Scary Cryptid & Creature Stories | Skinwalkers, Mothman & Dogman

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story 1 hi everyone I've been reading a lot of your skinwalker experiences and since I'm a paranormal investigator who actually goes out in the field searching for these creatures I decided to share my own encounter with what we strongly believe was a skinwalker and later a Bigfoot I have some friends near Shiprock New Mexico that are big into researching about Bigfoot and skinwalker sightings may have been featured on shows like Finding Bigfoot coast to coast am countless podcasts that speak about the paranormal and on several History Channel programs these people are the real deal a few years ago my wife and I were on vacation and part of our trip would be driving through their town and taking advantage of this opportunity we decided to spend a few nights out there and hang out with them we met up and went to dinner and talked about our paranormal experiences and recent Bigfoot or skinwalker sightings I wanted to experience searching skinwalker evidence for myself so during the course of our conversation I asked if they would be willing to take me out on the field the following night and search for these elusive creatures being that most of them are Native American they were very hesitant and only one of them agreed to it the rest of the group decided to meet us on their last night there the following day my friend arrived to the hotel and picked me up around 5 p.m. he must have driven about an hour and a half out of town mostly through dirt roads to a place known locally to have lots of skinwalker activity by the time we reached the location everything was dark he shuts the truck off and like in most paranormal investigations we sit and wait trying to listen for anything out of the ordinary for the most part it was quiet other than a bunch of annoying crickets making noise nothing much was happening my buddy told me about recent sightings and his own encounters with these medicine men long story short after about an hour he told me to get out of the truck walk outside and towards the front of it to try to listen out for anything he said that if anything happened he would immediately turn the lights back on on the truck and at whatever might be there basically he wanted me to be humans skinwalker bait I was hesitant for a moment but since I had a weapon on me I thought it would be okay but I also knew that bullets would do nothing to a skinwalker unless they were blessed and have a specific type of white powder on them mine didn't just as I had made the decision to get out of his truck the night turned even darker this wasn't a regular dark night type of dark this darkness had purpose to it it felt extremely ominous it also got extremely cold and we both noticed that all the little critters had gone quiet after hesitating for a while I decided to open a truck door to get out but as I did and had my foot ready to touch the ground we heard a loud whistle it wasn't a distant whistle like the air brings towards you this was next to us it sounded like it was inside the cab of the truck obviously I thought someone had snuck up on us all that my buddy was trying to quit me but when I looked to him he had turned completely white the expression on his face had totally changed seeing him that afraid naturally had me on high alert and I tried to snap him out of it he seemed frozen in place the whistling continued a couple of times and I was screaming and my friend at this point eventually he came to his senses and began to react to what was happening around us he then immediately turned his truck on we grabbed our flashlights and looked all over the place to see what was out there but of course we found no one feeling nervous and him meaning native we decided to leave the place right away and the next day him and a few other friends picked me up again and took me out at night to search for Bigfoot out in his ship Rock Mountain while investigating we found what's known in a field as Bigfoot nest inside of the nest where tons have dried out eaten animal carcasses and bones mostly deer as we were trying to figure out what live there suddenly heard a loud big for Yelp it wasn't a coyote or mountain lion type of Yelp this Yelp was felt in your bones you could literally feel the vibration in your chest of course we all started searching around to see what the it was I didn't see anything but two of my partners saw something moving up on the ridge they were scared enough to draw and their weapons about ten minutes later we began to hear several footsteps all around us we couldn't see who or what it was because it was really dark even with our flashlights turned on after hearing his footsteps getting closer and less afraid of us we ended up leaving there as soon as we could these are my personal experience and are a hundred percent true I don't expect anyone to believe me my late friend JC Johnson and I had talked many times about what happened I'm still in contact with everyone who took me out those nights and I still go out on a field here in Nevada following skinwalker bigfooting ghost sighting leads that you can see on my youtube channel the YouTube channel for the person who posted this story is seeking legends I'll include a link in the video description a story - this happened to me group of friends during the summer of 2019 I'm not a great writer and my memory of the events might be hazy so I don't know if I can do this story justice because it was actually pretty terrifying for me at least also I don't know if this is even paranormal but I've never had an experience like this before in my life and it's made me reconsider what I think when I hear other people's experiences and stories as I never used to believe last year I started hanging out with a few friends I went to high school with playing smash eating pizza and the like we usually would get together around 10:30 p.m. as most of us work during the day because we don't have classes during the summer one night we decided to go to the nearby park probably around midnight to run around and whatnot as teenagers do and they told me that sometimes they would see what they thought was a homeless guy hanging around the park or in the woods around the park but they never got too close to him they would jokingly refer to him as the sludge Walker because that's the sound the wet ground would make when walking around the park at night the first time I go with two other people I'll call them Mark and John Mark is my close friend who I've known for a long time and the only one I was really familiar with in this group he knows I'm kind of afraid of the dark and jokes about how creepy the sludge walk is at this point I have no reason to be afraid so I laugh it off as him screwing with me we get to the park and sit at the pavilion run around the soccer fields talking to et cetera eventually we run around the woods and meet back at the pavilion after a couple of minutes mark flips and tells us to start running we do so thinking the cops coming as they sometimes patrol the park at night when we were out of the park mark says he saw something coming out of the woods and it looked like a really tall dude I call bought it and think he's just screwing with me and trying to give us a cool story to tell the rest of the friends in that group toward a few weeks or so they convinced me to go back to the park this time we intended to look for the sludge Walker and see who or what it is this time there were four of us and we split into two groups we decided to go mark and John Paul and I Paul was like me in that neither of us used to believe in the paranormal or crypt is or anything like that we were walking onto a path in the woods that surrounds the park and we hear a few twigs snap I say it's probably a deer or some she let me continue on all of a sudden something drops down from the tree canopy and scares the out of us it was a bat go figure but as we continued into the woods further Paul stops me and says to listen we hear some leaves rustling behind us and I reach to get my flashlight out I don't see what's in front of us but Paul does as I'm fumbling with my phone trying to get the flashlight Paul hits the deck so I do as well then we hear something running up the path away from us the footsteps were fast and sounded very heavy I am freaking out at this point because I thought we were going to get mugged by some guy who was catching some Z's in the woods he doesn't come back and we call the other group of people and hightail it out of the park Paul says he saw the thing and it looked really tall with a hunched back and really long fingers again I called bought it because that's every scary monster troop mixed into one and I brush it off as a homeless guy again a few days later and we're all hanging out again they say we should return into the woods and check it out I disagree because I don't want to come across the homeless guy again again I give in to peer pressure and my own curiosity and end up going with them and this time we all stick together and are making our way through the woods and then we hear it as if from every creature horror movie you've ever seen everything is dead silent when suddenly there screeching erupt from the path behind us and we all book it as fast as we can out into the open we are all freaked out but mark and John decide to run back into the woods and get a recording of this thing they took a video even though it was dark and you can't see anything but you can sure hear it I am freaked out and none of us can figure out what this is my sister hypothesized that it could be a fox screaming as they make a sound kind of like that but we think this sound is polyphonic two pitches at once so we're all stumped you know the drill by now mark John and I are hanging out again and it's raining I want to go back this time as I want to get to the bottom of this finally the rain lets up about 3:00 a.m. and we suit up for a muddy Trek and head out probably the worst mistake I could make as what happened next I still can't wrap my head around and as a result I still can't sleep in complete darkness we're in the park and almost immediately we see someone very tall walking out from under the pavilion here it is coming right at us as the light from the pavilion illuminates the figure walking towards us we run behind some tall bushes as I speculate that it could be a cop or park ranger coming to bust us for trespassing we then decided to take a peek and creep along the edge of these tall bushes when we round the corner we see it standing fully upright just a few feet in front of us I didn't really get a good look at it but I saw really long fingers and some sort of cloth draped over his body and there was at least seven feet tall we all start running and me meaning a total worse start actually screaming I don't think I ever ran faster in my entire life I looked back a few times to see if it was following and it was just walking along the bush line I also noticed it had multiple glowing eyes that were glowing a faint red color which was the only way I could tell where it was my adrenaline was going so hard I couldn't tell if it was making a noise or not I've never gone back and I don't intend to I sometimes think that it was a homeless guy or someone who lives by the park screwing with us because I don't really believe in the paranormal but this is something I really can't explain any other way mark theorized that it could be a skinwalker or a Wendigo from urban legends when I tell people about this I usually eave out the part about the glowing eyes as it just sounds stupid and crazy but that's the part that keeps me from believing that it's just some random guy everyone wants to have a weird or paranormal experience but when you actually do it sticks with you and can really mess with your head in a long-term and in my case it makes a 20 year olds sleep with a nightlight if you actually read this and you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments this is my first reddit post so I'll do my best to get back to you before I continue storia just want to say thank you for selecting to watch this video and I hope you enjoy my narration if you like my storytelling please show your appreciation by liking this video and subscribing to my channel it really does help me out Thank You Story 3 well after all my years of supernatural encounters I'm finally making a reddit account to post my stories this is my most recent Windigo encounter in DeWitt County Texas in January 12th 2019 around 8 p.m. now I'm going to be honest I chose to go out on this particular night because my town was having a little ghost her at the haunted hospital I was lonely and wanted to at least see others having fun it was 8 p.m. when I left the house and plan to be back within an hour I have a routine of circling my town in the evening because I just like patrolling and there's always things creeping about after nightfall I made my way to the haunted Hospital and once I got there I saw flashlights inside the windows and heard laughter that's nice I thought seeing others have fun made me smile and got rid of some of the loneliness I was feeling this was the halfway point of my walk and I started my second half heading home now there was some woods on the opposite side of town now but nothing impressive until I got to the last quarter of my walk now I was passing the baseball field on my left with a large wheat field on my right this wheat field used to be a large extension of the woods but was cleared out for growing wheat I continued again and crossed the small bridge that went over a creek and passed another section the woods I was now headed towards an old metal building that has recently been turned into a place for making gates and fences it was about 9:00 p.m. now this building had two small white houses beside it and a stretch of dirt road wrapping around the back side of it before returning to a normal asphalt road now at night this place seems pretty scary but this was one of my favorite places to hang out at night and as a normal path I take my walks through as I was coming up to the dirt road I saw a very tall 8 to 10-foot pale figure with lanky arms almost tracking the ground about 40 feet ahead of me briskly walk from the white houses to the woods I stopped walking what is that I thought its eyes confused me so much that I had forgotten my previous encounters with a smaller version of it after a few minutes of standing there I convinced myself to continue walking forward I mean I was an adventurous person and there's no way I was just gonna turn tail and go home when I just saw something so odd and out of place not even 15 seconds into walking forward the sudden heavy sense of dread overcame II like a giant weight crashing down on my shoulders my instincts were telling me something was really wrong I turned my iphone light on and shined it at the woods nothing I kept walking while keeping my head on a swivel looking in all directions to keep my surroundings in check about a fifth or sixth time I looked at the woods I saw it a huge bleached white humanoid figure crouching on all fours it was easily still five to six feet tall even though it was bent over its black eyes paralyzed me it had a big round bald head and an extremely emaciated body void of all hair with very long almost dislocated looking arms and legs its legs were like a flamingo Birds at the knee as it bent backwards instead of forwards I took all of this in in a matter of seconds suddenly it reminded me of a praying mantis when it swayed back and forth or staring as if deciding whether or not to attack this broke me out of my trance and I ran as fast as I could I didn't look back until I'd run a block out of breath and scared as heck I finally took a glance back I didn't see anything in sight I didn't hear it chased me either maybe it was just stalking those people in those little white houses and was waiting for me to go away to go back to its business maybe he didn't want anything to do with me but that was in the end I got home and took a shower and turned out the lights before I hopped in bed when suddenly there was something tapping on my window tap tap tap three taps are nothing else I laid in my bed that night wondering if it followed me home or not a string of bad luck ensued afterwards in the following weeks that was constantly burning stuff on the stove that was relatively easy to make and I was usually an excellent cook on top of that my dog started going nuts at night growling and barking in the living room and at the front door which he has never done as she is the quietest sweetest dog you'll ever meet and then I finally got deathly sick for three weeks straight with no sure sign of what I had gotten 103 fever vomiting diarrhea sneezing coughing sore throat migraines nervous paesan's stuffy and dry nose it changed constantly severe stomach aches aching all over the place especially in my bones other lesser entities taking advantage of my state trying to latch on to me and slight insomnia I've had similar strings of bad luck before after hearing it's mimicry trying to lure me into the forest or seeing it one other time but I didn't see any details nothing ever this extreme I don't go into the woods alone anymore story for this happened when I was about seven years old to my uncle he's no longer with us and I want to share his story growing up I lived in northern Michigan on 50,000 acres of farm and ranch land that backed up onto state land nothing but miles of forest and pasture could be seen needless to say it made us pretty tough and it takes a lot to spook us we are all avid hunters fishermen and outdoorsmen being the only girl I was raised as a tomboy and I'm just the same my uncle went off to join the military becoming a senior NCO in a prominent Special Forces Division of the u.s. Navy he was six four built like a wrestler obviously skilled in survival tactics and nothing rattled him he was home on leave and went out hunting as it was deer season I remember him coming home in the house shaking and crying saying he saw something in the woods he was tough as nails and would tear someone to shreds before he let them make him cry my grandmother tried to get him to make sense but he kept saying he saw Bigfoot mixed with a wolf my granny immediately got my grandfather and he rounded up the rest of the guys hunting my dad a few male cousins my uncle who was still terrified went because he didn't want to be labeled a chicken got all their shotguns and ammunition and saddled the horses to go clear the woods apparently they were aware of the dog Minh but I was blissfully young and ignorant they told me to stay inside of no reason I was to step outside of our house until they returned I had never heard my dad or my grandfather so serious so I hid in my room sunset comes and they still aren't back I'm really worried at this point because they never stayed in the woods after dark shortly I heard the sound of the horses running to the barn and their voices I was so relieved they looked troubled when they came into the house but didn't say anything so it's probably not to spook me at dinner my dad laid down the law I was no longer allowed to play outside or go into the barns alone I had to have my grandfather with me at all times of course I was upset by this and felt my independence was being taken away but I obeyed but the next morning my dad and grandfather taught me how to shoot so I knew it was serious I overheard the adults talking the next night apparently there were tracks where my uncle had his sighting bigger than any wolf could make but they were definitely dog tracks as I said before we were avid outdoorsmen and hunters we can identify tracks easily but these couldn't be identified about eight feet up in a tree for claw marks no Michigan bear could made those we also found claw marks are about the same height or multiple trees throughout our property had cattle mutilated and not in a way a coyote or bear wood and it lasted that whole winter we lost about 30 to 40 cattle that winter all of them mutilated all were the same Warfel dog tracks in the snow I really feel like this experience changed my uncle who knows he did multiple tours of the Middle East for Desert Storm and oh I F Operation Iraqi Freedom before he committed suicide after that experience though he was never the same he went from not ever drinking to never seeing him without a bottle of Jack and his eyes were always haunted he changed his personality and never went out in the woods again he quit hunting and he eventually just quit coming home to visit on leave he didn't even come home for my dad's funeral two years later it was heartbreaking to see him deteriorate the way he did I truly believe he saw something out there and it ultimately killed him story 5 once where my family and I were living with my aunt and her family my brother and older cousins swear they saw the Mothman my aunt uncle and mum were going to the store around 8:00 p.m. one night and I not wanting to be stuck in the house with my brother male cousin and two male friends went with the adults we had been gone almost two hours and when we pulled into the driveway all four boys sprinted out of the house terrified two of them had shotguns and immediately our parents demanded to know what happened this group of boys from the ages of 10 to 14 were in tears all trying to explain at once eventually we got them to calm down enough to understand what they were saying for reference my aunt and uncle's home is in a very rural part of town they have a bit of woods in a creek we can see from the back porch and there is a fire pit halfway between the porch and the creek so anyway the boys said they'd open a sliding back door and sat with their feet hanging out because they wanted a breeze there my brother noticed two red eyes glowing in the dark all being hunters they weren't frightened at first thinking it might be an animal but when they looked harder they knew it wasn't it was shaped like a large man it had casually leaned against the tree it was standing next to and waved the boys started to freak out and right before two of them went to go get their guns it jumped revealed large wings that span the width of its arms and flew mere feet above the ground to stand by the fire pit my brother said he didn't move that he and this creature locked eyes and he was paralyzed by the time our cousin and their friend came back with the dual shotguns it was gone my brother said it was there and in the blink of an eye it just wasn't they took this as a good sign and closed the back door and huddled in the living room until we got back now mind you these boys don't scare easily they've been hunting most of their lives they've killed deer bears and wild boar pretty much any Manimal that could kill you ten times over Lee's boys were mortified I'm not sure if any of them even slept that night they weren't arrived few weeks after that it's been almost 10 years since this happened and to this day both my brother and our cousin won't joke about it they get nervous anytime it's brought up and demand that we please don't talk about it story 6 this story was written by the reddit user storm berry 17 when I was 11 years old my family and I went camping in New York it was my parents and my younger brother we'll call him Caleb so the campsite we were at felt pretty desolate we go camping there every year and it's usually packed but this time it was practically empty the second night we were there we were sitting at the fire and Caleb said that he had to go to the bathroom my mom told me to go with him and we both got up and left after so many years I had memorized the way to the bathroom you have to go through the woods for a bit before coming to a path that leads straight there even though I had brought a flashlight it would only illuminate about three feet ahead so Caleb and I arrived at the bathroom and Caleb enters the boy's room I walk into the girls room and look around it was the general camp bathroom just barely cleaner than a porta potty there are three stools and a single window above the sink the only light is coming through the window from the lamp that was outside I go into one of the stalls and do my business while I'm in there it suddenly goes dark I turn on the flashlight and pointed at the window to my surprise there's something covering it you must understand that the window is pretty high up so much so that I could see it from the store where I was sitting I was a little confused as to what could be covering it after about a minute whatever it was blocking it moved and the light returned I finish up wash my hands and exit the bathroom caleb is already waiting outside I asked him if he saw anything by the window and he shakes his head I shrug and we both start heading back to the camp we're not even off the path when the flashlight starts to flicker I curse under my breath and start shaking it then I hear a rustling sound nearby Kaleb grabs my hand and begins to whimper I start telling him that everything is fine while shining the dying flashlight in the direction of the sound finally I see something about twenty yards away it's hard to make out what it was but then it started to shamble closer eventually I could see it and I nearly dropped the flashlight in horror this thing looked like that human dog fusion from Full Metal Alchemist it was on all fours and even then it was almost six feet tall its eyes were glowing and I could tell it was staring right at us at that moment several things happened at once the flashlight completely went out Kaleb screamed and the creature made a noise that I don't even know how to describe think of it like a dog moaning but much louder and sounding more human I grabbed Kaleb and begin running back to the camp as fast as I could when I get to the end of the path I look behind me and scream the creature was now chasing us running on two legs I start running blindly through the woods desperately looking for the light of our fire but I couldn't see anything Kaleb was crying and I could still hear that thing crashing through the woods still making that ear-piercing sound I screamed for my parents for anyone but nobody came then suddenly as it came the creature was just gone I suddenly stopped hearing it and when I finally collapsed to the ground in exhaustion it wasn't behind us anymore by this point I was hyperventilating and Kaleb was still crying as I begin to catch my breath I look around I can barely see anything in the darkness and the flashlight was long gone then I hear another found but it was the best sound in the world Rachel Caleb he was my parents I stand up with Caleb and begin to walk towards them when we meet I finally let it out I begin sobbing and trying to explain what happened I think they thought I was crazy either way my parents bring Caleb and I back to a camp and we sleep in the tent needless to say I didn't actually get any sleep that night the next day it was clear to my parents that Caleb and I would not be able to cope the rest of the week so we left early since that trip I've done research about dog man sightings I'm not completely sure what we saw that night but it's been five years since then Caleb is so afraid of the dark now that he has panic attacks and I'm embarrassed to admit that I have a fear of dogs no matter what it was this creature was very real thank you for watching and or listening to this video again if you enjoyed my narration please hit that like button and if you don't already subscribe to my channel go ahead and subscribe let me know what you thought of these stories in the comment section below and check out the links to the original posts in the video description as well if you have a story you would like me to narrate on this channel please email me at mr. sinister stories at thanks again for watching
Channel: Tales Of High Strangeness
Views: 69,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr Sinister, dogman, warewolf, skinwalker, mothman, british narrator, scary stories, paranormal stories
Id: kq9c1L61O4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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