How Far Is a Shotgun Deadly?

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That intro though! Simply amazing.

👍︎︎ 421 👤︎︎ u/Pronage 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy reminds me of Destin on Smarter Every Day. They are both just so damn pleasant, but without feeling like they are pretending. Maybe, like the green bros... I like them but it feels like they're being willfully pleasant. This guy and Destin seem genuinely nice.

👍︎︎ 338 👤︎︎ u/IRageAlot 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Dude's very entertaining! Nice video for anyone who's never used a shotgun.
The range of a shotgun is kinda obvious if you have ever shot them though...

👍︎︎ 151 👤︎︎ u/I-seddit 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

If you made the real range in games... It would basically be cheating if shotguns did have the real range so to make it fair to the user they shorten up this range to make it more fair... It'd be ALL shotguns on multiplayer if real physics were in play..

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/atticSlabs 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Apparently not in rainbow six siege

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/kadhimmu783 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

So felwinters wasn't a lie

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/xastey_ 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm a bit sad that he didn't mention the actual energy of the load as it gets further from the gun. Those bird shot would be affected greatly by simply the resistance of the air they are traveling through. At what range would they not penetrate enough to do damage? Or even not penetrate at all.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/Workdawg 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'll never not upvote demo-ranch

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/ImagineAllTheKarma 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Anyone that has been bird hunting or shot clay pigeons knows how much range you have with a shotgun. If it was really 10-20' like video games would have you believe you would almost never get a bird or hit a clay.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Peter_Panarchy 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey glad you're here check this out this is my competition shotgun and everyone freaks out because the barrel ends before the mag to bins and they're like you're shooting a shotgun the shots gonna spread out right aren't you gonna hit the end of that well it doesn't so it's fine didn't get hit with one BB now we know that shotguns spread when they come out the barrel everybody knows that but video games and movies have us believing that it spreads much quicker than it actually doesn't rely let us test this all right I'm gonna put the barrel of the shotgun about 5 feet away from that paper target this hole is from the wad the wad is a cup that holds all of the lead bb's in it so this hole wouldn't really do a whole lot of damage to a target this is all the lead bb's at 5 feet they have only spread to be about the size of a half dollar it spread very much so that's why when you shoot out of this thing they're not gonna hit the end of that barrel but there's something I wasn't telling you guys I have jokes there's a joke in the end of that shotgun barrel that silver thing in the end of the barrel is a shotgun joke it's a full choke which means it is choking down the diameter of that barrel it's constricting it making all those bb's come through a smaller hole so what happens if we put a less restrictive choke in there on the right is the full choke on the left is a cylinder bore choke so this one is opened way up compared to the other one exact same ammo exact same length of barrel always switched was the choke so this one should open up a lot more and indeed it did first shot second shot you can see our spread is it's probably about twice the diameter of the first one so even spreading it the most we can spread it out of that barrel it's still didn't change it a lot and at five feet only spread this much still not gonna hit that thing at just a few inches but what I want to see is how much do these chokes spread at longer distances which is why I have four more targets and I will be shooting straight through so we'll be able to tell what it looks like at each distance got em all papered up I have four targets one at 10 20 30 and 40 feet I'm gonna step back here at the zero foot line and I put the full choke back in this so this is the most constricted I can make this shot pattern there's the wad that's ten feet there's the wad this is 20 feet so now you can see that they're starting to spread out a little bit but most of them are still in the middle thirty feet we have from there to there almost a foot spread but concentrated in the middle still and forty feet about the same they are yeah about a foot there this is very interesting because in a video game they'll have you believing that you don't take shots at 40 feet with the shotgun it'll spread too much you won't do any damage to the bad guy but in real life was I shooting at a bad guy at 40 feet I would have hit him with every pellet they would have all been in his body but we have this thing restricted all the way let's go ahead and put the choke that opens it up got the cylinder bore choke in here which is the most opened up choke I'm gonna use the same paper I think I'll be able to tell the difference at 10 feet it's already looking a lot different than that one we probably have about a four inch spread there 20 feet big difference so here's our first and here is the second one this one's a big difference as well I think we had about a about a foot gap on that one this one now we even have a BB up here it's pretty much covered the entire paper and this one we have hits all the way from the top all the way off the paper so on a cylinder bore shotgun at that distance that's really spread not every BB will be on the bad guy at 40 feet stop it I know what you're about to say you're gonna say that in these video games that I'm talking about they're not shooting long barrel shotguns they're shooting combat shotguns that have shorter barrels and no chokes that's a good point you're smarter than you look and I like that about you and I have a combat shotgun with shorter barrel and no choke this is just cylinder bore so it's gonna spread we do have new paper ten feet 20 feet 30 feet most of its still on a man-sized target but a few are trending outward and forty feet most of them right here but some of them went off but the thing to note smoothbore shotgun with no choke so it's opening up and most of them still hit at forty yards in wartime you'd be shooting like buckshot not birdshot so there's less pellets but they stay in the same pattern so a bunch of them still would have hit our target and killed our bad guy so even at 40 feet bad guys down so that's pretty much it I just wanted to kind of stifle those claims that say that shotguns aren't good past about 10 feet obviously at 40 feet most of our shot is still on target and we would drop the bad guy really probably out to about a hundred feet you're still gonna hit the bad guy with some of those buckshot pellets now I have one more thing that I want to show you and it has no scientific value but I think it's pretty neat also we lost the target when I was setting it up I broke the legs off of it and it fell over I have another combat shotgun this is a Remington 870 but what's unique about this one is it has a slug barrel on it I hope you guys can see it's rifled so you might be able to see a spiral going down that barrel normal shotguns our smooth board there just like a pipe this one is rifled because it's usually has one big slug coming through it but sometimes I like to shoot pellets through it and it's interesting what happens when you shoot pellets through a rifled barrel and I know I've done this in the video before so that was firing the exact same shotgun shovel we've been firing all day out of a shotgun with exactly the same length barrel as the one previously but look at the difference this is our tin foot target has about a 10 inch spread they're pretty cool look at our 20 foot target off the target already look at our 30 foot target he's dead and then look how sparse this is that shot is coming down the barrel and it's spinning because of the rifling and so when it hits the end of the barrel it's still spinning and it starts going off in different directions spreading much much more quickly that's pretty neat we've seen that shorter barrels spread the shot more we've seen that the rifled barrels spread the shot a ton you know be really cool as if we had like a really short rifled barrel and be crazy we got one the judge for 10 very short barrel and it's rifled can you guys see that if you can't you're just gonna have to take my word for it and this let me just say this has no scientific value at all I don't know why I keep saying that because nothing on this channel ever has scientific value I just want to see what will happen and I'll show you because we have fresh paper up over here but first I want to thank our channel sponsor audible audible has audiobooks a lot of them and they read them to you they read books to you I read them in my truck I read them in my truck when I'm going to work you can read them at home or whatever currently I'm reading a book called captive my story as actually my time as a prisoner of the Taliban by Jo Van Dyke it's this reporter he was captured by the Taliban and spent 45 days as a prisoner of the Taliban that's pretty crazy right anyway audible is giving all of you guys the chance to have a 30 day free trial where you can have this book read to you or you can pick from any other title in there unmatched audio library which is pretty cool I have to do is use the code know the URL slash demo ranch and it's yours you can keep the book even if you don't continue with the trial or with the subscription you can keep the book forever and it goes to support what we do here okay now thank you for that and let's shoot a shell out of this thing 410 shotgun Shep oh that does not fit the shell is bigger than the cylinder but I just made them listen to an ad for this I got you Bruce I cut the top off of it and filled it with mud just the top there's still all the bb's in there but I filled the top of it with mud so that the babies don't roll out and now it fits just barely can you guys see that all right if my hand explodes I'm going to regret this but doing it because I love you yep that three inch Magnum shells got quite a kick when you don't even have all your fingers on the gun 10-foot target quite a spread that's probably from there down to there's about 14 inches 20 foot target we have some going off the paper nice and check that out even our 40 foot target got hit with a decent amount of pellets there that's cool thanks for hanging with me on the range today hope you learned something that you know shotguns even a distance they're still pretty good weapons they're shooting a lot of lead out all right here's the deal pocket knife I'm gonna throw it through this one and try to hit the one behind it if I do hit the one behind it you guys have to like this video okay deal shake on it and here we go just kidding don't thumbs down the video really hurts my feelings Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,437,297
Rating: 4.8656149 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 38a7L60SLJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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