week which they're working a cutting right now this ground becomes eleven thousand acres of a second crop of soybeans and then there's eleven thousand acres of corn so is it like about seven hundred hours the goes on the combine or is [Music] because we're trying to get it off the ground fast as possible so they can get the beats playing it you know what's your line you usually want to get the beans planted before we don't as soon as you can well I'm getting a message everybody is getting a black screen unfortunately I forgot to put do not disturb on my phone I got a phone call and it interrupted it so we will cut it off there thank you for watching and we will have a lot of videos for Matt and the wheat harvest and again I'm sorry the screen got cut out there from the phone call but take care and we'll be back on big tractor power YouTube with a lot of videos from the harvest [Music] take care sorry about the screen just a technical difficulty but again thanks for watching big tractor power
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 156,622
Rating: 4.8502774 out of 5
Id: oNNO54KXJik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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