What's The Scariest Theme Park Character?

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. We're talking about the creepiest animatronics out there. Five Nights at Freddy's in real life, ranked. Let's do it. - But first, we're playing Who You Talkin' About? We read a comment made by one of y'all and guess who it was about. Rei Welsch says, blank looked so happy when blank handed him the hot dog LMAO. - Okay. You, I think you would be happy if I handed you a hot dog. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, Rhett looked so happy when Link handed him the hot dog. - That has to be it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Why wouldn't you be? - Yeah, that's right! - [Stevie] San Bernardino, California in 1946. Once Bell introduced tacos to its menu they became such a smash hit, he switched focus and got rid of the hot dogs all together. - Screw those hotdogs! It was a subtle happiness too. It was just for you. It was, yeah, I was just, you know. - It was a happiness just meant for one. - Yeah, I was not trying to entertain anybody other than myself. - Speaking of which. - Oh thank you, oh. - I was looking over here. I still got the basket of these. Yeah, I'll, always gonna have those on hand. Okay, Stevie, you're gonna take us through the world of creepy animatronics. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy's? - [Stevie] Have I ever played it? - Yeah, I know you're an enthusiast of video games. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I do after we finish filming every day, I go and play video games. I am a gamer. And we're actually starting a new channel, Stevie is a Gamer, in which I will play games. - When was the last time you played a video game? - [Stevie] Honestly, I got one of those Super Nintendo like revamps. You know what I'm saying? Where they're all built-in. - Like a Nintendo Classic. We got the Nintendo Classic, but you had to get, you're younger than me, so you had to get the Super Nintendo classic. - [Stevie] I actually don't think that it was out at the time, or it wasn't available, the Nintendo Classic. That's the last time I played, is I got it, I played it once, I've not played it since. - Yeah, that's how those typically work. - Hit us with an animatronic. - [Stevie] Okay, so this is your classic Chuck E Cheese situation to start us off. What is interesting about this, this band, what do you think the Chuck E Cheese band is called? 'Cause it's not the Chuck E Cheese Band. - The Chucksters. - [Stevie] It's right behind. See, it's behind the purple situation. - Munch's something Believe and Go. - Munch's Make Believe Band. - Okay. - Oh really? - Apparently. - Chuck E Cheese is not, the mouse is not up there. It's just the duck, the dog, and Barney on the keyboard. - [Stevie] Yeah, that's odd. Apparently in 2019 they removed the band and put in a dance floor, into Chuck E Cheese. I didn't have, I don't remember going to Chuck E Cheese. I remember going to, do you guys remember in Greensboro, Celebration Station? - No. - You don't remember that? - Big arcade? - I thought you were gonna say Showbiz Pizza, which was a competitor. And they had like-- - No, no, Showbiz Pizza was the original Chuck E Cheese. Chuck E Cheese is Showbiz Pizza. - Oh really? - Yeah. Because the next photo. - Because they have a different band. - Yeah, exactly. This is-- - Yes! I remember this one. - Yeah. So this was the original and then they replaced it with the other band. - This is the original band? - Yeah. - It was way better. - [Link] Some sort of, I mean you've got a gorilla and then-- - [Rhett] A gorilla with a tux on. - [Link] Some sort of, there's a dog on the drums. And I don't know... - [Stevie] The, there's not a gorilla. Well that that does look a gorilla. - I think that's a Sasquatch. - Oh yeah. That's Fats Geronimo, is the keyboard playing silverback gorilla. - [Link] like Fats Domino. - [Stevie] And then there's Billy Bob Broccoli, who is the banjo playing bear. - [Link] I remember this one. - [Stevie] Duke LaRue, which is the dog in the spaceman suit. - [Link] And then a cheerleader. - [Stevie] Loony Bird and Mitzi Mozzarella. - [Link] She had a high voice, if I remember correctly. - [Rhett] She's a mouse. - [Stevie] And Beach Bear, yeah. - It gets real creepy in motion. So I just don't think that the photo's gonna do it. - Oh, we're supposed to not like these. - [Stevie] Yeah, this is the only one for some reason we don't have video of, but it plays in my mind. Not this band, I never saw this band. - I did. - The other Chuck E Cheese. - Rockafire Explosion was creepy in real life. - I will say, he does, the gorilla looks upset to be there. But all in all, again. - [Link] Yeah, he's got-- - [Stevie] You guys don't know Celebration Station? It's like off the highway, like straight up. Like it was, you could see it from the highway. - Off the highway, straight up. Join us every weekend. - [Stevie] There were like go karts. - I probably passed it. - [Stevie] Yeah, it was like a knockoff Chuck E Cheese. Okay, this is, next we have the witch from the Snow White ride. - Okay, so now, so we're out of dining, and we're into like straight up theme park animatronics. - I've never been on the Snow, is the Snow White ride at Disneyland? - [Stevie] Disneyland. - I went on it last time I went, which was, you know, a year and a half ago. - That wasn't at the top of my list. - [Stevie] It opened in 1955. - [Link] I think she's in the lot, no. - When you're waiting? No, she's too good for when you're waiting. She's gotta be at like, right before the end. - At a certain point I took a nap. - Did you like that ride? - Ah, I don't like any of those rides. - That part, the whole part of Disneyland is not great. - It's not for me either. - [Stevie] There's a mirrored ride in Disney World, in Florida, so that's where, we have a video of this one. So you can see the movement of everything. (witch cackling) - Oh, there's jump scare. I don't remember that. I must have been asleep. - That seems better than the Peter Pan ride. - I mean, she's got an assortment of, I don't know what those, those look to be some sort of like illegal paraphernalia. - I just feel like, I would've been one of those kids that fell victim to the witches. You're gonna like put some breadcrumbs, I'm definitely following that trail. You know what I'm saying? And you're gonna be, your house gonna be smelling like food. I mean, Hansel and Gretel. - If they chop up hotdogs for you, you're gonna get that happy face. - Hansel and Gretel, I would've been up in there getting eaten, and put me in the oven. That's what would've happened. I mean. - Yeah. That is exactly right. - [Stevie] Put me in the oven. - Put me in the oven. - It's like a t shirt. - You went right in that hot oven. - Oh, I get to go in there? - It could be a temperature and you'd get in there if there was a little piece of hot dog in there. - If there was a little piece of hot dog. - This is gonna rate low for me because it's intentionally creepy. And then when it's unintentionally creepy that's when it gets really creepy. Like the last one. - [Stevie] I feel like you need to have more joint movement, like a head turn and like more movement is creepy. But she just kind of like rolled out. - I mean, when they're singing songs and they expect you to be happy, that's when it's really twisted. So this is not beating the Chuck E Cheese bands, either one of them, because it's a job well done. - But I mean, it is from my favorite website, widenyourworld.net. That's why I have such broad horizons. 'Cause I go there every day. - Oh, this isn't a Disney thing, it's widenyourworld.net. - My world is so wide. - [Stevie] Okay, we're moving on to a lovely place called Dollywood. - [Both] I've been there. - [Stevie] This is the talking vulture at Dollywood's Mystery Mine Ride. - First of all, this looks, this is nice production value. He's got dynamite hanging from his satchel. - Well, there's a whole, there's a mining theme too, there's an aspect there, and drills. There's a mining theme to Dollywood in general. Now my memories of Dollywood are a little bit scattered because the first time I tried to go, while I was, my family was in the car, I crapped my pants and we had to turn around. I thought I was gonna be able to do it. I was like, today's the day, dad's stomach's a little bit better. But we got like two miles from the place we were staying, I crapped my pants. I was like, we gotta go back home. So we just kinda hung around the house for a day. The next day-- - I just don't know why you didn't just do the old wipe your butt with your boxers and buy some Dollywood undies. - 'Cause I was like, I don't wanna be-- - You know she sells some Dolly panties. - I don't wanna be in there, I don't want Dolly to see me do that on myself. I thought she was gonna be there. I was under the impression that she was gonna greet us, but. - Did you see this? - [Stevie] Wait, wait, wait, wait. You pooped your pants and then you didn't go back out. You just were like, that's the day. - I went back to the cabin. We were staying in Gatlinburg, or Pigeon Forge, or wherever. But, which I recommend. Once in your life you've gotta go on that vacation. You've got to go. But Dollywood is actually pretty awesome. Like it's, you know how you have to sort of like understand where you're at and what they're trying to achieve? - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - You're talking about context - Right, and you kind of have to just embrace it. But I feel like, especially, the kids were young. Shepherd was probably like two. - Oh. - Which would've made Locke five. So the kids were like in a really good, like a sweet spot. I do remember there was, speaking of birds at Dollywood, there was a giant enclosure, this giant net. Like many, many stories high. That had a bunch of eagles in it. - You're talking about a aviary. - It was a, but it was just a, it was a net. - Animatronic? - No, it was real eagles. And I was like, oh man, I feel kind of bad for these eagles. But man, I'm seeing a lot of eagles right now. - Maybe they were maimed Eagles. You know, they were-- - It may have been a rescue. - I bet they were all maimed. - They were well fed. - Let's see this thing in motion 'cause that's gonna make a difference. - Let me sing y'all a lovely song inspired by my dear mother-in-law. It's entitled, "How Come my Dog Don't Bark When you Come 'Round?" (laughs) - Okay. - All right. - Allow me to point out a couple of things. His mouth opened and closed once and he said about 80 words. - Do you know how vultures talk though? That's how they talk. Their lips are deep in their throat. - Yeah, the lips are like back there, at the windpipe, the esophagus. - If you could see in the back of the throat it would be saying all the things. - Is that accurate? I mean what if we, as humans, talked like that? Hey, (mumbling) it's like bad ventriloquism. - I kinda like that idea. - So this guy's cracking jokes. He's taking the edge off. It makes him more creepy. I mean he supposed to be like this swarthy, joke-telling dynamite-- - He's not very creepy, he's not very creepy. - But he's more creepy than he would be if he was just like, blah, you know, trying to be scary. He looks great. - I still think the first, the first, which is the second band from Chuck E Cheese is the creepiest thing we've seen so far. - Yup, I agree. What else you got? - [Stevie] This is also at Dollywood. - [Link] Oh my lord. - [Stevie] The gospel singers in the gospel museum. - Did you see this, Mr. Poop Pants? - Unfortunately, no. I was a little concerned I might, if I saw that I would have a repoop situation. - Animatronic gospel quartet. - [Stevie] Repoop. (laughing) - Man, I wish I hadda seen that. Dollywood has so much to offer and I didn't even know about these dudes? - [Stevie] What if the first time you pooped it was called poop, but then every other time afterwards it was called repoop? - Most poops would be repoops. (laughing) Man, look at them. And you know they're modeled on a real band. - Please tell me there's video of this. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's supposed to represent an early version of a Southern gospel quartet inside the museum. They are located at the entrance to the museum and they sing a song called "Give the World a Smile." And let's yeah, let's see the video. - Yes! ♪ Oh ♪ - Was there singing happening? - [Stevie] Yeah, like a... ♪ Oh ♪ - They looked shocked. - I was waiting for them to drop into like a verse. ♪ Oh ♪ - [Stevie] You know that they have that content. ♪ Have a talk with Jesus ♪ - You know what I'm saying? - Oh my gosh. It looked like they were realizing how creepy they were. And they were like... ♪ Oh, no ♪ We're living our worst nightmare. And then at the end it pans over and there's another robot who's like (chuckling). I like y'all, I like y'all a lot. I'm gonna pay you lots of money for the offering plate. - This is pretty creepy. I mean, when I see like four white men in suits like that I just think they're passing racist legislation. I'm just like, oh what could these guys be up to? So this is the creepiest one for me so far. - Yeah, definitely scary. I've seen the real life version of this. And, eh. But this, very creepy. - I like the ties though. They look like the ties that we used to wear when we dressed up in eighth grade. - [Link] Yup, this is like early '90s. - [Rhett] When you're going to a dance, in eighth grade, and you had to wear a tie. That's the kind of tie you would wear. - [Link] I think the guy in the far right is repooping his pants. - He's like oop, there it goes. Repoop. That's why I'm here, I hit the bass, and I repoop. - I mean, why have that, when you could easily just have four guys singing? Weren't there real people singing all over Dollywood? - It wasn't, now you're thinking more about the place that we went in Kansas City, which was Silver Dollar City. - Yes. - And Silver Dollar City had, is where we recorded "The Barbecue Song" way back in the day. - With a live bluegrass band. - I'm not saying there wasn't music at Dollywood. It's just, it doesn't stand out in my mind. You know what is in Dollywood? - This is the creepiest. - Is her, a perfect replica of the cabin that she grew up in. That she has a song about. It's right in the middle. And I didn't appreciate it at the time. But when I listened to that podcast... - Dolly's America. - Dolly's America, which I highly recommend. It's like a limited series, limited run podcast. They talk about that. And I was like, man, I wish I'd have known that when I went there. But, you should go to the cabin. - There's no way you can top this. - [Stevie] Yeah, probably not. This is King Kong at Universal Studios, Florida. - [Link] Is he not there anymore? He's gone, right? - [Stevie] Mm-mm, it closed in 2002. - I know, this was, The Fast and the Furious replaced this. I believe. Oh, I'm thinking of here. - [Stevie] No, yeah. - In Florida. - And it's just, you go in the tunnel and it's all projected. - Oh, well this is a real Kong. - [Stevie] Yeah, this is an animatronic. Let's let's see him in action, shall we? (Kong growling) - Pretty cool man, it's dark. Oh, that is awesome. And that's not a screen, that's a big machine? That's pretty impressive. Now when is he gonna sing gospel? See. - I do think he was repooping the whole time. - He's not doing anything that he shouldn't be doing. You're not, he's not telling jokes. - He should like. - This is, they nailed it, they did a pretty good job. - Like every thousand passengers or so somebody should get eaten by it. You know what I'm saying? Like if you did something like that. - Like a plant, that would be great. Like a plant. - Yeah. It's an employee. - No, I mean like a hibiscus. - (laughing) Just like, he's a vegetarian. He's not interested in you. Technically gorillas are vegetarians. - That's not creepy at all. I'll tell you what's creepy, missing out on getting that Lionel. - Oh. - The Rhett and Link Sing Lionel. We cover two Lionel songs. We had a lot of fun. I think the passion comes through. And even if you don't listen to it and you just wanna display the artwork, then you can do that. - The passion comes through. - Join Mythical Society, 3rd degree, quarterly, or annual plan by June 30th to get that record. It's the only way to get it. Only available to 3rd degree members of the society. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details. - Do it! - And check that stuff out. - [Stevie] Okay, this is Ellen Ripley from the Great Movie Ride at Disney World, which was apparently in the MGM Studios portion. I have something that I feel is creepier that happened to me at the MGM area park, in Disney World, which was, I was standing in line. I don't recall for what ride. I was a child, I was probably like 10. You know those cloth strollers that are just literally like kind of. - Like a hammock. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. This kid in front of me was in one of those cloth strollers and his mom put shopping bags or whatever the crap on the handles of the thing. - Yes, on the two of these handles. - Heavy bags. - [Stevie] She let go, it flipped backwards. He hit his head on the concrete. And when she picked up the stroller there was a freaking pool of blood on the concrete, and the kid was screaming bloody murder. And she was like, you're fine, you're fine. I fainted. - You fainted? - Yeah. I straight up fainted in the line. 'Cause I was like-- - Well he spilled his brains everywhere. - [Stevie] What the heck? Like what? But you know the mom, oh, you're fine, you're fine. Stop crying, you're fine. - We've waited two hours already in this line. We're not getting out just because your brain is hemorrhaging. - That's what my parents would've done to me. - [Stevie] That's like the one thing I remember. Ugh, anyway. - That pool of blood was already there. That girl behind you fainted, it was probably her blood. - You got more blood than that. - How long were you out? Just a second, do you remember? - [Stevie] Yeah, I don't think it was out for long. - Did you still ride the ride? - [Stevie] Probably. At MGM I remember there being like a lot of shows. Like this is the stunt show, where you would go, like you'd go in Sea World and sit in like a little outdoor stage and they'd have a show. I think that park had a lot of those types of things. - When we were on tour and we stayed at Disney World in Florida because our show was at the House of Blues, we had like a half day. And so we went to Disney. And we decided, we had to pick a park. And for some reason we chose MGM. And when we got there, we were like, we live in Los Angeles. What are we doing? Why is this the park we chose? It wasn't that much fun for us. - It was a big miss. - Of course, if I would've seen some, like a gourd getting splattered, like you did, I'd have been into that. - [Stevie] So the Great Movie Ride opened in 1989, and it was closed in 2017. - [Link] She's got some sort of a gun. - [Rhett] Her posture is troubling to me. - [Stevie] Yeah that's all I have about this. - Is there video? - [Stevie] Yeah, there's a video so we can check that out. - Yes! - [Rhett] Undercover Tourist. - [Link] Exposing this woman. - [Both] Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Man, we gotta get those gears fixed. - Her head like darting back and forth. - That does, that was scary, man. - It's like nothing moves. - Did you say something? What was that? Yes, I have air canisters on the bottom of this gun. It's actually just a paintball gun. (laughs) - I mean, that's. You just can't top Pirates of the Caribbean when it comes to the animatronics. - They're not creepy, they're just-- - It just, it works, it's great. Not creepy at all. That's pretty creepy. Not as creepy as that gorilla band, not as creepy as the gospel quartet. Do you have anything that you think could top it, or is that what we're going with? - [Stevie] I absolutely do not. - Okay. - There we go. The gospel quartet at Dollywood, one of my favorite theme parks, does happen to be the creepiest animatronic thing on the planet. To get the Rhett and Link Sing Lionel vinyl release, join 3rd degree, quarterly, or annual by June 30th. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 288,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: XMi74wSPeMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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