- What's the best flavor of Doritos? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning." - Once in a while, we'll come across a food that has a lot of flavor variations, but not quite enough for a Gut Check, where we taste like 30 flavors. For instance, Doritos. I've been asking what's the best way to determine the best
flavor of these foods without someone's wonky
opinion skewing the results? - I like that word. Wonky. - And I'm excited because
the crew has come through with a new format where
democracy prevails. It's time for, In Flavor
Of: Doritos Edition. Welcome to the voting vortex zone. - [Stevie] Gentlemen. Today you won't be tasting alone because we've gathered a beautiful panel of tasters with a wide array of taste and sensibilities who
will help definitively determine the best Doritos flavor. We've got Jordan from Sporked, who wrote Sporked's
definitive ranking of Doritos, a Doritos expert. - Ooh, qualifications! - Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't have those. - [Stevie] We've got Kalyn, who doesn't like cheese but loves spice. A Doritos wild card. - [Rhett] Oh wow. Okay. - [Stevie] And we've got Matt Lieb, representing the everyman,
the Doritos proletariat. - Yay. - [Rhett] Yeah. - I love 'em all. - That's right. - Is that what proletariat means? - [Stevie] I just read it
and I hope that's correct. You will each try each
flavor of traditional Doritos available in the US one
by one and head to head. Each round, Rhett and Link will lead our panel of tasters in deciding
if the flavor at hand is good enough to oust
the current flavor leader. In order for a flavor to remain
or become the front runner, it needs a minimum of three votes. - I love, can I say I love this? - [Stevie] Yeah. If you can count how
many people are up there, there are five people. - I don't love it. I don't love dissipating my
power because of complaints. - [Stevie] I didn't say that part. (clears throat) Rhett and Link. If you're in agreement as
to which flavor is superior, you only need one vote from
the panel to agree with you. But if you're split, you'll need to convince at
least two people on the panel to vote with you in order to
get your flavor to advance. - Oh. - Begging and bribery? - [Stevie] Exactly. We'll go through the list of
flavors in alphabetical order, which means today we're
starting with Cool Ranch versus- - Don't grab that. - [Stevie] Cool Ranch Flamin' Hot edition. - There's too much flavor on that one. - I didn't grab that one. - Yeah, I just think it
would throw us off too much. It looks so good. I want it so bad. But it's too much flavor on it. - Mm. Mm. - That's such a good chip. I mean, it is such a good chip. It's a triumph in snacking. - It's ranch, but it's cooler. Over here, I see no hint of ranch. - Well, the ranch has been
completely covered up. - Maybe like the green dots. The flamin' hot. Flamin' hot and cool together? How could it be? (chips crunching) - There's an incredible
complimentary nature. You're getting basically
what you get in like, a hot buffalo wing and
ranch that you put on that. - And I'm glad we tasted this one first. - Is it covering up the beauty too much? - No, I gotta go for the one
that you told me not to get. It's kinda hard hitting versus elegance. - These are both so good. Why are they, why is this the first round? These are both so good. - [Link] All right, I'm ready to vote. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna start with Rhett and Link first. Please pick up your Doritos paddles and vote for your favorite. Three, two, one. - We did it. We did it. All we need is one to agree with us. - Okay. - Maybe, I don't think we
need anybody to agree with us. I think that they're useless. - Wow. - Wow. - Do you think that the
chips will make a case? You think the chips make
a case for themselves and we don't need to argue? Because I have a reason. - [Stevie] I mean, to be clear, when you want to get a panel on your side for the entirety of a game, starting off the game with just like crapping all over the panelist about how much you hate them
is an interesting tactic. - I love the panel and let me just say, the reason that I chose Cool Ranch, even though I think
that's an exquisite chip, is I think the Cool Ranch. - You didn't choose Cool Ranch. - Oh.
(Stevie laughs) You know what? Somehow adding more people
made me into Link today. (crew laughs) - So are you changing your vote? (crew laughs) Okay. - Democracy in action. - All right, so now I
take back what I said. We need you. - [Rhett] Can I say? - I don't think you get
to say anything else. You don't let me say anything. - [Stevie] No, no. You both get to make your case. - First of all- - [Stevie] For your flavor. - Let me just defend my mix up, because that chip is red. See? That's why I chose it. I forgot about the color of this is the only thing that matters. Okay, the reason I ended
up choosing Cool Ranch is because I think the
flavor is so perfect already that it gets really, really
good and I love the spice, but I feel like it compromises something that was perfect to begin with. I mean, I love that chip. It pains me to not vote for it. - So much so that you did. - [Rhett] We're split. - I think it's the best of both worlds. I take back what I said. We do need you. But I'm not trying to stroke your ego. I just want you to say what you think. - [Stevie] Okay, panel. What do you think? - Took Kalyn a little
second to figure it out. All right, so they're with me. - Okay. I'm not gonna, listen. I don't feel too bad because
this is such a tight race. So I actually feel like, I feel great about giving over the power to the panel 'cause now I feel like they helped me make a decision that
I couldn't make on my own. I mean, I was blue first. I mean, come on. - So ironically, after all of that work to take my vote out of the contention, they agreed with me. - Yeah. - More often than not. - Not everybody agreed with you. - [Link] Yeah, you didn't, Jordan. - Yeah. I think Rhett is 100% right. I think this flavor is perfect. And when you add the flamin' hot to it, it's still good but it takes
away the unique deliciousness of a Cool Ranch Dorito. - Kalyn, we know you like spicy. - Yeah, but I don't
like Cool Ranch at all. - Oh. - [Kalyn] Not even a little bit. - [Link] Oh wow. - Sorry, it's my controversial opinion. - [Link] Were you torn, Matt? - No. Well, this is more flavor. More flavor better. (Stevie laughs) - [Link] There you go. - [Kalyn] More flavor good. - Every man. - So the Cool Ranch is going
into the pits of torment. - [Stevie] Okay, now
that we've figured out how all this works, our next flavor contender is Flamas, a spicy lime flavor. - And the alphabetical order has delivered us a nice
pairing for round two. Flame against flame? - The lime flavor is nice! - Hittin' hard. - Man, Doritos knows what they're doing. Let me just say that. They don't make any missteps. - So we got hot and lime
versus hot and cool. (chips crunching) - [Rhett] Okay. - This is an easy one for me. I'm ready to vote. - I think I'm in agreement
with you in terms of it being easy. - [Stevie] Okay, Rhett and Link. Three, two, one. - Cool Ranch. - Cool Ranch. Hot. It's better. - Yeah. Yeah. The lime is just too strong
and it's too niche for me. - So I like it but that's perfect. - All we need is one. What you guys got? - [Rhett and Link] Ooh! - We got it! Jordan, thank you for bringing us home. - Now we know why Kalyn
voted against these, because you just don't like
the Cool Ranch at all, right? - Well, I mean, like,
this is more flamin' hot. This was actually a
lot harder of a choice, but I like the lime a little bit better. - Okay. Lieb? - More flavor. - More flavor. - So hot plus lime
equals so much goodness. - I agree with that but that
more flavor is too limey. What are you thinking, Jordan? - Yeah, I think that the Flamas tastes a little bit like
a less delicious Taki, so I just, I'm comparing it to that and it's not as good to me, so I gotta go with the Cool Ranch. - Sad Taki gets burnt! Bam! - [Stevie] Ooh, set to be
another difficult round. It's Limon, a flamin'
hot variety of Doritos. - How's this gonna be different? - It's the same as Flamas, right? - No, but kind of. It's different but similar. - Yeah. You know what I'm gonna do? I don't even need to taste that one again. I've been eating it the whole time. I like the Flamas a
little better than those. - When you go to that and
you get the Cool Ranch and the heat together, it's so good every time
I come back to that. - Uh-huh. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Sticking with the ranch
and the hot together. - Yeah. It's so good. - [Stevie] All right, panel. - All we need is one. And we got two. Matt Lieb, what's your issue here? You think this is more flavor again? - Yeah. Yeah. I like, it's limon. (Stevie laughs) It's like lime but it's, you
know, a little more lemoni. - [Rhett] Yeah. - What was the word for him? - Proletariat. - [Rhett] Every man. - Every man. - [Link] Proletariat. - I'm anti-letariat. - You know what? Would you like the honors? - Oh yeah. - Ooh! - [Rhett and Link] Ooh! (Stevie laughs) - Here we go. - [Stevie] You said ooh at the same time. We have the classic Doritos flavor, Nacho Cheese versus
Cool Ranch Flamin' Hot. - So much flavor has happened in my mouth, starting with the hot, that I'm gonna have to eat a
few of these to get readjusted. - It's like eating a
lifelong companion, you know? Such a good feeling. - Don't do that to me. - Am I getting pulled in by the Matt Lieb proletariat argument? - It's like, which bowl
are you drawn back to more? You know? - [Link] Okay, this is not
terribly easy, but I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Went with original. Ooh! Why, why? - I thought. I thought that I was
gonna go with original. When I saw 'em, I was like,
there you are, old love. - [Link] Right. - But then I went into my
brain and the brain wanted to go back to this bowl
more than this bowl, and so I'm just going on instinct. - [Stevie] Okay, do you guys
have any swaying arguments for the panel? 'Cause you need two on the panel. - I was almost on the fence, so I'm really interested in what you guys are gonna produce here. - Yeah, I would be fine with
either of these moving on, so I don't wanna sway you. I wanna see what your real opinion is. - [Stevie] Okay panel, let's see. - Whoa! - Complete agreement? - Not even close! - Now Kalyn, you don't
like cheese, you said. - Yeah. Well like, I actually
don't mind the nacho cheese. - You don't like cheese? - No. But I like the spice in this better. - I mean, Jordan, what about you? I mean, this is, you gotta, you gotta give credit to the original. - Absolutely. I think both are delicious,
just to be clear. This one is just giving more. This is a little underwhelming
once you've had this one. So, you know, I'm sorry old
friend, but we've upgraded. - Yeah. - Spicy. - It's like when you watch an old movie and it was like, everyone
loved this in the sixties. (crew laughs) - Yes. I get that. - And you're like, yeah, it
ain't the sixties anymore. We got better technology. - [Link] I hate to do it. - But. But. - But I just did it. - [Rhett] Yep. - [Stevie] Now we have Nacho Flamin' Hot versus Cool Ranch Flamin' Hot. - I'm glad that this is the next one because it's almost a chance
for nacho vindication. (chips crunching) - Mm. - I don't think I ever
tasted these side by side, but in my mind there's
an overwhelming favorite. - [Stevie] I am taken aback by the amount of chips you've eaten already, Rhett. - [Link] Yeah, you killing it, dude. - This is why my opinion, it matters more. - [Stevie] Okay. - Because I eat a whole lot more. - [Stevie] All right,
Rhett and Link, you ready? Three, two, one. - Sticking with Cool Ranch. - Cool Ranch. - So are you. Yeah. - The balance, it's the balance of flavor. The nacho cheese gets a
little bit lost in that, but the cool and the hot together? - Yep. - I think we have the perfect chip. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do y'all agree? - Yeah. - Most of you. Wild card need not to
speak in this at all. (Rhett laughs) - Okay. - Well, hold on. You can speak, wild card. - It's her cheese. It's her cheese phobia. - No, no, no, I voted for nacho. - [Rhett] She chose the cheese. - Oh yeah! You have to speak. - Yeah. - No, it's just like eating this reminded me why I don't like Cool Ranch. Like, it made it stand out
more in the Cool Ranch-ness versus just spice versus no spice. - You don't like cheese but
you don't like ranch more? - I don't like Cool Ranch more. - Cool Ranch. Cool Ranch. - There's a difference. There's a difference between ranch. - But you like going to ranches. - Yeah, yeah, of course. - [Stevie] Jordan's face. - I'm so scared. (Rhett laughs) I'm so scared. - I'm just going with my gut. Sorry. - Wow. - I respect that, but I
do think you're right. I think the hot and
the cool, it's perfect. You cannot go wrong. And I think the nacho cheese
one tastes way less spicy. - It's a nice combo. - Also more flavor, better. It's got flamin' hot, it's
got cool, and it's got ranch. That's three versus flamin'
hot and just nacho cheese. - Yeah. Right. - [Rhett and Link] Oh! - [Link] I skewered it! - [Rhett] Fierce! - [Stevie] Okay, Cool Ranch
Flamin' Hot are hangin' on. but does Salsa Verde have what it takes? - There's so many spicy Dorito chips. - Oh! I forgot about these, man. What a unique taste. - It tastes jalapeno. - I'll love the jalapeno
spice on things, man. I just want to have a chip buffet- - You are. - At my birthday party. I don't know how wide the
invites are gonna be, so. - Oh. Whoa. - [Rhett] Just enjoy this one. - I might just show up. - See at this point, I think we're tempted
to throw a vote here, just because of the, just the domination- - This is a really good chip. - This one has. And are you being enamored by it just because it's different. It's not flaming hot anymore. - Potentially. - [Link] I'm ready to vote. - I'm ready to vote. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I can't. - It's not better. - I can't, no, can't switch it up. - Its so good but it's not better. - It's a one and done type taste for me. - [Stevie] Okay, well you
were pretty convincing that you liked the Salsa Verde, so what are you gonna tell
the panel about stickin' with your Cool Ranch Flamin' Hot? - I guess I'll understand
if you choose salsa verde. I mean, I won't fly off
the handle or anything. - But it's a very
underdog type thing to do. - It would be a weird choice, I think at this point in the game, but it's, you know, it's cool. Whatever.
- Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay panel. - Ha ha! Weird choice. - It's so good. It's not a weird choice. It's so tasty. Jalapeno-y. - It's a great chip. It's a great chip. - It's a lot better in my opinion. - Nothing wrong with it. We know you don't like it. So you're against it. You're against the domination. - No, I don't think so. Not like, regardless of domination. - I like 'em both. But that's not how voting works. - That's what a democracy's
all about, guys. - I'm gonna extend an olive branch to you. - I have to get rid of it. - Yeah. - Oh, I can't even see. - It's fun, though. There you go. - Hey! - [Stevie] Okay, we have Simply
Organic White Cheddar now. - Simply Organic. There's nothing simple
about being organic. - All right. I do not have to taste the other chip. (Jordan chuckles) - You can't use DNA manipulation. - I'm fine with that. - You can't use pesticides. - The organic part is fine. It's just it doesn't taste good. - I don't know what
organic means, I guess. - [Rhett] You're thinking about non-GMO. - [Link] Where's the
cheese? Where's the flavor? - These are not good. This is Dorito's first mistake. - [Stevie] Okay panel, do you agree? - Yes! Look at that. - [Rhett] Yeah. I mean, do we- - No flavor. - They're gross. - No flavor. - We don't need to discuss. We just move on to the next vote. We're efficient politicians. - We hate organic. - Nope. That's not the message. That's not the message. - Yes it is. - Yes it is. - [Stevie] Next up, Spicy Nacho. - Yet again, another
Spicy Nacho permutation? - Well, if you'd just walked
up to me on the street and asked me what my favorite Dorito is, I think I would've said
Spicy Nacho before today. - It's more nacho than spicy. Whereas all the other nacho
spicies were spicy than nacho. - It really retains the
corniness of the chip as well. It doesn't cover up the corn. - [Link] Okay. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - It's not doing it. It's still not doing it. - There's something scientific
about what they've done here. - Yeah. - That's doing something to my brain. Every time I go back to it, you're like, oh yeah, you're back. - Are you with us constituency? - It's magic. A good magic chip. - Are you crying? - Yeah, when it's just so good, it's just every time I have it, it's the best thing I've ever had. - Kalyn, at this point I feel
like it's getting awkward. You know. - I have to be. - But we kind of know, this is why there's five of us, right? - Is Kalyn becoming the new me? (Kalyn gasps) - How dare you. - Wow, was this all all along the plan? - That's why I extended that olive branch even though it didn't make sense. Because I feel like hey, you do you because I
do me and we can do us. - Well, you know what? I think. - Stay out of this. - I think having Kalyn, this actually, I think it's good for you
to observe this, right? Because in this setting, Kalyn is saying things like, "I don't like Nacho Cheese
and I don't like Cool Ranch." This feels like a very Link thing to say, but in this context there's five of us and so it kind of
doesn't matter, you know? And you just happen to agree with us when it comes to Doritos. But there's a lot of other things in which you would be representing this. So yes, to answer your question, today Kalyn is you. - Let's do this, let's
do this one together. Okay. How? - [Link] I dunno. (Rhett laughs) - How. - [Stevie] Introducing Spicy Sweet Chili. - These are so good. - It's a good looking chip. - [Matt] Mm! (Stevie laughs) - Matt Lieb likey. - Mm! - Well, it's complex too. That's doing a lot for me. - I feel like it's just
a Chinese food Dorito. - Okay, this is a, okay, hey. This isn't easy for me anymore. - [Link] Okay, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I'm doing it. I'm going Sweet Chili. Because what happened was
something about the sugar content and the sweetness tapped
into the part of my brain that has kept me going back
to these the whole time. I know the fact that this has
been up there the whole time is giving me a little
bit of sway towards this, but this is the first one that
legitimately is a contender and I think it's just a little bit better to me in this moment right now. - I'm only in the mood
for Chinese food like, once every six weeks. - I don't know why you're
saying this is Chinese food. - It just tastes like the
dip, like the wonton dip. - Sweet chili sauce? - [Link] Yeah. - That's what flavor it is. (Stevie laughs) - [Link] Exactly. - [Jordan] Yeah. - So why doesn't he understand? - It's just an odd comparison. - [Stevie] Okay panel, what say you? - Thanks for being here, guys. - [Link] Go. - Go. - It doesn't matter, Lieb. Your vote doesn't matter, Lieb! - I don't know. (Stevie laughs) (Rhett laughs) - You guys, you guys! What happened? - I was pressured. - I love sweet chili. - Yeah, they're delicious. - It's the only other flavor
that has this complexity that there's a few stages to it. For Link, it's just I'm
in a Chinese restaurant is the only stage. - [Kalyn] So weird. - For me, they're sweet and there's chili. So it's doing the same
kind of thing that cool and the hot and ranch is doing. But in the different world. - [Matt] Yeah, three flavors. - I'm not getting rid of that. - Let me just say, what a stand. What a stand by Flamin' Hot Cool Ranch. (crew applauds) Yes. Every man stands for Cool Ranch. It's so good. But today it wasn't good enough. - I want. - [Stevie] But how are you going to feel about Sweet & Tangy BBQ? - It's a weird flavor for a Dorito. I mean a weird color and a weird flavor. 'Cause barbecue with the corn. - Yeah, 'cause it's got that very- - Nobody saw that. - Lay's barbecue taste but
superimposed on a corn chip. - Is it too much? - I am against this. - Too much sweet. - I'm against this. - [Stevie] You ready to vote? - [Link] Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I don't like either one of these. - Here we go. Hey! - I almost abstained. You know what? - I love this. - I am gonna abstain. I'm out. - [Stevie] Okay? - Me too! Solidarity. - I guess that is something
that happens in politics. People just don't show up sometimes. - [Stevie] Panel? - [Rhett] Doesn't matter, Link. - Yeah. - Sweet Chili. They're great. They're moving on. - I knew that was gonna
happen and I'm okay with that. - It's a cool bag, though. - [Stevie] Okay y'all,
this is the last contender. Tapatio. - I know that these are good. (chips crunching) Oh my. - I'm not gonna taste that again. - It captures all the
complexities of Tapatio, perfectly matching them with a Dorito. I'm gonna need a moment, okay? - Rhett has eaten the equivalent of two and a half bags
of chips today already. - Hey, when you need
to fill up a big truck, you put a lot of gas in it. (crew laughs) - It's true. - Yeah. - Okay. Well, you know where I stand. - [Stevie] Three, two-. - I can't abide by that. - [Stevie] One? - You did it, huh? You switched over. - I think Tapatio- - It's cohesive. - Is so good. - It's cohesive. - Boy, it's so good! And it has the spice, and the
sweet, and the hot, and ugh. - [Stevie] This is for everything, panel. - The panel has never overridden us. So I feel good about that. - [Stevie] Panel, what say you? - Yes! - Still. We're going for it. - They're so good. - Sweet chili is better. - Okay, sweet Chili is
an excellent flavor. Let's give it its moment in the sun. - We already did. So I'm gonna get rid of that. Bam! - [Rhett] But here's the thing. - Oh, I just popped the barbecue. - Only here for one round. Only here for one round. - [Link] There it is. - And standing as the official flavor that we are inducting into
the Flavor Hall of Fame, Tapatio Doritos. - Yes. Raise to the rafters, baby. I didn't get a good clip here. We don't want it to fall off
once it gets in the rafters. Ah! - [Rhett] It'll be there forever. - You look good up there, Tapatio. You came in late and you wowed us all. - What do you think? You like this? Are we crazy? That's what the comments are for. - And you know what, panel? Thank you for your honest contributions and I'm sorry for being harsh at any turn. - I'm full. - Yeah, me too. - [Rhett and Link] Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Now y'all say you know what time it is. - [Panel] You know what time it is. - I'm Jen. - I'm on Anya. - I'm Wes. - I'm Sheridan. - You can call us Jaws. - And we're in a botanical
garden on the island of Oahu. - And it's time to spin
the wheel of mythicality. - Oahu? - Having a good time! - Thanks for thinking of us. - Click the top link to watch us discover the craziest Doritios, Doritios? Trivia in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] You can check
out written versions of past Gut Checks, blind taste tests, and rankings over on sporked.com.