What’s the Creepiest Thing That Happened to You?

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serious what's the creepiest most unexplainable thing that happened to you i was 12 and had just gotten my first mobile phone one weekend i get a call from an older sounding man with an australian accent not that weird i live in australia but kinda relevant he asks is this my first and last name i go yes he takes a deep breath sounds really emotional and says i'm your grandpa all i could say was no you're not both my grandfathers had been dead for years by that point plus they were both european i'm first generation australian there's no way that even if one of my grandmas had been getting side action that this guy was my grandpa he sounded disappointed and hung up haunts me to this day that's really sad actually i hope he found the grandchild he was looking for our family cat passed away when i was 14 and it really sucked he was a great cat fast forward to 16 years old and i'm sitting by my mom on the couch and she's showing me something on facebook on her ipad when i swear i saw a cat out of the corner of my eye so i look up and it's our old cat walking into the kitchen rubbing his tail against the wall as he made the corner as he always did my mom also looked up just after me and stared and looked back at me and i was like did you just see our old cat he replied yeah he just went around the corner there i got up and went and looked in the kitchen and he's nowhere to be found 10 years later my mom and i still talk about how creepy that was that we both saw it my brother passed away in 2008 fast forward to 2016. i was asleep and i had a dream about him as i often did since he passed away this dream was different it was like he was talking directly to me looking straight in my eyes in the dream i asked him is it really you he said yes i said prove it he then reached out and touched me on the arm and when he did i jolted up in bed wide awake covered in sweat i thought all this was really strange and i went to the bathroom to put some water on my face as i was looking in the mirror i saw that there was a backwards are written on my arm and pen exactly where he touched me in the dream the letter r was the first letter of his name there were no pens in my bedroom and i have never sleepwalked before you can call me crazy or lying or whatever but that was the single most unexplainable thing that has ever happened to me once when i was eight or nine me and my cousins went down to play on this gated community i lived we were on the inside of this fence when this taxi driver pulled up asked if we wanted to go to the magic kingdom or something cheesy like that pulled a saxophone from his trunk and started playing while inviting us inside his car i still remember my mom's face when i told her later that day every time my mother cooks a specific dessert an earthquake happens in chile that only happened twice between 2015 and 2016. strangely the two earthquakes had almost the same magnitude guess you could say her recipe is groundbreaking was giving my then two maybe three year-old daughter a bath when staying at an old house holiday rental we had play cups sauces and a teapot which she was filling up with the bath water and pouring into the cups this one is for you daddy this one is for me and this one is for the old lady in the doorway no one there chuckles i'm in danger i had a dream a few weeks ago bad times in my life right on the cusp of things getting much better they are now and i was sleeping badly and just not mentally well my favorite uncle closest thing i had to her dad growing up actual dad was not good at dabbing died suddenly of a heart attack a few years ago it was abrupt and shocked everyone i was across the country and distraught by the news he was by far the closest of any of my family members i was dreaming about something irrelevant to him or anything and suddenly i turned around and there he was just standing there holding his arms out and grinning like he i just lost sense of the dream immediately i was so thrilled to see him like the dream was a work assignment and he was just showing up to break the monotony i jumped into his arms and hugged him and kept telling him how happy i was to see him the rest of that dream he just hung out with me i was just so happy i've never had an experience like that because honestly i've always been the aloof black sheep of my family and i never imagined anyone would care to visit me after they died of all people if such a thing is possible but there he was and it will stick with me always that maybe he just came to say what's up and give me a little slap on the shoulder and make sure i kept on trucking because better stuff was coming i miss him fiance shot himself several years ago he ended up showing up in a dream of mine and just hugging me and wiping my tears and insisting that it was okay and that things were better now part of it was a lot of bad health problems that just weren't going to get better i woke up and i could still feel his fingers on my cheeks and smell the tobacco he used to smoke i don't smoke and never have my parents and brother were out he was meeting his friends and my parents were somewhere i can't remember lol fast forward a couple hours later or so it's dark now whoopee and i hear something downstairs a thud then i hear a flipping hello number one was home except me i go to the landing at the top of the stairs and say hello thinking it was my brother coming home as he rode his bike and would put in the garden shed and come through the back door i get nothing in return my brother likes to scare me a lot around the house so i start thinking at him he's gonna scare me in three two one nothing i go down two stairs and say hello peering over the banister to see if i can see my brother hiding waiting for me to come downstairs nothing he came home an hour or so after that happened and my parents came home about 10 or so minutes after my brother did to this day i still have no clue on what the heck said hello definitely someone hoping to rob the place thanks for the nightmares this actually just happened last week i've been traveling for work a lot recently and as such i stay in hotels not extraordinary nor are they hairculls just regular generic hotels well the one i was at last week had an elevator that was annoyingly slow everything it did was slow whether it was coming to your floor opening or closing of the doors all took what felt like forever i'm leaving the hotel to go to the gym and as i approached the elevator i saw a little girl standing in the elevator assume little girl just saw a short figure with long hair didn't catch the face because the door was closing i figured i'd give it a second i didn't want to press the button and have the door stop closing and the little girl have to stand on an elevator with a big adult male she didn't know i waited maybe three seconds after the door shut and then pressed the elevator button the elevator that i saw the little girl standing and opened and she was nowhere to be seen i then took the stairs i often have meaningless dreams about certain situations which i tend to forget about quite quickly but fast forward a few weeks in real life i'll be in that same situation we'll repeat the same dialogue s will be wearing the same clothes we'll be talking to the same people and i'll only realize the deja vu until after the moment has passed it happened so often i've come to expect it now yes same thing never about anything important just mundane stuff not out of the ordinary from what usually happens i started keeping a dream journal to prove to myself that i wasn't crazy i was really depressed as a 14 year old teen one day while i was sitting in the bus station an old man touched my arm and said don't worry you will move out when you turn 17 and everything will get better 17 was when i moved out of my abusive home maybe you subconsciously wanted to live up to the man's expectations and that's what pushed you to move at 17. i had sleeping issues as a kid so i was often awake during the middle of the night one particular night i was frightened by some people shouting at each other outside i grew up in a dodgy aerial mayo so i slept in with my parents for a while i close my eyes for a bit then when i open again i see a girl with huge black eyes a night gown hands behind her back and hip length hair just standing there staring at me coldly i hide under the quilt for a bit then when i pluck up the courage to look again she's nowhere to be seen i didn't even hear her come into the room let alone leave i do have an older sister but she was fast asleep in her room and obviously i would have heard her footsteps and she looked nothing like this girl sounds a lot like sleep paralysis hallucinations i spend a lot of time in the woods and occasionally camp in the bed of my truck with a tarp tinted over it while this makes for great rain protection i can't see out at all i was camping in georgia up in the allegheny mountains it was foggy night which isn't too uncommon and i was laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep when a bunch of coyotes starting howling and barking not too far away this isn't too unusual but i'm still not totally used to it what happened next though is what was so creepy normally when coyotes go off it builds up and then dies off slowly i heard a coyote yelp as if it had been injured and it went dead silent then i heard a quiet crunch of the leaves as something got closer then the crunch of the stones as it got to where i was parked then it was silent it was then that the distinct sound of a nail on my truck side rang through my ears like nails on a chalkboard something was just just feet from me then nothing it brushed my top and that was the last of it silence i didn't sleep the rest of the night in the morning i got out and all i could find was a scratch on the side of my truck from the nails and a single coyote footprint my guess is that a coyote hurt itself which spooked them and one came in close to check out the smells of my camp but that night had to be one of the absolutely creepiest nights of my life ro yeah today would do it for me no use trying to sleep after that after moving to la i ran into my ex-girlfriend five times over the course of two months for context i had moved from south orange county to la for a nice office job my ex-girlfriend had moved to san diego after the breakup then moved to l.a after breaking up with her last boyfriend i would have chalked it up to random chance that we now lived a few miles from one another except when we first noticed one another she immediately said i'm not stalking you suspicion intensifying thankfully after a fifth time we ran into each other i didn't see her again for almost five years when i was getting ready to move back to hawaii i had the foresight to lie about which island i was moving to just in case she decided to follow me at some point stayed in a luxurious resort in a small island with three of my friends when we were in high school my friend's dad was the manager this was a tiny island you could walk around in less than a day and there were only a few suites very exclusive and it was far from the nearest town at night it would get really dark and peaceful the staff there always talked about how they have had strange or ghostly encounters throughout the years for your information this island was used as a camp hiding place for soldiers back in the day it still has the lighthouse they use that's over hundreds of years old anyway our room had two king-sized beds in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep i woke up suddenly and felt extremely hot i was sweating like crazy even if the ac was on full blast and it was blowing straight at me i felt something weird like a presence next to my side of the bed i've never felt so scared in my entire life that i was shaking and sweating profusely but what was really crazy was that only one side of my body was hot the one by the edge of the bed the other was cold i hid under the blanket and closed my eyes as hard as i could because i was afraid that if i opened it i would see something i felt the energy of that presence get closer to me like we were face to face i kept inching towards my friend who was sleeping next to me after a while it suddenly disappeared and i wasn't hot anymore the next morning i didn't mention it to anyone until they talked about how cold it was in the bedroom they were freezing the whole night then i told them what i felt at night my friend who slept beside me got really quiet she told me not to freak out but she woke up last night too and she saw a girl standing next to my side of the bed and just staring right at me i've never not believed in ghosts but i also don't necessarily believe in them if that makes sense but i just can't explain that night it was the first time i had experienced a feeling i just couldn't explain or shake off still bothers me to this day one night probably around 2 a.m i was sleeping and dreaming i can't remember the dream but in the dream it all of a sudden got quiet and everything became still a voice in my dream comes out of nowhere and starts saying wake up go to nicholas my three years old son room now wake up wake up me my real name wake up i wake up and lay there for a few seconds thinking how weird of a dream it was i chalked it up to a crazy dream but decided to go check on my kids i head to nicholas room and open his door he sleeps with a pretty bright nightlight and all the other lights off when i opened the door i saw a shadow figure standing at the foot of his bed i immediately threw myself over my son and started screaming to the figure to go away the shadow rushes to the window and hops out i lived in a trailer at the time our windows were double hung the kind that slides up and down and we had screens in all of them this was during the summer so i kept the windows open often my husband works nights so i scooped my son up and went to my daughter's shed room and locked the door i called 9-1-1 and the police were there in like 10 minutes what happened was my neighbor had a nephew staying the summer with him the nephew was 18 and was going to be helping his uncle at his construction business his uncle my neighbor and my husband sometimes share a beer or two and talk outside my husband was telling the neighbor how he would be on night shift the next few weeks his nephew overheard and chose to break in one of the nights he knew my husband was working he swore to the cops and everyone else he only broke into steal crap for his drug habit he didn't have a record for harming children or nothing like that so he may have been telling the truth about looking for money or crap to sell but who knows another time i was sleeping when the voice came again in my dream like the last time everything in my dream went silent and still and again i can't remember the dream the voice comes again and says wake up wake up me go to nova nova needs you nova is my daughter she was six at the time i woke up and immediately hauled back to the girls room before i even opened the door i could hear her nova has severe asthma and has been hospitalized more times than i can count i heard her wheezing and struggling to breathe i turn the light on grab her inhaler and a steroid that she has to take when her asthma gets bad and screamed for my husband to call nine one he was home that night the ambulance came and took her to the hospital her oxygen levels were dangerously low so she was in the hospital for about a week if i didn't get to her in time she would have died i haven't heard the voice since i have no idea what it was maybe mother's intuition maybe a subconscious thing maybe a deceased family member or friend helping me out from the other side oh my god you must have been so panicked both times you have a powerful connection with your kids and maybe something else a little extra very cool stories thank god you're all well thank you for sharing friend of mine was in a hot tub with me we were having fun and nothing was out of the ordinary she looks at a plane in the sky and her whole demeanor changed before she said something bad is going to happen no like serious something awful i don't know she isn't a person to do this seriously she had never said anything like that before turns out that night a guy at our school and his whole family got in a terrible plane accident that killed his mother brother and sister he survived but was in a coma for weeks have no clue how she knew but i always listen to her when she says something is off this is the first story in here to actually give me chills witnessing that deep primal inexplicable intuition always makes my hair stand on end when i was 10 i woke up one night and saw smoke in my room and ran downstairs to tell my mom she went to take a look and didn't see anything a month-ish later i was about to go up to my room when i saw smoke bellowing out the door just like in my vision the house was a total loss about 12 years ago was sleeping on the bed beside my wife who was awake and reading the pre-parent was just drifting into dream state when an entity made an appearance in my dream the entity was jarringly at odds visually with the rest of the dream style appearance was dazzling solidly defined and detailed making the rest of the dream appear to be a washed out out-of-focus film being shown in the background in fact the out of placeness of the entity was so jarring it shocked me flinchingly awake when it stared at me my flinching caused my wife to ask me if i was okay i dunno what compelled me to ask the following but i asked her to close her eyes clear her mind and describe the first thing she saw she described the entity to near perfection physical appearance headgear color facial expression the lot the most notable features being the construction style big kinda not hat and the shimmering golden color a few years ago on a couple of occasions my two-year-old asked me and my wife who was the goldy man with the hat standing behind daddy the most notable features being the construction style but kinda not swore for a split second you called the entity kinda hot not really creepy but one time while staying with my grandma i was asleep when i was jolted awake because i thought someone had placed a bluetooth speaker right next to my ear and was blaring mariachi music as soon as i opened my eyes it was dead quiet and the whole house was asleep some months later i told my gma about it and she nonchalantly responded oh yeah that sometimes happens to me lol the mariachi ghost seems pretty chill i was on a walk through my safe neighborhood when i went past this house where these notably odd people live i moved to the other side of the road as i was coming around a curve all of a sudden this older guy started following me i didn't think much of it as a lot of people were out that evening a few blocks later he caught up to me and started walking next to me i walked a bit faster hoping with the age of this guy he would slow down a bit i eventually lost him and i disappeared behind a tree he was there as if he knew where i was going to go he started reaching out for my shorts but i ran as fast as i could luckily i made it to my house and locked all the doors a few days later i went on a walk and i didn't see him again nor did i see him ever again the look in his eyes it was just dead it was like two black holes were staring back at me i will never be able to forget him just for that this is very explainable you were attacked by a predator but fortunately you escaped i was eight nine years old at the time sleeping alone in my bedroom when i saw the flash like someone is photographing me not once bit like 15 20 x i clearly saw the flash coming from a closed door i even saw like a rectangle point from where the flash was coming it was late night we were living at seventh floor of tall apartment and there was no rain outside to explain the flash i got scared after five or so minutes i grasped a courage to go outside the bed and ran to parents to tell them they calmed me and told me that it was my imagination till today i am sure and remember what i saw and i cannot explain it in any way your eyes were glitching i'm serious it happens i don't know the exact science but it's like a spasm and your brain tries to fill in the gaps i have this thing that i get glimpses of a moment in people's lives imagine a gif version of a moment of their life it happens randomly i cannot control could just be an overactive imagination but i know there is accuracy in those glimpses one day while talking to my manager i got a glimpse of him being violent towards a woman no idea who she was but i could see him harming her i made it a point to kind of avoid any personal interactions with him because he was always very persistent on making his employees his friends outside of work some time later it comes out that he was being charged with sexual assault and a ton of women that worked with us came forward saying that he would be inappropriate with them could just be a huge coincidence but that vision of him harming the woman really stuck with me and reflected a lot of what came to light about him not even a year ago i had my friend over for a sleepover and fast forward till like 2 a.m we got bored so we're outside just throwing paper airplanes we made i threw mine and went out to get and all of a sudden just felt the most fear i had ever felt for no reason and look over to my friend on the patio and watch a big orb just flat over him keep in mind i did not know that orbs had stuff to do with the paranormal but something inside me just told me that we had to get out of there so in a low voice i just said to go inside and he was really confused because at this point i was acting very scared and off but i just raced to the front door and went in and he followed and we got to my room and i told him what i saw and for some reason i started to have tears rolled down my face for the first time in years thinking back on it and i'm still very confused a relative or my dad's had passed and he woke up in the middle of the night seeing a bright dark glowing orb this was a few hours after the relative past he had no idea of it yet i like to think that's his relatives goodbye oh sorry thought of the second one my brother slept walked terribly as a child to the point my mom was worried for his safety he's 10 years older but the most traumatic event i've been told is when he was found at the end of a dock staring into a michigan lake in the fall fast forward a decade and i did the same exact thing but my mother never told me because it was the only time i had ever sleep walked and she forgot my dad told me that one night his brother had been studying latin for hours they went to bed and his brother started sleep walking around the house speaking latin i imagine that was pretty dang creepy i was coming home from work next thing i know i woke up in bed had giant headache and flashes of seeing alien creatures looking at me that day i noticed i had bruises on my groin and subsequently i didn't have an erection for about a month worst part was my roommates asking me where i had been all weekend i had lost two days no i don't use drugs and only occasionally have a few beers i was babysitting this little girl and she said there's another little girl that visits her every night she said this little girl used to live there but she died and now she comes back to play with her i was a little weirded out by that but i didn't believe in ghosts so i just assumed she was making up stories that night after i put her to bed i heard commotion in her room and i went upstairs and she was on the floor playing i told her she had to go to bed but she said her friend wanted to keep playing but there was no one else in the room so i assumed she was just being a kid making things up when the parents came home i told them everything was fine and the little girl behaved when i got in my car to leave i looked up in the little girl's window because the light was on and i saw the different little girl looking at me through the window this was not the little girl i was babysitting it was a dark-haired girl in a bluish dress the girl i was watching was blonde and in pajamas it scared the heck out of me and i never went back to babysit for them again i also believe in ghosts now because i know exactly what i saw and it was not a figment of my imagination this one is so satisfying and terrifying when i was 19 or 20 i was sleeping at my girlfriend's studio apt i was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of a glass breaking i opened my eyes and i was facing the kitchen section of the room standing in front of the sink was a shadowy figure almost entirely black i was only half awake and assumed it was my girlfriend i asked if anything was wrong and she had said no go back to sleep so i did woke up the next day and found out it hadn't been my girlfriend after all i wrote out my main one already did i have another weird story weird to me at least haha that happened during lockdown i was working from home last summer so i was being very productive by which i mean napping now i'm not a napper at all but for some reason last year i was napping all the time i'm also not much for remembering my dreams years can go by before i have one but on this afternoon last year i had the most vivid dream that i still think about all the time in this dream i was walking in london it was winter very cold and i was walking through a residential area but there was a little open space fenced off with an ornate black wrought iron fence on my left i passed a man who had a workaday london accent and he said watch out ahead love there's ice and it's slippery in my dream i was ecstatic repeating over and over again to myself i'm home i'm home i'm home i was absolutely filled suffused with joy at being home i was trying to walk as quickly as i could but being careful not to slip on any ice i knew where i was going it was victoria road i knew i was in kensington i knew that i was going to my home which was built with yellow brick i knew these things just as basic information just as i know my name or my age i woke up before i got to this home and i was crushed that the dream was over i felt like crying that it was ripped away from me before i got home i've lived in england but i've never lived in london i've only been there a handful of times i've never been to victoria road i've never even heard of it that i know of i have been to kensington but that was only to visit herod's when i think of brick i picture red brick never yellow i looked on google maps victoria road is a real road it's in kensington it has buildings with yellow brick did i have someone else's dream lol that's all information that i swear i didn't have in my head before that dream and i can tell you this absolutely that my heart still aches when i think about going home and i still almost feel like crying with homesickness for this place i've never been and only saw in a dream at least a year ago i can't make any sense of it that was your past life's home i had a similar dream a really neat circular wooden house built into the side of a cliff above the ocean my sister was there waiting for me to come back i was 14 and my sister was 13. we lived in a town in pennsylvania that doesn't really exist anymore it was summer hot nowhere conditioning this is maybe three years before my parents got central air we had the windows open the entire summer like every summer we lived near a creek and could hear it babbling if it rained really hard the day before in the summer it was always low and so we never heard it during those months other than insects and cars driving down the interstate towards or away from the quarry mine if you were on our property you didn't hear much it was not rural but almost there was a frosty freeze and six seven other shops about two miles away my parents went out on a date and left my sister and i home two young girls but we had been left at home for almost three four years at this point we were used to it we cooked a pizza and were watching tv after our parents left the phone rang just as we heard what sounded like a person somersault across the roof of our house my sister answered the phone but when she picked up heard nothing but static but not a usual static noise she explained it like a slow down static hum like if a tv channel mixed with an egg beater on low she said hello a few more times listen to the egg beater static for a few more seconds then hung up we went back to watching tv and thought nothing of it maybe 40 minutes later we hear footsteps on the roof very soft footsteps i remember listening to almost 10 before looking at my sister who was also looking at me with a white face in complete shock eventually we came up with a nerve to get up and go outside and look just barely visible behind our large already outdated tv antenna was a man lying face down on our roof he was tall skinny and had huge white tennis shoes on he was kind of an outline shape except for his shoes which seemed to glow my sister was spooked i was crazy i started to scream at the man i threw a few small rocks and missed him terribly he didn't move my sister was tugging at me to get back inside finally after realizing the man wasn't moving i got freaked out and ran inside too we huddled in my parents room nothing for almost 20 minutes felt like two hours our parents weren't due home until midnight and we had no way of reaching them in 1995. then we hear a knocking sound like the man is knocking on our roof like it was a front door i had had enough i rush outside dragging my sister ready to confront this crazy person we now see him lying face down on the first top line of the roof his arms and feet dangling on either side of the lip we freak lock ourselves in the basement our parents find us in the morning i pee myself while sleeping never found out what it was about and my dad thought we were lying this is one of the most horrifying things i've read i have chills now if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 10,761
Rating: 4.9404764 out of 5
Keywords: creepiest things caught on camera, creepiest things, creepiest things in the world, creepiest things ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: N1sEHAcKeLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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