First full day chopping corn

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[Music] have to work all right Jared just pull that in here just getting up online here myself [Music] all right difficulty earlier here in the I've had to work in the orientation that I wanted until I want camera to work down at the lower right hand corner and I couldn't get it to work down it wants to run it upside down the cameras in the upper left-hand corner and the only problem of that is and ends up being pumped into the headliner now India so we've got so far today we're about a bit of a moment here place the grounds drive chop this field before and oh and there are muddy conditions and it's not too good desafio this planet first day of playing for near the 9th of May and it's rolling right along and well this right here is 60% moisture the other pieces we're running right around 65 why this one dryer on the hill here and this one side I would think it would be wetter ah I bet in all the way around this field here now [Music] Jared I'll have a little better time here I won't have to blow dart atop of his cab I've opened up on twice they've opened twice open up field twice I am so far then it is quite a ways to fall we're gonna go over here now wrap this other side Jared I've got a hole blowing up through the west side here oh I'll find little things around here I might be able to see the comments I have my other iPad here I'm gonna slide some things forward and 20 W the God I'm just getting to the comments by David Carter Brian grant Zack I don't [Music] this mountain here I don't know if you guys can see it [Music] this is quite a quite a hill here just pull you out that's what we have to deal with here sauce set you back in there [Music] all right we're about climbing this hill here [Music] [Music] either say morning one and all Sakhalin I'm gonna be limited oh well I create these comments here I'm gonna do my fast detail right here you're sure to love Jared on the front right now in his camera orientation is not what I wanted it to be here you starting to claw a little bit and I can't I wanted the orientation of the camera no get on floor bring it part of the iPad here and it's Rahmi an accord that's pretty good here drunks in the rain I could use them right now and wait all day and this farm here's 10 miles away from home Aaron's gonna poke out through the end here that he's gonna have to turn around and get and it back up the other way here all agree is here around here boring back to my life journey it's going to actually go you're on a circle will go right back down by the green fence [Music] [Music] so ours I'll fill you going back towards the grain beds [Music] hello hey not much here on Cardinal I don't need anybody tonight helpful guys are already coming in yeah I don't have a truck right now Kevin and Adam and stammer coming in ah yeah Sam his camp there some [Music] this head is a 770 it's a rotary head and roll Kember rotary head see hair I got I built the hitch and bumper forehead chopper here last link and painted it see we were chomping hay with it and Bofur on oh they're on yesterday and I have a video then hear that I'm a well I felt that when I felt them over so I gotta get that up on here sometimes I like it again and strong picking it out take a look at that at this truck back out of my way nor said I'll go back off the jerk and come right in I gotta gotta maybe call Sarah my daughter see what if she was able to turn this camera around because damn thing is right up into the ceiling you guys can't see nothing [Music] let's see here do I need a little man I might have to shunt the live straight down and start back up again get this camera turned around so Michael off line here you'll know it's going right back shut it down I'm sure I can get it ranked back up and going again here so you're almost loaded okay trailer [Music] we try some near turn as well there we go [Music] oh how high my job in the core about ten inches I'm using automatic header height control and it's about what I got it set at and 12 inches tried this will keep going forward it's got feelers on each outside corner of the had a nano follow the contour of the ground I got a couple I got a high spot right there [Music] call crossways on the cornstalks and what it did was it thrown up the rode up the card stock day as I was born and George I did see that I tried grunted me using an iPad and I'm using the regular camber on and I wanted the camera I wanted to use it down in the lower right hand corner when the iPad flipped around I thought it was going to flip the orientation and it didn't so what's the livestream started up it was upside down I thought if I just restarted the livestream it would let me run it in the other orientation but it didn't work that's the way my daughter was running it the other night she wanted the camera down and or right-hand corner understand you know what it is I guess [Music] or just get this feel opened up here pretty good [Music] no baby I'm poking around at all tonight no gorillas I shoulda waited freshener wait till we got a little closer to Halloween or some he thought he just called funny eyes and [Music] we would see a gorilla in the truck and it would last five minutes and that was it but it turned out we level little more than that so what's that and Tim is right here now so we'll make it all the way around our rich oh yeah I guess the slopes are coming in at that see Richard heat sets on the bow subs move in the right way yeah they're coming in I guess yeah and we got a better mystique [Music] not liking the way this camera OSLC fire will fry child 1,500 acres my god roxtor but any kid it was a night in a lot listen and watch the video there yes tomorrow I'll speak cows and monoghan night stands right and i ended up on the nightstand said that night before it was pretty funny [Music] behind me and to me Fuhrman the weather's been good at the other night we got we got done we got though choppin Monday night little after 7:00 o'clock and it didn't start raining until 8 o'clock and we didn't know I get about three tents or so and we're in we were able to get job in here Lincoln Safa do it was until about 3:30 only got started job and and covered evolved I switched the chopper arm of Goethe Anna Tim a knife with the pipe extension on it rear bumper and hitch assembly on to it and we jumped around towards home narrow back one after some my kitchen car and they thought we inherently plate but it turned out to me just the outside Rose moisture was a little on the sweater side there so we got boxed up and moved our here we're farther away from where their home last night see farms I don't know what you mean by seems more difficult for rocks to follow me follow me hi [Music] a little bit of a hassle farm but these guys driving beside in the then the corn crop here isn't any different than when they drive inside Chaffin hey see somebody asked what the moisture was on this room right now I've got 63 63% right now and this field is average at 61 60 1.73 I was in there's some stuff that was 65 as a field average earlier I'm surprised that this one surprise this that this one is dryer I thought this one what event just say moisture third one chopped it was the third [Music] this next truck come all and get lined back up again never start now dear lord exam [Music] [Music] Russell take your spot and when you get back there [Music] I'll be mine and hell yeah let's see somebody's asking what moisture we prefer we preferred to be between 60 and 65 so we're locking out this just has to be the moisture that we wanted to be at last few years we've been doing pretty good with trying to keep ahead of it and see that truck couldn't make it [Music] the next guy comes along here we got a truck with rogue tires on it and he couldn't make it so let's maybe turn this a little bit that way [Music] try her again so I gotta get locked and loaded here I keep my controller out of the gate here and [Music] see the swagger of I keep myself oh let's see the feel that I'm in now is [Music] that big well in this field up here [Music] yeah you spell a makin there won't come down around and green bands will start you at the road here we go now I can answer that question and this field is just over 12 acres I got five point seven acres Melanie I got seven seven and a quarter life and we've got strips across the road my hiney between five and nine acres of peace and that I've got a 40 acre field just up the other side of the woods here to do 12 acre field the other side of the road from that and we're going to just kind of start working our way home here I want to I got four four stripes across the routes there's like 30 acres on the other side of the road and 50-some up above so I got 70 right here on this this farm love to do that the next bar bears sixty seventy acres there bring in this right in this area here now george w this side this islands going into a boat we've got two large corn silage folks that we and we put silage in there a hundred feet why 250 foot long and they've got 17 foot walls on here Stewart we're rated net10 love a mile range from the farm [Music] and as we hit a live stream back along Twila Calder and second comment we're chopping hey I'm this far we're in a Donna wearing Camilo's we're just north or xiety here a little bit of a sign you know and drivers just being cautious I'm sorry yeah thank you for for honor for an Center in that question Anthony SS is going for Alfie Dairy Dairy animals and lets me [Music] the straightaways [Music] hey Sarge just back back down in there I ever got much come on in rich I haven't got much to put on hair but I could take you this way [Music] oh man it's uh power-wise it's its handle and I'm not pushing all that much waiting on trucks anyways and you start pushing it too much the belt start getting hot and I'm only going but I'll write there was five miles an hour but on average four to four and a half hard it's a heavier crop to run through the machine but it seems to be a lot easier on it because it's a consistent it's a consistent floor didn't like the hey where the hey you got slugs of the winter letter and the chopper ground speed isn't nowhere near I want to ask the feet for a and it's it's actually a whole-school Dehradun I am gonna jump across the ground and subject pastor ray my brother than this here Johnny how and has it gone from Georgia [Music] let's see yeah I'm gonna turn the camera so you can see it see the trucks getting loaded here let me get this truck loaded here and I'll turn that camera yeah Jim Jones I get brought in Auto steer when I get on the straightaways I can use either the auto stare from the recorded guidance tracks from when I plan in the car or I can use the role finder on the head this is God [Music] Pro finder on the head where it will follow the Romans a corner I don't prefer to use the role finder because if you get a gap and in the car to feel our we'll go for where the cord is and it'll jump out of the row and it couldn't steer you into the truck the best way to steer it is to use the guidance track they have pre-recorded from from when you planted we have all our guidance tracks reported use the same 1/3 one year to the next and if we if we end up making a new guidance track we end up delete the old one [Music] my other empty trough here so right now I got time to fiddle with this camera here I've got two ways to do it [Music] there try that [Music] what's that [Music] yeah oh yeah [Music] there was me for about here [Music] you you yeah yeah [Music] okay yeah we have a valve did it I mean just meet at the heifers or something they'd only be a load or two we can we go off the laneway that they're building the houses [Music] yeah [Music] yeah okay [Music] okay all right Kevin should be there when you get back yeah all right oh sorry about that all right let's see here they asked why the name Carmen Peck's in a van a brigade well the carbon part of it is what we're doing right now and most of the repairs we do I try to I try to video them as we go along and as we can and then we get into a fair amount of fabrication I do build silage boxes on the side during the winter sighs silage boxes that we have on these trucks I built myself along with the help the guys working with us working for us and I son Jared he's worked out quite a little bit too and so that's where we where I came up with the name farm and fixing and fabricating I wanted something to more or less describe what went out on the channel and if anybody's seen the channel they they kind of knew what things were all about that that's the only reason I got that truck oh I got to wait for a truck here [Music] let's see I got to get back sign yeah let's see somebody answered a question about ten rows at a time I still don't like the I still don't like the camera when it's set up here so we have a gap in trucks well we can go ahead and get out we can look at this bumper that we've put on the make for a chopper here [Music] just it appearing that he can pull from and all feed out in [Music] cutting a hole in this 3 3 by 12 3 by 10 piece of rectangle 2 well that a thief by forage well they'd just be rain till and then we've got creates chain hooks here i welded this one so that nobody could steal the chain and just locked in place grab the chain around the ball yes so that got regular fear that the trucks can come up against these we're on each side of back of the chopper but what there is that we need to protect on the chopper preservative right there so underneath this chopper it would break that and would break that oh just a little song they have a chain wrapped on there so the truck gets stopped I'm too three inch by 10 inch rectangle to gear and then I put a 3 by 4 on top Cortinas hi bunker it's just shy a six foot long and by four by Anthony Ayers who well here on a chopper and a that's a pretty pretty steep hill here there a truck would be pulling in here any time now oh wow your [Music] this is a pretty we're pretty high up right here here Bart there they're cows chickens over on this side of the road was there grain operation here six years ago I acquired about taking that tawanda moving shotcrete it on in anywhere harvest bar that we bought this car I see a truck down below just get called in here so changed around here like this yeah [Music] I apologize folks this I don't really like the camera angle that I'm getting here but it is is what it is well thanks for the compliments on the bumper we'll get here yeah thanks everybody I'm just going back through the comments and comments on the over there I I can't see the comments from [Music] I bet as [Music] well yeah and come out pretty good actually the salesman has sold us jaffer he's uh he's a fabricator himself and he built a couple things bumpers a lot of 3/8 rectangular to be used for by 12 I ended up using a piece of rectangular tubing that I had I actually was just throwing something together quack and I thought I would end up taking it off and [Music] you know redoing another one when I had time we've had the chopper before I wait until the last possible vetted to [Music] build the bumper so I kind of rushed myself but then again I didn't what I used was a he's a three by ten by quarter law rep came here to defeat and left over from making a riser for a husky manure take it was a tank and we had mounted on a truck and it didn't have the truck didn't have high on it I ended up with the slide rail system on Dee and I need it at all Arizer for the sell on the hostage tank so that would get up top of the boys the truck boys and I used three inch by 10 inch rectangular - to get that tank up high doctor so it would clear the hoist I had death six foot piece left over and I caught a a four inch by eight I think it was spot out of it to weld that piece of three quarter by four flat stock in so that the so the d-ring is I had something real good too [Music] let's see George W we don't all go to houses they didn't come with the farm at the barns we do read how there's a couple of there's a couple landscape guys that rent the barn or their lawnmowers and stuff and the green fans ironically enough don't belong to us neighboring farm I ended up buying the bids and the agreement he had what the previous holder it wasn't the farm owner of the differ cause if they could leave the bins there while really years after the previous owner that we bought the farmland from he decided to sell all the lands we own the land underneath the bins but it would cost the other far more money and it's worth to remove all the bids and push it put up to uh another site so that it's not hurting they can have it on the ground and it's we don't eat that ground for anything [Music] and we just ran a little bit of the ground out underneath the men's store and it works for us there's a pretty good-sized grain drying outfit right there I don't know what size of it on a gas but they're bringing it right there too they grow beans and hard but you all are all dry and right there nor everything too see how much ground we rent person's own it's about half and half they're out half-and-half everybody is that about the same mold around here and they own right half that camera views time the best my cousin ain't too bad I gotta that I can frankly knock that [Music] trouble is the MRIs on the right hand side of the iPad that's great up against right up against the back window I suppose yes somebody was asking about flood I don't know if I answered that question it is dry here we have had any fun chain yeah it's great 70 transport train it's just 3/8 it's strong enough for what we have to use it for chopper as long as the triumph chopper is in dirt or mud it doesn't have enough traction to be able to break that chain I have been hooked on that I drank trucks through all kinds of mud and I've never broke a I've never broke one of these 3/8 chains with with a chopper John how how do we figure out the tonnage there's a yield model around the chopper and right now it's telling me or averaging 14 tonne of the anchor but to be honest with you I have not calibrated I have not calibrated the chopper yet and I wouldn't he want to guess as to whether or not the tonnage is correct that's wet 14 wet tonnes let's see I made chunks are we running or running five straights and one tractor-trailer has gone Kevin good with trunk and where trunk eat we're on Monroe road up on the mountain behind the grain beds and Richard should be back there momentarily okay alright alright but I yeah we'll see ya [Music] I always I'll get out and clean this window off quack waiting for a truck anyways I apologize if I'm not getting anybody's comments but I'll clean that off y'all better meals [Music] I stood up around behind the cab the left side but not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're back in here windows were washed this morning and this is how black still anything clean what the heck is it's all murky going on here oh let's see oh yeah I am using the autofill here and they're not not all that much [Music] I can get that view split up off the front yeah we can do that it might be better turn this around like this and then go like [Music] my work a little better pushes the camera down a little bit what you're gonna be the only thing is you're gonna be right [Music] I think you're gonna see my last year [Music] all right miss the spot he had probably that usually happens let's see [Music] let's see 95 t600 we the girl we got about 800 acres of EMR and the rest is the rest is just conventional let's see Cory we don't have let's see we have three operate silos that we pull at mr. Cornyn and we don't we don't do we don't have to get forage out of any silos just I'm moisture corn and we run that a day ahead of time and they're all they're all empty now anyway so yeah you're right George it was the stinking glare from the glass there so maybe this view is a little better I'm using the front camera on the iPad and it's it's just a little bit lower and I think that's going to work Jerrod Higgins how's it going yeah we do we're on inoculant [Music] t-man we we run pioneer inoculant yeah I just had to see how much I got left I got an awful lot for about two hundred ton Tim Kelsey yeah we're getting after it a little bit not too much so we're waiting on trucks here a little here and there we've got to articulate errs back on the bunk right now and we got a 9410 out of 9320 with silage blades uh and earlier Jason boy hydraulic hose under the camp in the 9410 are so he was a little while fixing that it's one of the hoses that run the blade so handy Mellor yes I am running the extension I put that back on actually Tim and I put that on yesterday afternoon I'll flip this camera around that is right there from let me see if I can point to it where's my finger at it bolts on there and it goes down to about there and it's four foot longer than the the one that was on there for Hey and that where's my finger and right there that's the active cell camera right there and regular camera so just shut the chopper off my wedding two-hour long tail gate there we go arms yeah getting back to that yeah we unbolt the extension that has [Music] the flopper on it the diverter thing there and you take that off you take the one you take the one section how you bolt the longer one in and that has all the work lights on it already just unplug a couple things and [Music] you don't plug a couple things and plug everything back in you have to recalibrate the all the return to home function on the neck is that all that will give you some trouble so that it has to be recalibrated Steven how's it going let's see raaah I've got this year we just started chopping today so I've got all of it left [Music] yeah we'll end up chopping around 1,500 acres or so you know there wouldn't be something to have him back down the hill but you know if he's listening to this live stream he won't end up doing that just to just to be a bit of a wiseass he's done that before he does pretty good with that damn thing I mean comps to the plant there's one ear per stock in this in this crop here we have we had some corn has two ears on it but usually that second ears just a sucker ear so we're back at the shop and I got Jared here and NORs on deck so Jonas or Janis from Sweden how's it going one thing is what have to sandy get up the other side ain't gonna have much on his drives by the time he gets around there speak part of the hell here we're just kidding too [Music] then I can duck down I've got a couple of rose to do off on this hand here that'll get him all more weight the foot on is driveaxle so he can sneak back up or that steep part of that hill there [Music] Joey the redneck how's it going Jane did you change your avatar think you did [Music] we cut across the bottom here we'll turn him around out on the lawn here just because and we'll head him back there there be nice to get off this the snake could help before it gets dark we've been we've been on this hill but it's been slippery wet and in the dark let's see frying we didn't pan up to a storm we didn't get maybe three tenths of an inch of rain and to be honest with you the ground doesn't even look like we got any at all we lucked out Harbor we got done job and Monday night a little bit after 7:00 o'clock chopper inside it was I was typing in the house for a little while and oh he maybe 8:30 it started raining and I got up to feed cows the next board and it was it was dry under the vehicle so it did great all that much and I waited time we don't we don't have a rain gauge I just go off of what I get for a rainfall report through my climate field view hat and on average and all of our fields got already around three times three kinds of an inch or so [Music] we use on climate filled view that they have [Music] rainfall recording part of there yeah or whatever you call it and all of our fields are and arenĂ­t it'll actually give us a ballpark figure out how much rain we received not every field gives us an idea of what kind of a variation there is one farm to the other Oh auntie Bella that did you know that did look kind of real I don't know what he paid for that damn thing but [Music] that is a pretty good it is pretty well put together my daughter's got some kind of a costume to the she bought and I wouldn't be surprised if you guys see that stuff again here not to tease anybody but Brian it's raining in Wisconsin Versalles to get rain showers tomorrow afternoon I believe I figured we'd just about get going and that would happen to us but least I have this I have this one field on would was worried about climbing this hill would be pretty much on the flat here on out for a couple days anyway so [Music] uh yeah I just have to look down Bob 235 watch and that's uh that's pretty good Oh Jim just joining us this is the first full day of chopping here for us we started on our board yesterday afternoon we only chopped for three hours three and a half hours and I actually christened the chopper on my uncle's ground two weeks ago this coming Friday so the first bit of corn at this this chopper is chopped excuse me job was for my uncle Pat and we felt part of a boat for him we know that every fall and it just happens to be his ground as a couple weeks ahead of ours and which works out real good for us works out good for him we can get in there and get his core done in a timely fashion he hasn't got to worry about us doing his card when our card should be getting done so so this is the one to the actual third day that this chopper is chopped corn down this year this is the actual first full day I think this part of the day dad knew my uncle's car they have to be done by the time it's time to milk cows and sighing weirdly it takes us about four hours four and a half hours that gets more job and that's how we do it every year gives us a chance to make sure the choppers ready to go I think we should be using him perk anything but that's how that's how it works how can he's walked on every year every year that the chopper has just worked as an entity any of the hiccups like he'd regular they see no goofy Barrington lingo or whatever this is of course new but you still have problems with not lucid enough like that so let's see Duramax because it going make cows does your uncle know I think you're milking around 100 down there I think he's got a real nice flat barn parlor free stall operation with a flat bar parlour that's a nice nice operation back when I was growing up as a kid my father my uncle Pat my uncle Jerry we all worked together and we were all milking about the same amount of cows we started to put on cows and it wasn't fair to and the work divided up the way we had and so we we split off from them and my two uncles they continued to work together than my uncle Jerry he ended up retiring he's quite a bit older than he's older my father he's older than he's older than pan he got out of it and about the right time ended up saw his house and he helps that helps another Farber another neighbor barber here and there some but yeah we all work together we do crops together and we pick stone together upload upload fails ain't strong know each other job back we had a multi chopper we had a John Deere 3970 we chopped our own hay with three beds or sofa mode legs they had of a New Holland 892 chopper they had three John Deere self unload wagons manila's there was one farm that that was quite far away and we put both choppers together and then we would pull the self unload wagons with two grain trucks that we had we would pull them back to my uncle's farm and one pump commit historian and he hook up tractor on a poem up to the Lord a load of them the green trucks are pull up but MP went back to the field so there was two green drops with lying and tough to them all the time whether they're fall or empty to back started to in the field on the javelin pretty good it's running out of trash the parking a little bit but you know he's got about he's about seven eight loaded [Music] and I run for it or not it was that other truck come in kind of heavy loaded a little heavy on the back that was probably my fault if I should have been paying attention a little better you could have probably got a little better traction on man surprised if he makes a run for it thank you he usually doesn't like to give up wait a minute Photography is that make the hell fun [Music] he's gonna make another attempt he spun out I I stopped because I was going to turn the camera around but I don't know what he did now come back north [Music] that way but I think he is company gonna make a run for it we might as well let him come in this [Music] he's down at the bottom [Music] [Music] twenty-five fun [Music] now that are you gonna try it one more time thank dangling in the window by the wiper pivot tried that mic to the CB maybe he's getting back there folks thank you gonna he's gonna make [Music] right now the frickin song [Music] ah Darwin back to work take what you got dude all right [Music] yeah you know advice you know I'm pretty sure shut the chopper off you got that 19 liter Cummins make that a little bit of noise there I'm not how to chop the chopper anything you couldn't really hear that Edwards all that great 10 where's got a cannon choppers got a comment we've taken rear ends on that truck so we gotta be a little careful and we pull up our divider and man here here or it was last year I regardless whether when I was last year to here before we blow up our divider and to fall we're all on the door with those tires on extra big tires below the power divider and then we blow the when it up quality rear rear drive that spring blue the carrier animart in it yeah and that's not good when you when you do that fun Trump's got 300,000 miles on it running off road like this not good Adam anti self sea farms that's exactly it's not worth breaking a they fry with one one time too many anyways but [Music] we've got one trunk down as it is we got a truck that we put a new compressor and an air compressor last week and the damn gasket blew out on it so we don't know if we had on the faulty gas Gator if it was Bolton's when we put it back back together it's there leaking oil a couple days after I was to put together a head on the old compressor was cracked and I was thinking about just swapping out the head on it but I was worried it was going to give us trouble anyways I ended up getting the Rheem an air compressor foreign and what that in there and start leaking a well again so we're not again but it started leaking oils like I think we bombed it and folded up together [Laughter] on say to me like straight trunks or tractor trailers we had [Music] and for tractor trailers and the stylish trailers to go along what up I just Samantha tractor-trailers now we went from South unload and wagons back when I was in high school pawn adult wagon confronted just single-axle street drugs with 16 foot boxes on it we actually had three of them at the time and the very first truck we had was converted convert a grain truck and we had his barn doors on the back of that with a dump wagon it was just the 16 foot long grain truck would fight for high sides it was up l7000 for when that way right there now 7,000 Ford with a 3208 and then after that we bought a LD thousand Louise Gulfport and we put a actually bought a 16-foot silent box friend I started built by all [Music] after we got rid of that 16 ain't body trucks we had to a am tell 8,000 cords with 16 foot boxes on with vibe is two trainings and um and then we fought a but now 8004 and i put an 18-foot fox on it and then after then we started buying ten wheelers so we're we're kind of growing as as time goes on here so eventually as the street drums wear out well well convert over to tractor trailers this this silage body trailer this silage trailer that we use at this tractor trailer it works and it works for multiple crops so you know it'll work for small grains too we can call fit into a blower don't grate into a blower or an auger but it doesn't all this much silage is one of them chain drag trailers of all via H&S or a Meyer killer-diller makes them as well 36 38 40 foot long now all 80 85 yards where that wallack trailer that only holds 70 yards [Music] but and it doesn't get around to bad in the field either some places that'll get her own better in a straight drop some places mm all Karen's gonna make a wreck for it again now man he's got wait cut his drives must be thinks he's not making way is easier to get out and I tried [Music] yeah they got quite a few people inherited I have my nerve I stopped and and apologize my daughter's not here to run the Camry it kind of stuck with one feel out the front windshield per request I can change that around all that once we get in between trucks here we've got two acres left wankers laughter this feel and then we'll be caught up another on I wanted to get this health field off before it got dark I'd been in here the dark before and it's no fun I'm pretty sure anybody that song [Music] I've been Zack I'm pretty sure anybody that's here on the lives to be I'm pretty sure they probably already saw I don't know how else they would get the notification that we've got something going on here as far as the livestream shows but yeah if anybody if anybody hasn't subscribed yet I encourage I would encourage you to hit that subscribe button at least anybody that is watching please check and make sure you have subscribed a while ago I had somebody tell me that they thought they were subscribed and they were it wasn't like name and their subscription thing turned off or anything and just they just thought they were subscribed to the channel and named Vegas had never subscribed to it now and if it just happens to be to here search and other videos and you see a suggestive video come up it could just be that a video of mine is coming up into suggestive video and yet clicking on it and not realizing that you haven't subscribed I'm not gonna do live stream here and there I'm doing one tonight with the first night of chat before I won't want the the market empty well every every time I'm choppin until live stream but I'll do one here and there while we're job it's not gonna be much different and what's going on tonight but if I don't want to be in the mud but when we do get into mud there'll be a live stream then and you know here and there but I won't one-to-one your you do feed or whatever you want to call that with what these Chopin live streams they are easy for me to do I just flip the camera on and run my mouth for a couple hours so less requested we'll go in it that way yeah earlier I started up the livestream and the camera is still facing the same direction and that's why I was only up for 25 seconds that's why I was only out for 25 seconds I shut it down and thought if I restarted started over again I could get it to start with the camera at the bottom of the i5 fan and didn't work so I gotta talk to my daughter because I thought that's the way she had it I thought that's the way she had it the other night kappa WC how's it going I'm glad you found the channel Bob I've got to get my email address in the about page so you can get a hold of me sometime well I I can flirt off my email address right now it's on Andrew Park and 37 and never need to get a hold of me that's how you can get all of me anybody on here Andrew Morgan and BRE w8o you are ITA n 37 and for anybody needs to talk about something or whatever like that that's how you get a hold me I gotta get it in my about page [Music] yeah let's see SLC Farm cotton hey what if we're cutting you on the unforce Proctor you got you up there further Nader on let's see Joey the redneck you're fixing plumbing under your sink you know there's quite a bit of YouTube videos and I just listened to I wear a headset radio most of the time and I'll have the phone in my pocket and [Music] and I can hear it in my headphones that the videos that are only any good for being that are the ones where there's a lot of talking ten nets yes I am just down the road from Tuscarora golf course right near the intersection of on Monroe Road and I'm am I about a quarter a mile from West Tennessee Street and don't think Sammis too I think he said us we go though and now has it been too long the day you know the regular start time fifteen cows are when everybody can chop it's all loving today we had issue with our 624 payloader and I was talking the mechanics more and he had when a new payload in the ECM on it actually went down on us on Sunday and made one guy come take a look at it [Music] yeah he didn't have an actual program to get into the ECU or ECM and kans equipment come out plug into it get that thing going so that that's working again 6:24 k is not 500 hours on it and it's an EGR motor it's the same engine that we have in our 7,200 and the original problem that came up was was a exhaust temperature sensor failed and then Andy raided it and it kind of cleaning that laid itself down on us we'd like to delete the emissions program on here but it's a little more complicated to do these deletes on this karmic weather compared to a diesel Pekka Jared he had a 2016 Dodge pickup City and he deleted completely and he did it for about 1,200 bucks we talked about we talked to the name of the company Jared talked all about delete me 7,200 are they wanted like five grand and that didn't include any of the components that I was mounting to change the manifold Zeroni Minnesota dairy forever I am in New York State we're in central part of the state here looks like the boys are robber nay the spray and some alfalfa fields [Laughter] they're gonna marry [Music] [Laughter] we got just a little bit left here little triangular triangular pieces [Music] we like to know we have a couple couple of trucks in the field and so he waits for the truck to turn around f1 truck working one side and the other truck work in the other and the chopper can just sing back and forth sometimes the trucks just back the length of the field sometimes I'll make a wide swing and I feel for the other end banana gotta do a three-point turn whatever and you're right Eric somebody's got to make some money this emission stop is there's a real team real pain to deal with because y'all busy time right now everybody's trying to chop corn we've got a bother to dealer to come out put a new payload and freakin ECU on a hot app a loader you know they got other stuff that they could be doing they can be worried about wrestling choppers and stuff like that Joey's and Truman's burger [Music] oh thanks Jimmy [Music] sunshine you're pretty good now working with some dry conditions however I think we're supposed to get rain here tomorrow afternoon purple rotary take it easy in here midnight yeah one of these days maybe I'll do a live stream in the morning or something so I could catch that everybody on the other side of the world there [Laughter] [Music] all right so we've got like six rows on this far side of the field there the whole length of the field I've got some down by the green bins here so Rob J Dobie when I buy another John Deere loader absolutely we have had greatest walk with them to odors that we have the 544 J was our first John Deere pay loader and that's got 18,000 hours on it and you know we've had some minor trouble with it we've rebuilt the lift cylinders on it we didn't repo we had to revolve the highs on the end we had the [Music] articulation joint pens redone on it but that's just where they're and other than that tires oil and fuel that's it feeding cows on a live stream I touched on that the other day we have horrible cell coverage on the east end of our barn so just as soon as I got near that bars the the live stream would just buckle up and and and be done so I can't do a live stream feeding cows I can do you know just a regular oh I could record everything [Music] and I hadn't anything I'll but I don't know if anybody want to sit through anything like that [Laughter] and the sprayer guy across the road here oh and thank you we're just kind of doing our thing here and [Music] kind of go ahead everybody's kind of participate here and uh it takes to boring this out of this job a little bit I can kind of look down every once in a while and run my mouth [Music] I'd say it's only 2:30 Nevada yes Kevin this is a new warhead all chopper was new this year it's God water sings me I think somewhere around there it's actually getting close [Music] I gotta find the hours actually it's more it's got more hours huh I thought it's got 330 so I'm getting close to having to do another oil change on it I change the oil when it was just over a hundred hours I believe it was and I'm closing in on somewhere in the neighborhood at 230 inch and hours on the oil change 3:30 ahead - then 191 on the cutterhead [Music] this one actually has an hour meter for what it was actually harvesting 191 hours on the cutterhead but it was only actually every material running through it 143 of them hours and it's burned a total of 4,000 164 gallons [Music] [Music] and Tim you're still here we'll catch that next time around I got little short rows here and this guy running the red truck he's usually great on the ball with wanting to jump back and forth this other guy's not participate here so doing these little short rows one trough this other Trump just kind of sitting there yeah yeah there is a automatic grease errata and how much oil does it hold [Music] boy I should know that but I only changed it once I've got it written right on the side of the block too [Music] I'm not sure answer this phone column this is why again I get about six of these a day visit the alerted staff in recife mastercard account services to your account before the next how many you guys get them sticking phone calls I'm eight cork and get back to me courts trying to remember what I am written on the block yeah boy I don't I don't know how to remember what it holds I should know because it's great it's great Kevin you're loaded ah it's right near the dipstick so yeah [Music] let's see well they're Castleberry something about tires not DOD approved the the radio tires are but these other ones these Alliance 3:30 ones they they just don't have a mile-per-hour rating on it but everybody's using them I suppose with egg plates or farm plates I suppose you can get away with it I don't know as if any other industry can use them there is a different tire than some of the commercial sprayer guys use that are up and they've got more of a sidewall tool come and see there's five string trucks in one tractor-trailer we've got one of our yard trucks is has a blown rear end in it so they're using a silage truck to move feet around the farm we've got three three-straight drum - I'm sorry - straight truck set once broke down one is taking the place of our yard trunk and so we're running five straits and one tractor-trailer so if need be and we have drivers enough we can't run the road truck or the yard truck on the road it's just a cowl 9,000 fourth oml 95 boy though 3176 can engine in it we can't run that on their own movie really need it but we don't normally here no we don't have the silage part talked up we them track there's off the silage carts and put them on titers last week we tended pay and we never hope to back up again so [Music] we probably should hook them off maybe a wooden train if we're not prepared and will I don't like using them things anyways because it it takes about four of them sometimes five as many as five - to keep up you can have the [Music] you can have a 30 acre field and a couple driveways get them out of the field for the trucks to get in and out and they still can't keep up so I always find yourself wait and it's not any fun when things come out and my alcohol does one year he has two of them as well welcome John and Helfrich and we use two of ours until it has it we were just just barely able to keep up [Music] there I got a guy behind me I got this little triangle do I'm and the trucks ain't got here you got one [Music] I will sing this little trying I just found over No [Laughter] come up to your left Ivan and get back down in where I am now scoop in front [Music] like this long a little better get her [Music] [Music] in his box go ahead back around I ever around here [Music] coming right back at me in the camber here and with all the matters [Laughter] [Music] here pick something or other yes and John here john deere 8 700 I reconnect [Music] Eric Dubay how long does it take to fill a truck [Music] you know I shouldn't have a real good answer for you but I don't four minutes maybe tell a truck longer the field the quicker they sell [Music] right now this truck that I'm load now is Brian gonna take me 15 anymore I gained fall this little triangle that I'm on but hair this is pioneer 1449 it's PMR [Music] George we've expanded the dairy about as far as we can expand it right now the current belt prices [Music] no plant entire belt let the milk plant where our belt those two they don't want anybody to really expand anymore of them and what they have already so we're right at our backs anyways would but how many pounds we can milk and a 24-hour period three times a day so and you know a farmer and keeps the bonus combine [Music] I know a couple of Meharry guns this farm here we run it we actually ran into this guy and it lives on this house right here we print the unground to almond this is a deer sanctuary over here if anything else he's got 400 acres of prime hunting ground right here he got his backdooring and yeah [Music] logan in your uncle sells pioneer see where what state is he in OSLC farm I don't know if Sarah's here right now yes she is hey Sarah I thought you were speaking to harass I'll see firms as if she was ride with me but she I see she commented here so hey Sarah I tried the iPad recorded with the camera down in the lower right hand corner it wouldn't work which way did you have it the other night give me a call we'll just I don't know if I can turn it or not and all during the livestream on the YouTube app you cannot change your intuition of some of the camera once you start the livestream and I don't know what this what you're going to fit long shooter or not so we're done on this side of the road now we're gonna move over to the other side of the road here I'm going to fold up this head I gotta change my change my field number here so I am going in [Music] 4:27 all right so I'm just chanting have just changed [Music] feels I'll turn this camera around so you guys can have a look-see off the back window [Music] the Greenstar display process the data and these are it's got the correct deal [Music] okay so we are going into a 13 acre field next we got a lot of small fields here this one's a rectangular shaped field anyways at least police it's a better shake feel to deal with it's got a thing office had planned [Music] yeah I didn't catch him in time and I wasn't thinking I should have just come straight out across the road there [Music] got started this start right on this end here so and dermis and I asked thinking that's good we're gonna try that [Music] all right so a little bit on what's our biggest field hundred acres we have one field that thunder it's you're running around we're running around [Music] all right I think I've got that [Music] good [Music] great camera here hit any cars [Music] dropping her you gotta turn white when [Music] [Music] the only trouble is I need to get into the back [Music] right there he's got a little bit of a disadvantage here he's got the Sun ring his eyes the camera that's hotness chopper it's hardwired and the other chopper we had this camera on it and we can get the camera shop on the monitors on the troughs this trunk has got a monitor in it because it actually has a camera up on top of the now one on top of the cab for the anywhere tanker [Music] err on it for Channel cameras and we had one in the back of the chopper when I find a chopper neck the trouble is the transmissions not the greatest moment they get a little bit interference may go offline and Aniyah wired ones are probably too fast what we do it Wireless what's the power we just put a mirror like steal power from of white and go ahead that way everyone I'm clear on our running lights all the time I'm the troughs and as I get on yet we gotta load it a little heavy on the front but like blowing into the back of us I got a truck behind them and I can get some radio communication from the truck behind them telling me whether or not I'm going or to tailgate or not so [Music] I like chopping corn better David it's easier on chopper and there's uh there's three things you don't have to worry about that mowers mergers and battle [Music] let's see here [Music] let's see yeah Rob Zack and Bob's names are in blue because their moderators I don't really think I need a moderator but they help out they keep things clean and they keep the smack talk down but I haven't seen any smack talk on here and quite a while either they're deleting it before I see it or it's just not there we've got a great bunch of subscribers and viewers and whatever that kind of keep that crap out of here so I appreciate that they don't get into any games here and [Music] and that works [Music] let's see Erik Dooley a steel trap with three rope pull tight chopper he must have had something a while ago smash talk smack talk I don't know how it came out there Tim Kelsey I I haven't had a chance to get the drone out at all I've actually got it right in the chopper with me it's right on the floor and I've got a way so I get things yeah opened up here a little bit and get a couple days under my belt got the drone is sitting right there and in the case all ready to go if I get that drone out it'll interfere with what we got going on here so yeah Rob you're right apart from the monkey games Oh Oh guard you don't have to apologize for nothing I mean head of cattle do we head right around 3,500 we're milking fifteen sixteen hundred and we've got couple hundred dry cows and restless heifers and young stock smell-a-vision what that would be a good idea socio he get hall in the door ah coyote day and how many anchors I get done so far I did 16 last night I've got about 40 now already so yeah something something like that yeah waiting on trunks again should be one here momentarily we just lacked them couple trucks but we got kind of out of whack there I'm looking around and I'm short rounds in that honor feel though if once you once you don't get a truck filled clicking off and getting back out on the road again it kind of screws up the synchronization a little bit so yeah we plan on chopping Saturday Zach I usually takes us like three four weeks to to chop how's it going there Ryan I never did get back to you I've got a I've got to actually look at that tax message I didn't look at it yeah yeah you're right David I should snap the texture and that down of the bar Brian now we don't have all our trucks running we've got one broke down and we've got two sitting ones broke down with a gasket out on the air compressor and then one of our other trucks were using around the dooryard for a feed moving truck we have to move haylage up from the fireballs halogen corn silage to get ready for feed and everyday and so that's sitting there that could come out SLC farms are their truck tires there we've got bkt radios that were running there seven ten forty are twenty two fives there are radial tread and then we're also running alliance 330 ones they're a tractor barred tread and they are 740 r22 fives and the Alliance tires are bias Jarrid they're about ten miles away Tim Kelsey that sometimes it works out that way this farm here believe it or not the the ground dries out a lot faster than any of our other crowds so we haven't time to see the plant here first and that just gives us an opportunity that we're actually starting farther away from home so my x-wing a truck just pulled up to the back of me now so I really wish I would say when I keep complaining about it when I was I really wish I was evil [Music] and that camera the other way I'm actually using front-facing I'm using the selfie hold and I guess it called the selfie broken camera on the iPad it's down towards the middle of the iPad and it shows up a little butter here but if I was using the other camera the other camera is where it would be facing the stinking neck so all you would see is the yellow part of the neck so [Music] Oh mark thank you [Music] God ties now I I don't mean that had just the trolls that is what I was referring to [Music] you get the smack talk from the from the trawls is what I meant is the reason why I [Music] like to have the moderator sack and Bob and here they keep they keep that clean I am their tarpon the load keeps the keeps their complaints down a little bit and about trailer that doesn't have a tarp on it that's the only one that does but all the other ones and the tarp on so holy runnin and three point eight miles an hour I don't have another truck right here so I'm not forcing to our you think slow and steady so I haven't got this tough flown all over the place chopper sways back and forth side to side at all rate when you go to pull the snake and fight then ends up spelling for doubt my slow pace you can eat silage massed down to a minimum just went on your [Music] Mike my pencil high voltage power lines we're always wanting to go under I always worry weather dying you're gonna get an artic off there our line [Music] the spouse boarded the hack there that how's the corn yielding pioneer it's calling 35 time to the acre that's a joke folks I'm getting 16 off the l don''t ER right now Jonathan and I have not celebrated the I have not calibrated the child for you [Music] there's no reason as to why I have it but [Music] now we have to say we're not too far off [Music] turn this guy around [Music] three point four loaded from here so a circle there and we're gonna get him back out to where he came in and background and there is the tractor-trailer [Music] Jarrett State thought state fun [Music] I swear I need a foot-operated CB [Music] my it would be so handy if you see a CB Mike what or operated [Music] surprise item blast as what she oh my [Music] we were corner and [Music] right out on the powdered horn dear [Music] [Music] get out next [Music] we're gonna let him fall out we're gonna I can't get around Jared I don't want to take the time to fall about my head I could get around if I fold at the head up but I think it's just as quick if I pull out around the front of him and then start back up again so bear with me for a second here and we're gonna around here [Music] [Music] SLC farms yes I'm very happy with this machine in corn and kernel processor is doing its job I've got it set it to and a half millimeters and I can close it down farther I can probably actually open it up and still see a good job from end [Music] okay now I gotta think about this stupid feel because I got a goofy end there great for the tractor-trailer okay so we're fired up [Music] something come out of the fight to tell where I'm supposed to be when the positioning of the [Music] all right and using a camera I'm not using so active [Music] free to use it because of the way the Sun is going back the other way the [Music] if it gets blinded by the Sun it pulls the deflector rate down the default mode like their hair so can't think internet who will be turned up with that trailer radar there's a ravine right there on this corner swinging him why in the trailer here [Music] like going that far because [Music] and you knew [Music] Maury end up smelling the street or the shaft better [Music] again we can outer part of the field because there's a 90-degree turn up here and it'll start laying corn over and he has to turn a 90 degree turn with that trailer and just start laying it over however things are a little better with this chalk or because we're chopping five more feet Aaron and the other one the other one was ain't headed ain't rollin and odd and Chopin twenty-foot suave miss Morris tendril job in 25 I probably could have turned down if I should have come in a little wider there I think he did lay out a few stocks over and it's one side but right pick that back up the hack of the trailer I've brought in story that are watched by tree limbs here any over overhead tree 11 who wreaks havoc on nest fight like little branches rip back your wires kind of watch that now they got a little bit it was branch down Lord [Music] maintain traction and maintain traction of an alkyne [Music] not gonna have any room back on ahead start here I'm not labeled room break-in so we got a dumb hairpin turn down in just one horse and you got to work out around there we'll add the Wiggles who straight trucks into this here [Music] you see in paint-filled here and I can fight right nine here sharper to make it I'll end up in a new scene [Music] or the top of the same face but you feel me all right now there looks like he run it all right we might get to use the chain yeah you go back up a little bit sneak her over [Music] neck we'll catch you later I think we're gonna be hooking onto him back up try to get your front end straight with the cornrows [Music] Billy 4:57 glad to arias out Jared's Jarrod's gonna whack it here and I gotta better get back so here I am back and back down folks yes [Music] all right folks we're gonna back up and him [Music] [Music] [Music] do not try it [Music] [Music] all right we're backing out to him here we're gonna use the chain for the first time [Music] yay [Music] next be how's it going [Music] Darry and okay folks chain has come out for the first time turn my rear and he said camera there's a camera on the back of the chopper I can see the chain said Titans all right we got them [Music] bring him up out of here we'll get him up top give up on the Louisville hair whoo he's got some pretty good size holes here that's one thing about that truck it's got some pretty good tires out in it we'll take [Music] and let me get that chain tight yeah it's not under your tire it's good [Music] all right what do you guys got started on its own [Music] oh I'll take a little further get trailer at the top here a little bit [Music] all right I think you're on top of the chain now so all right now let me get this chain unlock I'll be back all right [Music] [Music] reverse first [Music] all right oh we got like three trucks here I think Oh [Music] in the trailer the Sun is going down just enough so I haven't got that working against me anyways [Music] what Sam tried to change ahead [Music] all of them throw this right here at like getting a lot of glare and the camera here paintin I can't tell if I'm blowing horn back [Music] [Music] I like that guy on the radio and behind drunker trailer than I can get some communication from that I cannot see [Music] I can sing about isn't good if you're able to see there [Music] a telephone pole I gotta go around up here they're always we have it [Music] [Music] on a wiggle in the stream there the fight and the wife and thank you pretty sweet thank you [Music] [Music] Karen's got a camera on his part of his trailer so he can see that right there No yeah hey thanks again I appreciate that $10 [Music] yes heart yes we do we do new high-moisture and we're frying and farm for dry corn this year [Music] to get dry car channel crane or John to gnaw off commodities [Music] we have any car that's to drive for high-moisture oh and I'm taking it order them and dry it and snort and have enough grind and bring it back to us see here my turn I don't know how much below he's got and he's voted up from he's loaded it back [Music] James I'm doing good baby have a good night evening from Iowa boys it's going to make er good Jeff going down here yeah I'll tell them them stacks have to come off but you know they're almost like goalie post oh boy I can't rally once a once in a while dit then that will have to come off you know like there I got a fresh truck coming in they're how it now you can go [Music] George guys my dance belt trailer what they're talking about I know what he has to say [Laughter] Oh he leaves his knife j-hope had to back that all in trailer the remote that he has works easier than he doesn't have to make sure that tail beats all the way up or all the way down what do you regular end games like gate open and he was asking the guy in behind him and that was blown out from the old rain it was a lovely bud one of these rubber belting on or something just a blocker there [Music] he doesn't need [Music] spot and there's no now we're gonna get up here they let me move around I'm gonna come around it [Music] try not to hit this eyeball we are closed [Music] when reader like this don't we come in way we're supposed to be here there [Music] yes this try it like that [Music] you might be looking in my life here we'll see how it goes [Music] [Music] Oh Darrin a tractor-trailer is yeah [Music] sometimes it's handy we'll put it up with the alarms you got a larger container to go ahead it's also kind of hard to see sometimes this one's working against ya why and I did have to hook on to Jared a minute ago to get him up over the top a little knob but that's the only time I got to hook the chain here this week I'll be I'll be go ahead don't you any good I'll change I'll get this truck for now change that camera angle it's kind of [Music] Eric we're going into a hundred by two 1517 footballs [Music] [Music] show me the camera angles okay right there the time you're gonna get is when I'm loading the back of the truck down I gotta try rolling it forward a little bit [Music] to drugs back here [Music] I got fog in my here hook up my charger folks and on the 5% battery switch that around [Music] laughs there we go shipping charges right [Music] yeah I think it's charging alright [Music] the out Scot they're all pretty good drivers they they've been with us a long time and they know that is they know how I operate now not to be you know just they know my habits is the main thing and that's the biggest thing we all know each others have it so when you know each other's habits it's easy to work around everybody I'd see somebody likes the better view out the front and you guys can chime in I can change that camera view anyway you like they actually use in a random mouth bounine up in the ceiling of the chopper actually with my fealty you iPad holder for the one-inch ball socket on it and that's pretty rugged it'll that holds that I've been pretty good and I've got another ramped up all in my 2630 display on the rail coming off the window here and rambhau with an expert holdin my second I fan on the rail for the window here pain we are in New York State yeah I know it Jeff I need Sara here to do to do the camera angles here and helps out to have somebody moving that camera around everyone so allowed to change the scenery a little bit I do realize that and the start of the livestream is to show the first full day of Chopin a few people in here earlier it's kind of tight off a little bit down and I'm here for quite a while [Music] showers of a Friday and circu say you know I [Music] and it depressing when that happens what I'd be really going goodbye Friday but it is literally f2 we got silage as far as moisture and everything else goes here being around that spot were all right you pull jared up or they have my head here I just want dub G like the front hand aside - I wish I had a little handle on here MSHA I wish my drift cameras would work and then have both of them mounted in two different locations and just switch back and forth between up there as a way to do that and I've got a I've got to figure out how to do that yeah you're right timber firms I just have to see your kama [Music] are yes we can we can flip it around his next drum fallen how let them back here that one truck I loaded and make it here so we got him back what he's gonna do try to like that for a while [Music] he's gotta scoot around behind me and I think maybe if he comes up if he follows me out I think they'll make it how'd you try coming radar and behind me that you might be elevated that I think I'm guys that down too much of a control greasy George you got your second thumbs up great yeah Jonathan you can run the camera do some drilling work do if you probably fight to drones at a time blacktip learner you're welcome i to connect switch around a little bit cameras all hi I was using the camera on the iPad that I wanted to I gotta figure that I'll get to so Zach at dinner would help me [Music] the time in just one spot back up to the right Sarge swing your front end rate plate to the chopper lunch and adding into this one Griese hello hair [Music] I think this guy Steve and how's it going I got a hook onto a truck here folks yeah drop that one don't have any hooks on them from pumpers I need to hook on the front axle Jane fight now [Music] here we're breaking him up or the hell or chopping into him at the same time yourself let me get him [Music] I think he could go under his own power so [Music] yeah what saved me a little time if I had it [Music] [Music] okay that's the second time we've got [Music] okay he's gonna fall behind me for a moment he's gonna start to come around my right hand side at the same time here [Music] generally take it easy on sick and can you back up some there he goes again bringing me by trade around the sign of up as we move here there we go now I got one load still down in there and I don't know what they're going to do it they're not we get up to where I turn that first truck around we'll go down and try to get Kevin we'll chop him out I think if I make another track I can get Kevin out with trucking same kind of a gun there's the track track to be picnic would that be some John yeah maybe sauna they can come up with something like that you know [Music] we're going to go after that or trucks and him the field here [Music] this way [Music] well Gary you've had four inches of rain in the last couple days Wow can't imagine man well that 8800 chopper they must be able to really use them tracks now they get that thing up and going yet [Music] yeah we've cut another swath here he might now the back the length of the field here actually looks like coming right at us now [Music] they're in trouble working here now sorry on the other side got a lighter spot to get out how sneaking you gotta be able to back out maybe years turn around having a go out that other way and we've got a couple of family dogs I've got a plant that's 38 years old this fall and Jared he's got a laugh that's maybe six six months old they're spoiled rotten ain't they live in the house there you know his family that's the old a lot of house [Music] I delivered it yesterday and carry it something else now is took delivery about a custom guy or something her [Music] cut around us one end of the field here to help that one trunk and I'll get turned around I got trunks that are gonna be jammed up in because it's taking longer to get out of the field here so later they get out of the field later they get back into the ball can get back yeah we're Dave my brother Eddie Oh laughs growing up [Music] they're good dogs our black Lambie he's just absolutely spoiled we've got a we've got a pool and he goes swimming with the kids and goes nuts if he doesn't get to go in the pool he goes just absolutely nuts they don't just constantly jump into the pool get out and jump and eat help do that let's go we know we take them out of the pool and just keep doing that I should get a video and some time before we close before we caused the poor sure one of my kids as a video pull the solar cover off or something I'll leave him in the house and you can sense what they're doing and he cries like somebody's trying to kill him okay Gary Mennonite murmur all right you must do do some constant work oh yeah and they love deep and black when we got he just had a check-up the other day that cost me 400 sometime an annual Matt jack any Worman tells and all that stuff and you get new butt he's found an 80 pounds and he'll be up around 95 or so in a winter time who's walking away from swimming in the summer then run it and jump it all that crap crying and you live on the farm I live in the old no farmhouse rate in the dooryard so I have the log tree whether it's a luxury and I'm walking out into it every day I want to do that again if I read Chinese letting right there but we ended up and dies in the old farmhouse five years ago or so we ended up on the square for a minute only ever had one bathroom my kids were all young and time having three girls growing up I knew we're gonna even have more than one bathroom three bedrooms two I'm gonna start this guy gets back to the I had now all the night [Music] a hat camp you yeah I don't know how well that would work Zack drift camp road work on my hat so [Music] see here I gotta be [Music] other than there [Music] steel wheels on a zero-turn von Maur that's fine Gary oh boy [Music] see there [Music] hey J I didn't get a chance to tell Kevin and Adam tell them not to come back yeah Kevin an Adam yeah yeah [Applause] I don't know who would be the last one kind of an atom Sarge they're done so what is it Jared in town there must be one more in there that's all yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah I already told Sarge just tell ya Adam and Kevin Tim and Jared I'll have the last ones all right we'll say yeah well we're gonna load the - trucks here once they get here yeah Jared Higgins I gotta look into that something ahead something that would oscillate around and then just stick the mic inside the cab that would work to off the check into that [Music] that wouldn't be a bad idea and then that would they do have them he has a kinda text you later yeah the out to check into that there's a [Music] I forget what it's called drift has something but the drift camera I can Wi-Fi it to my iPad but I haven't had the greatest walk with Wi-Fi in it to the iPad and it's kind of glitchy and last thing I wanna be is and a good wife stream and have the damn thing then they cut out but yeah the other thing I thought about is just put the iPad GABA the job [Music] for the mic on the inside and they'll hear me talk and no see see a little more five - Oh Baby yes I do have the KP in the chopper I am gonna do some type of a chop a little sample for for the purposes of a video and chop a little sample without KPI roll it up out of the way and roll the belt off a quick and Giap a little sample to do a little comparison of what silage looks like going through the processor and what it would look like if you didn't have the processor [Music] mikage feelers [Music] so you've got automatic header height control on the chopper here and there's feelers on the outside horns on each side you got a little ball that are like rubber pieces that hang down that run off the sensor well you can choose to not use automatic header height control and pick them up there's like a quarter-inch pole backside of the horn and a hole a quarter-inch hole that's in the rubber centerpiece area - Wow porterage bold so I got a do far sent I'll never sit tied to the hole and a little rubber sensor then then well once it touches if it touches the ground they know it'll lift the head or it'll it'll make the head oscillate like this so if you're on uneven ground or anything that of course you can you can set the sensitivity towards on that to either hover at a servo or as soon as they touch and it left one odds it's a good feature to have going but when there gets hung up I mean the head will go down because it it's it's coming into something so the other one had one inch all pipes with skid shoes on him and they had a chain pump to him so they would drop down too far the neck picked up a little sensor like Tyco pan and they would wear that rubber they would wear the steel shoes off so they weren't the greatest thing to hand eater that to chant l'chaim and we're out from chatter and against them themselves and it gets the ground and you'd have to replace the jeans Gidi 3:45 the boxes range anywheres from 20 foot 9 inches to 25 yeah one box that's 24 9 inches that's I'm truckin that's got some of my sides on it this one that I'm load now is 25 foot long and it's got six four high signs on it we've got a 22 footer with seven both sides 25 for soccer for science that's 20 and another 25 with Sixpoint sides better than the International from 14th got a 25 bucks sides as drop download now's an old floor sterling in its twenty five six months the time [Music] that's effort tonight it's on this all for sterling I built and hold five [Music] I'll be I'll have time to get into that [Music] get into that text message and respond back to you tonight right [Music] yeah we aren't gonna leave the chopper at the field tonight Zach and I'll have to service it over here in the morning got a little skipper back here I was on the backup and meeting the truck and yet [Music] oh wait first think of dropping it [Music] I'm gonna pick up this one skip and park next to the other one [Music] this truck Kigali got two more trucks Cummins see if we still got a hundred and eighty people here anyway so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so I'm just waiting for a couple trunks I fell off the row a little bit here and I've got a little bit of a skip we're gonna pick this up and wait for this next truck to get here let's see Jerry yeah there you go go back aways Jonathan [Music] Bob let's see the the arrow in the front look dance for us so you can split the 5th and 6th row so you kind of know where the center of the two rows is it just kind of gives you a point of reference more or less gives you something to work off of while you're blasting across the field so and Jared what am I gonna finish today 16 or 18 hours let's see I started just before 3:00 this morning so now we're at 17 hours right now sick now aren't 6 to 16 hours 16 and a half hours so it's gonna be all of 18 hours [Music] Oh but it's all good so Quixote day we're running right at about a foot 10 inches somewhere in that neighborhood 10 inches to a foot is how much we're cutting the stalks at let's see somebody Jared Higgins the what camera is it that you could film and have the viewer pick out [Music] I gotta look into that I guess is there a specific brand of camera that offers that feature I think this the switcher go app the switcher go after you can have multiple cameras on it but you need some kind of a device to bring the camera footage into the iPad or something let's see there dirt writer what we're doing now is we're chopping the corn for silage we're taking the whole plant and we will do corn for just the grain here later on and once it dries down this is just a [Music] this is just a a way that we put up corn for feet might know we don't feel any we don't bail any corn fodder [Music] Wow jarett's here now so I get him loaded and I got one more truck to fill and on the air [Music] yeah Brian tonight I'm gonna leave the chopper at the field then we've got a a trailer with a 300 gallon fuel tank economy and I'll bring that over in the morning and feel at a service set all right bring that leaf blower over and blow it off unless I make two trips Oh or bring that my bigger compressor over which I highly doubt I'll end up doing that so the stocks here too boy it's getting dark quick it's only corner after Simon or the freakin Sun gone [Music] [Music] their writer not a problem makes it easy when I get a question like that then you actually everybody can hear something out of me instead of just silence I run out of stuff to talk about here after a while yeah Billy we are chomping more the Emma are de rigueur national silage as hares pioneer we grew two different varieties of PMR this year we grew pioneer and linkages we want to go after the VMR corn first because of the stand ability of it it's not as great and fall over after a while onions we wanna you want to get it harvested as quick as you can okay Jared I appreciate the research you're going on down I'll to check into that you know again late let's not bother going around there Sarge in trouble so to stay up on the flat here we'll do that bunghole section down there in the morning [Music] I don't feel like cooking on the trucks again tonight [Music] we're gonna have him stay up here on the flat get that done in the morning the other part of the field there's where I had to pull more than two trucks out see ah Steve sees no it's uh the ground conditions are pretty good we didn't get much rain didn't get anything out of that store the other night we only got about three tenths of an inch I did have to all kind to couple of trucks earlier just because of the Seidel then we're out now is a little greasy and they didn't have a lot of room to get a run and head start but other than that pretty good welcome today conditions that real good right cut sign I don't know you mean Brian do I leave one Quixote yes the tractor and the trailers on his hair right suspension the road connectors on an 8 meg can wear their ride and a trailer has a Henderson air right we replaced all the air bags on the trailer I wanna say it was last year I I take or leave hair right suspension one bad part about it is once you roll an airbag or something you can't flip you have to fix it right not an air applauses - it hit write it right across the field a lot smoother but you can get in a little bit of trouble with the airbags on this trailer promoted patty it screws around with one link of it and tires end up rubbing the frame sometimes and it's just kind of a pain in the ass yeah Gary I do need to get something a little longer to put on that hose and somebody mentioned that there might not be a narrow enough spout out there they're wondering if maybe it's supposed to have one and I wouldn't be surprised that if it was supposed to have something and it either fell off or they took it off in there when it was now is the floor model at the store so that's how they sell so being in a box you don't exactly know what's supposed to come with it I should in the owners manual and see what's supposed to be a good and honest get it taken care of so it's gonna be loaded I got Tim the law here yet annoying John we are yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure what the frequency I'm gonna run these lines to just put a lot of poor everybody you know that's it for tonight you're fine and I walk out of comments I get what kind of request I'm game for it I do one every night but [Music] yeah [Music] Billy no I have not called dear both the coffeemaker option I'm sure I got a power supply in here I can just gonna carry again the cab and that'd be okay too but I didn't think that forgetting us but it's filling it all right I've got pretty good coffee cups that keep the coffee for for a long time they got spill proof top side up and they work really well there I have to go cops if I take water to an outlet near my plane drops one off halfway through the day that works too yeah Eric we do and store the BMR separate we're going into law 100 by 250 poultry now of the BMR and when we built that well all it was at first was a sweat pant 200 foot squared then we added 50 Florida hot to the other end of the pan and ended up put walls around it then but year later we ended up putting a divider wall down through the center so at one time the bunk was 200 by 2/5 and with conventional syllogism in Howey we split that and we do have conventional silage and another fall it's a teeny buy 120 Rockaway has 12 sides and we have our silage leftover from last here and once we get the conventional bomb fall will be out of play corn silage and another month that's an 80 by 120 as well Carter how's it going Jane we don't run silence curves to speak of but we do have don't Turks that we can chop into and don't live into the trucks make it's real buddy but the conditions have to get real bad before we end up getting them out we've got about their service they're ready to go she's got a hook a couple power units tool however they're real slow to run it's just getting them back and forth and helping us just your productivity goes downhill when you have to use them it we've not really have tool but it takes about four or five to keep up to the chopper and when we do bring them all we try to limit the spots we have to use of and only use them under real body parts of the fields and drag trucks around the other parts it's just not good when you have to do that I want to get later on in the season you have no choice but water water water line those surveyors there's a breeder right that comes up through the to the ground back there so this fields always fun to chop at knowing where this whole farm rather gotta worry about that damn air vent points telephone calls ate too hard to look out for because you can actually see them there [Music] I'm gonna end this livestream and right home with Tim here I can't keep you going while we drive back to the farm because a live stream is just going to die off there's a bad spot that we go through where we lose cell coverage in New York State 7/7 I see you're here the most ahead you've got your problem figured out I didn't find anything wrong on my end I was going to suggest to you maybe delete YouTube half on whatever device you're on it and download a new one but must be got things figured out Eric messaged me last night told me one yet going on and then I seen your comment I'm one of his live streams and I did look on my computer last night to see what was going on and I couldn't I couldn't see anything and I haven't walked anybody so I guess I really don't even know where to walk figure out who was locked and who wasn't so I gotta get on the radio here and tell him that I got a right home but I'm gonna close out the live stream here and I got a ride home with you - all right so we're going to limp down then the end of the field here hurt by the bar and David no I wasn't I'm not near anyone right now I'm actually near Camillus right now so well everybody take it easy close out this livestream and everybody have a good night go ahead everybody stop by see the first full day of Chopin there'll be many more live streams to come I don't know if I'll do one tomorrow night I've got to get that community part of the YouTube thing gone so that I can at least put a message out on there I don't know if that helped Jeff rose 99 i'ts going good but closing out this livestream I got a ride back with one of the silage truck guys and [Music] we have a couple of bad self coverage spots where we drive through so it's just gonna want fur and whatever like that so [Music] oh well have a good night folks take it easy [Music]
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 117,221
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 55sec (13615 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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