What was the WORST EXPERIENCE you had in Elementary School? - Reddit Podcast

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what was the worst experience you had in elementary school I was running around the playground saw a couple of girls with a small milk carton between them ran through and kicked it turns out they had a pet hamster or squirrel in it I killed the pet right in front of them I felt bad about that for my whole life and I'm 54 now my father did that I'd just gotten a hamster and it was rolling around in one of those balls while we put the cage together he came home from work and thought I got a sports ball or something and happily kicked at me I uh got a new hamster want to play sports ball son why would someone put a hamster inside a milk carton they're just kids they wanted to carry it around and figured that' be fine I was bullied a lot and also had a bad haircut one day in class all of us students were sitting in a line while the teacher spoke halfway through the teacher stopped talking he walked up to me and pulled on my hair saying is this for real he then erupted with laughter and so did the rest of the class as they all laughed at me I felt mortified I wanted to die I will never forget that moment I had terrible terrible hair throughout my childhood at all different stages and I had this happen in various situations where the teacher would add to how terrible it was by constantly questioning my hair and bringing attention to it during class in front of the other classmates they allowed me to be constantly bullied by my classmates in front of them without doing a darn thing I remember when I was in the fourth grade my mom gave me my brother's lunch by accident I asked if I could go to his classroom so we could swap I knocked on the door and asked for him at the time I had very short curly hair my mother made me get it all cut off as I had headlight that she couldn't get rid of I'm female after I asked for him a little boy asked are you a girl or a boy the entire class erupted with laughter and pointed at me most loudly the teacher who was in hysterics he just kept laughing too I walked out and waited for my brother to come while I could hear them in the background it was mortifying another time my mom took me to a clothes shop where she knew the owner he invited me out back as his sons were there with their pet mice I spent about 30 minutes with them and we went to leave and he said you have a lovely son oh well I'm a somewhat attractive woman now and the teacher who laughed at me was fired for his inappropriate behavior with students later sometimes karma is slow for people who have a rough time in school if it happens at all glad things worked out for this nice lady in second grade we sat at desks arranged in groups of four with two pairs of desks facing each other I was was grasping the front edge of the desk and this kid slammed his desk against my fingers not sure if it was intentional but it really hurt I started crying the teacher noticed and instead of dealing with the situation in a sane way befitting a second grade teacher her punishment for the boy was to have me slam my desk against his fingers I told her it was okay because what the freck I really didn't want to do that but she made me do it anyway she was a terrible teacher damn that's pretty effed up and traumatizing for a second grader what happened to her is she still around I remember her being pretty old so she's probably retired or dead by now I loaded my pants in kindergarten then I stepped on it then I proceeded to walk it around the classroom when asked if I did it I denied the ACT even though the footprints led to me and my pants smelled pretty bad I got sent home many of those kids probably don't remember but some nights I lie in bed thinking about what might have been if I just went to the bathroom I work in an elementary school now a few years ago one of the kindergarten teachers pulled me aside and told me I have a pooper in my class I can't figure out who it is somehow someone who didn't wear underwear with their pants was relieving themselves and the logs were falling out of the leg pants and onto the floor this was causing her stress because some kids would accidentally step in it and tread it around the classroom making a mess a few days later the teacher was walking down the hall and catches my eye she seemed less stressed than the previous couple of days she came over to me and said so I found the bo betrayed her today it was as if he had no idea he was doing it in other words your experience isn't unheard of I got really sick once my mother sent me to school despite the fact that I felt awful I walked into the bathroom spewed all over the floor and then proceeded to crap my pants I locked myself in a stall until the teacher came cleaned me up and brought me to the nurse one day as a child I woke up feeling sick mom sends me to school anyway I get there immediately go to the nurse's office they refuse to examine me without a pass from my teacher I go across the building to my first class to get one by which point I'm late the teacher refuses to let me into the room without a pass from the principal's office I go back across the building spend a few minutes waiting in a crowd of fellow late students go back to class give teacher his pass go back to the nurse's office give nurse her pass nurse examines me immediately declares me highly contagious and sends me back home you're a lucky mother frecker my mom forced me to go to school and I was sick with the flu I felt sick and in the middle of class I silently threw up on my desk I covered it for 15 minutes when class ended everyone left and the teacher confronted me asking me what was wrong I raised my head to have spew coming off my face and shirt she starts gagging and I ran for the bathroom leaving trails of spew worst day ever there's one story that will always sticken my mind I was in the third grade and we were supposed to bring back signed permission slips from our trip to the library the only person in class who didn't bring his permission slip was a friend of mine my third grade teacher thought it would be appropriate to interrogate him in front of the entire class as to why he didn't bring it he responded that he would be unable to attend and she continued to press him all of a sudden he bursts into tears and explains that he has to attend a funeral you'd think she'd have the brains to stop there right wrong she still has the nerve to ask who's I'll never forget the look on his face when he replies my mom's I freaking hated that teacher so much for so many other reasons too he moved about a week after that and his father got in contact with our family updating on their status which wasn't exactly great that was my worst experience I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him oh gosh this reminds me of a story I went to a Catholic School from kindergarten through to the sixth grade in the third grade 8 one of my friends mothers died needless to say the kid was out of school for a couple of weeks when he finally returned he was having a difficult time obviously one day during class he was crying and our female teacher told him to stop being such a baby and that his mother was no good anyways I recall telling my mother about it because it really Disturbed me at that age heck it disturbs me now I'm sorry Paul I hope you're doing great I called my teacher mom I then tried to correct myself and referred to her as the names of several other teachers before shutting up and trying to phase into my chair I as well called my teacher mom once luckily it was the beginning of recess and most kids were hurrying to get outside so most of them didn't hear it plus I was five almost six and super tiny for my age which according to my teacher made my mistake the cutest thing ever she even picked me up when the rest of the kids were outside I was so flustered by my mistake that I hadn't even moved and she said she wished she was my mom she was a pretty cool teacher I feel like this happens to graer than one-third of students just by this cliché appearance in media and how often you hear about it happening in general from your friends had a teacher tell me I was a slacker when all I wanted to do was mind my own business she constantly took me out into the hall because I wasn't talking as much as I should and lectured me how I was disturbing everyone else even had my parents come in at one point Sorry I was a quiet kid lady so you were disturbing people with your silence yeah I even burst into tears at one point I didn't know what I was doing wrong and this lady didn't let up it scarred me I always go with the whole we're worried about you you don't ask as many questions as the other kids thing of course I was quiet and I'd always think that the reason you ask questions in class is because you don't understand something I understood everything as a child turns out they just wanted me to outwardly Express a bit more interest there was this lady at my school who taught special ed who was a typical scar-faced witch one day she took us to indoor recess our normal teacher couldn't take us for some reason and I was skipping happily like a normal child would do she immediately scolds me and says that I can't play in recess I had to sit in the chair in the corner of the gym while I watched all of my friends play some weird game after the first round of the game was over I got to go play with them because I assumed that My Punishment wasn't as severe as sitting out the whole time nope I was yelled at and told to sit back down for skipping like the Happy child that I was we had a teach her like that too she was the special ed principal as well she told lots of kids off for fast walking and made everyone sit for an extra 10 minutes at lunch so the owner of a chip packet would pick it up and scolded a kid who tried to pick it up and end the madness and had to have the principal of the regular school tell her to wear a better bazer she was horrible and scary speech therapy the kids in my grade level were pretty cool and didn't make fun of me for having a speech impediment I was actually well liked I only felt different during speech therapy nothing felt worse than when your teacher is standing in front of the class and the speech therapist has to interrupt the lesson to take you and only you out of the class this happened on a weekly basis mind you I say this for all school-based speech language Pathologists I'm so so sorry for ever making you feel anything less than brilliant we think we're helping I try to take students from the same class out at the same time to make it seem more natural also I try to make the sessions interesting and rewarding so I hardly ever have a student who doesn't want to go to speech unless the class is in the middle of something new and super cool then I engage in the activity with the class for a bit until there's a better stopping time I've actually had two students fake having a trouble with a certain sound just so that they could see what speech was all about however no one can pull students out of the classroom at random so their adorable attempt at getting out of class went unsuccessfully again sorry for any hard feelings you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also link to below and subscribe I didn't speak good English when I first moved to the US in third grade I didn't know that frick was a swear word I used it casually one time the teacher asked who first settled the town that I live in I responded the freaking British I got suspended for 3 Days Pro tip before moving to another country learn which words are offensive and don't say them to your teacher your suspension seems pretty harsh for a new kid that's a solid answer though and you should stand by it that's hilarious I actually did something similar in third grade having just moved to France I asked in a rude way if I could go and take a leak not knowing that P was a swear word I didn't get suspended or anything but everyone in the class got a good laugh out of it some of my friends still bring it up now about 12 years later this butthole kid stabbed me in the shoulder with a metal Fork during a snowball fight who brings a knife to a snowball fight only a lunatic but a fork H it's understandable I see you've played snowy spoony knify forky before my mother sent me to school very sick one day and I was having a horrible time to say the least nauseous fever cough but I couldn't stay home as she had a very important job interview so I pretended I was a lot better than I was for her about half an hour into school I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach oh God I proceeded to walk over to where everyone kept their backpacks where nobody could see me found the near nearest one and filled it with my spew I was a dumb kid so I looked around to make sure no one saw the storage was around the corner from the class desks and they were having playmat time so nobody noticed me and I put the poor kid's backpack back on its hook 2 hours later during lunch I heard a scream followed by a couple of students getting sick all over the lunchroom tables and floor and that boy whose bag I spewed in was crying his freaking eyes out the teacher basically interrogated the class and I finally burst into tears and admitted it was me I was sent to the nurse then detention and my mother never looked so angry with me when she picked me up as for the kid he didn't talk to me for 2 weeks and then told me he hated me and that my spew smelled like his cat's litter box we started dating 8 years later and we are still together in this more negative story grouping it could be quite nice to come across the odd one that has a happy ending so thanks for that third grade we had chair desks look them up mine had a lot of clutter under the seat and the teacher teacher told me to clean it before class was over now I wasn't going very fast but I didn't have much time either the bell rang and I was still cleaning the teacher got really angry at me I don't remember what she said but she was mad really Furious she picked up the whole desk I fell out and she dumps everything out of it and onto me then throws it down the desk slammed into the ground inches to my side needless to say I was terrified by this whole thing I told my mom my mom told the principal and they called the police but was too scared to say a words to the officers I just bowled into my Mom's arm with nothing from me there wasn't much they could do at least I was moved to a different class my first grade teacher also used to dump students desks sometimes with students still in them out as well she was a seword I'm sorry you had to experience this too I will never understand why people like that decide to work with children if they hate them so much uh some of them just don't know they hate children until they spent a decade teaching them okay so my first grade teacher was a total butt head who was constantly doing things that probably should have gotten him fired like telling the entire class that they should never be like me and using my art project as an example of what everyone shouldn't do singling me out openly mocking me and my family in front of class forcing me to go to a Kindergarten class so he could use me as a bad example there among other things I'm almost positive that he hated me the worst thing though happened one day during our math time I was in the advanced math class and had already learned what we as a class were doing on a worksheet because of this I worked ahead and finished it before the other kids this prompted him to take my sheet scream at me for working ahead of the class or not paying attention violently rip up my worksheet throw it to the garbage and make me start over it was more humiliating than anything up to that point and the only time I'd ever been punished for being smart in conclusion my first grade teacher was literally a walking talking sphincter my teacher did something similar to me in six grade I went to a private Christian School that was known for being less academically advanced than the other schools in the area and I was pretty far ahead of a lot of the people in my grade I also had ADHD diagnosed but untreated so during lectures I'd get bored and quietly work ahead the teacher caught me one day and ripped up my work in front of the class in the middle of her lecture I told my mom and the teacher ended up getting fired sort of a last straw deal I guess good riddens freck you Mrs Myers I remember another time I was reading after finishing my work and she confiscated my book and made some sort of snide comment about it she was mad that I wasn't double-checking my work I ended up going to the principal and he got it back for me since Mrs Myers refused to give it up until the end of the week even though it was a library book oh my god freak you Mrs Myers again I had long hair in kindergarten or first grade I can't quite remember but a kid used to always tease me about it saying I looked like a girl I'm a dude anyway I dragged him out into our little cubby space in class and gave him a haircut with safety scissors the old ones cut hair pretty well got in a ton of trouble by the way if you lived in Las Vegas 20 years ago and this was you my bad you don't lie about those scissors when I was really young and coloring in class I think this was in kindergarten I was getting annoyed at my hair for falling in my face so I just grabbed the safety scissors and gave myself bangs according to the teacher I did a really good job at them too when I was a kid I was sloppy and disorganized it wasn't on purpose I just for some reason felt compelled to shove papers in my desk at school rather than sort them out I was embarrassed by it and didn't want anyone to look at my desk like all kids I had a crush my crush that year was a kid named Johnny I wrote his name in my notebook with little hearts all around it and it became part of the mass of crumbled up papers in my desk that I'd forgotten about one day in the middle of class my evil witch of a teacher noticed that my desk was sloppy again and decided to embarrass me by dumping out all of the contents of my desk Des right in front of the entire class and then going through all of the papers one by one and reading them out loud eventually she came across the paper that had Johnny's name written on it and said a looks like someone has a crush on Johnny out loud to the entire class I turned bright red and tried to take the papers out of her hand which apparently offended her so she told me to get my hands off her kids never stopped teasing me after that I couldn't even look at Johnny without blushing and wanting to cry freaking hate that b word to this day a group of boys who were a few years older than me I was six and they were 12 would relentlessly chase me around the school every lunchtime I'd hide in the toilets until I was sure they got bored of waiting I told teachers but they never did anything honestly I lived in fear of them all year until they left for high school they would double my age and like three times my size it was horrible something similar happened with my little brother he was in the second grade and these two fifth graders were cutting in line in front of my brother and his friends my brother knowing this is wrong tells the fifth grader that they can't cut in line somehow one of the fifth graders decides to hit my brother and my brother hit him back and they started fighting until a lunch lady stopped them they've both got a three-day in school suspension if they hit you first then you can hit them back in defense now that I think about it this situation isn't that similar to yours but oh well I'm still sorry it happened to you I wonder if bullying is more or less the same in the modern day and age compared to how it was when I and the writers of these posts were in school in the '90s or earlier I can't help but feel like teachers have much stricter training on how to deal with this sort of thing in most countries now when I was in second grade I had a crush on this one girl and when we were on a field trip I saw this ladybug ring for sale I bought it knowing she liked ladybugs and waited for the right time to give it to her I ended up doing it at the end of the field trip as we were gathering our stuff in front of her friends she laughed in my face and refused the gift I felt like crap and threw it out in the first grade I went to this private church school where all of the teachers were relatively strict about rules and kids leaving class to go to the restroom among other things one day during singing time I really had to go pee I asked the teacher politely if I could use the restroom real quick and promise to be right back the teacher told me I'd have to wait until recess to use it recess was right after singing time while singing time is going on a giant thunderstorm moves in and begins a torrential downpour while the teacher thinks it would be a great idea for the class to sing the Rainy Day song to coincide with the storm as the class is singing the song I try as hard as I can not to think about how badly I need to pee and begin trying to count the grains of wood in my desk needless to say it didn't help about halfway through the Rainy Day song and when the torrential downpour outside was at its worst I ended up peeing my pants and creating a giant pool of pee beneath my desk I was in tears and when the teacher noticed what had happened I was immediately taken down to the office to get a change of clothes since I was a girl and happened to be wearing a dress that day I ended up having to wear some Polynesian top meant for a boy Bo and boy shorts my fourth grade teacher would always ridicule me in front of the class for not being able to learn my multiplication tables I'm disc calculate I hated fourth grade so much it was a nightmare I crapped my pant while doing a speech in front of the class my teacher had not one sympathetic bone in her body and treated me as if I'd punched her elderly mother in the face I was a bathroom monitor with my friend he took the boy one I had the girl one and they were obviously next to each other we were just talking and messing around and at one point I jokingly held his shoulders for whatever reason and this teacher starts screaming down the hall for me to let go of him what am I doing Etc I also had the meanest first grader teacher who didn't believe that I wasn't bullying him and kept demanding that I do to her what I did to him to prove it I still freaking hate both of those teachers my kindergarten teacher changed my card from green to Yellow because I tugged in another girl's t-shirt to tell her that I thought it was pretty I've got to be honest I flipped out like SpongeBob did and that one episode where he got a good noodle star taken away when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 11,379
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Id: V8x0dAtGAV8
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Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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