Can a 0 Speed Player Hit an Inside the Park Home Run in MLB The Show 21?

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today we see if it's possible to hit inside the park home run with a zero speed player we're gonna be using this guy because he's funny no speed so he fits the requirements and of course we're doing this challenge at polo grounds the biggest stadium in the entire game i guess to be fair i could create a stadium with the new stadium creator but i feel like that could be cheating i mean it makes sense we're gonna need a large stadium to be able to hit the ball in the gap all the way to the wall to have enough time for that zero speed freaking chunky player to make it all the way back to home plate now i am trying this in practice mode you guys said it'll be a lot easier just to do these challenges in practice mode instead of having to go in and try all my challenges and actual nine inning long games hold the phone why can't i play with them he doesn't even show up as a freaking option so this has got off to a great start oh my god that was way too hard this actually is probably gonna be the most difficult challenge i'm gonna attempt all year and hopefully be the practice mode actually makes it easier on me but we just gotta hit the ball in the gap and hopefully just get freaking lucky because with zero speed man he's just really not that fast that's what we need a ball hitting to the gap like that but we need to go all the way back to the wall but guys make sure to subscribe if you have one trying to hit a million subscribers by the end of the year and like 60 of you watching this video are not subscribed so just take that mill a second to click that button if you have it now with that said if we don't complete the challenge here let's take a quick listen to a word from today's sponsor i would like to give a massive shout out to current for sponsoring today's video current comes with a visa debit card that has no minimum balance no overdrafts and no hidden fees the black premium card gets you paid up to two days faster when you move your direct deposit to current so if you normally get paid on friday that means with current your paycheck hits on wednesday current gives you a real debit card without all the fees and requirements of old banks or sketchy prepaid cards you can get cash back at the register and deposit checks into your account using your camera and that's my favorite freaking feature sometimes i'm feeling lazy and don't want to go to the bank so with this i don't have to leave my house and can literally deposit my check using my camera and you should download current right now and you can do so by just simply clicking the link in the description box below once again literally just click the link in the description box below takes you two seconds willian's please we just need one hit the gap it's all gonna be all about repetition and hopefully i can complete this challenge and hopefully show that it's possible within the next 15 to 20 hours i really would like to get some freaking sleep tonight and that's that's definitely not gonna be an inside the parker i mean we're about to freaking get thrown out of first base i think we actually did get thrown out of first base there oh man i think i kind of underestimated how slow a zero speed player actually is like i'm probably gonna have to sit here and literally do this for hours unless hopefully somebody in the outfield can trip and freaking fall and allow for some time for me to run around the bases with this big old zero overall player this is not gonna be an easy task this isn't gonna happen quickly just need something hitting the gap that could be the one get down roll the wall roll to the wall keep on running one faster we've got to be faster than that this all right so this is gonna be this is gonna be difficult because that ball went all the way to the freaking fence and uh we didn't even round third base yet at least we did make it to third base almost at least that's progress but after seeing that result i don't know how this is going to end up being physically possible so i guess at this point please say a prayer for me i'm thinking if i can kind of hit the ball to where the guys are in the bullpen more of a line drive maybe just maybe there can be a shot because i guess that wasn't the deepest part of the ballpark in terms of how far the center fielder right for leftover needs to run which will allow for me to have more time to run around the bases which clearly i'm going to need so i definitely think it's going to take a lighter to where the guys are in the bullpen okay that's exactly what i was asking for hold the phone for a second brother if we can't score here it's just not gonna be possible we're gonna have to get lucky here we're gonna have to get lucky oh my god so i know that doesn't seem like that was close but knowing that only took me 15 minutes to get to that point to where we're literally about 10 steps away i feel like this could actually in some freak incident be possible i mean that was so close we just need one hitting the gap exactly to where we just hit it to or to the other side of the field in the same exact spot in that same exact dimensional area this could be possible we could actually score an inside the park home run with a zero speed player now if that could get past the center fielder's head that could be a little trouble but yeah bro we hadn't even rounded first base at that point what do i mean not gonna lie it's been like another five minutes and we legit have not had one good opportunity how do you think in the last five minutes we've rounded first base yet well then we've made it to first base in the last five minutes you know what might actually need to go up against a team that has slower outfitters than the race maybe that would have been a smart freaking thing to take into account the diamondbacks have a guy with 43 speed in center field the other guys aren't fast either david peralta 50 speed at right field josh rojos who really isn't gonna play a part because we're hitting the ball left center field so these two guys are extremely slow their feelings pretty bad their arm is pretty bad as well dave peralta his building's okay but his arm is bad so i think i might actually have a shot with these guys being outfielders at the race who do the rays even have yes see dude 81 speed decent fielding right field 73 speed kevin kiermeier oh yeah one of the best defensive center fielders in the entirety of baseball dude 91 speed 99 reaction 99 building yeah all right hopefully this will make it a little bit easier and that one could go pretty far although that 40-something speed is still fast enough to catch up with that one more line drives william i want to actually put this on directional could be easier for me to actually hit the ball where i want to hit that it makes sense you know because it's directional okay that is the move that's gonna be the move from now on although i think he's gonna catch up to it that is more like it if you're awake and get the outfitters to play in i can't get anything past them right now it's been like freaking 10 minutes since the last time we really had a shot to even round first base i'm actually gonna try messing with some things i'm gonna put like the bases loaded to see if that messes with the outfield's alignment at all to see that allows for more balls hitting the gap and actually balls be able to freaking hit the ground and roll to the wall potentially just trying everything at this point all right maybe that could get over his head okay so what like how did he know to play that bounce so perfectly i guess i can kind of keep running and see if anything crazy happens here like but realistically here what's that's gonna happen did that get over his head though bro i swear they catch everything maybe that one could actually get down just kidding bro i swear like the challenge now is can i get a hit [Music] what about this one is that one going to get down bro i felt like that was going 700 foot [Music] maybe just maybe maybe just maybe maybe just maybe one one the bass is fast run the bass is very fast so once again i don't quite think we're even gonna make it to third base much less this being a home run he missed the tag he missed the tag bro it's been like another 15 minutes since i've hit the last ball in the gap so like i'm telling you this challenge was a lot harder than what i thought it was gonna be now this is gonna get past him this is all the way in the corner we are just now rounding third i mean second now we're rounding the one one fast one fast one fast oh i'm so upset bro that actually had somewhat of a shot like i for one second for the first time in this video i thought oh heck we might have just completed the challenge i mean the ball could be hit 457 foot and still be caught in this stadium we need somebody with crippling arthritis and both knees out in the outfield okay this might be our best shot in the past like 15 minutes this is bouncing off the wall we are now rounding second base i i don't quite think we have what it takes here we're just now rounding third we're just now rounding third now we'll say i think it's getting a little bit closer and a little bit closer my dudes like this we were still like not even halfway down the third baseline you know when the catcher got the ball but all it takes is one little errant throw from the cut-off man from the left fielder and we have ourselves an inside the park home run it's just gonna take repetition and a little bit of luck and hopefully that luck comes fast so i can actually go to bed at a decent time tonight [Music] okay once again this one's hit perfectly in the gap this might be our best shot yet although although i think once again we're gonna be a bad throw there's always a great throw it's always a very great throw now is that gonna get down in the gap i have not hit the ball this way yet hold the phone for a second my dudes hold the phone actually hold the phone this time this might be our best bet yet and we were still so freaking out i'm actually so sad i thought for a second that really was gonna be the one but it wasn't that's off the wall again i mean we always get a little lucky with the bad throw but like more than likely that's not gonna happen it didn't happen totally not sure if i told you guys or not but i did change his contact and his power rating up to 99 just so he had more power so he actually hit the ball in the gap like if that makes you mad like i don't know dude bite me for once like that's what we need bro i feel like this has been the longest recording session i've ever had for a challenge and it's only been an hour and 45 minutes maybe this one could roll maybe this one could roll we're about to round second base [Music] where's the cutoff man where's the cough man hold the phone oh i thought that was the one bro bro where did the picture come from did he just bash in dude like a freaking flash he was nowhere bro i thought i thought for sure that was it like they missed the cutoff man the catcher like right away from home plate i thought for sure we were sneaking that one in and now i'm just so sad i'm so sad this one once again i mean this one could get down it's still rolling i don't think it yeah it didn't roll far enough i think we're screwed yeah i'm just gonna keep running and maybe somehow we make the catcher missed attacker this is an errant throw imagine he misses the ball there and i get safe and i would have been so happy please please get past him it's not i i've been sat there for like 15 minutes without talking and i felt like i just won the world series [Music] please bro i'm begging you get past that man it got past that man now keep going keep going we need some errant throws yeah bro like the short stops already got the ball threw the ball in get past them i wanna puke bro i want to puke there's just no way that just happened there's no way that just happened there's no way and i mean there's no way i mean there's no way all that just happened for me to get tagged out half a freaking mandingo from home plate that's just not real i am so upset i wanna cry i really am shedding tears i'm shedding tears bro i thought we were actually so done man i really thought i saw the light at the end of the tunnel maybe we can do it again though that was hit pretty hard is that gonna be a home run hopefully not that was a home run hold on is that gonna get down that got down oh okay okay hold on if we can get a bad throw here bro i've never been so happy oh man that took an hour 55 minutes and i swear to you i went through the time portal from dragon ball z because that was not only an hour and whatever minutes that was that was at least 15 hours have you downloaded current yet it literally takes you like two seconds just click the link in the description box below go do it go do it right now
Channel: RBT
Views: 456,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show 21, mlb challenge, mlb the show, challenge, rbt, speed, fast, home run, mlb home runs, highlights, inside the park, inside the park home runs, HR, homer, mlb inside the park home runs, the show, the show 21, game, gameplay, experiment, player, ratings, funny
Id: hpk_PygOMTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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