What's The Longest Possible Home Run in MLB The Show 21?

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the home run is one of the most exciting plays in all of sports the question is how far can a human actually hit a baseball is it 600 is a 700 is it 800 foot home run even possible today we take the newly released it'll be the show 21 video game and sprinkle in a little bit of science to find out today what the longest possible home run is in mlb the show 21. definitely going to be using this settings tab the entire video because i have so many things i want to try out today i'm telling you boys a 600 foot home run today it's gonna be possible now the first thing i do want to do and the first of many things we're going to try out today to get that tape measure home run and logically just makes the most sense to start things off and that's a home run derby but first of all with no settings whatsoever changed and what i wanted to do initially was i was gonna go in and use jimmy fox as the player we were gonna hit with because when you play an online home run derby his is over 100 it's the highest power in the entire game i think around 117. nobody beats that but i guess when you play offline they're capped at 99. so that kind of sucks but i think when you combine this playing offline with the 99 power and the sliders i think we should be able to hit one at least a nice 600 feet but i guess i don't have to play with jimmy farms i can play with whatever play we're 99 power because they're all going to be the same let me go with hank here from my hometown rest in peace hopefully today he can be the man they hit a freaking 700 foot shot come on hank be the man i would like to give a massive shout out to expressvpn for sponsoring today's video what's my favorite thing about expressvpn is the fact that expressvpn gives you unrestricted access to all parts of the internet for example many websites or apps are blocked or restricted depending on where you are in the world like think of an instance where you were not able to watch your favorite sports team because that match 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stadium and yes yes yes we are going to try out coarse field as well because we all know it travels further in colorado like bite me we'll get there have so many things we're gonna test out just go ahead get some popcorn some cracker jacks because you're in for a long one i'm gonna make the round times one minute and then arcade play style i'm assuming that means we can hit the ball a little bit further that's all it's about doing everything possible in the game settings wise to be able to hit the longest home run possible the one thing that i noticed in the homerun derby's offline as well is you have like a little energy tab that's going 800 foot come on hank aaron come on hank aaron brother 452 off the get go but you don't have this in an online home run derby where there's a little energy meter so like his energy goes away every time he swings so i'm assuming once i get to the bottom he's not gonna be able to hit the ball as far as he did when he had a full energy meter so i don't like that i wish i wish he had the the option to turn that off but it's on arcade mode i'm power swinging every time and we haven't hit one more than 450 having that close to 500 yet come on hank you have 99 freaking power brother got to do better than this you know already this is going to be the probably longest one yet 462 but bro we have a long way a long freaking way to get to the 700 that i want so uh off the get-go looks like we're having an absolute freaking stinker 478 though okay all right now there's some freaking hope and that's with his energy halfway gone alright that might go two miles that's that's far very far that goes 476 that's our high so far and that is a pop out so that sucks to end off that way but at the end wait is that actually going out brother joe what the i didn't think that was gonna get out the infield okay hank this time i'm gonna use 99 power alfonso soriano and we're gonna play this one with no settings changed but we're gonna go another major league stadium again and we are going to go to colorado to play in coors field supposedly the ball travels far here because of the altitude hopefully it's the same here in the show come on alfonso first one come on 700 foot at least bare minimum 700 523 what the heck okay okay things have gotten off to a wild start okay okay okay okay coors field is awesome i love me some coarse field okay so 520 foot okay we're hitting heads out here i just hit off my i just hit off my face okay so okay okay core seal does make quite a big difference holy crap brother that ball just went 543 feet what is going on bro this is with 99 power and this is with no settings changed whatsoever holy crap okay to be fair it's on our arcade mode which i'm assuming does make the balls go a little bit further because i never hit a 526 foot shot in my life and hit on the first attempt maybe alfonso soriano is just a freaking monster that but that wasn't 517 foot so brothers uh we we've we're already at 540 something foot so not quite 600 yet but we're freaking getting there that's the second time he's hit his chin what a human being this guy is holy crap let me see though is it just alfonso no andrew jones just hit that ball to mars that's going to hit the top side 490 on his first freaking swing bro we're gonna have some fun here at coors field how far is that gonna go that went over the mlb network sign holy crap did i get me out of here i i wanna i wanna do some more things i'm gonna test some more things out now this is where things get absolutely wild now we go into the sliders tab we can go to human power we can put this all the way up we can put human contact all the way up we can put human timing all the way up and solid hits all the way up and with all these settings on top of what we just experienced at coors field hitting the vault 540 feet with the 99 power hitter throws we should hit the ball 8 000 foot the only thing is i'm hoping they work for home run derby as well i assume obviously they work for franchise and exhibition i'm hoping the sliders do affect her derby that would make things so freaking awesome paint gearing coors field 99 power 99 hit power slider 99 contact slider arcade home run derby style come on pink aaron at least a thousand foot bare minimum a thousand that's going 2 000 can that get out all the way go four go for 495 for starters next pitch that's gonna that's going over his body that's gonna be [Music] 509. [Music] my god bro but like did the power slider really even affect anything 5 18 like that that's pretty is pretty far but not as far as alfonso soriano yet so maybe the hit power slider like the power slider actually doesn't affect the home run derby maybe we need to try like a practice mode or something or maybe actually pillow grounds is the move i just wish i could play with the players that have over 100 power in offline home run derby i just hate how you can't edit it over 99 because these players have over 100 in online home run derby so 522 the long for everybody so far is still 540 i believe from alfonso soriano i want to hit 1 600 foot though is that too much to ask us another casual 524 foot shot let me see though since jimmy fox has the highest power in online home run derby with like i think it's 117 1819 something like that maybe just maybe even though it says he has 99 he has a little bit more power than everybody else that's four that's extremely far for jim that's going to be 513 feet for jimmy fox next one's going to be pretty freaking far as well that's going to be 481 so to be completely fair it it's about it's about the same next course of action we have jumping into the settings back down to sliders all the way to the very bottom wind we can turn wind all the way up so hopefully that has even more effect because the ball can carry even more and i also had everything on dynamic so maybe if i turn the batting on beginner that will make the ball travel a little bit further i i have no clue i'm just testing everything out that's why this is called an experiment so now we go into home run derby again i'm gonna go back to alfonso soriano actually you know what i want to try out david ortiz as well so probably try both of these guys so david ortiz and alfonso soriano and boys this time we are traveling to polo grounds so literally have everything going our way now the biggest ballpark in the game we have the wind slider all the way up 99 hit power the slider for hit power and contact all the way up arcade style home run derby which i'm assuming helps a little bit we now put it on beginner so literally this should allow us to hit the ball technically as far as you possibly can in this game so first home run polo grounds this one is this even going to get out brother i might not even i might not even hit a whole run here dog you have to hit the ball 700 foot to get it out holy freaking crap maybe this polo grounds with a mistake can we can we just hit one home run that's the question at this freaking point that ball okay this is gonna this is this is gonna be rough what are the dimensions here like what do you 476 so maybe it really is coors field is the move i think the goal is though here at polo grounds is to hit the ball dead center i think that's what we should be trying to do here hit the ball dead center that's that's far with old david ortiz that's going to travel not even out of the ballpark brother because we can't hit the ball out of this ballpark that's straight away center that's 477 that's actually straight away center that didn't even get out so how the heck are you supposed to hit the ball over 600 foot maybe 540 actually is kind of what is david doing so that didn't go anything like i thought it was gonna go so now what i've done is gone to mike trout and gave him 99 everything as well so he's as good as you possibly can be and now maybe putting him back at coors field potentially we can get a freaking 600 footer they're going to try one final home run derby because literally we've tested everything out that could go in our favor literally 99 hit power across the board bringing 99 sliders the wind all the way up coors field beginner difficulty arcade style so mike trout here doesn't hit a 600 foot home run at coors field i think we max it out at least i'm home run derby so i can't even hit the ball out so much a freaking 600 footer okay that might be 800 it might be extremely freaking close that one is going to go 510 foot for michael trout holy crap okay we're finally starting to pick up some steam that one 453 i thought at least i thought at least two grand okay that one might actually go over the scoreboard that hit off the scoreboard 520 feet all right so mike trout longest home run 520 foot shipping stadium apparently you can hit the ball far here too i'm here to try everything out to get the best answer for you guys so here we are trying a home run derby with all the same settings at shiffett stadium we're gonna try with both mike trout and alfonso soriano i've never played here before but everybody's telling me to play at shipping stadium so that's why we're here straightaway center that ball went 43 all right we can pull one here okay that's four 48 okay so we might get we might get some freaking dingers here 497 we've still yet to eclipse 500 here that's 482 come on now alfonso 700 foot i didn't even see how far that went that's that's a freaking liner 434 i don't quite think though this is going to go 492. so maybe coors field is the best 500 foot finally for alfonso's toyota but nothing even remotely close i still have one more stadium though i do want to try out but the furthest here at ship it that i just told me to play at 520 foot for mr mike trout laughing mountain park everybody tell me to play here as well i'm assuming it's probably going to be exactly the same probably about the 5 20 mark is about the max distance because what i'm thinking right now is i'm pretty sure that these sliders don't affect home run derby that's my guess because there was no difference from when i put the power all the way up to how it began the only difference we saw was when we moved the coors field and turned it on arcade mode first home run here how far is this boy going to travel that went 535 foot okay maybe laughing mountain is the move ho holy crap alfonso soriano what a freaking start you weirdo all right so his first swing was the best like 535 foot see dave ortiz's first home run here that's that's at least 800 520 feet 526 for david ortiz that time around that's the dead center and that's probably gonna be last swing so unless this one is absolutely insane about 5 30 was the record here at laughing mountain park so i hopped into a practice mode with the same exact settings that i had previously i have it set to where the pitcher literally throws a fastball down the middle every single pitch and i i still can't hit a home run that far like i've only hit a few not even one to center field so i'm just assuming that those sliders really don't affect way too much in this game because i can't even hit one out the dead center unless it's on home run derby here at polo grounds so maybe home run derby is where you get your max distance home runs that was right down the middle with 100 hit power sliders and that can't even like get even close to getting out x is literally 99 power versus righties and king griffey i think has hit a total one out this entire practice session so after an hour of recording i can say that we've came to the conclusion that the longest home run you're gonna get is out of the home run derby game mode so i guess at this point it's just really repetition to see if i can get one about 550 five six seats so so far it's 540. so if we can hit like 550 560 i'll be content not happy so i wanted to hit like an 800 foot shot but i guess it's just not really possible the last thing i can really think outside of just repetition and just hitting for forever until i hit one to dead center maybe at polo grounds is to potentially look at some of the created stadiums out there if i can even choose them so i can choose some of these created stadiums but like i want something that won't hit the ball like because we all know if you hit the ball into like the third deck of yankee stadium it still only says like 400 foot so some stadium some park that has just like open field that i can literally just hit the ball like 600 700 foot without anything like stopping it like a cornfield i mean i guess at the end of the day a blank canvas would be the best bet because there's literally nothing to stop the ball for the same time i feel like i've got to try the cornfield because nothing aside from corn will stop the ball all right so i think i'm gonna try here the cornfield and then try a home run derby at a blank stadium because logically that makes the most sense right i wish wish i could tell whether or not this was in colorado so the ball can travel further freaking david ortiz the field of dreams so say like how far is this gonna go like nothing's there to stop it it went 468 foot less height on it less height less height how far is that going to go 472 gosh dang so i'm assuming it's pr it's probably going to be coarse feel because it really has something to do with the game program that it's coors field you know and then the ball travels further there like i haven't even hit one 500 foot yet and that's freaking easy at coors field yeah so alfonso soriano can't even hit a 500 foot shot it is literally nothing stopping the ball it's just the ball's not carrying here at the cornfield all right so cornfield was a failure didn't even get one 500 foot shot i think blank canvas is going to be just like the cornfield but we'll try it we're trying everything possible here all for the content all right blank canvas field 467 it's going to be about the same huh it's got to be either coors field or polo grounds i think my dudes that's like our that's our only chance to get something insane can't say i haven't tried literally everything possible though like frank thomas is barely hitting the ball 400 and freaking okay that was 490 to be completely fair but i mean still i don't think we're gonna get a 500 foot shot here unless like can i go in and like like edit this stadium but is there a way it can make the location like colorado or something so it carries a little bit further like i wanted to be coarse field but like blank like a blank coarse field canvas there it is my dudes the altitude so what's the highest altitude we can put this at so if i actually went in here so no i don't want to keep my changes i want to see see this is where we get into the meat of things dude this is where things intrigue me so much so if instead of using the blank canvas as like the stadium where we kind of start things off at and i start like by editing coors field potentially i don't think you can but if we go here and what's like what's the highest altitude we can put 1 000 so i'm assuming 999 is the highest we can do like well let me put one more number no so i'm assuming 999 like that's the highest the freaking altitude can get here boys we're on to something we're freaking on to something make the stadium name dingers we're just gonna keep it the blank freaking canvas because that's what i want with 9999 foot of altitude oh man the altitude has to be under 5 280 feet come on now so i guess this right here is actually the max now coarse filled altitude is 5 200 feet so we're actually a little bit higher in terms of altitude than coors field so if a 600 600-foot home run is not possible at this stadium i don't know if it will ever be so i'm not really sure how we got to this point but i'm creating my stadium and we have a lot of cows a lot of living t-rexes and some uh some other dinosaurs like i said this isn't exactly what i expected the video to turn into but here we are there's no turning back now who's creating this baseball game and i was like hey in our baseball stadium creator let's give them the option to put extinct dinosaurs out in the outfield we have broncos sources too i gotta freaking change the name of this baseball field to jurassic freaking park i understand the cows and they're being potential form outside your park but dog why are there t-rexes i don't quite understand we finally got the stadium saved if we can't hit a freaking 600 foot shot here i don't know if it's freaking possible the highest possible elevation actually 78 foot more elevation than coors field now you might be asking rbt why are there random boulders kind of floating in the air why are there random tyrannosaurus rex's broncosi some cows uh because i thought the little thing that said 100 i thought you had to fill that up before you could save it hence why there's a bunch of boulders in the background i was trying to get that to 100 but the entire time i was just saving it wrong yes the goal is just to hit one of these t-rex's with the baseball same settings that we have used for everything up to this point literally everything in our favor except this time we're just playing at a ballpark with the highest elevation possible in prehistoric freaking dinosaurs now we'll say this is probably my final attempt because if we do not hit one here that's over 600 foot i just don't think it's possible come on alfonso how far is that gonna go that is going to go a total of 469 foot we can do better than that alfonso we can do better than that we fast forward 489 foot brother why are we or this is higher elevation than coors field okay that's going to be a four very far ball 495 foot so maybe coors field is the move that was 4.93 how far is that 387 532 okay okay okay finally doing something crazy here alfonso 534 i want to get i want to at least get to 550 that's the freaking goal 538 come on now alfonso it's like left center fields the sweet spot like that's always like where the ball goes to furthest that's going to be 505 foot i think if i can get one 550 i'll be content 550 and i'll be okay with the result today but i i'm not gonna settle for 540 or whatever the heck it is that we have right now but went back to confirm currently our longest home run in mlb the show 21 is 543 feet we've got to beat that and i'll be content we'll layer another 530 foot that's a record here for dingers park that's four foot off the coors field record that was mike smith who's testing out other batters right now jimmy fox just put that when the same amount of distance 539 foot i just wish bro i just freaking wish i could put make their power over the 100 mark over 99. imagine this was the actual jimmy fox with 117 power 544 foot with jim fox is 543 this man is a monster maybe he's the freaking glitch maybe he's the glitch 510 foot nobody hit him as consistently long as this psycho jim fox 544 foot is now the record for today's video we're trying to make it 550. so maybe we've we figured out even though he has 99 power like a few other guys it's still secretly a little bit higher because nobody's hit him as consistent as freaking jim that's gonna go far 494. jim fox now the record holder 544 foot let's make it 550. 5 41. oh we're getting on up there getting on up there jim all right boys we run it back we run it back i'm not happy with our answer at least gotta hit 550. 5 49. boys we're so close we are so freaking close to breaking that 550 mark we could just do it once boys if we can just freaking do it once that was high like it was super high pitched so maybe that's the meta maybe that is the freaking metal i like i'm so glad we broke it again but i'm so sad it's one foot shy of the 550 mark dudes i'm so sad i'm so sad i'm so sad 5 43. god dude we're getting so freaking close i actually got something else i want to try real quick i want to take away that big center field walks i wonder if i hit the dead center and didn't get stopped by that big freaking walk there if it actually could travel more than 549 feet because we're one foot away from 550. all right we go one final time at dinger park another home run derby done and that when the log was like 5 42 still engine towards that 550. it's gonna happen eventually that's the dead center so without the big thing there in center field that's gonna go 522 so it's about the same it really didn't make that big of a difference to straightaway center 5 32 that time come on jim come on jim 467 oh man maybe we do need to change the ball parks i'm not getting up out of this chair until we hit a 550 foot home run i'm not stopping one foot shy [Music] 550 feet jimmy fox holy crap took about 15 minutes to land but finally boys we get it done a 550 foot shot from jimmy fox i am so happy i don't think it's quite possible to get any further than that if you do please let me know
Channel: RBT
Views: 423,272
Rating: 4.8981895 out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 21, baseball, rbt, challenge, homer, home run, mlb the show 21 home run, mlb the show home run, longest home run, longest, long, longest mlb home runs, mlb, distance, hit, experiment, test, mlb home runs, all time, long mlb home runs, results
Id: zwYJC6GoHhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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