THE BIGGEST STADIUM EVER CREATED! MLB The Show 21 | Road To The Show Gameplay #37

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all right what up people welcome back to the channel i'll be right back into some more of the show we got a really fun one today okay by the title of the video you guys know that i am going to see if i can hit a home run at the largest field ever okay this field is 500 feet all the way around okay so if we had a 500 foot home run it's going to go over the fence if we don't it's not going i could hit a ball 499 feet which is a very long home run and it's not going to go over the fence yeah this is going to be really fun and yeah i built the stadium it took me about five minutes and i think it looks pretty legit let me show you really quick what we got here a lot of fans okay there are a lot of fans here at this stadium and uh they are all here to see the goat perform and try to hit a home run there's actually some empty seats over here i don't know what's going on right there but uh yeah the stadium is absolutely massive i know it doesn't really look that long but look how far it is like look at where the outfielder's playing this is like probably like three 300 feet maybe like 330 where he's playing and look how much farther we have to hit it like that is an absolute shot so we're gonna see if we can do it um there's actually something wrong with the fence here i don't know what happened right here i don't know yeah you guys gotta let me know what you think about this field it literally took me five minutes so yeah i think it looks pretty dope yeah let's let's start playing here see what happens oh yeah i gotta change this hang on okay here we go we're seeing if i can hit a 500 foot home run that is going to be absolutely insane we can only do power swings okay that was perfect could you imagine the first hit goes over the fence go oh my god we fell a little bit short that's gonna be is this gonna be an inside the park home run go mighty maybe it's gonna be close come on safe inside the park home run challenge complete let's go dude are you kidding me oh my god oh yeah i gotta say i did turn the difficulty down to uh to beginner or whatever the the lowest one is um because dude i only want fastballs down the middle okay this is gonna be hard enough um hitting a home run here so i had to make it as easy as possible and no i'm not gonna do this every single episode this is probably going to be a one episode thing so all you guys hating on me for playing on rookie or whatever give me a break okay but let's go marty we need to hit this over the fence like dude we hit that ball so far and it didn't even go over like it's gonna be pretty tough like i don't know if i can hit a ball better than that maybe we have to pull it maybe i don't know dude is this guy seriously not gonna give me one strike bro can we please get a strike right here please it's hard enough just make it a little easier for me bro just throw it down the middle oh smoked it go ah about the same distance this is gonna be another inside the park home run i'm pretty sure dude we are hitting these balls so far and they're not going over the fence wait we're gonna be out no we're not two inside the park home runs in a row oh my god dude it's amazing this field is amazing that counts as a home run too by the way if you guys aren't if you guys are like new to baseball you know you're not the biggest baseball fans and inside the park home run is where you literally score on the hit so it's a home run but you don't hit it over the fence you know what i'm saying i'm sure most of you guys already knew that but maybe there's someone out there that didn't know so uh yeah that's what an inside the park home run is but yeah dude this is pretty crazy um when i built this field i didn't really think we would have inside the park home runs i don't know why i didn't think of that but this is kind of crazy dude like we are actually playing very good right now but i just don't know if it's possible to hit a 500 foot home run i mean my power's at like 89 or something like that maybe maybe if we had like 130 power or something like that we would be able to hit it 500 feet but dude i think it's gonna be pretty tough um i mean like i said my guy's only like a 70 overall if he was like in the 90s then maybe he could have 500 foot home run but i don't know bro it's gonna be really tough it is gonna be very very tough we're gonna try it out you know i mean you never know that was horrible that was absolutely trash i'm being pretty aggressive right now for obvious reasons i mean dude if i actually managed to hit one 500 feet here like i don't know if i'll ever play again like i really don't like why would i play again if i just did the impossible and hit a home run on a 500 foot fence like you know what i'm saying like maybe thinking about it i should have lowered the fence all the way just in case we hit one deep so it doesn't hit off the wall could you imagine dude we hit a 500 foot shot and it hits the wall oh i would be so bad that would be horrible oh this is about to be an inside the park home run yeah this is definitely an inside to park home run maybe we could throw him out of four no he's definitely safe let her rip mighty yep good hit good hit yeah that's a double cut right there on a ball to left field okay five to five game this is pretty insane i'm not gonna lie if we actually lose i'm gonna be very sad and uh yeah i still haven't decided if we're going to leave the rangers or not like that's a tough decision bro because if i want to leave the rangers i have to simulate like two or three seasons and that's a large part of mightygo jr of mightygo the third's career i mean honestly doing that is going to rank us up quite a bit by just simulating so maybe we can do it i don't know i i still haven't decided yet but uh yeah my let's hit a home run dude okay please 36 000 people here watching the goat dude that's pretty insane and i'm sure that's like half capacity with how many seats there are we go left field he's got a lot of oppo power but that one's not gonna go yeah that one's not even close look at where that ball is going dude oh my god that's gonna be another one another inside the parkour run i believe are we gonna stand up on this one don't even slide my let's go run run right to it let's go baby okay we're close we're getting close i really think we have to pull it here like we can't hit it out to center field to left field we really got to pull it so i got to swing a little bit earlier than what i've been doing let's go fastball up here curveball low why are you throwing curveballs bro okay you're winning oh wait this is the bottom of the ninth oh my god can we get a walk off inside the park home run no foul ball okay thank god get another chance come on give me that fastball up bro you know you want to give me that fastball up no he's afraid and ah missed it come on bro throw it up throw it up let's go let's go oh my god why did i swing wait that's gonna get by him keep rolling keep going keep rolling to the wall i don't know if we can get it inside the parker on this one frick dude we're going to stop at third oh my god this is crazy can we win come on texas get the job done please no oh i hate this team oh i hate this team so much this team makes me sick oh my god oh good play by the pitcher okay texas can we please win literally all you got to do is head over their head and it's pretty much a home run okay top of the 11 still haven't won this team dude i can't i can't i think i got to go to a different team i really do bro this team makes me so sad inside i just want to play for a team that isn't absolutely terrible oh my god make the play mighty oop completely missed it and he's safe at two okay well we're down by one now still the 11th inning they're probably going to score more to be honest with you and i don't know if we're going to be able to hit the bottom of the 11th i hope so but i don't know dude i don't know i don't know stop asking me we actually win oh my god it's a miracle what just happened how did we win who did it and why i went four five with three ohm runs all inside the park home runs we win ten to nine wow okay well i was not expecting that we're gonna hop into the next game and hopefully pull a home run that would be insane let's go and yeah i just turned off fielding opportunities because all we're really focused on right now is trying to hit a home run at this stadium okay so i turned them off it should give us more at-bats i would think so hopefully uh hopefully that helps us dude i'm telling you bro if we run into one and we actually pull it i really think we're gonna be able to hit it 500 feet but dude grounding out the third base not gonna go 500 feet mighty i know you might think hey if i hit the ball to third baseman it's gonna go 500 feet no dude that's not ever going to happen okay anyone that had that thought in their mind you need to go back to school because why would that make any sense good take fastball up okay come on give me this one right here throw it up we got to pull it come on give me something right around here oh a little fastball blown away this guy's afraid throw it up bro let's go no he's still terrified of the goat oh dude if we would have waited a little bit longer we could have destroyed it but i swung way too early on i mean at least we're pulling it that's gonna be a triple that's easily a triple i think maybe not be safe let's go okay well i mean at least we're boosting our uh our triples and our inside the park home runs where's the wind blowing the oh hang on dude i kind of forgot that the wind could help us we got to pull this thing good take mighty come on bro throw it right here give me that fastball up please i was just everyone wants to see it ah that wasn't even up dude are you kidding me dude the game says it's going up in the zone and he throws it down the middle i just got lied to bro fastball way away hang on dude hang on a second and i just realized the hitting settings where i change it to beginner didn't even save [Applause] so now it's on beginner we're gonna hit a home run i know it okay we're gonna only pretty much get fastballs down the middle so that's good that's gonna help us out a lot i'm kind of sad though that i didn't realize they saved so that first game dude literally uh oh my god dude i thought we just had a no doubt shot how he stood there for a second i really thought we just hit a no doubter but uh yeah i'm kind of sad bro we missed out on a few opportunities but those two like perfect perfect hits we had we're on a pretty solid difficulty so that's good i wonder how far the ball would have went though if we were on actually beginner god dang it whatever that's fine plenty of bad bats left oh crushed it oh my god fell short we didn't hit it high enough god dang it dude this is tough this is really tough i challenge you guys now i would tell you to go play at this stadium but you can't find it like you'd have to go through so many stadiums to find it but dude i challenge you guys to build a 500 foot stadium and try it and let me know if you can actually do it um i'm sure some of you guys if you're wrote of the show players ranked higher than mine it won't be too hard but my guy's only like i don't even what is he like is 76 no 60 what is he a 67 i don't even know what he is hang on a second what rating am i 69 uh yeah my power is 89 and 83. so yeah i'm sure someone out there has like 99 power and can actually hit a home run that far but let's go hop into the next game we're still going for this 500 foot shot okay let's go yes we have a uh a three game series here against kansas city but you know what's stupid is they sat me the first two games i have 47 inside the park home runs this episode and you're gonna send me the first two games against kansas city why what's the point it doesn't make any sense to me why am i still getting sat i don't know i went off this team so bad i want to play for a team that actually respects the goat and uh doesn't sit me literally every single time but yeah that was a routine fly ball even though we probably hit that ball 390 feet so yeah i really just want to hit a home run here just to prove the haters wrong the amount of hate people are giving me oh wait hang on hang on oh my god how was that a ground ball dude we guessed the spot and it makes us hit on top of the ball oh my god but anyways this is to prove all the haters wrong okay the amount of hate i have gotten for playing on that home run field where i made it super small super high elevation bro they are hating on me like crazy they're like bro you're an absolute terrible baseball player first off this is a video game okay meet me out of field i'll beat you in a home run derby okay but uh yeah the amount of hate i've gotten is insane so i want to hit home right here really bad and he threw a slider up in the zone that could have been the one just to prove them all wrong could you what are they gonna say if i hit a home run on a 500-foot stadium they're gonna have absolutely nothing to say they're gonna say yeah well it's uh the walls aren't 12 feet high i'm like dude literally shut up but this might be inside the park home run here no one was running so oh he's still going for it let's go be safe let's go another rbi for the goat but still we're not hitting him over the fence so i'm still a little sad we gotta run into one we've got to okay i don't know what happened how the first game i hit two perfect perfects and uh after that we haven't done anything oh wait hang on oh my god smoked a foul i mean it wouldn't have even been fair like dude i don't know why they keep uh making me get on top of the ball like dude throw it up in the zone please come on nope ah hit it pretty good that's probably a home run on any other field but here it's going to be a 15 bouncer to the wall dude literally this is i mean it is kind of fun to play here like someone in the mlb should just make the stadium like in real life just to troll people like dude do you know how crazy it would be to see like i don't know like if joey gallow somehow can hit a home run there dude that would be insane yeah we uh we go three for four with a home run and a triple we're gonna go play another game here i don't know who we're playing of course we get sat literally the first two games so yeah one second let's go play another home game here hang on yep now we're playing the houston astros and the same kind of thing happened it's a three-game series they sent me the first two why like literally why i am so i'm batting 488 this year why am i sitting so much i don't get it it makes no sense as we hit an absolute missile to the short stop dude this is i think i really think the rangers are literally wanting me to get traded i think they heard me say like uh hey i'm leaving the team wait this is a sinker hang on oh my god line drive up the middle dude i can't guess pitch i'm telling you every single time i do it's a guaranteed line drive i never get under it but um yeah dude it doesn't make any sense i really feel like they heard me talking bad about them and they said you know what we're gonna go ahead and play you like one game as we murder it go oh my god dude we fell about three feet short dude oh my god that hurts that one hurts a lot i don't know if it's possible yeah that one's that one's hit high but not far enough at all dude i cannot believe we almost just hit that home run right there we were so freaking close ah that hurts boys that one hurts i'm not going to lie i want to i want to throw up we were literally so close but so far away play next game do we actually get to play another game or is it going to stay simulating and yeah of course god i hate this team okay now we're playing seattle and the wind is blowing out eight miles an hour to center field if we had that wind last game when i ran into the one it ran into that one and hit it to center field we might have actually hit a 500 foot home run so we got to make sure we hit it the exact same way we just did last game right now and i'm telling you we will hit a 500 foot home run that would be absolutely insane mighty come on bro oh way late dude he threw a 91 mile an hour fastball up in the zone and i was late on it you can't be doing that bro oh my god mighty come on please that's not going to do it that's not going to do it i got way too under it i mean the timing was pretty good the contact not so much but uh whoa dude the guy on first base just completely pushed the first baseman did you see that oh that was crazy okay come on we gotta destroy it mighty sit back on it and murder it ah no perfect perfect right to him that one hurts very very much dude an absolute rocket right to him dude how many line drives have we had this game for this episode 70 god dang i i just don't think it's possible i don't think it's possible this is gonna be the final game this is the final attempt here boys and girls if we do it amazing if we don't better luck next time you guys got to let me know if you want me to keep playing here though okay let me know in the comment section below that ball was thrown so slow 83 miles an hour dude oh my god why can't we be batting right handed though the wind is blowing nine to left field ah yeah it's definitely not gonna happen this game i don't think that's actually hit really good jesus dude that thing bounced over the fence too dude i hid that so bad and it still went that far oh my god that's crazy okay like mighty can you just go back right-handed right now please you have you'll have a much better chance ah that was not going to go maybe if the wind was blowing to left side or to right center field that could have went but unfortunately we hit that like against the wind but that is going to be an inside the parco run so i will definitely be taking that let's go baby let's go baby get out of the way catcher all right no way you're getting me out but uh yeah it's not looking good mighty bat right handed oh my god i need i need the mariners to bring in a left-handed pitcher oh that was terrible good curveball though good god i think it was perfect spot be i'm sorry to think is it possible until uh at time a little higher ranked wait wait go go oh my god what a play dude oh my god that's the greatest play of all time look how far that center fielder just ran for that ball dude oh my god look at this catch dead sprint the entire way oh my god what a catch dude i was a foot short from being from that being a home run oh my god that play though incredible my god okay wow i am honestly blown away what a catch dude that was insane that was absolutely insane yeah that one's not gonna go that's a good hit though that might bounce over nope off the wall dude these these doubles triples inside the parkour rods are cool but dude it really just sucks that we cannot hit one over the fence dude like i don't like giving up but we literally have hit perfect fly balls and uh none of them have one over the fence i mean that last one where like center fielder made the play that's really about as good as i can hit a ball and uh we were still about a foot short so yeah i don't know i don't know you guys got to let me know again if you want me to keep playing here and i definitely will i'm also going to try to figure out if i want to play for the rangers anymore i'm really up in the air dude do i want to simulate all that time to uh to get on a new team or what i don't know i don't know i mean a lot of you guys last video said you wanted me to get off the rangers i do too because they suck we're not going to win a world series and i really want to win a world series so yeah i'm going to try to figure it out see what i want to do but if you enjoyed this video smash that like button again let me know in the comment section below if you want me to keep playing on that stadium or not let me know but i'll see in the next one peace
Channel: Mighty Goat
Views: 1,069,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 21, mlb 21, mlb 21 the show, mlb the show 21 road to the show, mlb 21 road to the show, road to the show, road to the show mlb the show 21, road to the show mlb 21, mlb 21 road to the show gameplay, new mlb the show, new mlb the show 21 gameplay, mighty goat, mightygoat, mlb, rtts, mlb 21 rtts, road to the show series
Id: nhajtwphwXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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