What Happens If Every Player Gets Ejected in MLB The Show 21?

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today we see what happens if every single pitcher on your team gets ejected in a game of it will be the show 21. does the position player come into pitch and if that's the case what happens when all the position players get ejected and i mean getting ejected from hitting every single batter the pitcher faces because thank god and it will be the show 21 you have objections you can turn them on and now it's time to get into hitting some freaking batters and i also do want to turn on injuries just because if i'm hitting every single batter possible i want to see if i can hurt anybody i mean where's the fun if i'm not hurting people i guess it really doesn't matter like who i play with right so let's just randomize like who really cares mets and cardinals i just went to watch the mets in atlanta actually because my buddies are really big mets fans so i don't mind using the mets today was a fun atmosphere like what actually happens bro like do we have to forfeit like that's what i want to find out today i love some science i mean marcus strobin's gonna be the first pitcher to get ejected in this game because we're gonna hit every single battery yeah tommy dylan paul get ready but i want you guys to let me know in the comment section below what your prediction is here like is nothing gonna happen is it gonna eject so many players and then when it gets down to like not have enough players to play the game they just no longer get ejected can you like keep hitting a batter over and over and over again if you're down to the last potential player to be ejected and is the game just never into that point you can just keep hitting batters that's what we're gonna find out today so excited i love these experiments man like we never know what's gonna happen so the end result could be an absolute stinker but the video is all about the process i completely forgot i was out on the field first so let's see if we can access for some runs actually we did but since we're literally gonna be hitting everybody i guess we're not gonna keep this lead for long all right first batter hopefully can hit him right in the temple [Music] oh nice little duck job all right hopefully that doesn't like continuously happen because i don't want them getting out of the way there we go hit tom right in the buttocks we hit him on back to back pitches will they be ejected i think it's probably going to take like what like three hit batters a piece to actually get ejected this might actually take me a hot minute what do you mean we only hit one batter so if that's the case it actually might not take long so first pitcher has been ejected let's bring in another star let's get to the starters first let's go with taijon walker next not even warming them up just going right back to hitting back to back to back batters cause they're not gonna keep this lead for long is he gonna get ejected already come on take him out come on fight bike the pitcher fight us but it took one pitch that time and he got ejected once again straight in the game no warming up i want to see somebody charge the mound dude this has been way too friendly for my liking brother this umpire is having none of it we didn't even hit the man oh it was just a little bit inside all right now joey luchesi the next man who's gonna inevitably be ejected next freaking pitch he doesn't even have a fastball what do you mean we actually didn't get ejected this time just come out and fight me already brother well we have one more final starter sean read foley to come in and get ejected and then it's on to the bullpen we still have a lead at this point i know my camera's kind of you know in the way but like who really cares you know we haven't seen anybody get injured yet that's another player ejected i want to see him get injured i want to see him hit the ground all right top to bottom i guess robert selman who puts a random freaking silent g at the beginning of their last names like once again where do last names even come from who one day said hey i want my last name to be geselman come on let me hit the man robert's still in robert's still in for another pitch right off the shoulder come on matt carpenter come fight me come fight me i'm tired of the same cutscene warning ah now he's out at least that's the first time we've actually seen the umpire tossing this out that's the first time we've seen that animation little cut scene come on fight next on to aaron luke aaron just looks to be so happy he's so happy to be a human being all right aaron enjoy the spotlight paul de jong's hit and there's your one pitch hold the phone hold the phone he didn't eject me yada yada molina okay there he is where's the logic though he sometimes injects pictures for just one way too far inside and not even hitting the batter it takes two hit bets man for aaron to get ejected from the game now tommy's turn i'm just actually so excited though man to see what happens there's once again there's another pitch tommy's out yuri's familia time for you to hit somebody the 95 mile per hour fastball actually can get up to 100 so can we hit somebody in the helmet please man it's barely off the freaking shoulder bro i just want to see what happens i'm actually so excited i hope it's not a stinker i hope like it doesn't do like something madden would do and you it just like nothing ever happened it's like the final picture and then it just never ejects them hope something actually interesting happens i want to see us actually have to forfeit so we have three pictures left trevor may miguel castro and edwin diaz are the only three pitchers left and i'm assuming it'll probably make us put position players in but what happens after that i'm still shocked we haven't seen one player injured yet another rejection miguel castro i know this guy throws the ball freaking fast so putting him in the game fastball a sinker gets up to 100 mile per hour hit him right in the freaking face another batter hitting the ground he does not look happy charge the mound charge them out didn't even eject miguel castro bro all right now got to eject them now come on charge them out still has not been ejected yet what do you mean still no objections holy crap is this where it ends it's he's got to be taken out god could be thrown out putting the players lives in danger take him out off take him out throw him out yeah that's what i'm talking about why'd that take three hit batters i don't get this umpire's logic not consistent so here we are final pitcher edwin diaz now this is where things get interesting if he actually gets thrown out even though he's the last pitcher in the bullpen if he gets thrown out by the umpire for hitting too many batters that's where things get interesting who comes in next uh hopefully this isn't a stinker bro that almost hit nolan aronado riding the freaking helmet throw him out charge the mound nola so that one didn't get him ejected the last picture it took him what three hits batters to get freaking ejected for the umpire to finally pull the freaking strings on him all right there's two batters all right give us the animation come on now come on charge them out all right so it's third time the charm once again i feel bad hitting yatty air molina almost right in the chin come on charge it yada ya i know you got the full sack to do so okay so this is the furthest we've gotten without actually having anybody get ejected this is the fourth hit batter in a row and still has not been ejected gonna keep on hitting batters like back to back to back and i think is this the point where it stops like ejecting the pitcher like obviously the cardinals are in danger like umpire what are you doing bro how many guys have got to get injured all right so we're at this point where the pitcher's not getting ejected so i do have something that i want to try and attempt here i'm gonna try to hit one more batter and see if by chance it's 16-1 now come on can somebody charge them out he looks like he is every time i'm like just sitting here hoping and praying for the video sake there's some sort of like magic cut scene that's very rare that the batter actually does charge them but it doesn't look like it now what i do want to do is i want to go ahead and sim until it's the pitcher's spot in the lineup so edwin diaz is up now so what if we go in and actually substitute a position player for him now at this point we have five guys on the bench we'll go with kevin pillar who actually ironically was actually hit with the pitch in the face he's not a laughing matter at all it is because he's okay now but this ironic that he's the one being used now i just wanted to do that so the picture was taken out the game so we're gonna fast forward to the next batter he actually scored a run so that's solid now bottom of the inning it's kevin pillar in now what does he have that reset and once kevin pillar is like hopefully ejected who comes in another position player or will kevin plourde never actually get ejected from the ball game come on it will be this show man this is enticing violence bro i mean this guy's hit three consecutive batters and you're keeping them in the ball game have got to pull them out come on now so it says there's no pictures left in the bullpen so you can't put a position player in the bullpen i was kind of hoping that would be the case now what i want to try now is i want to get back to where we're hitting and i want to get rid of our bench players so i want to go ahead and substitute pinch hit here for michael conforto just get rid of everybody on the bench jonathan velard going to go ahead and bring him in just wasting spots just trying every single scientific hypothesis that i got in this freaking brain right now for jd davis once again going to substitute him bringing jose peraza to play third base once again next batter nice substitution made a great call because he did hit a double but we are still down 2-24 another substitution here dominic smith coming out for albert amura junior and last but not least gonna once again fast forward the next at-bat and we're going to bring in our final player off the bench for james mccann and it's actually ironic because it is a catcher thomas nida who hit a freaking go-ahead home run at the actual game i was at in the ninth inning so that was actually pretty neat and see what happens kevin floor the pitcher if we come in and what happens if we try to make a substitution print there are no more players on the bench so there's no more players on the bench there's no more players in the bullpen so the last thing we have to do is go back to pitching and just hit like 10 15 batters in a row and see if we ever get ejected now if we don't get ejected after hitting like 10 batters in a row i think at that point we can just assume it's a stinker and literally it just won't allow for your last player to get ejected so if that's the case we've had an absolute stink here but hey sometimes that's what happens in experiments well manager unfortunately there's nobody else i can bring in i won't let me bring it to anybody else so it says jonathan velar is playing out of position at right field you may want to replace him but it automatically brings me to there are no more players on the bench i think we're at the point where there's absolutely freaking break in the game i think that's that's what's going on right now because he is not getting ejected i genuinely thought going into this i i kind of thought i knew what was gonna happen i thought for sure it was gonna forfeit i thought for sure once there was no longer enough players to freaking field nine on the field i was gonna make this forfeit but it just looks like the game is gonna go down the path of being lazy and just letting me continue to plunk players in the face over and over and over again until i get tired of it so that's an absolute stinker
Channel: RBT
Views: 422,603
Rating: 4.8941264 out of 5
Keywords: mlb, the show 21, mlb the show, mlb the show 21, the show, rbt, challenge, baseball, player, pitcher, ejection, mlb ejections, baseball ejections, game, gameplay, mlb the show challenge, experiment, test, results
Id: DakQjIlQ_o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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