What's The Biggest Possible Waste Of Money? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most outrageous waste of money you have witnessed with your own eyes my boyfriend's dad owns seven different Apple watches because he didn't want to change the band's out I know a guy who purchased a second car his first car is a Mustang his second is a naughty he is a single father his payment arrangement is four hundred per month he didn't try to talk it down the car is ten years old his Mustang isn't paid off he works on my team in the same position as I have my wife and I together can barely afford our 250 per month single car payment and the best part he can't drive a stick his new car is a stick he hasn't learned to drive a stick it's been three years he's been doing all of this and struggling for three years for a lawn ornament I work as a freelance musician and often stand in for wedding bands have worked at lots of weddings where clearly the families have crazy money one thing I always see like the fancier events without fail is a ton of amazing fully prepared food and expensive drink being tip thrown away at the end of the night when I asked about it once I was told by one of the staff that a lot of catering companies are trained to prepare enough of every menu option so that if everyone orders the same thing they have enough what happens in reality is they tip allude to feed the wedding party often of 200 plus people another two times over particularly annoying when the band are served cold chips as their evening meal because we couldn't stretch the budget sorry on a more positive note one of the funniest things I've ever seen was a drummer successfully sneaked out of a catering tent having liberated a whole wheel of cheese that night at our wedding we had so much food and cake we were begging staff to join in on the party with us it's such a wonderful celebration a wedding can't imagine people being dongs to those helping at the event I'm a VIP to a guide let Walt Disney World each guide costs $600 are and charging starts when you ask us to meet you whether you're there or not a family booked two of us multiple days in a row and wouldn't show up until typically two three hours into being charged $7.00 K+ overall pay for two a time they didn't use didn't care at all someone buying a 20 pound extended 3-year warranty on a six pound kettle my mom had a five pound kettle from as though which suddenly blew up one evening after seven years of loyal service we lived a 10-minute walk from Asda at a time so I was sent out to get another one we had an identical replacement kettle in less than half an hour and it's still going strong few years back I used to make cast melded pita figurines for DND I could buy $25 worth of pewter and MK about 50 - 75 figurines which I sold for $10 to $50 each depending on the size had a guy come to me by every figurine I was able to make I have 72 different molds for a cost of nine hundred dollars said he was going to get deep into DND week later he gave up on the game because he couldn't figure out the battle system I work at a car dealership as an apprentice mechanic now I've seen many examples of people wasting their money via car parts dumb accessories whatever the list goes on but there was this one guy that would spend literally $75 on a car freshener and bragged about it constantly he'd call himself a leak because he bought these $75 pieces of scented cardboard I don't know what went through his mind every time he'd buy one of them some rich dude in the Hamptons buying a pallet of Fiji bottled water for his hot tub that's like textbook rich people's satire I can't believe people actually do that my roommate plays fortnight and buys every single skin that come out every one be ready to cover that rent yourself I worked at a five-star beach resort rich 30 something year old mom comes in around 10:00 a.m. to buy sunglasses $500 Prada shades no big deal these people have free cue money so I think nothing of it and return to work like the good clip that I am this be lost the glasses in the ocean buys another pair loses that pair then complains that we won't give her the third pair for free so she pays for the third this all happened before 3:00 p.m. $1500 in sunglasses in five hours several years ago I found a brand new pair of prada glasses on a beach in Potok and saw TX they just washed up while I was sitting in the water drinking a beer I still have them to this day and they are great they certainly be the $5 pair of sunglasses I had purchase from Walmart one from the late 1990s a large multinational engineering firm was given orders to eliminate unnecessary overhead expenses the one of their departments had a large conference coming up about half the attendees were going to attend by teleconference in those days teleconferencing was done in dedicated rooms with CRT monitors and cameras the use of these rooms was classified as an overhead expense but business travel was not so in the name of saving money all the teleconference arrangements were cancelled and all attendees were flown in to attend in person one of our sister companies decommissioned a printing press that was identical to one we were using it was given to us to store in a warehouse so we could scavenge it for parts as needed parts for older presses can range from $500 for little things to several hundred thousand feel larger assemblies so this was a great gift for us our maintenance supervisor he'd been with the company for about a year decided to show management how good he was at cost-saving so in an effort to save warehousing costs on useless parts he told the warehouse to scrap the whole thing even if it cost $15 K a year to warehouse it we've needed about 20 times that amount in ordered parts now there could have come off that old machine had the parts cribs scrapped a $30 kg box for a machine because it hadn't been used for a few years about a year after the spare was scrapped the gearbox failed six weeks off downtime waiting for a new one gets expensive in lost opportunity way more than whatever the storage costs were my boss bought a thirty thousand dollar Boulder to put in his front yard I like that Boulder that is a nice Boulder when he was eight my buddy got hurt in a supermarket because of random boxes in the walkway his mom sued and he got rewarded eighteen thousand dollars in a settlement however he wasn't able to touch the money till he was 18 anyway when he turned 18 in 2009 he got all of the money all at once he immediately went out and bought TVs the biggest off course and Xbox 360 s for four family members then he paid the $500 down payment on a brand-new car and leased it for three hundred and fifty dollars mo went to a local sit-down restaurant and paid for others to eat there multiple times and I don't even want to think about his online shopping this went on for a month and a half one day one of his friends made him a deal I'd buy him a laptop of equal value at a time for his xbox 360 they went to the store and went to pay for it his debit card got denied when he checked his balance he had about 150 dollars in his account my dad did this when he got a 92 thousand dollar settlement because a malfunctioning hydraulic press caused him to lose four toes except he spent all ninety two thousand dollars on crack and his money lasted about nine months my company didn't want to bother the new employees in France with menial tasks but they had no office manager sir my company wanted us to buy our rolling white board in the USA and have it shipped to us then ship it to the office across the Atlantic rather than you know sending them when Amazon France Lincoln giving them a credit card to buy a rolling white board for say 150 bucks they wanted us to get it in the US and add an extra two hundred bucks in shipping I had a friend who was in his late twenties and lived with his parents 100% dependent dude work the part-time job and said he was saving money for something big we all assumed he meant like moving out or a trip out of the country or something number this MF bought a seven hundred and fifty dollar pair of sneakers and then put them in a display case well I haven't spoken to him in about a year I cannot even begin to imagine why anyone would ever think this is a good idea parishioners spent years raising several million dollars to restore their large aging gothic Church no sooner was the extensive restoration complete but what plans were announced by the diocese to close the building and merge the parish with another all those donations fundraisers and tireless efforts right down the drain and thus far the only potential buyer for the church is considering turning it into a combination nightclub restaurant banquet facility that's really sad some of those older churches are really awesome friend bought a new fully stocked car he couldn't afford on his salary he said it's okay because he is getting another job that pays better wages only thing is he hasn't taken the exam to get his license for the job yet I hear this too often we can't really afford this house now but in the future we will be getting raises and promotions so we should be okay you don't spend money you don't have the three separate occasions where my dad bought a boat neglected to use it for yours sold it and bought a different boat like the next year sounds like a bow Boehner going to study abroad in Japan while having a severe allergy to peanuts and eggs and absolutely zero knowledge of the Japanese language he left after one week one girl that was allergic to peanuts came on my study abroad that spent ten days in Thailand and she had to eat soup for every goddamn meal but he still had a great time so props to her for embracing other cultures and also for not dying we were all a bit scared for her but she seemed to think she was immortal and hasn't been proven wrong yet in Las Vegas in 2000 at the Bellagio I watched a guy walk up to a high-roller blackjack table he was being followed by a security guard and some guy in a suit carrying what we guessed emitted at about $300 cane chips he sat and played blackjack by himself we watched for about 45 minutes and he had already lost over 150 dollars kay never once showed any emotion but no clue who the guy was he was dressed like a stereotypical white grandpa and jean shorts a polo shirt and white New Balance tennis shoes money talks wealth whispers this guy's probably loaded from your description I work for Amazon's logistical team they're currently spending thousands of dollars sending people to CDL school so we can move Freight between sites however they're not giving out bonuses raises or any kind of incentive so everyone's just leaving immediately after to better paying jobs it's hilariously stupid our unethical affair protip says if you want to be a CDL driver Amazon's giving out free training two of my favorites my rich uncle's bought a luxury sport boat something went wrong with the rudder that you use for waterskiing they were so disgusted that after paying thousands for the repair they got a whole new one selling the old one for nothing I also worked at a high-end footwear factory making pairs of leather shoes that retail at $500 a pair the owner was a self-styled anarcho-capitalist and had some entertaining ideas about how to run a business he had some notion that his staff would work harder if we were afraid of bankruptcy so he stopped buying leather I don't know how these things were connected naturally we could not make more shoes we told customers that the weight would be longer than ever for their shoes sales stopped order stopped I swept the floor ten times a day he refused to buy leather for three months while keeping all of this working paying our wages with his own credit because he was mad at someone who told him that his strategy was idiotic the company was bought out by another old boys club entrepreneur a [ __ ] after the owner ran out of money the company I work for invested $1 million into a new framework for servers and databases let it sit unused for six years and then migrated a very poorly tested environment onto it when it was two years until the O L basically forcing themselves to start looking for a replacement right after migration saying our IT depth wasted shared loads of cash on fancy new servers even though the ones we had were adequate then we didn't have the budget for newer workstation pcs as they overspent so while the server room is this pristine bunker in HQ some workstations have 15 year old Dell CRTs sitting on top of PCs that my four year old phone outperforms I had a client who borrowed money a 6% interest only fixed for five years to invest in five-year term deposit offering 2.3 percent because he was told he should have investments in term deposits when nearing retirement I just recently found out my gfs dad took out a non fix loan for 180 K about four years ago using his house as collateral now he's bitching they want to raise his interest rate again like they have done every year since he took out the loan co-workers putting $300 in a slot machine lost it all in a few seconds then he asked to borrow some money because his kids are coming to visit I guess I know why he was devoted I just bought a seventeen dollar plain burger at a concert venue bought a twelve dollar Philly cheesesteak at the Kentucky Derby it was a great dB f-- topped with nacho cheese on a hot dog bun I was young drunk and dumb so it was good until he was gone and ever since then I've just been salty about it not sure the amount of money but it was a lot of bacon I once worked for a 3pl warehouse primarily focused on food storage services a client company was storing some pre cooked bacon for use and some project they were planning to release they decided not to release that product and ordered all of the bacon we were storing for them to be destroyed we loaded multiple trucks with close to 150,000 pounds of perfectly edible bacon to get tossed in a landfill saddest day of my life while working there before anyone asks there was an auditor from the client there making sure all of the pallets of bacon were loaded onto the trucks and none fell off Highschool head of math department buys about ten pallets of chalk and retires the next year the new head of the math department decides to switch out all the chalkboards for dry erase boards if they aren't allowed to throw out the chalk and aren't allowed to share with other departments who still use chalkboards they had a room full of chalk for at least seven or eight years that no one was allowed to use definitely not the biggest sum of money but spent for a really stupid reason I bought a $300 bottle of scotch when I meant to buy the $60 version from the same distillery the boxes look nearly identical when the cashier told me the price I realized my mistake but she and everyone behind me in line seemed really impressed that I was buying something so expensive so now I am in an open very expensive bottle of single-malt because of my social anxiety I had a friend bio lb of cheese at a very upscale cheese store because he tried a tiny bit and thought what the heck I'm on vacation I'll splurge no prices on anything stuff cost him $200 he was too embarrassed to say he made a mistake sidenote it was freaking delicious but not $200 delicious I have a friend who will book vacations to countries of a co-worker book trips too just so he can say he's been there first tell him you're going to Syria not the biggest waste but weirdest one around 2001 my wife worked for a national company and her team was split between East and West Coast no working from home or laptops desktops were standard for them if someone needed to work from home they had a single laptop they could use for the whole team so if that laptop was in NC and someone in CA needed to work from home they had to box it up ship it with full insurance rush shipping and a few days notice to the other coast that sounds just dumb enough to be true I spent $200 on a taxidermy squirrel wearing a top hat and holding a gun from my brother's birthday but amazing gift solid investment previous job a satellite location ran mostly on their own technically was their own company of seven people president of said company met someone online got catfished hard and sent them $20 K from the business then they did IT again two years later that's amazing I kinda hope it was the same person who catfished them both times was at the Bellagio in Vegas and walked in the high-roller room there was a guy walking around playing back around four or five different tables at a time he'd tell the dealer twenty-five Bank 5ty 25 Bank five tyre while rotating around basically he was betting $25,000 on the bank and $5,000 on at I asked the pit boss about him apparently he was the son of the LG CEO and was down about five million so far that weekend the top business manager for the East Baton Rouge Parish School System fell for an unsophisticated con wiring forty six thousand five hundred dollars to someone who claimed via a hotmail email address to be superintendent Warren Drake even though the man himself was working in an office next door she also made no attempt to call or talk in person with Drake whose office is adjacent to hers at the school board office on South Foster Drive the fate Warren Drake says at different points that he is busy or in a meeting which appears to have dissuaded her from trying to talk to him directly the fate Warren Drake requested the first wire transfer of twenty two thousand five hundred dollars go to the account of Rosa at godai in the Bronx and at the second of twenty four thousand dollars go to Johnson chat Quinny of Brooklyn the third wire request which was halted was for $25,000 for Sylvester namu TD also from Brooklyn I'm so glad I was at the school board office doing HR paperwork the day the police were called for this law my company recently switched to a new operating system and rather than have a few people come train our office they plan to send everyone around two hundred people to from the east coast to the west coast for a week for training they did about half before realizing that wasn't cost-effective and since they're such a great company their solution after that was to stop training everyone and just give them books to read ouch the salesmen from the training company could have suckered them into the deal to still I'd question your company's judgment I was an assistant manager at a grocery store and you wouldn't believe how much produce I threw out because it wasn't pretty enough the district managers set a high standard of how produce should look if I didn't colored correctly he would write me up he came in 1-3 times a week so I couldn't get away with not doing what he asked when I looked at weekly reports of the shrink producer mounted for about 100 - 200 dollars I asked him if I could donate the produce we thrown out and his response was that's theft I was so glad when this place went out of business I totally feel you had a similar boss at a doughnut place I used to work at she wouldn't let me give away all the donut sweep throw out every night and on top of that I would have to bake 10-15 dozen donuts during a closing shift just so the case would look professional like Jesus Karen the wasted college kids at Midnight's don't give to chutes what the case looks like I used to have something to do with warehouse logistics and whatnot a new manager came in and his first project was an order of about half a million dollars worth of pallet these weren't wooden pallets build plastic molded ones specifically made to fit the forklifts that we were using the order had to be made overseas and brought in by Freight they had to be exact measurements of course to fit the forklifts he started bragging that my sales department made all the money for him to spend a few months later the pallets arrived and none of them fit the forklift in our warehouse except for one turns out he measured only one of the forklifts for these pallets that one forklift was part of a unique non-standard system used for minor moves faced with a warehouse of half a million bucks worth of plastic pallets that won't work with our standard forklifts the guy was swiftly asked to resign but yeah now we use wood pallets a girl I went to high school with applied to Harvard she spelled it Harvard multiple times in her essay and paid the $75 application fee rip though I spent a lot more sending my AC T scores to schools that I didn't even really want to go to although not a big sum of money my friend once borrowed my other friends money so he could order a soda at Boston Market he then went to the soda machine and proceeded to fill his cup up with water this is the worst of them I actually cringed I had a friend that thought a good way to save money would be to buy gift cards for places he didn't like when he actually needed cash he would transfer them for about 60% value idiot knew a guy that bought a device from a magic website that made it look like you shot fireballs out of your hand thing costs $200 and everyone around him said it was stupid this may be autobiographical high school some senior won a Tim Hortons roll up the rim to win thingie bought a ton of cigarettes booze and drugs King for a weekend solid investment this cat is shocked that you haven't liked this video yet like it fast so they can calm down if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't neither way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 27,846
Rating: 4.8101268 out of 5
Keywords: most outrageous, outrageous fun, outrageous, outrageous fortune, waste of money, money waste, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: kN4dXRBcFNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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