🔴 John Deere S790 Fleet Ride Along in Corn

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load everyone on the tractor power I'm gonna do a live feed today on Saturday September 1st and retinyl Western Kentucky cornfield with a fleet of John Deere s 790 combines taking in the 2018 horn harvest I would think we've got one person on here hello and look forward to visiting with everybody today and sowing the harvest hello we've got 27 people on now that's great really glad to have so many people on them route here with for John Deere at s7 90 combines hello Kentucky farmer I failed him great to see everybody along here well we can sit around the cab of the s 790 see all the computer technology over here loaded Brian and Tennessee Robert United Kingdom blow to Illinois see the big John Deere 712 seat one head picking twelve rows of corn here [Music] who's gonna be riding back and forth here this afternoon Watson the combines harvest the corn happy to answer any questions people have and look forward to visiting for a little while [Music] hello to Missouri loaded northern island I'm Jerry okay ah de it's really great to have people from all over the United States and the world watching and always enjoy sharing all this equipment we kind of look over there look up the window you can see where the trucks are the grain carts unloading live in Nebraska Virginia and Indiana of the yield in Hopkinsville the yield so far I think now when I'm seeing that most of the farms is probably right around 200 a little better definitely seeing some yields pop up here and there I was filming a comp on the other day that was hitting about 320 and a field spot so that was pretty good I think that field yielded about 243 but overall we're probably seeing right around hello to Brazil and Texas a lot of the Netherlands up here in the cab of my friend Matt he's driving the combine and you'll see Matt coming up in some videos we do other morning I caught the entire fleet here there's 5s 790 combines harvesting horn and film them I'll get ready to go for the day getting greased up and fueled up so we've got a video coming on that [Music] here we go into the next pass [Music] when we get over this hill you'll see there's - combines ahead of us and another one making a final pass in a section of the deal good evening to France very cool always honored to have people from here watching him today watching YouTube channels from Europe electrodes Saunders and things that self it is there Romania Wisconsin hello everybody hello to Mike in Ohio [Music] we're just moving through the cornfield here and again we've got a 12 row John Deere 712 seat horn head up front what are they running for trucks they're running mostly Mack trucks there most of them are painted almost like a Kinsey blue and I've got a video I'm working on I'm showing the trucks back in the green system this farm as 5s 790 combines harvesting corn and they've got a little over a three million whistle grading system keeping up with all those trucks and put the grain away [Music] but you see the 790 just ahead of us here he's filling up [Music] [Music] yeah the Carissimi seen a green card they're running a three Kinsey 11:05 grain carts which are new for 2018 and there is a Kinsey 1100 out here but it's parked at the moment so we'll just be seen the 11:05 this afternoon I run Green glad you made it you're definitely one of our top fans I'm glad you get to see a live stream [Music] there's a lot of corn moving so that it's been a little slower this afternoon that think the trucks are all lined up is back at the farm at the bin sweet not load man other about 15 trucks that keep up with you guys here's madigan I could have people just join it here comes one of the carts across the field and here we can see another s7 90 taking the last pass over there will open a new section up after this run [Music] loaded John and Pennsylvania let a fine and checkol spot you know [Music] with a band of farm rot no I do a lot about farm equipment enjoys sharing it but I'm not the most experienced but so I think we'll let Matt Hamilton on mine operation but I do hope to get out and drive a tractor this fall and do some disking so stay tuned for that here comes the grain carts you can see two of the 11:05 s they're out there on 90 for 20 yards see this one pulling [Music] J Sikora feelin pretty well were probably seen about a 200 bushel average this year it's was kind of a colder spring some of the snow corn got snowed on a couple times after got planted it was a very cool spring and a lot of places had to run a a rotary hoe over the fields to break up the surface so it's feeling pretty well just a just a good solid year that combines taken off and we're full we're just sitting here - waiting for a cart I'm happy to answer any questions that people have [Music] I'd Hayden [Music] sometimes corner harvest doesn't go as fast as you like because it definitely holds up the bins this is a family farm this is a family farm here in Western Kentucky they've been farming I think since the mid-1800s in this area how many s7 90s are running there are four currently running there are five out in the field but one is parked at the moment while we're waiting I'm happy to answer any questions that people have or how wet is the corn let's see I'll just lean over there you can see the screen it's about 17% today so it's drying down it's been the videos I've been posting it was at 19% last weekend when I was filming so it's definitely drying down here comes the 9420 with the 11:05 cart yes this combine is definitely full how big is this field do you not think the skill this man it's say 400 acres bring something so we're somewhere between high three and four hundred acres in this field today we do have some pretty good-sized fields here in Western Kentucky I know the same farm we filmed last year in corn they were out in one of their 2800 acre field which is just down the road from where we are right now that's some soybeans how much this is a 400 foot 1105 they can about twelve hundred bushels all the way to the top of that cart so this Tompa as 20-footer and it on those 3.8 muscles per second so it's moving a lot of corn over there see that 9420 are a lot of questions about these john deere Forel drive tractors so while they have the road crop tires on these are also the farms planter tractors they pull Kinsey whiners in the spring 24 role-models the fart runs 3 3700 series planners and two 4900 s and these 90 for 20 yards pull those blinders [Music] I'm mark thanks for watching glad you can make the livestream you see the cart getting filled up uses Kinsey 11:05 s cannot look 700 muscles for a minute so they can move a lot of corn quickly you can see it's got the new track system that was the big upgrade for the 11:05 from the 1100 is that dude track system down there I may try to get in the car tractor we'll see if we rode out here to catch the combines on one of the cards here will give you a view of the grain I hear what you can see we're almost empty it empties out foreigner whistles pretty quickly and we'll fill up pretty quickly [Music] I think silage is pretty much done here in Kentucky requests about corn silage corn silage cutting started right at the end of July maybe a little farther east they may still be cutting I was down in Tennessee two weekends ago and there was some corn that was still me high that they didn't get planted to the fourth of July so I may get a chance to do a little more silage filming but I think it's pretty much done I to Ireland how much does the fuel run how many how much easily burn in a day all right let's check it out we're gonna look up and see how much diesel this combine runs two gallons an acre I'm glad that my truck didn't do better than that what kind of corn is this I don't build a variety itself it's just beat corn and this mostly goes through for ethanol and some of it also goes down to Lynchburg Tennessee to be made into Jack Daniels whiskey we're actually not too far from her ethanol plant when we turn it around you may be able to see the the bins there and Oh does she come to central New York I grew up in New York State near Rochester so I definitely enjoy any chance I get up to New York to film there's a lot of great farming up that way actually between Syracuse and Rochester and Buffalo and high 19 there are more Forel drives in that area of western New York than anywhere else in the world yeah I definitely I'd like to get to Pennsylvania I like to go to Outback farm toys they're over in the Lancaster area and I'd love to get out that way to film some of the farms Jackie I have not been a Nebraska but there may be a chance I'll be heading out that way this fall so stay tuned do you get lower yields at the time oyster corn no it's all the same yield but this is none of the part even though you can kind of see it's green out there on the leaves this corn is at 17% today I have not been to Europe now it's I'd like to get over there sometime but this horns right at 17% and it all goes for ethanol and for grain grain use so it none of it is high moisture for animal feed [Music] please ask any questions and just join some time up here in the combine camp and glad you guys can read along [Music] loaded great Theresa thank you for watching today that's pretty cool how many john deere do you have on farms this farm has a lot of tractors they've got four-wheel drive wise there are 390 620 ours on triples there is a challenger mg 875 e all those tractors are over 600 horsepower there are you get 494 20 yards 494 20 ours and then there are some eight to forty five hours and six hours 72 10 martyrs I've never counted them all but there's a bunch of tractors plus there's a lot of 5d Series this farm raised a lot tobacco so there's some smaller utility tractors too so we're almost here to the end of this row and we're gonna turn around and join up with the other combines [Music] certainly appreciate everybody tune in this afternoon we've got about 282 285 people now join it in and will stay on for a little while are we harvesting corner making chaff that's just the leads just build up there on the header the drier the corn gets the more it piles up actually that's one of the good things about harvesting it green you don't get that big pile of corn on the front you we are coming in line with the combines that's like we're gonna do a little zigzag [Music] if you look out in front of this you can see the other three s7 90s or working we've got another one right in front of us that's full the carts are struggling a little bit to keep up today I'm sure that the wet Ben the dryer are probably pretty full this farm puts a lot of hours in they usually start out between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. in the morning and run to 1:00 a.m. they cover a lot of acres in the day [Music] so now both these combines are full so we'll wait for our cart and don't pull them between the combines and we can see them unload together please ask any questions if I haven't answered a question what carts are they running Kinsey 11:05 s we should see one roll up here pretty soon if I don't answer your question right away keep on asking it's just hard to see everybody's questions as they roll by pretty quickly here we can see the two combines are waiting for the cart hello to Florida do I play farming simulator I do not my son likes to play it and I want to learn more about it and maybe share some of this real equipment how the real equipment relates to the game mister tractor very glad to do the livestream if you look out directly in front of us you can see these big bins and this elevator that's seamer milling up there and they take a lot of the wheat and grain in this area and mill I believe a lot of this grain in this area goes for crackers and things like goldfish also I believe that a lot of the wheat flour goes to McDonald's hamburgers buns from here in Christian County how is the yield you'll see them pretty well but right now the combines show on 194 on the dry yield and 204 on the wet horns at 17 percent today there aren't any case I'd squad tracks out here today but I should be filming some later today on grain carts some 470 road tracks also we'll probably see a 620 quad track on a 60 foot air drill pretty soon drilling wheat all this all these corn acres are followed by winter wheat here this farm is strictly John Deere they do have one challenge or mt8 75 EE how far along are they on their corn harvest are you guys halfway yet Josh this yes this is a 12 row 30 it's a new John Deere 712 C which is a new model for this year any problems with the 790 everything running good here's a item and again he's up here driving the combine we just had a question about sweet corn that sweet corn harvested the same way yes they use a corn head very much like this it just snaps off the years which this is doing instead of grinding it up it just goes through an elevator and his truck to a cannery I'm going to be doing a video on sweet corn harvest and green bean harvest and peas and llama beans and red beets and some other canning crops and I'll probably show it this winter I've been filming along my friend John Schaumburg the last few years getting all that canning equipment to show you where vegetables go from the field to a can how many times does it take to prepare the harvester every morning clean the filters guys take about 45 minutes or so I filmed I have filmed this these combines this the summer getting serviced up so watch for a video on that again Matt's up here you'll see Matt in that video doing the service and showing us around the combine how many acres do you harvest in a day 400 acres a day so these combines are running 4 to 500 acres a day loader braiding so we're just waiting for the kinsey 11:05 grain cart to show up I'm gonna try to zoom is this a stock master head I will say it does a really nice job I you know I spent a lot of time on the ground filming these combines and I really liked the chopping corn heads because I can move quicker to film the next machine and sometimes you can get hung up trying to walk across these rows of stocks but these 712 C's I think that they're kind of crunching down the corn a lot better than the 612 C's which the 612 are good but this 712 just seems too you can look out there seems to match the corn a little bit better to harvest sunflowers you use a different head I think that gearing off is kind of taking the lead right now on sunflower heads but it's a different set up to harvest sunflowers please keep asking our questions I see a lot of them popping up here but I don't get to read them all they flash by pretty quickly so ask again and I will definitely try to answer does Matt like the John Deere combo will they come in and chop the stalks no here in Western Kentucky we do not this this ground will have lime applied to it and fertilizer and they'll come in probably in about three four weeks from now and disc this corn up and then winter wheat would plant it over the top of the field and harvest it next June but again we don't have a lot of we have just a lot of beef cattle in the area some dairy but everybody just bales straw for bedding and feed that we don't bail the stocks please keep asking your questions I saw a couple more just flash by and I apologize I didn't get to see him Marcus is a monotonous going back and forth well it's probably more exciting when the combines actually going back and forth and right now everybody's sitting again you can see there's two s 790 sitting up here ahead of us waiting and then we've got the other one sitting right next to us waiting so it'll be a feeding frenzy here to get to the cars no stock bells no we do not have I know when I go out to Iowa and stuff I see stock bales everywhere but we have plenty of straw if we need to need any bales although from a tow boat on the Mississippi River what part of the Mississippi are are you on we're only about 120 miles from the Mississippi right here someone just asked if we have a money tree here in Kentucky we do not have a money tree but the reason the farms here do you have a lot of newer equipment like this one is that our cropping rotation let me talk a little bit about the crop rotation if someone just asked what the temperature is today I think it's right around 90 degrees or so but let me talk about the crop rotation because people are always asking how do these farms afford all this big equipment this cornfield will be planted into winter wheat on October 10th and then right around Memorial Day into May beginning of June that winter wheat will be harvested and then this field will be seeded into soybeans and then next October this field will be harvested for soybeans so it's definitely a big advantage here in Western Kentucky to take two crops off of one field in a year so 50% of every farms acres in this region are getting two crops off grain crops off a field in one year also several farms raised tobacco and I've been told that one acre of tobacco is equal to the profit of a hundred acres of corn so in essence that's the money tree and because you've got so much cropping going on and it's a tight schedule these farms like to run new equipment they don't want any downtime you know the same guys that are out here driving the combines today they're the ones they're gonna be out there disking and then running the air Cedars to plant the wheat so it's just important to have good machinery and get it done quickly so that that's kind of the explanation on this newer equipment please keep on asking questions I saw several go by hello to Colorado hello to Canada we've got 441 people on that's pretty cool how much do one of these combines cost you know I don't know there you know there are so many options I mean this is a an s7 90 so it's going to be expensive but you can see well Matt maybe lean forward you know it doesn't have the leather seat or anything and it has a lot of technology but not all the options but if you look on John Deere Kahn or deer calm I'm sure you can look up the price of an s7 90 it's just hard to say because of all the options hello to Ontario Canada yes this combine has duals I'll try to zoom in on one it's kind of we're in a bad spot with the Sun but you can kind of see the duels over there on that one maybe how many acres does this farm run you know I don't like to get too much into the farms acres and stuff but I'll tell you that they've probably got about 13,000 acres of corn out here that are gonna be harvested so that's a lot of ground to cover well we've got a cart coming down the field we're out in a high 300 almost 400 acre field here this afternoon low to Welker forums I was watching your video with the 8250 last night on the livestream that's really cool that you guys got one of the new combines out there to try what size rows these are a 30 inch load of New Jersey I do it are they hiring um I can always ask the Nitra obviously you guys need truck drivers because we've been sitting here a little high so if if you're a truck driver and would like to help out here send me an email at contact at big tractor power comm and I can get you and in contact with the farm what is the tire pressure on the duals I do not know 25 minutes says here comes the 9420 are it's got that 100 years of john deere sticker on it and the new Kinsey 1105 cart that we're glad that was really neat to have Welker farms here on the live stream thanks for joining in I've been enjoying watching their wheat harvest on Montana you can see the double augers on load in the corn here my friends Robert and Randy Williams farm in Big Sandy Montana they own the Big Bud 747 and it's a beautiful area and part of the country [Music] you can know if you can see in the window you can see the Quan quickly coming down it's a foreign air bushel bin see that unloading augers moving out 3.8 bushels of corn for a second we can see some blue sky back there [Music] calm that's cool they saw the big bud 747 I got to drive that back in 2007 it was pretty cool it's a big tractor what is the difference between the dry and the wet yield dry yield I can let you look at the screen here dry yields at 194 wets at 204 bet they want to know what year you started driving the combine will say goodbye to the cart there we're ready to go again mats worked here at the farm for about 12 years and he came down here from Connecticut and he started out doing kind of the lower end jobs on the farm that you work your way up to running the grain cart and move your way out to the combine are you running Auto steer yes right now we're coming up to a title here so Matt's gonna have is actually steering the combine but if as we come out you can see on the front of there if you can see those two wishbones right down there that is the auto track so maybe we will AutoTrack here now in a few minutes please keep asking your questions I apologize I just can't see them all as they come in how fast are they cutting let's see running board according running four four and a half miles per hour what we're moved again and at least until we put another foreigner bushels in you know my familiar with flower bulb for me I enjoy watching it on tractors founders YouTube channel if you have a good friend Eric over holland and he shares a lot of pictures on my website toy tractor x comm have I ever seen crop circles he conceives the 9420 are coming by I haven't seen any if you mean like the space alien kind I have seen pictures of the irrigation Center the circles out west how many acres a day do they cover they cover anywhere from four to five hundred acres a day they're run in 5 s seven ninety combines today is probably gonna be a 400-acre day at the rate the harvest is going here the trucks are behind any of the compound is broken down this year anything major little stuff no major breakdowns so good report on the 790 here we can see the bins almost filled up behind the glass and see it just worn in there Matt Dino many bushels an hour this compound is rated for another 92 40s are on Case IH they're like 5,000 bushels an hour I'm gonna check out how many bushels an hour this combines putting through it I'm @drive the combi we're getting we'll check out the bushels per hour later but I know it a class 992 5,000 bushels an hour how long does it take to fill the compound it's probably going to take about three or four minutes here we're gonna be full again pretty soon although from I would go hot guys how many horsepower does this combine having a 543 horsepower what does wet and yield what does wet and dry yield me [Music] we just had someone come in from Scotland that's pretty cool hello to pulp Poland I really appreciate all the other people from Europe and other parts of the world watching we can see we've found a little bit of a sinkhole here or a washout we definitely have a lot of sinkholes here in Western Kentucky if we go over to Bowling Green which is about an hour away Mammoth Cave and lost river cave and there's a lot of big games over there and we get a lot of sinkholes from other caves and things that we don't even know about loaded Germany so right now we're going around a field tile here and it makes it just a little bit of a bumpy ride is this land owned or leased this farm does home quite a bit of its land they they've been farming here since the mid-1800s or longer and they've built up quite a bit of land this combine is not on tracks it is running on duals only one farm that I fell mad they run a 24 grow 20 inch corn head they've got a 790 on tracks we don't see is the many deer with keysight's combines in this area do have the tracks but not the deers Kentucky former 21 yes the farm you've just mentioned is the one that I go to you that has the s 719 tracks keep asking your questions they just go by so fast what do they plant around that area this area is the root crop rotation is corn this field will be planted into winter wheat which will be harvested next May and June and then that field will be double cropped they'll put a second crop of beans right in behind the wheat combines so that is our main crops we also have tobacco there's some hay how much does east combine cost I really don't know you'd have to go to John Deere calm they've got a price team I know that they cost a lot of money but I don't even want to guess because there's so many options you can fit on this combine does have the some of the camera system to to see what's going on that's gonna probably switch it over here you can see the grain running right through there but it doesn't have all the cameras that you can get with it and I showed earlier we don't have the doesn't have the leather seat or anything so there's a lot yeah the corns at 17% there's a lot of options you get all these combines but they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars Cole are the combines least you know I really don't like to get in the farms business they do run new combines every year but I don't know how they what they're set up on it is but they run a lot of acres and they probably could actually use a couple more combines out here this fart even those farmers big there's a lot of equipment they try to maximize as many acres as possible I think Matt shared with us we did a live stream derp you this combo cover about 6000 acres this year on its own so it's it's helpful to get the new comp lines every year please keep asking here questions I just thought you come up but I didn't get to answer them cloth combines are very good I've got a video coming up on cloth combines I've known no 9rx is on this farm yet maybe someday are they running cord around the clock pretty much they start around 7 a.m. servicing everything they're cutting by 8:00 and they'll run to 1 a.m. so we're coming up here on the 9420 and the Kinzie 1105 card we're gonna double on load [Music] honey times with the unload the combine well this is our second time in this pass and we're almost at the end of the field so it's we're out in about a 400 acre field and it takes two times to unload to get from one end to the other got a question about case combines sub definitely be filming some hopefully later today do we see wildlife yeah this is a lot of deer law a lot of rabbits I see a lot of rabbits always running up when I'm filming yielding it's right around 200 bushels this is a 400 acre field how long I gotta be streaming um I'll probably go about another 30 minutes how many whistles to maker or doing about 200 yes food is brought out to the field they had lunch at noon today this cart will hold about four loads from the combine so he can put about 12 there bushels heaped up on that cart how many rows it's a twelve row John Deere seven twelve see so we're harvesting 30 feet of corn what happens if you run over a critter well hopefully that does not happen but it would probably be very messy if they ran ran over something do I like John Deere or Klaus combines you know I like all the combines every one of them has a different advantage I will say that honestly of all the combines and I film every BER and I'm gonna tell you that The Gleaner combine does the very best job as far as a clean sample yeah you know you know work on it just it just does a great job is there a said yes this part runs a couple of 7210 ours they do the farm does few hundred acres of hay they do the mowing and the bailing and they they're also involved in the tobacco work on this farm is this farm 100 percent John Deere almost they they've got a challenger mt8 75 e that the farmer really likes it's kind of his main tractor here's something as we come out if you look up there you can see two kind of wishbone metal pieces sticking out between those two snouts that's the auto track this combines on GPS and that there's two pieces of metal kind of feel their way between the rows of corn and keep the combine on track so we came up a row we were going through a lot of how to Scotland yes I do get to see 20-inch corn I've just filmed at 2400 20 inch born head and so here you can see now we're going up where there were a lot of tile spots not driving the combine now it's just auto steer and that metal wishbone we were just watched is helping steer this combine now you can see the horn is pouring in think about 200 what fills a 17 percent moisture so you can see there's some of the s7 90s coming across the field we've got a total of four the 790 John Deere combines working right now and there's a fifth one that's part of other trucks you can kind of see the fencers he almost got to see the snout wiggling back and forth just a little bit there just kind of hold it over to that row see the here's a corn being snapped off and pulled into the combine most of that plant is just push down though the header so you're trying to just into the gum here we get good view of the one of the Don dr9 for 20 hours and Kim's the eleven five carts gettin filled up there are three of these tractors and carts running today there's a fourth one that's also parked over there by the trucks a good view of the combine harvesting 12 rows of corn at a time other beeps yeah there are different warnings you'll hear the beats when we come up and it's letting the operator know it's time to turn around or helpful how much the bins filled up low to Ghana please may I ask your questions that I'm happy to answer them I just can't I'm going by but the diplom one spend some time with our big tractor power fans and beam bike and we can see Matt's got the auto steer on and just tracking across the field here's a cool thing too if you look on there you can see the green and the red and the yellow and that just shows how much the yield differences so you can see we've got some tile spots for that is out there and we're up on a hill so the red spots are probably where it burned a little more during the summer and the low spots are probably where it's greener and yielding better how long is the header it's thirty feet wide do I have merchandise I really don't have any merchandise I really don't like selling things but I probably be doing some hat giveaways this winter so stay tuned for that how many gallons does the common have and how many acres to the tank full cover you know that's a good question I'd have to look up the spec on that it's got to have at least a 300 gallon tank maybe 350 max yep all right we just got the base price on an s7 90s five hundred and twenty two dollars so that be over I believe these ears are usually over a hundred thousand or more so a lot of money invested in farming how many our harvested but how many hours will be hard probably acres they're gonna harvest about eighteen thousand eight here and they're not quite halfway through yet hey for watching Willie how'd you like the live stream it walkers and it's a great live streams of their harvest late nights how is the very nice it's over 90 degrees out there today Sun online Kevin will the corn be used by the phone or sold all born is sold both most of it goes for an ethanol and some of it also goes down to Lynchburg Tennessee which is near Nashville to become tech Danville's him I spent any time in a new hon CR 1090 no but I sure would love to I've only I really seem to film like the classy they ate 90's and stuff from New Holland I would like to find a big one to film but my class so or myself we might maybe get to see a CR 8090 with a 16 row do a honk horn head this fall baby you'd be under your hydraulic fluid or another brand how many hours will this s7 I need put on it and you know how many how but I know you guys probably 800 hours for let's combine by the end of the season and it will harvest wheat corn and soy and this compound will cover about 6,000 acres through the year from June in Denova you can see their drain tile what brand of seed you guys use a lot of channels II didn't hear this is like some channel or right now we'll keep on asking your questions and I'd like to how often this operation by new combines this farm has new combines every year but again you know this will this combine alone will Harvard six thousand eight years so they they want to be able to be moving and not have any downtown a drain tile they put pipes under the ground like a plastic pipe that rolls out in it drink water away so it's not sitting on the crops hey thank you very much walkers you guys have a great channel to I really enjoy I'm a big fan of big blood tractors enjoy seeing all the work you do up in Montana [Music] looks like we're just ready to be full again how do they address all the compaction in the field well let me talk about kind of the tillage rotation here along with the crop rotation so this field is going to be dist up in about three weeks they run be wishing this once all the plates are on those day later than 30 inches 30 inch blades so this field will be dist up and then they're gonna plant where we Don it and what next June that winter wheat will be cut and write down the combines they're gonna plant soybeans into the wheat stubble that in October through November they're soybeans and after the soybeans come off they run john deere 9:15 B rippers as many as 11 tractors all the way from a 72 10 are honey are 9 6 20 yards with the B rippers from shanks all the way up to 211 shanks you guys rung about 12 18 inches deeper so they're running 16 to 18 inches deep after Springs with those in line rippers and that really breaks up on the compaction the weak ground to be a little compacted we get a lot of thunderstorms in the month of June and when you're harvesting wheat and you've really ripped up the field they used to run John Deere 730 B D mi Ripper I'm sorry D mi 7:30 B rippers after the corn and the ground was actually too loose and you'd get stuck in the in the summer when you were cut the ground was a little wet play farm simular 17 I do not Ellen just so busy filming and making the videos and I also own the toy tractor times magazine but my son he loves farming simulator and I enjoy watching him play so I might have to learn this winter and do a little farm simulator I was up in my Walker farms was saying they know a little bit about corn and I was up in Montana in 2007 and I did see a corn field out there under irrigation which I thought was neat definitely a lot of wheat in Montana you're definitely welcome thank you for watching I enjoy bringing all this equipment out here you know out here too so you can see it I'm glad you guys enjoy the videos it's a lot of fun and share this equipment how many hours does the combine see in an hour you just said 8-under than that 800 hours about 800 I it's in the season this form does not run pivots you know it's funny wheat farms I film at here in Western Kentucky have do have pivots we've been seeing normal irrigation come in but this farm kind of jokes while everybody else is trying to water their crop they're trying to get the water off the fields by tiling them well thanks for the comment I enjoy seeing your wheat harvest I really want to get I was in Montana in 2007 and I'd love to get up there to film again sometime and see that I like the new sites retro combi awesome I hope to get to see one I'm kind of surprised that you can't get all of the 50 series combine in the retro colors you can only get the 5150 up to the 7 150 and the IH course so it would be cool to see a 90 250 in the IH colors but we'll have to see what happens I have some friends at New Holland and I think there's some discussions if those retro IH combines go over well we might see some red and yellow see our combines which would be awesome to see yeah Jackie you know pivots pipelines that's I do get to seal it over if you go about three hours west of you're over there he'll there's a lot of cotton and some of those fields are almost like being at the beach in the sand and they have a lot of irrigation over there as far as pipes and pivots for the cotton what model year are these beasts these are 2018 s7 90s this is the first year for the s7 hundred combines so I've gotten to film these s7 90s in corn I filmed us seven 80s so far I haven't put that video up yet and I'm hoping to get some new s77 the 12 row folding corn head there's a farm I I know in this area that rows for seven 70s with the 12 row folding corn heads hello to Dublin Ireland this is Kentucky run the western part not about an hour from Nashville Tennessee right here [Music] all right here comes our next green cart we've kind of been sitting waiting for it you got a 20-18 John Deere 9420 R and a brand new 2018 Kinsey 1100 card this is the first year for these NZ 1105 carts the update was the tracks they ride a little bit better over the field Nomad was commenting and we they're just not as stiff as the old 1100 cards this cart will hold up to about twelve hundred bushel heaped up on top and these comp out the combines on load about four times in cart and it's full three so I guess we have three times we got four hundred foreigner bushels some of these combines below for a moment when we know and only that's where these combines are available although to Russia it's really neat to have people all over the world watching no I saw mark asking a question what were you what were you asking mark so we can see the corn corn out usually the combines are rolling through the corn but they're getting filled up there that we're in about 200 bushel corn today and the ribbons just not keeping up have I been to Minnesota millennial farmer no I haven't been to Zach's farm he has invited me and I hope to get up that way sometime had a great visit with Zach at the farm machinery show in Louisville Kentucky you know I I am planning on filming deal combine right now waiting for a tentative date to know where one is running but maybe filming one in Illinois or Nebraska this fall but I'm really excited to see that egg go ideal combine it looks awesome can you get insurance for your crops yes I - Danny you pretty much have to have crop insurance today to be able to get the loan crop out just a combine shake well yeah it does hello from Owens I film up there sometimes yet these are down to your s 790 combines we've got four of them out here and three Kinsey 11:05 carts on 94 20 orders this is not Lister family farms they are just on the other side of the county I'm sure they're out there running today have they run an s 690 with a 16 row John Deere corn head and I'll have videos of them coming up I just posted some footage I filmed on the Instagram with some pictures and stuff you know I don't think that we had a question about do these combines run over animals I think most of the time the animal gets away I mean that they don't want to have to have a mess to clean up in the compound so we're not easily running over animals with the machinery oh we've got another section cleared off while we've been up here on the live stream but we had to start the next one you can see to the es7 90s kind of converging over there and we'll open up a new section in the operators opinion now if you if you want to ask about someone was asking about an operator's opinion of this combine but I couldn't read at all how much does this combine cost one of our viewers just looked at up on John Deere comm base price is five hundred and twenty two thousand dollars this combine doesn't have all the options it does have some of the advanced settings with the camera you can see there's the coin inside we're not putting anything through it right now we're moving to the next section but these combines are expensive but they do a lot of work you have to consider they're going to harvest thirteen thousand acres of corn and probably eleven thousand acres of wheat eleven thousand acres of soybeans in a year so that's you need a big combine to get the job done or you're not gonna get your crop in have I been to howl farms work yes Jackie uh when I've been out to Brian's farm twice this year and was at their farm day I'm hoping this fall maybe in November to film their ninety five ten combine I want to back out that way Ryan does a great job with his channel and it's a good ambassador for agriculture do I have any plans to be in central Illinois possibly I may be filming the new Fenn ideal combine somewhere in Illinois I would imagine if that happens there'd be somewhere in central Illinois these combines are 400 bushel machines we can see we're just a new path and that cornice is born in [Music] so we've got two more combines out in front of us so we're taking 36 rows of corn off in one slider this farm has eight 245 our tractors no magnums another farm though film at that runs 92 40 axial-flow combines those 16 roll corn head says to 380 CBT magnums how many hectacre should make each combine I'm not some time I've got to look up the conversion to Hecht acres but this combine it will harvest 6000 acres of grain this year between wheat soybeans and corn so each of those combines will repeat the same thing we've got five of them out here riding green other there is not a camera on the end of this bow but that would be a handy thing I've seen it on other combines am I going to buy my son farming simulator 1900 definitely he loves it can't wait I know it's got John Deere and if this year a lot of people are excited about that mark just asked can you imagine doing this by hand you know that's the way it used to be done you'd wear gloves and you know there's contest to see how many years a cornea can pick in a certain amount of time so I know my friend Matt's up here running the combine and I know he's glad to be harvesting 12 rows by machine today hey thanks I just saw that conversion go by [Music] 320 hectares a year what how much of this crop is being used right at all that's really more by I think the local elevator it's a it's kind of it's a cooperative it services I think over 3,000 farm families so they'll most of its going for ethanol but some of it goes down at Lynchburg Tennessee for Dec Daniels whiskey so if you enjoy Jack Daniels you may be enjoying some of this corn down the road that we're seeing going through the combine today so here's one of the shots and I always want to try to show people so we've got all four combines kind of converging here all s7 90s with 712 CS we've got two to our left and one to the right thank you thanks for watching I really appreciate that it's great to have a longtime viewers where am I going to film in Nebraska I really don't know what I'm trying to do is line up filming an ideal ATCO fent ideal combine and we're just not sure if it's going to be Illinois Nebraska where the combat is going to land so here we can see that where this is kind of a neat shot we've got some drone footage the other day of all five combines going but it's pretty neat work Donna squeezing in between two machines so I've got another 9420 yarn Kimsey cart coming up here these combines have a twenty eight and a half foot unloading auger and that gives them a lot of good good space - what's our yearly rainfall about fifty inches a year lot of that rain comes in February November how long have I been farming I am NOT a farmer I am just a farm equipment fan I've been taking pictures of tractors and combines since I was in third grade 42 years old sub and just enjoy watching equipment all my life I do hope to get out this fall and run a tractor and do some disking so we'll definitely do some filming and see if we can do some live streaming from the tractor cab is it getting hot in the combine oh it's got great air conditioning you can see it's got vents all the way around the cab it's very cool it's over 90 degrees out here today hello from California I've been out to Bakersfield California lots of great agriculture in California how many seasons do they keep the fine just one year this compound will harvest six thousand acres of grain this year and they'll have a new one ready to go next June four week that's pretty cool about the seven 90s in the 712 folding corn heads I'm hoping that what is the moisture it's running at 17% today we get a shot here to the two combines passing and emptying some Cornell [Music] takes a lot of coordination to keep all these carts trucks and compounds going what's the operators opinion on the s 719 well Matt one / / - good Oh now John Deere builds a very good combine they did do a nice job well that's neat to have before your rotation what is our speed we're running about four and a half miles per hour that's Larry is an area I would love to get out to and see in California sometime I enjoy seeing another there's a rice channel farming a rice farm from California I like watching on YouTube lots of great big equipment on California I'd like to see have I been to Peterson farms in canvas I would love to get out to see the Peterson brothers I visited with them at the national farm for scenery show and I would love to see some of their equipment especially their self-propelled chopper they've got a classic one from the heat so it would be awesome if I ever filmed a watermelon in southern India I've driven by the watermelon farms in Indiana a lot of times I have not filmed them I have a friend of three that raises about 200 acres of watermelons so sometimes I'll have to do that have I done a video other than crops I would love to get down and see rice and sugarcane it's just a matter of time to get there if I go down to see the certain pain harvest I might be missing these vines so it's just a matter lying it up but at some point I'll definitely see some rice in sure yeah I have filmed the tobacco being set I have not it's all harvested by hand sometimes oh they they load up 40-foot wagons with a salt cut by hand they run like 50 55 B and 50 45 beam tractors have I ever been to Hodgenville Kentucky yes many times great great area I've been to write equipment and stuff up that way if I've been to Portage County in Wisconsin of film sweet corn my friend John Schaumburg does a lot of filming up that way and essential Sam's for tractor power got some sweet corn footage coming we've got early and dirt tobacco I think someone just asked about like John Deere keysight's better I like them all I problem a little more to the red but they're they're all great great machines what is my favorite brand I like them all I mean I just have a variety of favorite tractors it's it's hard to pick up a favorite thing and if I had to pick a all-time favorite tractor it's probably the Stars and Stripes Steiger panther that I did a video of back in July I also really like the International 47 86 international floral drive have I her filmed in upstate New York I sure have I grew up near Rochester New York and lived there for the time was born for about 20 so I had some friends that still film in the Rochester area and if I get a new filming about whenever I can we're harvesting 12 rows of corn at a time here with it down here 712 seat horn head horn out it was in this coming on [Music] there Courtland the ordinance I would love to get up there and see us the beats up there in the Dakotas and Nebraska see the combines almost empty horns at 17 today we can kind of see the comp lines better coming back this way we've got three seven 90s out ahead of us Brian Green is our camera now there is not a chi on the camera on the end of the of the auger on this combine the only camera is really on the on the inside we're in Christian County Kentucky this afternoon Bakerfield rim almost done with this field well kurz had asked what kind of phone I'm using I've got an iPhone 6 it's probably time for an upgrade here I need to find a better way to do the livestreams get a little clearer camera work I would love to get up to Wyoming I enjoy traveling and seeing farming in other parts of the country and I would love to get to Europe sometime it's just a matter of time to do it I have not filmed tomato harvesting I've got a friend that shares a lot of pictures on Instagram and on toy tractor times comm from Indiana and I'd love to see the tomato harvest FS 17 below if I ever filmed Dawson farms in Illinois I have not I've been out to Jake Ziggler's farm in Illinois and filmed a couple other places in Illinois what is my day job I own the toy try times so I do a lot with four so we're just cruising along here with two seven 90s out ahead of us were harvesting thirty six rows of corn between these three combines I'm in Christian County Kentucky today yeah I would love to come out to California Thank You time I would like to do that too I play farming simulator 17 I don't my son does what I'd like to do is maybe work with my son and talk about the game farming simulator and how the real equipment works with as far as what our simulator looks like I would you watch like dagger wins and stuff on YouTube one of the things that interest me about farming later is that people don't really turn around that well in the head land so they drive over the crop you know if we drove this over that corner over there it's not going to pop back up what's my favorite 1:64 scale tractor oh I'd probably say it was the Ford 9000 the toy tractor Thomas made last year I had that made my neighbor had one when I was a kid and I just like that big blue tractor yeah I was believing but when I make I like me toy tractors and sharing with me and Max I grew up around so you know you're talking about farm simulator here we are we're coming up to the head land you can see the corn head come up and it always just seems like how the fields are smaller you know someone who they'll drive the combat out there on those soybeans to turn around and that's just not very realistic never been to Southwest Michigan you know I have been to 33 States and I have never been to Michigan and it's not that far away and I've got several friends up that I need to I need to get to Michigan sometime yeah like 1:24 scale I've got several of the older like 88 20 combines a hurdle made in 1:24 scale I tjk thanks for watching here we come back into the next row and closer to wrapping this field up well we've been going over an hour and I'm glad so many people have tuned in I think we're over 500 people at one point I'll probably just keep on doing the live stream here until we finish up this field and get a ride back to my truck below Joe's tractor vlogs I've seen several farming simulator questions and you know I think it's a great game I personally I like building model farms on 1:64 scale I've got a big one in my garage and I think it's really cool to see all the stuff you can do digitally to have your own farm sometime on toy tractor times YouTube I'll show my my farm display hey thanks for the thanks for the tip on the toy collection in New York so we're just cruising along here harvesting about 200 bushels an acre what's the moisture it's a lump this little spots at nineteen percent but most of the day it's been at 17 F s 17 channel I'm sure you're excited about seeing all the new John Deere equipment and farming simulator next year nobody needs to see what what they've got I do hope that big tractor power you know helps people that do you like farming simulator understand how this equipment looks if you could ride in the grain cart to you that would be interesting to see yeah I'll love I'll see if I can get over there I've got some cameras and stuff up in the cab so it's kind of hard to jump out can you operate the compound without a GPS signal sure yeah they they drive around a lot of low spots and stuff you don't need the GPS and just makes a lot easier dnc ments gonna kick him back here and just taking a ride right now but he has a lot of work to do he's got to watch everything out in front of them and hi Cal that's great you know family farming is great I wish I was a farmer I am NOT a farmer I'm just a farm equipment fan yeah it'll be great to see the 700 series in farming simulator and all my son will be excited about that he likes he likes New Holland his favorite color is blue so you like seeing a lot of New Holland stuff in the farming simulator I will check out the silver news I appreciate everybody's comments and if you got any questions I'll definitely like to answer my really appreciate everyone watching big tractor power it's a really amazing we're probably going to roll over 86,000 fans today and it's just been really an honor to be able to share all this equipment with so many people all over the world [Music] um yeah I'll just I just our newest video we had a question about the new video on the harvest or silos which I apologize when I narrated that I heard myself saying harvester but it came out as harvester but they are harvester silos I'll see if I can do a video sometime talking about that Ryan from how farms work one of his first videos I ever watched I think back in 2012 he was up on their harvest door and talked a lot about it so check out how farmers work in their archives he had a great silo video yeah we're not making silage this corns about 17% there's some green leaves out there but as I mentioned earlier in the in this live stream all this ground right here is going to be planted in winter wheat by October 10th if you got questions keep on asking I'm trying to answer them all but they just go by so quickly it's hard to get them all you I do stay busy I you know I'm always making a list of the farms I want to get to and it's just a lot to keep up with them this is a hobby for me so I you know I'd love to get more of it there's only so many days to get all this films here we come with another 90 for 20 or have I filmed in Mississippi no I have not I would like to get down there I just had an invitation the other day to come down in Mississippi so sometime I'll get down there and love to see some of the Delta farms I'd collect a lot of old farm literature and it's always interesting you look back in the 50s and 60s and they're talking about five six thousand ten thousand acres in the Mississippi Delta back then you know your biggest tractors we're 50 horsepower that's time and I would love to see that they're even bigger farms today and what they're doing in the Mississippi Delta so we're on an on-the-go two and a half foot unloading augers when he whistles per second coming off of one or Bushell bin and we've got another 790 completely full you can see those lights on top they signal that the compound is ready to have the cart come look up gameplay four FS nineteen yeah we'll check that trailer what's my favorite John Deere tractor boy that's a tough one I probably say the 44 or D John Deere I really like the 80 50 I would like to find one of those to film and I also really like the John Deere 9400 the 60/30 is a really cool tractor - and op the 4960 so there's a lot of good ones but I probably say the 44 40 just a really solid good tractor yeah the 50 20 that's another nice tracker farm I grew up I ran a 50 20 with tools and they pulled 280 300 grain drills they used to plant wheat and green peas how many bushels per acre we're doing about 200 bushels right now you know I love just said old old iron when I enjoy filming all this big new equipment but I love finding the classics to share with everybody on big tractor power so you can see in here how this equipment used to run because it's just getting harder and harder to find it yeah this they raise a lot of popcorn Indiana not too far now 40 20s another good John Deere tractor I would I would love to visit Germany someday and see all the equipment there have either film the right of rice harvest I have not I would like to that's gonna take some drawing or gyves out to the rice fields in the Bootheel of Missouri and I understand there's quite a bit of snakes out there so I guess I won't just be walking through the rice field where is popcorn in Indiana I think there's quite a bit above Evansville Indiana they used to raise popcorn here in Christian County Kentucky run filming about 20 years ago but they don't do it anymore this is Tamil seed out here in this field young central New York is definitely a great area for classic farm equipment what's a moisture it's 17% Zach winter week will start we'll start planning when are we here October 2010 there's that's where the Heston flies and stuff damaging the wheat if you plant before October 10th but they'll they'll be done before Halloween yep mark we're in Kentucky today this is kerstin County Kentucky we're near the town of Pembroke so you're just moved to corn I know it looks a little green out there of how many acres about 13,000 acres of corn this farm will cover Matt we've got a cool and you've ever occurred why harvesting with the combine you can see Matt over here that's a really good question wait I have many strange experience I've found any bodies or anything we're gonna phone something parachutes from they drop stuff airplanes allowed nearby and the wind will take a meal that wouldn't be fun to have to dig embarrassing topic on behind it we're right we're probably about 20 miles from Fort Campbell Kentucky 101st airborne so we do see a lot of military helicopters here's a cart rolling across the field pretty hard I saw several questions flashed by their wives talk with Matt please ask again hey great mark glad you're having some barbecue yeah I like I'm like finding smaller equipment you know I love to find some to row combines and things I'm really excited to share a like fun and classic combines last fall I found in international 815 combine with only 1200 original hours harvesting corn and that was just like finding a brand new combine from 1977 in 2017 I just located a farm that runs three Ford 640 combines I grew up around at 46 they were built like lost not hopefully everything when I've got it lined up to film three Ford 642 combines harvesting this fall I really can't wait to get out and see those cuz he just don't see four combines anymore no you got a nice scene there the Ginza cart yep Klaus built the Ford combines they Ford offered the Klaus combines and Baloo from 1966 through 1979 someone just asked how large the farm was this is definitely one of the larger farms in the state of Kentucky but there are there are some big ones there there are some really big ones here mr. Kentucky why doesn't he let me run the combine I need to learn how to operate it I guess my my secret is that I I do not really operate far and I love filming it I like cheering its history but I don't really get behind the wheel too often what I am I'm learning how to drive a track right now and I hope to be out missing it so hopefully do tractor this fall yes I should know how to operate this equipment but I you know and I'm I'm so busy filming it and photographing it to share with all and everybody here I just don't get an opportunity to do it I did not I did not grow up on a farm I didn't really have an opportunity to be around it to run it I just kind of watched it around my parents house and have liked it always who's running the grain cart just some of the former employees and some of the farm families out here running these combines today FS 17 cents on that what is the coolest tractor I've seen probably the big bud 747 we got to actually drive it up in Montana and it was really awesome to see that they have Century of Progress show in 2009 it had a 15 bottom plow on it and Robert Williams and Randy Williams who owned that tractor they had never pulled a more mobile or plow they pull at an 80 foot sizzle plow with that 747 and I was up in the camp with Robert Eden never plowed in his life and he chisel plows at 8 miles per hour so he just took that said that 15 bottom plow and started running with 1,100 horsepower tractor and the tail wheel was just getting dragged because he was going too fast now most of the employees at this farm are year-round the only seasonal people are probably more the truck drivers and stuff Matt works at the farm 365 days a year what are the acres covered they're gonna harvest about this pretty cool there's 294 20s out there they're gonna harvest 13,000 acres a corn here what are you guys about 40 miles from your father's field yeah 40 50 someone so we're really close we're probably three miles at the most from the home farm here right now yep the combine is full so I don't see any carts coming so we might be well those two carts are pretty empty so we'll probably get moving again yes the big bud 747 is still in Iowa so we've got a question here Matt have you seen the tribe mind combine this got like a 500 push it looks interesting you wouldn't want to get one out here and it looks like an econ bond I would love to get a chance to film the tribe and get up in the cab and tell about I really don't know him I said that much about the tribe I know but I definitely would like to get a chance to get out in the field with one how many combines is this farm have we've got five s7 90s out here in corn during the wheat harvest they run eight combines typically in wheat they're putting about 1,300 to 1,500 acres through the combine you've got to get that weed off fast because of summer rain we just kind of spoils quicker they only run five combines in corn plus the corn just there's a lot more bushels to handle so five is probably about right this farm has a three million bushel grain system and I just filmed that we doing a video showing the trucks unloading back at the bins how did I get started filming out in farmer's fields well back in 1986 when I was in third grade I just started carrying my camera with me and taking pictures on the road that I grew up on and just kind of accelerated from there just been taking pictures for a long time and started filming on tape and sharing those videos on toy tractor times calm and then start doing digital in 2011 and put it up in YouTube can I saw the controls of the combine sure there hopefully the sudden lights not too bad there but this has the same system as the 8r9 our tractors everything's controlled that joystick you can see Matt we can control the corn head and the auger all at the same time right from that with all those buttons on the joystick so I'm moving forward he's gonna engage the auger and we'll start pouring some corn out there you got a phantom here that is there man Matt definitely likes to the 700 series combine did this firm think about buying a case no I really don't think so they're they're pretty solid solid John Deere here this farm I give you a little bit of history back in the 70s this farm was all allis-chalmers and Gleaner combines they had international harvesters before the Ellis annales traumas kind of faltered and became its Alice the farm switched over to white farm equipment they had some two 180s and to 155 and after that they switched over to John Deere from the white farm equipment the farm usually does have one tractor out of their entire fleet that's not green when I first came out here about eighteen years ago they had a Ford 1156 that got traded for an STX 440 Steiger quad track and then they had been running one cat challenger every year probably since about 2006 so we're getting our last 12 rows of corn here do they have a 4/20 no I know there's a 4320 in the set with some duels on it so I think that's one forty two thirty twenty or forty okay they've got a thirty of them definitely got a New Holland mixer mill to grind corn with for their cattle and so they do have a thirty twenty and a 4320 still it's the there are two brothers that are the main family members involved in this farm and you ask them with their favourite tractors they've ever worked with analysis DW 4wd forty five and therefore two 1156 versatile their favorites I have not heard of Wagler farms in Indiana so you can see he got one two and three combines over there and we're number four and number five has been parked over there for most of the afternoon so we're done with the field here on this pasture we still got some more over there okay all right well we'll keep on live-streaming here till we finished up the field any reason they don't run 16 road heads I think Matt doesn't like them going wider than 30 now I'm a 24 rope ladder really well for this area a lot of smaller your regular shape fields if you go any bigger than a 24 row say a 32 row planner you did a lot of trouble if they do run 45-foot mcdonough heads from wheat and beans but I know man it's not always thrilled about that going around the drain house and stuff yeah a lot of family members are involved in this farm yeah one of the brothers are you trying to combine one of the sons is running the compound here today so there's a lot of family members involved are we seeing any doves I haven't seen any doves today of you rabbits a lot of rabbits so here we are ready to unload again these are the largest combines that John Deere makes the 790 is the bit one right now there's definitely some bigger ones I think in the works but they're not on the market yet so doing about 200 bushel of corn at 17% moister and you can see it just born out there in the crane car and you work all night you guys work almost all night we do works about midnight sometimes later we're trying to get done before a big raid or something yeah I think the green card operators do get exhausted I wrote out an against man on the combine in this is a pretty rough and rocky field and they're getting bounced around they definitely got a nice ride in the 94 20 are but it's they got a lot to keep out of it they're always on the move well John Deere try to take the world's largest combine title I know they've got a big one in the works I don't know how how much bigger it'll be than these but it'll be a good sized one I think they've got like a 60-foot Draper head and the works for those yeah Ireland is a beautiful country but I know that you have a lot of small fields with a lot of hedgerows and rock fences these this wonder'd acre field were in the largest field on this farm this farm has about twenty hundred twenty-eight hundred acres I'll be filming some case ice combines they're running in a 3,000 acre field here in Christian County you got a compliment they say you got a cool job heard some trucks there are four Kinsey grain carts 1100 bushel model keep bombs and a 15 truck most of the trucks are Mack trucks I know there is one international 9000 series I've seen a Peterbilt probably and there's you guys still have the fourth level in the mixers it closely match okay Mac sorry Leonard the moisture is at 17% can we see the trucks there's probably only basically one truck here in the field if you stay tuned to big tractor power YouTube I've just did a video on the farms grain bin system it's three million bushels and that you will see all the above basically all 50 part there you just get a quick peek at the trucks they are way over there I can try to see if my camera will zoom in there on my phone there's three trucks sitting there right now Matt ain't get my now but I promise you you stay tuned a big tractor because I've got some great drone footage of the grain bin system we drone corner the trucks come on the road and so you're gonna steal the truck footage and a regular big tract of power video very soon they're really cool trucks they're painted can almost like Kinsey blue most of the Mack trucks so have kind of white accents it's the Kinsey green Hertz do I have any silage videos you know I just posted a silage video yesterday showing how they fill a harvester harvest or silo with Duncan's I probably have a few more I've got the cow Chow series I was gonna so that's pretty more part so that'll probably be it for corn silage this year what time is it it is 3:30 in the afternoon here third you saw that Jackie so distinct there will be a series featuring the John Deere 8600 self-propelled uppers on a Kentucky Farm as they run two of them and I'm gonna take you through how they plant double crop sorghum I'm the chopped corn and we'll see the cows being fed and how they put the corn up you got a thumbs up on the beer-thirty I'll tell you another video that's coming out for our cloth fan so I can talk about it now because it's been introduced but this summer plos had its North American combine camp where they have all their dealers the salespeople the tech people they come here to Kentucky every year and have a camp where all those people actually operate the accom binds that they're selling and working on and actually get to spend the whole day driving em and that was that actually that common camp was in the 2800 acre field and that we've had one harvest at this farm last year this farm that I'm writing the combo it hosts the loss combine camp and they had the brand new Draper head they had a 70 a 750 and a 740 and a thick nominee Walker compound out there would they'll do very Oh Klaus Draper heads and they were they cool to see and they got all kinds of footage I just couldn't share it until after the Farm Progress Show so if you see a wheat harvest video popping up on big tractor power right now that's why because we had to hold onto that footage they had a cloth xiri on 5,000 out there on a 1400 bushel balls their cart and it was just awesome to see all that how much field is his farm use they use a lot I don't even know I know I heard the field bill once back in 2008 when prices were high him it was a big bill a lot of Germany 135 p.m. in Nevada hey thanks for watching ain't great to have someone from Belgium on here so we're just about finished the 400 acres here and I guess we're gonna jump the ditch and get a little corner here can you measure your harvest efficiency on this combine can measure everything you can see over here we can show the screen this combine of the new 790 so they can here's all your 16 acres an hour so we're doing about 16 acres an hour averaging 14 this combine can really do a lot you can see here's the combines in the carts out in front of this [Music] this combine didn't actually think for itself as you're going along it can auto adjust to the crop if it gets thick or light it actually adjusts everything on the inside and that was a big update on the 700s possible unload about foreigner bushels of corn here to see the combines hopefully the sudden lights not too bad this time of day so tough I'm gonna turn this tree back here and answer some hello from Africa Wow do I have any hate yes yes you know I filmed at this farm they put up quite a few acres of hay and run to round balers and I'll probably share some of the hay videos this winter [Music] um yeah they used to run do Kinsey 1050 with Bulls and we had a really wet year in 2008 they'd been running tracks ever since they just do less compaction why do they not have tracked tractors they run John Deere and this is 2018 was the first year you can get a row crop track track track I don't know if this farm we'll go with the Niner exes the Challenger MT 75e on tracks they love but we'll just have to see if they stay with wheels one of the things with row crop tracks is that's a lot of weight on a very narrow track and they're not having the best reliability overall and the cost a lot of man says it said you know $50,000 or more compared to those we can see the 12 row 7 12 Z horn head [Music] could I do a farm tour yeah I'd have to talk to the farmer I don't like to just get in everybody shop and show everything you know more about the equipment that we'll be sewing this forms a green bin system it's about three million bushels they're actually putting up a new 375 bushel bin probably get roped into that if we get a rainy day yeah these are 30 inch rows the biggest corn head I think that's on the market right now that are 30 inch rows of both gearing off and Drago have 18 row 30 inches I'd love to film one of those if anyone knows where one of those is going the biggest I have filmed is a 16 row 30 inch head and a 24 row 20 inch head which are both 40-foot headers [Music] we're gonna drop its here yeah sixteen row head is a forty pin and throw twenty inch so the same as a sixteen row planner the combines are moving it we're gonna open up the head land and that cut across if he rose to get started [Laughter] how big is this field the field total 400 acres we're just getting in the last little corner of the Baker field see the last of the seven nineties is catching up with us here oh we had a quest on dubs earlier at just one flight up yes this farm is rough 5s 790 John York Times for Kenzie car vibes and they still happen 1,100 1,100 I'm running right now to the carts right there these cart drivers stay really busy keep it up with a calm bones the yield doing right the whole time I've been out here you can see 206 bushels wet 196 dry no I've been out here it's been around 204 wet 94 dry does the farm lease her own and you know I really don't get into farmers business I will tell you they just they get new combines every year they do a lot of work with their local if you got any questions please ask them it's hard to see them all go by if you've got anything you'd like to know be glad to answer it um as far as the visual of the size I mean here I guess I go crawl under here how many bushels a semi-truck hold a thousand Bulls hey thanks Jackie for watching Martin dr. Watson [Laughter] how do I make arrangements with a burst of film in this farm I've known for 18 years so there there used to be showing up a lot of the farms life and I've known for over a decade so I you know I'll text him and say hey where are you guys running today as far as new farms you know sometimes I'll just see a cold piece of equipment and I'll just pull in and say hey I'm a fan of farm equipment do you mind if I film and I never I've never turned away I imagined someday I'll see they say no I'm not roasted and I'll be pretty depressed but I've never been turned away from a farm just by pulling in and lightly introducing myself and telling about actually the I've just mentioned earlier in our live stream here I found a farm with three four combines here in Kentucky never met him in my life but I was like I've got to go in there blue combines and just immediately started talking and I'm all set to look back and film them the thing is with the filming is just building relationships taking acqua people not to be too intrusive you know I never really asked you know okay can you do this for me or you know I just want to film it the way they're working so these guys everyone smile I ask hey can you line them all up so we can see all five combines but overall I'm just here to observe the way they do things Joey hope you're having some Jack Daniels look mourn being harvested right here huh how many hours do they use this machine this machine is gonna put about 800 hours on this year that's really neat that arrays MC Africa mark really appreciated your comments here one of our M's hate Welker have really a priest Welker farms tuning in today it's been great to see your questions number three eighty Canadian number 83 that's good how many semis this farm is running in the 15 semi truck mostly max is this the same farm i film the 70s yep farm runs this farm runs eight last night combines of wheat who have we got the film stepping on their own yeah well kurz had just been I'm led by seeing the corner to icing you harvest your wheat acres [Music] hey it's great to have a person on here from the coronation I know you've got to be six or seven or eight hours ahead of us well the combine is again we're working on the headlands and that perimeter cleaning up the last section here I would love to go up to walkers and film sometimes they've got a great operation all those big buds brood are awesome to see do YouTube my main job no it is not it is not just a hobby of mine I own the toy tractor time so I manufacture a model tractor and the toy tractor x was a magazine now it's mainly just a website and the YouTube ninety five hundred sheep and is it pronounced nambia Africa that's pretty cool it's neat to see farming all over the world hey thanks for watching the live stream I know we've been on here a long time just kind of tune in we've got more corn and then I'm gonna sign off get any questions please ask them I really enjoy trying to answer everybody's questions and text but it's great to see people have I been to the International Museum mark is that the one knob down in Florida I'd like to get there I have not been to it but I've had several friends when they visited and that museum looks awesome one of my favorite tractors is the International 47 86 so I'm definitely an IH fan like all the brands and my goal for big tractor power is to try to cover every piece of machinery out there whether it's a Ford a 10 or the big 747 if I got to Welker si habla you're a livestream out at Walker farms I'd be neat I'm actually a thinkin live stream because Montana's pretty remote so that's pretty cool that they have I ever filmed in Texas no I have not loved to get down to Texas how long does it take to prep the field for the Machine about an hour Matt Mars so these I guess why we're sitting here when you guys you guys typically got to feel about 7:00 a.m. earlier that's the check machine over make sure to run today so I I came out the other day and I actually filmed you guys starting up because a lot of people wanted to see the process is everybody I noticed some of the at least the grain cart guys and stuff everybody soon in one job they did I think I saw one guy like compressor you want each of the grain cart tractors and blew everything out so it's you guys you got a task and it kind of looks like us sometimes but it's pretty efficient keeping up with it [Music] well you know what I'll be doing a video here showing the service time and it's pretty neat how they do it arm has two fuel trucks at Hotel yep so it's a lot of fuel coming out to the field if to see here but there's 90s running up there and then there's one behind us as well and maybe see it in the mirror you can see that other car coming up if you've got any questions please ask we've got a few more rows to go so I'll just keep live-streaming until we run out of corn hey big t thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the livestream it's it's always hard in the videos to edit everything down in show Machinery you know it just takes minutes or to travel and I don't like the videos to get longer than 20 minutes so it's just great to show you what's really going on out here here comes our next grain cart that one was full loading on this one have I been to Denmark I I have not I've been to Europe I've got a very good friend through the farm toys comes over here from Holland and I'd love to get and see England and France and Holland and German Denmark I really enjoy seing European so there goes one of the carts it's getting pretty dusty here these combines will turn completely black by the end of the season and get mold up corn the longer it stays out here and keeps up a lot of dust I'd love to see the tulip fields over there and beneath that and watch tractor swap on YouTube and its really neat when he does some of that the screen we're gonna up at a dry spot in the field you can see all the different Neal these combines all talk to each other all five of them are connected in star and they can that he can sail the different yields they just mapped off cutting the headlands how many generations has worked farm yeah I believe you know I don't know this farms history but I'm pretty sure they go back to the at least the 1850s and there are a lot of family members brother sisters that are involved on this farm [Music] do I play farm simulator I do not I like it my son who is eight years old loves playing it enjoy watching him one of the things I'm trying to do if it'll help farming simulator players you know I've got so much foot into cm big tractor power I film if there's anything I can explain that you want to see Oh real stuff works and how it matches the game I'd be glad to do that is one of the things they love to you can see kinda see these weeds popping up down here it's it's 90 degrees out here and once dry it down and in the graph dirts not in the weeds start popping but don't dis come under here pretty soon when they plant the week hey fool them a tractor click I did not have a shop to manufacture but we sell them about back farm toys bought Boston implement and also throughout toy dealers and toy shows here we can see the combines you get one two we're number three and number four over there yes be informed different best Maria always amazed how tight everything is on roads and things in Europe you have a lot more than the unites a run big and wide and as you get up into the plains of Canada they go even wider now why was it so green again they said all this ground is followed by winter wheat so they need to get this winter wheat this corn harvested and get the ground prepped to plant the wheat here in the next month so they and though they're still green leaves that corn that he's done the big tractor power grid was a 19% and again it's hot out here today and it doesn't take a lot to put it through the dryer so that that's why they harvested green they will see a combine pop out here on the headland I always enjoy getting those so not filming some great drone footage coming up of all these s7 90s working together out in the field I'm probably going to be for that like about farm screen system a few more us once we finish up the corn I'm gonna end the livestream we've been on here a long time it's been great to share it but I'm gonna try to get out there and do a little more filming today so we've got more am I gonna film an ideal combine that it will either be later Nebraska still working out the details on that really want to get one of these new fent ideal combines they look awesome I don't know if there are any farms that own an ideal combine yet I think we'll probably start seeing those more in the 2019 harder this but act Co is gonna have some outfit yeah to film one this is a great at the end of the field the combines get together and we get a lot of good good shots how many minutes does it take to fill up the green bin it just depends on the yield but I'm gonna say three to four minutes we're in 200 Muslim born today here you can see carts coming in the combines rolling one Lodi and if you can ask that question while loading the green card I'll try to answer it it went by and heading it doesn't take long to fill these combines with a 12 row heads in there they're covering a lot of acres these guys will cover probably around 400 acres today between all these combines I appreciate everybody watching today we're just getting down to our last few fast you got any questions let me know thanks Joey appreciate I hope to get a lot of filming done this week and I know Matt needed to get tomorrow off from harvest a gift all right you got a day off yeah here's a cool thing where they did their tournament bill in the cart that's really neat the way they're just keep rolling they're not gonna takes a little bit of maneuvering dogger wanted on that cart turning around Hey looks like we're getting down to our last pass if you got any questions please ask him and I'll answer before we wrap up yep I'll get a little ride back to my truck because it would be a long walk across the 400 acre field so I appreciate the ride man yeah I definitely you know it's enjoy meeting people watching big tractor power probably the best place if you want to meet me is obviously farm machinery so in Louisville Kentucky it's always the second week in February right around Valentine's Day so when that's coming up I'll let people know I'm usually there on Saturday morning and I'd love to meet people yeah I definitely enjoy filming every brand of farm equipment I'm really excited we're starting to get Deutz tractors here into Western Kentucky and I really I've always liked the Deutsch tractors and it's needs to see him coming back in the US and I've got a feature coming up on the Deutz 9 340 film 1 this spring running a there goes a rabbit people were asking about wildlife but I am except about those noise trackers and I've got a video one coming up and I think our local dealers gonna have an open house with some of the people from from Deutsch so stay tuned for that yes I've heard that Lancaster County Pennsylvania is the most fertile place in the u.s. this soil here is really a red clay you know you go about 90 miles kind of northwest of here into Illinois and the soil is really rich you know and I know they want to try to see 300 bushel yields there but here are red clay 200 is a pretty good year last year we were seeing two 20s to 30s that was exceptional so that's that's a wrap on harvesting the 400 acre field we've covered a lot of ground up here in the combine and I appreciate everybody watching I'll kind of let you see the dry eye back to the back to the trucks maybe we'll see one of the semi trucks as they're getting ahead across the road and start a new field how long is the day these guys start right around 7:00 in the morning servicing the combines and they'll be out until midden 1:00 a.m. harvesting corn so they put a lot of hours and I guess get off if the dryer slows down [Music] which is always music to my ears when they shut down because I want to get out here and film I always start with this farm first in the season because they've got a lot of acres but they get through them fast I think they got all their corn planted in six days so if I don't get to you guys first you're gonna be done because they put a lot of long hours in the fields disappear quickly so there goes our last load of corn and flat back up to the trucks do you drink so so you roll across the field 400 acres harvested and moving on to more so did you guys start field this morning or did you start here last open up a hole last night it was pretty late so we just open up a whole park and then we pretty much started fresh here this morning [Music] what does the corn go now after this corner this whole field will be planted in winter wheat starting October 10th they'll come out here with some big heavy wishing disks with dirty blades turn over the corn ground and they've got 60 foot horse Anderson air drills we've got three of them and they'll be plant wheat now out here and I'll be covering all on big tractor power YouTube I'll see if we get some time I'll do a live stream during the tillage Matt will be driving are you on the 9420 are four discs this year one of these days may it'll get promoted back 96 20 are it's got to be fun driving the 12 tires down the road I was following the 875 e challenger and they got to lower those discs when they get to power lines someone asked earlier I didn't get to answer this do i film challenger yes I've been following challenger 1038 truck and I'll have a video I wanted to do a whole season with it and those are awesome tractors they're almost halfway through their corn harvest so they probably got about I'd say maybe 5,000 acres of development already all right there's the trucks up there we'll see if we get to see one of the Macs we had a request earlier to see them you can see the combines are off there that seemed are milling over there they've got a field right up against [Music] I parked next to one of the service drugs on the back into me so here we come up I really appreciate everybody tuning in I think we peaked out around 515 people tuning in today it's been a lot of fun to share this harvest with you okay lots of lots more video coming up all brands will get Gleaner cloths IH new holland hope to find a massy and hopefully really looking forward to seeing on that deal combine later this late of this fall yeah there it is it's next to the service truck wanted to be right next to them but be careful with your park out here always want to try to stay out of the way but all right we had a request to see the trucks here's two of them ACTRA they hold a thousand bushels of corn and I've got a video coming up on system showing all these trucks I got a 15 semi trucks keeping all these grain carts rolling so I really appreciate everybody watching today I'm gonna sign off and we'll be working on warp factor power YouTube videos thanks a lot appreciate Wilkers tuning in and I hope everyone will check out their channel on Montana farming [Music]
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 238,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bigtractorpower, john deere, combine, 2018 corn harvest, john deere s790, john deere s690 on tracks, 16 row corn head, 24 row corn head, garnett farms, h&s forage wagon, 2017 case ih quadtrac
Id: znoH5fkiVrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 13sec (7453 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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