Match The Country To Their Custom

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More". Look at these flags. Flags represent countries and we are about to match these countries to what? Customs. Customs. Everybody- What type of customs? Why is everybody so into red, blue, and white for flags? I mean, like- Well, Rhett, it goes back to- What's the deal, guys? It goes back to maritime communications. So you can be seen on the water? It's gotta be visible in the- Okay, what about orange? Yellow? Blue. The water's blue. You don't want blue in your flag. Maritime man. It disappears. So in contrast it's like, it actually turns black. But first we're gonna play What's the Word. We de- We des. We guess the definition of a word. Yeah. Today's word is kakorrhaphiophobia. Kakorrhaphiophobia. Well, obviously it's the fear of- Kakorrhaphia. Kakorrhaphio. K-A-K. Kakorrhaphio. Kakorrha sounds like a character in something that I don't watch. You know, like- Legend of Kakorrha. Yeah. Right. Yeah, exactly. Um, but phio. What does that mean in Latin? 'Cause phio is, phio, like- Well- No. Love? That's not love. Brother. Brother? Because phileo is brotherly love. Mm-hmm. I paid attention in Sunday School. Really? Agape is unconditional love. So this is the, this is loving something that you're afraid of. It's afraid of loving kakorrha. No, I think phio, I think it's- Brother. I think it's afraid of brothers named Kakorrha. I think it's the fear of killing your brother. The fear of being killed by your brother. Okay. Nope. Just the fear of failure. That's quite a long word. Eh, being killed by your brother would be a failure. Kakorrhaphiophobia. Fear of failure. Y'all need to come up with simpler words. All right. Let's start with our first custom. Ironically, kakorrhaphiophobia is the one thing that could keep you from success. Ironically. Here in the US we tend to avoid cemeteries unless absolutely necessary. Uh-huh. But in this particular country, cemeteries are converted into areas for socializing. These cemeteries are well taken care of and are often filled with people during warm, sunny days. So, people party and picnic in cemeteries. Okay, I believe that- Never been to Greece. We should pick- Never been to a lot of these places. Nicaragua. Nicaragua. Because in Latin American countries, there's often an association with, like, their relationship with the dead is different than it is in a lot of other countries. And so there's- A lot of prolonged partying. Their ancestor, they're sort of like, their ancestors are kind of sticking around with them, culturally, and like, hey, let's go hang out with them, in a way. And I don't see that happen in these other countries. So I feel pretty good about Nicaragua here. You know what? I was gonna say the exact same thing. Okay. Good. Thanks for saving my breath. Go, you know, go like this. Yeah. There was a hair there that I, it bothered me. Oh, I thought that was a new symbol you were trying to, you were trying out a new greeting. This country has a few dilemmas on its hands. Declining birth rates, an unequal proportion of women to men, and a short lifespan for men, 73 years old. So the men are going away. Lots of women, huh? In an attempt to fix some of these issues, the government institute a public holiday, September 12th, called the Day of Conception. This holiday gives couples time off work in order to get it on, so to speak. Wow. Parents of these babies that are born exactly nine months later can even when prizes for helping to keep the bloodline going. So they're trying to boost the population of this country. I don't know, Greece had a lot of- Political turmoil. Yeah. But I don't believe it was related to low, like, low birth rates. Um. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Lack of men. When we went to Australia, I saw lots of men. Yeah. This is not Australia. I mean, what, have we not heard of a place where there's not that many men? And they would have a Day of Conception. Wow. I mean. I have no- I mean, the whole- I don't know what to- Declining. When I think of a declining birth rate, the most, like, newsworthy country is Japan. 'Cause they're talking about that. They've been talking about that for a couple of decades. But Japan is not a choice. That's just because they're interested in other things. It's not 'cause there's less men than women. So what's happening to the men? I mean, you got Denmark and Norway. I don't see Denmark and Norway having a low, a short lifespan for men. I see that maybe happening in Russia. I would think that the quality of life is continuing to go up in these Scandinavian countries. I may be over generalizing. Denmark's technically- There's an interesting thing here. Scandinavian now, but- They incent, a holiday. Okay, so- A Day of Conception. Even win prizes for helping to keep the bloodline going. Like, keeping bloodlines going. It's like, what is it? It's like, they want, they're really into bloodlines. That may have been a just a choice by the writer who wrote this up. I don't know if, you might be reading too much in that. But where would that lead you? Russia. Okay. Really into bloodlines. That was where I was gonna go anyway. So- All right. In this particular country it is common to point with the lips instead of the thumb or index fingers. Point with the lips. In fact, pointing with your fingers is considered rude. Now, this is not happening in Norway or Den- How do you point with your lips? You point with your lips? Been to Australia. That's too much. Didn't see a lot of men pointing their lips. I feel like Greece is calling my name here. Because I feel like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, and Australia are all a little bit too familiar cultures. Yeah, but listen, Switzerland, they don't like to ruffle feathers. They don't wanna get in the middle of anything. They don't wanna offend anybody by pointing. That's pretty extreme. So they're just gonna- No, no. I'm good friends with a Swiss person who said that it's much more like- They like to, he points a lot? Yeah. He's pointed out several things to me. Not with his lips. Never with his lips. Okay, fine. So you're- I mean, I may be wrong, but he's never done that. And he all says that you'd be surprised at how much Switzerland is, sort of, like America. Feisty. Like, everyone has a gun. By law. Every house has a rifle. By law? Yes. In Switzerland. Wow. What do they do? Dip it in fondue? I think it's, you know, they're a neutral country, but every man is supposed to be ready to, like, fight in a case they have to. Well, then what? Greece? But it's totally different gun culture. It's not like they're going around shooting each other like we do in America, but everybody has a gun, so. And they're pointing those guns at somebody. I mean, not with their lips. So I think that's Greece. Greece, a beautiful land. I'd love to hang out there. I would love to go there. I'd love to hang out there. The islands. That thing on Instagram. I'm gonna go to Mykonos. Yeah. That place on Instagram with all the nice, white buildings next to the beach. Greece. Yeah. No, there's a specific place that everyone on Instagram takes a picture, and it might be what you just said. I don't know. Mykonos. It's probably not said that way, but. This particular country has something called- Just because I said it that way, he's saying it's probably not said that way. Has something called honesty shopping, where you can buy fresh produce and dairy products from unattended shops. Most of the day no one watches these shops because the farmers that own them are out taking care of the animals. So all you do is leave your money behind in a little basket. And surprisingly, this form of consumer trust results in customer loyalty and honesty among the communities there. It also tanks the economy, Greece. I don't think this is happening in, I don't think this is Greece. I think this is- Norway. Denmark, Norway, or Switzerland. Let's go with Norway. This happens in the country here, as well. Like, the little farmer shops in Virginia. Yeah. I got better things to do. And it's, I'm gonna guilt you into not stealing from me. I feel like it might be Switzerland. Like, believing the best in people. It reminds me of, like, trick-or-treating when it's like if somebody just puts out the candy. You see what happens around here when you do that. You just got a empty container. I mean, it could be Denmark, Norway, or Switzerland, but- I don't know how to differentiate between Denmark and Norway. Sorry. I mean, one of them, I mean, look at their flags. They're even the same flag. Except for like- Yeah, it's like they copied each other. a darker stripe through- At least Switzerland went with a square flag. I feel like this might be Switzerland because I'm thinking about all the beautiful, like- Guns. Hills with the sheep on 'em and stuff. Oh. You know, it's like, oh I gotta go out on this mountain. This, it's fine, just- Plus they know that at any second the guy can show up with a gun. Right? Everybody's got a gun. I'm not gonna take his stuff. Yeah. Everybody's got a gun. That's logic. We know the tooth fairy here in the US. Yep. But in this country, children are told to toss their lost tooth onto their roof. This tradition is meant for the child to have a healthy tooth as long, as well as to bring good luck to the family. So you throw your lost tooth onto the roof. So this is a place that has tooth roofs. Denmark's got a, you know, there's lots of, like, wicked fairy tales- Sadistic stuff. Flying around in Denmark. That tracks with me. It kind of seems like that goes along with the- That tracks with me. Here in the US, we're used to sitting in the back when we take ride-shares or taxi cabs. But in this particular country, it is considered snobbish to sit in the back. Citizens often sit up front with the taxi driver. Whether this has changed with COVID is TBD. Pre-COVID, I definitely do this. Every time I would get in a car, get in a Lyft, I will get in the front seat. I will ask, do you mind if I sit in the front seat? But you do it because you don't wanna get car sick. Right? Yeah. Yeah. That's my reason. But yeah. But then you gotta have a conversation with the person. No, I still don't. I'm gonna sit in the front. I'm not gonna talk. Don't worry. I won't speak to you. Do you say I'm gonna sit in the front because I get car sick? Because- I usually, it's been so long now, since I've really road-share. But I was, I'm like, do you- I think I'm just like, do you mind if I sit in the front? I don't feel the need to explain myself. I'm the customer. Yeah. But I would think that they take that as a hint. Like yeah, I love it when people sit in the front. What do you do for a living? Not talk to you. And then you're like, mm, how do I answer this question? Yeah. I make corporate videos is what you told one guy one time. Yeah. It's like, how do I describe my job in the most uninteresting way to stop the conversation? I make corporate videos. He's not wrong. Yeah. Google's a corporation. And so is "Mythical" Entertainment. By the way. Oh yeah, it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This corporation makes videos. I have on a t-shirt. Speaking of that. What does that say? Front seat taxi. You like this sleek, simple and stylish "Mythical" shirt? We call it the Mythical Minalist, Minimalist Collection. Yeah We got t-shirts, hoodies, and even joggers available to flex the maximum amount of Mythical mini-mini-mini minimalism. Shop the collection now at I like it. Sleek. Yeah. Uh, is this Australia? That feels- I mean, we took several Ubers in Australia when we were there. And I mean, I know if Christy and I are there, one of us is getting that front seat. So we wouldn't have learned anything. We wouldn't have learned anything. Oh, they understand the custom. Yeah. So let's lock in on this. Oh, wait, Christy also likes the front seat? All the Neals. If they could all be in the front seat- Ooh. stacked on top of each other, they would. But there's gotta be one of 'em. Yeah, because- That's a problem. Yeah. It runs in the blood. Both sides of the family get car sick sitting in the back seat with somebody else driving. You know me, I have a hard time going anywhere with anybody else driving. I thought you could just end that sentence after anybody else. I like to be with people as long as I'm the one driving. Table manners are very important. I can tolerate your driving. I don't have a problem with your driving. I'm a smooth driver. I don't have any prob- I approve of your driving. I'm fine with riding with you. Oh, good. Well, next time you gonna be in the backseat. There's few people that I do. So you should really take that as a compliment. So, hey. You know what, we're, I know we're planning a little ski trip. Yep. And I'm assuming that you're gonna be driving. Yeah. And that there's gonna be at least two of your children in the car. One of mine. And we're gonna be going up mountain roads, like, how's that gonna happen? Are we gonna have some vomiting? Oh, I'll give him some medication. That's a good point. Table manners are very important in this particular country, where even- Oh, we're not done? A sandwich may be eaten with a knife and fork. A sandwich? Table manners. Um, I mean, right now, we're just kind of stuck with Norway. This is kind of- I don't know. Norway is, like, the home of the Vikings, right? Yeah. I feel like we might need to go- I think we might need to do table manners back to Switzerland. And do honesty shopping in- I don't know. I don't know. We're probably wrong on a lot of these. So it's probably a- Let's go with honesty shopping in Norway. And then table manners in Switzerland. My Swiss friend is, he, I've never seen him eat with his elbows on the table, now that I think of it. Oh, really? Yeah. We're locked in. You know, I struggle with helping you because sometimes I help you and everyone's, like, don't help 'em! And we hate you! Don't help! And sometimes they enjoy that. And I, to watch you do, like, exactly what you just did. Definitely sounds like a cat. It is hard for me 'cause I wanna go, mm-mm! Oh, because we messed up at the end. Yeah. Okay. All right. Messed up at the end. We were right. And let's just go with Norway. Let's just, Norways, Norways, Norwegian people have great table manners. Norway's the one. Everybody knows that. Okay. You did. You did pretty dang well. Yeah, 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4 correct. Oh. So let's go through it. So- Hey. That's over half. Let's see, I have the order of the, I'm just gonna go with customs. And okay. That's fine. So cemeteries being a social place. You said that was Denmark. It's act- No, we said- Oh, sorry. You said that was Nicaragua. That's actually Denmark. Oh. What? Yeah. Okay. Like, party in cemeteries in Denmark. Which still ties to what we were saying about Denmark being, like, in our minds a little- Sadistic? A little twisted. You were absolutely correct with Day of Conception in Russia. Okay. Okay, cool. That makes a lot of sense. Keep the bloodlines going. The pointing with the lips. That's Nicaragua. Okay. Is it? If we hadn't had- Interesting. already placed it with Nicaragua, that would've been the only other guess we would've had. Pointing with the lips. I'm gonna start pointing with the lips. Please don't. I mean, if we take a trip to Nicaragua, then do it all you want to. But as long as we're here. Take a look. Take a look over there. Yeah, yeah. That- Yeah. I don't want that. I don't want that in my life. Take a look over there. That, I think that's actually probably how they do it. It's more like- I would be at a severe disadvantage, man. I got a small mouth and a beard that covers it up. Hey, man. What's that guy pointing? We don't know where he's pointing. Give somebody directions. Watch out. And you pull over on the side of the road. Something 'bout to fall on you. You know what? You should take a solo trip to Nicaragua. And you'll get along just fine. All right. Honesty shopping is Switzerland. Okay. And you were correct about the gun laws and everything over there as well. Mm-hmm. Oh, they fact checked you. My Swiss friend was not lying to me. See that. You know where you're headed. Throwing teeth. Down there. Is actually Greece. Greece is, aah. Greece is where they throw the teeth. 'Cause it's the flat roofs. The flat white roofs. Yeah. You put teef up, teeth up there- Yeah. Yeah. No one ever sees them. That's, you know, that's all teeth. They blend in. You can't tell on Instagram. They blend in. And make Mykonos. You can't tell. Yeah. But it's all teeth. Front seat taxi is Australia. What? That was- And sandwich utensils- Who knew that we were customizing. Pure luck. Is Norway. So you were right on those two. So- Nice. Table, I mean, fork and knife at the sandwich. Okay. In the comments, please tell us why these are not the customs in your country. Yeah. Because that's my favorite part of the internet. Mythical, but make it minimal. Shop the Minimalist Collection now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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