Children of Single Parents, who was the WORST PERSON your Parents Dated? - Reddit Podcast

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children of single parents who is the worst person your parent has dated my dad started dating a woman who firmly believed that I was part of his old life and that he needed to cut ties with me I was 14 and became terrified my mom would find someone who would do the same and I'd end up with no family my dad's ex-fiance she was almost our evil stepmother until one day she decided to call me a fat lazy female dog and my dad realized how awful she was to my sister and I that was the day I learned how much he actually cared for us as well he dumped her butt and kicked her out of the the house her awful daughter left too and it was finally peaceful at my dad's again he dated her on and off for years afterwards until she went back with her ex-husband my dad has sworn her off for good now which I'm glad for since she was a toxic person I wish he could find someone worth his time though I know he gets lonely we'll call him Jose younger than my mom chronically unemployed a drinker violent and literally illiterate but good-looking so my mom was smitten my mom was from a good iname family she had education she had two little daughters and she brought this scumbag to our peaceful little apartment and he settled in right away beating the crap out of all of us impregnating my mom four times running off for months and never paying child support when he was around he would be on us mercilessly and my mom just stood by like a freaking div not intervening when my younger brother was hooping for attention Jose a grown man would hit him finally my mom got diagnosed with lupus and Jose found out and literally abandoned her at the farm years later we find out that he had been actually abusing my oldest sister I am still so mad at my mom for the Decades of bull crap we endured with that man he was literally a Cancer and she couldn't summon the self-esteem to leave him even when he was beating us with extension cords there's a poem by Nira wahed called before you get that key made that should be handed out to every single mother to hell with your loneliness protect your kids well that was utterly mortifying to read and I hope things are better for you now I can think of of two first of all my biological father they got back together for a few weeks he was a douche I'd recently got my first pet a ginger kid but I was having previously unknown allergy issues with it things were stabilizing for me though and I was getting used to it when one day my new cat disappeared my dad admitted that he let it out of the door because he knew I'd been struggling I spent weeks searching but never found it the second was my stepdad he was actually a really good guy in head over heels in love with my mom I actually miss him a lot the reason he was one of the worst well my mom died when I was 17 and overnight my stepdad changed within a month he was in a relationship with another family member and suddenly he was violent and abusive left me with no food or money attacked me for accidentally breaking an ornament of his and ultimately forced me to run away from home I was on couch hopping for 9 months and never spoke to him again again God damn I hope this person is doing better now my mom is a Serial data I have long since stopped paying attention to who she was dating there was a few doozies so let me talk about them B he came into my life when I was still forming self-awareness and memories all I remember of him was screaming at my mom about leaving gee a drunk who was verbally abusive I remember him once deciding that I was not able to leave the table until I had finished every bite of the meatloaf that he made that night out of the blue I threw up after stuffing myself with it Mom stood there while this new rule was randomly enforced he also called my brother the meaner term for a child born out of wedlock because he had been complaining of of pain while standing up apparently that was a personal attack and he needed to cuss out a fifth grader m a foster parent of eight very unwell boys I was the only girl in the house there was asexual abuse that I was blamed for from his foster boys and from his own son he would scream at me like his foster children because I didn't want to play basketball with them I was screamed at for humming he eventually had to move me into his closet so that's where I slept while he would drop his clothing on me in the morning he was cheating on my mom while she fed and clothed and parented all 11 children in that house when they broke up Mom blamed me because I had torn the family apart when I told the teacher about the asexual abuse I was experiencing question mark some guy she met at a bar he was really interested in meeting her children specifically 10-year-old me within 2 hours of him coming into the house he had invited us all out to a nude beach nearby it was very freeing he insisted and he thought I would love it there mom didn't make him leave the house for the night and I slept in her room with the door locked P of all the buttholes this is who I hate the most they dated on and off for a few years I hated him from the minute I met him because my gut and my history had already labeled him as untrustworthy and a heal I wasn't wrong not only did he cheat on my mom throughout their relationship but he had hidden his Aid status from my mom and also insisted culturally that he could not wear condoms mom thankfully hasn't tested positive for HIV but part of me wants to deport that man he was called Greg he was an abusive prick he used to to lock me and my brothers out in the rain while my mom was at work and had no way of contacting her he did it in all weathers he broke my Mom's arm in front of me and my brothers one time he grabbed my face so hard his nails left a cut in my cheek my mom and my two aunties got their own back though my Mom stole his change jar his change jar had notes in there were no one pences or two pences only Silvers and more one Auntie smashed every single thing he had car windows house windows TVs everything she also promised to beat him whenever she sees and she kept that promise and has hit him seven times so far on nights out my other Auntie kept reporting him to his boss for things that he hadn't done but they couldn't disprove like being horrible swearing at her and he was fired he was a real piece of crap and the actions of my family may have been drastic if not illegal but he mostly definitely deserved this you know if you screw someone over or mess with someone and abuse their trust their love enough over time eventually they might just snap right back at you and they might be snapping been at you for years to come and I don't think I'll feel sorry for you when they do the worst definitely has to be my biological dad I don't know too much about him but he was an addict and later got sent to prison on the other side of the country for 5 years he would write to my mom and me saying he would come back soon and everything would be good at this time I knew what state he was in but I was being told that he was just working there I was too young to understand when I was eight I got to talk to him on the phone for the first time since he got arrested he told me that he had been arrested and wasn't actually working there my whole family knew where he was but wouldn't tell me otherwise and hearing the truth both hurt and blew my mind and I still have problems because of that today after he got out of prison he stayed on the other side of the country got a construction job eventually married a girl with two kids him and my mom were never married by the way and he and his wife had two more kids together he later got back into his addictions his wife left him in fear that her previous husband would find out about my dad's addictions and take his two kids back he came back for a while and lived with his parents I saw him maybe two times during this was weird talking to him he later went back to the other side of the country and last I've heard he's been in and out of addiction centers and is likely in one of the many tense cities in that state it's Cali I don't know why I'm hiding it luckily his dad my grandpa and most of the rest of his family are really good people my grandpa keeps me updated on that side of the family and I visit or go on vacation with them once in a while very nice people two of my uncles are in the military the other Uncle suffers from alcohol addiction problems but gets by best he can so yeah that's my story thanks to anyone who actually took the time to read it you are most welcome my dad has a habit of dating horrible women the exception was his last girlfriend who he thought of proposing to but they broke up before that happened he also had a thing for NY the first Nancy he dated was okay I just hated living with her and sleeping on her living room floor the second Nancy was an abusive douche to my brother and I we were forced to sleep in her son's room room and my bed was next to the wall adjourned to my dad and her room she would force us to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every morning to go to her mother's to go on a bus to go to a youth church her mother accused me of causing her cat to kill its kittens this Nancy made me and my brother eat outside during the height of mosquito season without bug spray while she my dad and her son ate inside she also wouldn't let me eat anything while she wasn't home and was angry when I went over to the apartment next door to watch a movie with the other little girl there and had Doro chips because I was starving this lady also grounded me for watching TV because I didn't wake her up in time to go on said Church bus I didn't have a clock in the room where I slept and we weren't allowed to leave the room during the night she didn't even have a working television the third Nancy was a lazy addicted scumbag who used my dad for money and treated her daughter and I like crap while treating my brother like he was King her daughter and I had to clean the entire apartment while she and and my dad smoked and drank in the basement we also weren't allowed snacks and had to make our own food mind you these are all before I turned 13 and he dating these women for like a year at a time my brother and I were frequently forced to move in with him and his girlfriends we lived at our grandparents from the time I was five and they were my parents I hated all of his girlfriends except like I said before the last one he's been single for a while now and seems to be doing okay I rarely hear from him but saw him this past Christmas Christmas where he met my daughter for the first time she's a year and a half old we don't have a relationship really but who knows maybe he has changed maybe not for now I keep my distance mostly for my daughter's sake and my sanity 19 years of abuse and neglect isn't canceled out in a night so true and what's with this theme of uh people neglecting their children or people that they get with just openly neglecting their partner's children like I don't get that how could someone just sit by and let their children be unfairly treated I mean maybe this guy was like worried about I'm playing devil's advocate here but maybe this guy was like worried because he was living at her house he had to play by her rules or else they wouldn't have anywhere to go for a while I don't know I should stop playing Devil's Advocate people are messed up and stupid Chad is the only swear word in our house our mom used to date this douchebag when my littlest brother was a couple years old and sadly he picked up some of his habits funniest thing is this but hole got Karma big time he adored his car so much and every time he got a new one he hit a deer he used to abuse our mom for stupid reasons and I had two kids who we all felt really bad for especially his oldest hope his buck got even more karma I was confused for him and I was like wait he just hits a DEA every time he gets a new C it's like a ritual for him but no it's just an accident every time I find that hard to believe my dad's girlfriend straight up bullied me my dad is currently dating a woman who manipulated the hell out of me as a child when I was 9 or 10 she would tell me my real mom wanted to adopt my youngest sister so she would get more money once she filed for divorce on my father one time I left my flat iron plugged in in the bathroom not on just plugged in the next time I was at their house I went to straighten my hair and couldn't find my flat iron so I asked her if she saw it she told me she threw it out and giggled like a freak irked me so badly I asked her why she would do that and begged her to tell me if she was kidding I asked her to buy me a new one because I had spent my own money on it and really needed it for my poofy hair she just laughed and kept telling me it was gone I ended up spending $40 on a new one and her response was that I wouldn't have had to do it if you hadn't left the first one plugged in fast forward to Christmas that year when I had one gift left under the tree I opened it up excitedly to find you guessed it my freaking flat iron the one she threw away and the one I had to replace because I left it plugged in the wall same as you would a TV when it's not on my dad's girlfriend crying laughing and I was just so confused and uncomfortable I was 16 then and 5 years later I still haven't forgotten that feeling I feel like this may seem like nothing to some people but this was all happening while she was trying to convince me to move out of my mom's house and in with her and my dad accusing me of heavy substance use starving myself both never true and telling me how I was the daughter she never had but always wanted that crap was so confusing I'm glad I'm away from that now and getting the help I need to move on moral of the story don't give your partner control over your kids they might be nuts I don't know obviously because I I don't really have any intention of getting with a woman who already has children and whatnot but it must be hard as like you know a uh step parent of some sort I suppose to figure out where the line really is with telling your partner's kids what to do I'm not referring to this situation I'm just saying in general it's probably difficult this woman in particular though sounds Petty is all hell the man she ended up marrying he all out demanded respect that my brother and I call him him sir he yelled a lot and whined when he didn't get his way one time I refused to call him sir and he beat the crap out of me broke my hand and left bruises all up my back from being kicked on the ground after that he refused to take me to the hospital so I a boy walked 5 miles to the hospital myself mom is still with him she chose him over me I don't see either of them anymore 20 years later that is probably the greatest pain I can imagine like your parent Your Guardian whatever choosing someone else over you unjustly that is I mean if you've done really bad things and it's just like they've had enough of you I I guess that's the case but uh in this case my father dated a girl which made my parents couple break this girl was poorly washed had her seven kids homeschooled and her husband was working far away plus she looked like a literal witch raised by my dad he dated a pathological lion named Patricia for about 7 years my dad was moving from Florida to Middle Virginia he met her in VA she seemed nice enough I was was 19 and joining the Marines so I didn't go to Virginia with him stayed with a friend in Florida till I left gave my Bronco and my dog Angel to my dad to look after while I was gone on my first deployment I get told that my dog got very sick I got her one summer when I was 10 and raised her myself because my dad was constantly working to support us I loved her like a daughter now I'm getting told that angel is dying the dogs with my dad go outside in free roam because they're well behaved and intelligent so they believe she may have ingested some antifreeze because their nearest neighbor has old vehicles that could potentially be leaking we were thick as thieves my little girl dies and I'm not there to comfort her fast forward many years I leave the military go to Virginia my dad is leaving Trish and moving a few counties away so I had to figure out somewhere else to stay asked him what happened he said that she was cheating lying abusing pain meds Etc he said his first big flag was when he witnessed a friend of Trish's call her a liar Trish swore on her daughter's life that whatever the topic was was true in tears thing is my dad knew for a fact that Trish was lying she had also pulled the same act on him things unraveled gradually after that and then he decided to seek greener pastures about a year later I get a call from my dad he was on Facebook chatting with an old mutual friend he had with Trish who also turned away from her conversation somehow got on the subject of the woman's very vocal dog she told my dad that Trish had told her she should just poison them with antifreeze if she disliked her dogs Trish then went on to say that she had gotten rid of one of her ex's dogs that way 2 + 2 equal 4 Trish murdered my angel my dad is currently dating someone my age he's 53 and she's 22 so there's that oh boy that's an uncomfortably big age gab right there I kind of think once you're in your 20s it's really up to you who you date takes two to tango and you know just try and make wise choices that are good for you you know don't get with a douchebag who might abuse your trust or manipulate you that's all I have to say about it really well pretty much every guy my mom has dated thus far has been a butthole in some way shape or form but I'd say the worst was my stepfather who was also the father to both my little brother and sister see my mom just turned 16 when she had me I spent the first few years of my life with my grandparents while my mom went off to college when she came back when I was six she bought back the man that would make my life a living hell for the next 4 years my grandparents did shelter me a bit too much and because of that my stepfather tried to effectively rewrite me into his definition of a son someone I was the exact opposite of because of how old I was this was effectively impossible and it made him angry I was excessively punished for some of the smallest things I forget what it was for but once he wanted me to clean our entire dining room and kitchen floor with a toothbrush a good 200 plus square fet of tile I got done with one row before my mom stepped in thankfully he would force me into doing things I simply didn't want to do he forced me onto a carnival ride at our annual state fair that I was terrified to go on I'm so thankful the guy I sat next to comforted me through it there were some things he forced me into that left me with physical scars we once threw a football at each other for so long that my thumbs started to bleed they are really faint but you can still see the scars from the day 15 years later time and time again he was met with resistance in turning me into his definition of a son and every time it happened it only aggravated him more and more it didn't help that in those first six years I developed a deep relationship with my grandparents only for him to hate both of them with a burning passion for some reason he finally died when I was 10 by Rolling his car doing probably 80 M hour and got thrown out of the window for not wearing a seat belt despite all of that I don't hate him the damage he did is certainly still there I mean he came in at the worst possible point in my life and I'm not entirely sure if the damage could ever be truly repaired but he did give me two of the best things in my life my brother and sister my brother is in his first year of college going to ASU on a full ride from National Guard and my sister is in her sophomore year of high school when my brother graduated high school he told me that he's the person he is today mostly because of me and him saying that was like getting a return on all of those years of hell he was only four when my stepfather died and it was years before my mom started dating again since she was the only income for our family I was left with basically raising my two siblings while going through middle and high school but that one line made it all worth it well it truly warms my heart to find a story with a nice silver lining in it when I was younger probably around 9 or so my mom dated this guy named Jim I don't remember much about him except that he smelled weird but after that they broke up she tried to delete herself and she was in the hospital for a few days I remember her telling someone on the phone the night before that we her four kids would be fine without her thankfully it's been 18ish years later and she's alive and well and he's been married for almost 16 years as for my dad he dated this awful woman named Tracy off and on for seven or so years she was always talking crap she made mine and my dad's relationship horrible she also made terrible eggs when they broke up my brother and I jumped for Joy he's been married for 4 and a/ half years now to an incredible woman who I love dearly and me and him are so close now as soon as Tracy left our relationship drastically changed for the better I think this all goes to show how important it is to be brave you got to be brave to be able to walk away from a situation that you've grown used to out of fear of what the unknown is because you might be like yeah things are bad now but maybe they'll get better but you need that bravery to be like no I need to walk away and whatever's going to happen is going to happen it could be a bit worse it could be a bit better but you know if you don't have The Bravery to face life itself really when you're having a tough time then you'll never know if you can actually find that happiness that you deserve 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Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 9,739
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Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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