What's The Darkest Secret You Revealed About Your Own Family?

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once you were old enough what were the dark family secrets you were finally let in on got a facebook message from one guy asking if i was related to my dad since it's not a common last name i thought he was a fan of his work because i was in college at the time and the guy was about the same age as me and that's how i found out my dad slept around and that i had a half brother the same age as me my paternal grandfather was an alcoholic wife abuser who regularly cheated on grandma when my father was a teenager he stood up to him and threatened to kill him if he ever touched her again the abuse stopped when i was around 3-4 my aunt and her three sons came and lived with us for a few weeks one night my mom stayed up and i found her downstairs sitting in a chair looking out the window one day my aunt and the boys moved and never came back turns out she was going through a nasty divorce she had the boys at the house with her while she was packing things one day and her husband came home he locked the boys in a room stabbed her and then shot himself my mom had been staying up with a gun that night because she had seen him in our backyard earlier that night i was told that my mother's older brother had died in an accident he was intoxicated and got run over by a train a whole bunch of unfortunate circumstances etc my grandmother often mentioned it with sadness because she considered him a brilliant boy very handy and had a hopeful career in arts he was a teenager when he died however every time this story came up my mother's face hardened and she never spoke about it herself i could kind of sense that there was something left unsaid but i was a kid so i didn't really question the story my mom finally confided in me about a year ago that she was s sorely abused by her brother and that it was not an accident but a suicide my grandmother has no idea cousin of mine's dad blew his own head off in the horse stool next to him while they were cleaning them i was told about that at around 15 because i was going to spend some time with them and was told not to mention their father not very much a secret but took me until i was older to understand what was happening my mom would sometimes have us play a game called army which consisted of me my mom and my siblings are me crawling around our apartment kind of a hide-and-seek style game she would yell hit the deck randomly and we would all drop and find a hiding spot we would giggle and giggle while my mom army crawled around looking for us we loved the game so much i realized a few years ago while retelling the story that we lived in a really terrible neighborhood and she would yell it out when she heard gunshots outside the building i'm assuming she was worried about stray bullets edit i shared everyone's amazing comments with my mom and she shed a tear she feels very appreciated on international women's day today your mom is a ducking gee my grandmother tried to murder my grandfather when she got sick of him beating the shti out of her everyday she swung an axe at him and he blocked it with his hand and lost his thumb she left him before i was born my grandpa was alcohol addicted and the biggest [ __ ] he was a terrible father and husband he beat my mom and my two uncles and my grandma had them terrified every time he came home from drinking somewhere had them hiding four hours under their bed until he finally passed out my grandma had cancer and almost died when she was like 40. my mom had to take care of her all by herself and she visited her in the hospital that was like an hour away all she ever heard from her dad aka my grandpa was that he hopes that the btch just finally died my mom was 17 at that time and also had to accomplish your apprenticeship at the same time most of the people in the city we live knew who my grandpa was because he had some job that was somewhat important idk everyone always just recognized by my last name that he has to be my grandpa and they all always talked about how much they liked him and how happy i have to be to have a grandpa like him and blah blah my grandfather got out of serving in vietnam by robbing pharmacies and going to jail for years bro mine got out of it by telling the navy that he could type so he remained stateside and typed reports or something for his unit he said he was one hell of a two-fingered typist when i was about 10 my cousin and his dad died i always thought it was an accident and on the same day when i was old enough i was told that his dad actually committed suicide and my cousin followed him couple months later truly devastated me although i didn't know them well edit thank you for the warm words and also for sharing your similar stories with me i've read all the replies my grief is still there because i understand that with professional help both would maybe still be here today it just wasn't common to seek help back then i hope all of you are well my grandfather's brother left the family business after a few to sell tractor parts to africa when i was an adult i was told these were semi-automatic tractor parts grandma had 13 siblings of those seven women are still alive once a year they have a sister day where they all accept one are going somewhere to have fun they've been doing this since they were teens all but one sister who has been lied to her whole life about sister day because she thinks it doesn't exist this is supposed to have been started when that one sister borrowed something and didn't give it back or something trivial like that we are all reminded whenever we all get together pre-pandemic that we're not to talk about this because it will hurt that sister still can't wrap my head around how backstabbing the cheese and family members of mine are because this is just stupid grandpa died while snorting coke and getting head in his corvette my father cheated on my mum with my sister and is horse riding instructor we'd always thought it ended amicably we only found this out while mum was admitting to having contemplated driving off the road with us in the car as kids as opposed to raising us as a single mom with no career or stable job edit oh man i totally read this wrong at first and thought there was some horrible incestuous abuse going on either way sht i'm so sorry that my cousin was actually my half-brother mum got pregnant in college and my aunt and uncle adopted him and that my dad wasn't my biological father mum and dad got divorced she got pregnant by another man and my dad wasn't able to have kids of his own so they got remarried and he raised me as his own my uncle is believed to have murdered two australian police officers in the late 80s not so much let in on as we found out by accident but apparently my dad's first love and him got into a serious car crash when he was 25 and she died he lived with her father for years after her death he still occasionally comes to visit my dad even 30 years later we were always told he was a mentor until my sister pressed my mom on the subject one of my sisters is even named after the girl that died middle name and we never even knew about her until last year none of us have ever brought it up with him my friend was engaged to his first love in their early 20s when she passed from cancer 10 years later he got married to an amazing woman who honored his late fiance in their wedding ceremony not a dry eye in the place my father always tells me as a joke that it's my fault my mom and him are married i'm the second son but through the years from drunk conversations and several sources i've pieced the story together my parents separated before they knew my mother was pregnant and only came back together after i was born my grandma retired and she still decided to work for her brother in his restaurant to save up money for when she dies funerals are obviously expensive she insisted he would hold on to her paychecks and pay for her funeral when she dies he never did my mom had a brother who died in childhood maybe nine or ten i always thought he drank cleaning chemicals and died that way but turns out he was hit by a school bus while riding his bike now i know why my mom was so anxious about me biking on the road my grandmother's first husband was extremely abusive but this was the 60s and he hid it well she couldn't file for divorce without proof of injury so she beat herself in the face with a slipper to get away she was 21 or 22 also with three young children i'm 23 right now and i could never imagine she was such a strong lady i miss her 3. edit just wanted to say thanks for the awards comment i'm glad times have changed for women but we still have a long way to go reason i had alive in babysitter when i was five that moved in at 2am was because my mom's cousin killed two kids and we ended up harboring his daughter during the trial he's the only person on death row in my county apparently my aunt was the product of our pay but my grandma hasn't told anyone in the family yet except me she just turned 90. my uncle was our pet as a young boy and my grandparents not only didn't believe him but beat him and disowned him for bringing such lies into our house sad thing is i was upset as a kid and while dealing with that my dad told me what happened to my uncle i assume so i didn't feel so alone my uncle is still the only one i know personally who has experienced the same trauma as me and i'm not meant to know so can't talk to him about it edit typical this has blown up at it but seriously whoa however i'm not gonna bring up someone else's trauma to them i'm particular in who in my life i tell if i knew someone i trusted had been telling other people i'd be hurt by that so not gonna do that thank you to those sending some love i'm not alone now though i have people i can talk to which is nice going to be starting a group thing at therapy where i'll be able to speak to other abused victims i think that will help too my uncle and two aunts had an incestuous threesome going on in the 70s they invited my mum who refused and was pretty horrified my dad their brother had zero idea i was in senior year of high school when i was told about the family tragedy by my grandparents my grandfather's brother murdered his wife she was trying to divorce him and he snapped he went to jail and their son my dad's cousin was alone he was in middle high school my grandparents convinced the deceased mother side of the family to let them finish raising him and were able to get him back on a good path after the trauma he suffered he has grown up into an absolutely wonderful man with a wonderful family and i love him my grandparents spent some time in lock up after my grandpa killed their newborn in a shell shock induced frenzy they were jailed because they buried her body in a cave and tried to hide it my mom and her siblings were all adopted out very young and went back to their parents around 11 years or so later i knew that growing up but didn't know why until i was older i wasn't actually let in on it my mother apparently had a miscarriage between me and my older brother i was supposed to have an older sister or maybe i wouldn't be born if she was i simply overheard her crying about the experience over the phone to my aunt mom's older sister and it still bothers her after all these years they speak hacker not the main chinese language mandarin to put it shortly my family tree is more like a very long branch yes we have the genetic defect to prove it my grandfather molested his children when they were young my aunts and uncle didn't speak about it till they reached their 20s and 30s they hid their experience to their siblings but little did they know they all experienced the same thing they all suffered trauma but didn't tell my grandmother about it because she loves our grandfather very much my grandmother's sister my great-aunt got pregnant of a wedlock in the 1950s she was put up in a birthing home and the child was adopted out she hid the whole thing from her wild family minus my grandmother the eldest of the family of eight and the one who helped hide her after she had the baby she came back home after living with her sister for a while no one knew till about 10 years ago my mom for him he is a nice man that had an average childhood with parents that loved him fortunately my mild-mannered christian mother casually told me that she dated a gangster who trafficked cocaine and ny during the 80s he bought her a brand new bmw before getting sentenced to prison for murder for 20-plus years someone who was friends with her and her ex-fears turned out to be an fbi informant and she barely escaped jail had to enter a witness protection program and moved cross-country here's the craziest part he's still stalking her has contacted her on her birthday every year for 40 years and keeps tabs on her my dad has no idea i asked her why she waited so long to tell me like what if she went missing and she said oh honey he's the type of person that if he wanted to harm me i would already be dead by now very comforting that my grandpa molested all the women in our family not just me and they let it happen because that's just what you do when my grandfather molested me young adult at the time my grandmother literally got down on her knees and begged me not to tell because it would bring shame to the family sorry graham he brought shame to the family with his actions it's not my duty to protect him or your reputation that is actually what you ducking don't ever do holy sh t thanks for all the awards and duck you grandpa and also uncle roy from the other thread my uncle wasn't missing a ton of birthday parties family reunions holiday dinners etc when i was a kid because of his really busy job but because he became a heroin addict after his wife took off with their daughter my cousin who i've still never met edit oh yeah he also tried to stab my aunt his sister in a drug-fueled rage when she went off on him about being a bum and exploiting my grandparents kindness my grandpa stopped him but got beaten unconscious in the process my grandparents neighbor heard the commotion and had to rush in and stop him at gunpoint i legit thought he was just a normal nice guy who i happen to rarely see before i learned all this tea in one night two come to mind one my uncle s sui lee molested my youngest aunt throughout most of her life he later went on to marry and have a few daughters you can guess what happened to his daughters he's still welcome to what's left of the family collective obviously the four daughters have separated themselves from the rest of the family and i can't blame them i didn't welcome him back but i haven't had contact with my cousin since i was in high school two my youngest aunt developed a drinking problem to cope with what happened to her she had a lot of miscarriages after their firstborn miraculously they had another kid unbeknownst to all but my mother she was also having an affair at the time still don't know if the uncle is the biological father doubt we will ever know for sure 3. did it he was brought up on charges grandpa believed son was innocent court ruled in his favor he got off scot-free he did not marry his own sister it was some other lady who admittedly was a piece of work as well turned a blind eye to everything until the whole family found out my mom's bio father lost custody of her in the late 70s during my grandma's and his divorce she never knew why come to find out years later some kind of freaky prn was found in his possession that caused him to lose custody my mom then realized that the memories of him staring at her while she was changing and touching her weirdly when she was child meant it was probably cp that the courts found my dad's sister had a secret daughter that would have been approximately his age she was 16 years older than him and the family didn't tell him until he was in college in their small town there is a not zero chance he could have did date his niece edit for those asking my dad was 3-4 when this happened he remembers a lot of shouting at the time but not the topic also my parents led me to believe that my grandfather on my mother's side had died due to a heart attack a year later they revealed he actually shot himself in the head my cousins lived with us for a while and we thought that was fun because it's like a sleepover every day one time our mom even took us out of school to pick them up i learned later that it was because child protective services took my cousins away from their mom because of mental health issues my mom offered to take her sister's kids until she got her mental health back in order my cousins live with their mom now and their mom is in a much better condition mentally that schizophrenia ran in my mom's side of the family i developed it a year after she told me about it at 25. she didn't refer to it as schizophrenia but as the her maiden name madness she said that every once in a while someone in our family would go mad and that that's what they would call it i guess a side of the family also had ties to organized crime and at least one of them was a prostitute my family never talked about issues or emotions at all so it was a shock i assumed our ancestors were relatively normal but i also thought my family was sane back then too my dad's uncle died in a boating accident with his cousins my family let me know he was possibly drowned in the middle of the lake by his cousins because of some money issues no one was ever prosecuted though and the family is still very close weird my step-grandfather molested my three aunties my eldest sister and possibly my other sister and cousin only found out when my nana was dying 11 years after he died they are buried side by side and i cannot bring myself to go visit my nana because he is there also edit thanks for all the comments about visiting my nana and ignoring him i will try for those saying my nana had to have known i have discussed this at length with my auntie and we are certain she didn't she worked nights for many great uncle was taken from his parents told he was dead wouldn't be right put in state hospitals experimented upon only thing wrong with him was a speech impediment my uncle shot a man who was having an affair with his wife when we was tried he was let off the hook because the judge was my grandfather's war buddy in world war ii side note that judge was also one of the judges in the manson trials my grandma actually legally disowned my mother for marrying my dad the family house was supposed to go to my mom but after the disowning grandma didn't say who she wanted house to go to resulting in a decades-long family feud that has split the family even to this day sad thing is my parents actually ended up divorced after 20 years of marriage mom took care of my grandma till the end and was the one who handled the funeral arrangements when my grandma passed two years ago she never asked for the house back it's worth millions nobody told me any of this until i was 30. my dad is in a cult wasn't much of a secret but as a kid you just kind of assume everything your parents do is the norm grandma didn't decide to move in with us because she loved us so much and wanted to spend more time with us grandma moved in because her son was a meth addict and convinced her to put his name on the house take all the money out of it for renovations leave her homeless she had a heart attack the night she found out and now has to live with a pacemaker duck you uncle roy when my grandfather died he wrote his will on his deathbed he left his entire estate to my family which was enormous his wife however who despised us the biggest duck you move i've ever seen wrote a directly conflicting will leaving the estate to her family none of whom i've ever met and then killed herself it took around five years in legal hell to sort that out we ended up winning the case in the end but it cost so much that we couldn't afford to keep his three million dollars house anymore [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 1,286
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, darkest family secret, family secret, secret, reddit secret
Id: mQ1Zo9cqi1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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