BBQ Pork Taste Test

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- Can we guess the pork on our fork. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Now frequently on this show, we eat things that we don't desire to eat. May I say nasty stuff, but today is different. Today is our day. We going to get our barbecue on. - And we think it's important to set the record straight. We've said this before, but we're gonna say it again. Barbecue is not a verb. It is not something you do. It is not cooking out. Barbecue is a noun. It is meat prepared in a very special way. And today we are gonna see just how good we are at determining how that meat has been prepared and who prepared it. - Because it varies depending on where you go. I'm so happy, let's play "Hey, good lookin' where's this pork been cookin'?" As you can see, we can't. - Okay, so barbecue varies greatly throughout the United States. The way people do it is so specialized in each region, but we don't have time to taste all of them. So what we decided to do because we're North Carolina boys, we are focusing on pulled pork, and we are pulling from regions that, Hmm, pun intended, that do pork the way that we like it. Some of our favorite ones and those regions include Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Kansas city Missouri, Memphis Tennessee, and Alabama. - So the ones that we're not able to put into the show, we're gonna move to "Good Mythical More", and we're still gonna eat those. Actually only the winner gets to eat those. The loser has to eat vegan pork. - Oh yeah. - Let's get to it. - [Both] Round one. - Okay, so all the barbecue is gonna be coming in on the patent pending pork, which is really just a paddle with a fork tied to it. So let's bring in the pork on the pork. - Taste away. (indistinct) Oh, this is the best show I've ever participated in. - I'm so nervous I'm gonna get it wrong. - Mm. Nothing can go wrong today. As long as I'm eating this. Mm oh, that is good stuff. - It's so good. But am I right about what I think it is? - It's got a spice that can throw you off a little bit. - I feel so confident, but I also feel like the more all these I get wrong, the less I feel like a real North Carolina boy. - I know. I think I know my answer though. - Now Daniella helped to procure these different barbecues. She's gonna give us a little tidbit. It might help us out. Maybe, maybe not. - [Daniella] Okay, in this region you can order your pork with extra bark. And bark is what they call the dark chewy outer layer-. - I like that bark. - Of the barbecued pork - Get some extra bark. Hmm, okay. I'm ready to submit my answer. - [Daniella] All right, three, two, one. - [Both] South Carolina. - Is that the mustard? - Oh we're not gonna that out. We're not gonna find out. We're not gonna find out. - Ooh, they know, but we don't. - We both thought it was South Carolina. - We agreed. So good. Press on. - [Both] Round two. - Feel like a pork king. - All right. Bring her in. Oh, huh. - I know it got it. Don't even have to choose. - [Daniella] Okay guys so we ordered this from the website, the "Oink Express". Which is what they called their shipping site. - This one got a light touch to it. In terms of sauce. Did you get a lot of sauce on yours? - No, it's so naked that it makes me want to say this is from home, but. - It is a little tough because it's light on the sauce. You know, they let you add more sauce, I guess yourself. - Yeah. I just don't know what to think, man. I don't know what to think. - Yep. You better second guess yourself. - I hate it when I don't know what to think. - Go down in a slow cooked flame of glory. - The "Oink Express" that just what? That doesn't do anything. - It's meaningless to me. I do not order barbecue on a website. That seems weird. I go up to the pig and I pull it. - No you don't, man. When was the last time you did that though? Seriously? - I did it when I turned 16 and did it when I got married, I did it when uncle Melvin died, did it when my aunt got new glasses, we celebrate everything with a pig picking. - Oh, she needs to get some, she needs to update that prescription so we can have another pig picking. - Yeah. I missed that. - Okay. I've gotta guess. But I don't. I'm not too confident. - [Daniella] Okay. Three, two, one. - Down East. - Memphis. North Carolina is what I'm saying. I'm putting it all on the line and saying, this is hometown where my wife is from. - That's what I wanted to say, but I felt like it was somebody trying to make an Eastern North Carolina. Ooh, not quite getting it. That's-. - Ooh. - Sorry. - I think it was light, but the vinegar was in there. - [Both] Round three. - First of all, how, how happy are you right now? I mean, is this not the best good mythical moment? - Well, I'm having a I'm split man. I'm so happy. But then I feel like I might have just not gotten my own hometown barbecue right. Because it felt like somebody's trying to do hometown barbecue. - Ooh. I just-. - I feel like a jerk right now, - You might be right. You know might be the jerk. Who knows? - Nope. You know, what'll make you feel better? - More barbecue? - Yeah. - Bring it in. - [Link] Mm, that is a thick sauce. - [Daniella] The company slogan for this barbecue sauce is "ain't nothing like him, nowhere". - Mm it's like it there, man. This is an interesting, interesting barbecue. - It happens so quickly. It's there, and then it's gone. - And it's, the sauce is really thick. I cannot taste the color, but I'm visualizing it. - I'm really trying to get it from my lips. See if there's any of those left. - If this is what I think. - I know this is nasty, but I'm just trying to win. - If this is what I think it is. I've only had this once in my life, and it changed my life. - Yeah yeah, I think. - For the good, I think I know where you're going with this. - Like a convert. - I have to agree. - [Daniella] Okay, three, two, one. - [Both] Alabama. - Yeah, I think we nailed that one. I like to think that we nailed that one right? With the white sauce. - Right there, right there it's hanging. Oh, fist bump. Oh, got it. - Did you Palm it? - I did. - You can palm it, you can palm it. - Did that? - Wrap the hand on the pig. (mimicking pig oinks) - [Both] Round four. - Okay, bring it in again. - Bring it into my mouth. Oh, a little high. Oh. Oh goodness. - [Daniella] Okay, so this region uses tamarind in their barbecue sauce, which gives it a nice tang. But tamarind can also be used as a metal polisher. - A metal polisher in my barbecue. - What you're trying to say? - If you're wearing braces, they'll shine afterward. - Oh man. I feel like my whole, my map is being turned upside down. In some ways I can taste that tamarind, but I never thought that that's what was in this one. Oh man. I'm so confused. - My brain is confused, but my mouth is so happy. If I could just take barbecue intravenously, I'd be a constantly happy person. - I think that will kill you though. - I might have a cholesterol issue, but. - No, I'm pretty sure putting meat directly into your veins is a pretty sure way to die. You should never request that. - Noted. Okay. - Just Ugh. - [Daniella] Three, two, one. - Kansas City. - Western North Carolina. - Oh, see, I went with Kansas city. So that was, I think that sauce was way too thick to be Lexington style or whatever. - Well, Western, Western North Carolina. - Western North Carolina, yeah. - Not, not, not Piedmont. Western. I went all the way to the mountains, man. - I don't think that's a choice. - [Both] Round five. - Bring her in. - I'm thinking of throwing a pig picking where everyone is fed on porks. - [Daniella] Okay. So this barbecue joints mascot is a smug looking pig with a red cap. A red shirt, no pants named little Joe. - Little Joe needs some pants. - It tastes similar to the last round, but without the tamarin. - Yep. No tamarin. - So what does that mean? - It tastes pantless. - I don't like it when a barbecue restaurant's mascot is the thing that I'm eating. Especially when they dress the pig up. Like a chef. You hear to think about that. - That's twisted, man. - Let's put a pig. - That's twisted. - With an apron and a chef's hat. It's like, think about what you're saying here. - Yeah, man. - He wouldn't do that. I don't care how much you paid him. He wouldn't do that. - He would go on strike day one. - He wouldn't cook his people. No, no. - He wouldn't do it. - But if he did I'd eat it. - Oh yeah. I'd go around the block for that. - Gosh. - With all your stalling. I've not been helped. Cause this is difficult. the sauce isn't as thick as the last one, but it's just as sweet. And I would say tomato-y. - I don't know. - Ready? - [Danielle] Three, two, one. - Kansas City. (indistinct) - I think you're right. - You're like, you're like tearing up on another thing. - Oh I'm I'm just ashamed of myself as a barbecue man. Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm just aceing this thing who knows. - It's anybody's game. They know we don't. That's the cruel cruel world we live in. - [Both] Round six. - What have you not guessed? I have not guessed Memphis. - I have not guessed Eastern North Carolina. My own, my own place. - Okay. - But I think I've already eaten it. - Hmm. - [Daniella] All right, when we called this restaurant to order the mail order the pulled pork, the owner wouldn't talk to us cause he thought Chase was just a crazy person that was trying to prank him. - Me too. - But Chase persisted. And he eventually shipped the barbecue it he came in a snazzy lunch cooler, which you can't see. Like it's pretty cool. - A lunch cooler. None of that really helped us Danielle. That's just a nice anecdote for you. - I'm just so lost at this point. - That was difficult. Yeah, this one is very tough. I mean it's pretty tender, but the decision is tough. - Oh man. I really want to do that again. Okay, I feel like I'm gonna have to re-guess at this point. Something I've already guessed. - That's fine. - It's all part of the game. - That's admitting a little bit of defeat. - Okay. But it's within the rules. All right, let's do this. - [Daniella] All right, three, two, one. - Memphis. - Western North Carolina. - Never guessed you're home man. - Because I respected too much. I respected too much, man. - Okay. - Okay, so where do we stand now? Going into the Franken round? - [Daniella] Okay. Link you have three. - What? - Yep. - What? Kidding me. - [Daniella] Okay, and Rhett you have two. - Oh, what? - We suck so bad. - What? - Look, you sucked almost as bad as me. - I'm not as bad. I'm humiliated. Okay. Dang. - Oh, that means the only two we got right are hold on. That last one we just ate was Eastern North Carolina man. The one that we just ate and I almost guessed it. Pretty sure. The only ones we got right are South Carolina and Alabama, I think. - Yeah. - What are we, man? What are we but losers? - Man, we've been out here too long. - Okay, so the Franken round is going to be two of them mixed together. And there's two points available. Not that we're gonna get either one of em, but. - I'm so disheartened. I've let my- . - I thought you got 'em all right, man. - Me too. - I wanted you to be right. Dang it. All right. Franken. Frank-N-Que. ♪ Franken-N-Que ♪ - Okay for this Franken round, there's two barbecues mixed together. Two points available on the board. If you get both of 'em wrong. I get both of 'em right? I could still win. - But we've let our people down, man. We've been out here. It's shameful. - On the west coast too long. Gotta go back. - Well, we are blindfolded. We gotta give ourselves some credit. - Ooh, huh? So good. This is a good idea. We should starting mixing it. - I'm trying to. - I'm trying to pull it apart. - I need two tongues to separate the barbecue on each side of my mouth. But now I've already eaten it. I mean, that's the thing is it tastes so good. - I just eat it instinctively. - It's just, yeah, it's just like. - I don't even think it's just like, oh so good. - I taste one pretty clearly, I think. But I don't for the other one it's just a shot in the dark. - All right. I'm gonna heave a hail Mary and see if the pork gods shine upon me. - Okay. We're ready. - [Daniella] Okay. Three, two, one. - Eastern and Western North Carolina. - South Carolina and Memphis. - I went with total, North Carolina. And you went all around it. - I did. - Tell us who got that one right. - Rhett got half right. - Oh, so it's a tie. Did I? What did I get? Nothing? - [Daniella] You got nothing. - So it's a tie. Dang it man. - There was South Carolina there wasn't there? - [Daniella] There was no South Carolina. It was Memphis. - Memphis. That's right. It was Memphis. - I mean what's left on the table. What? You know. - What does this mean though? We need to take stock of this moment right now. - Yeah, we should do that privately. - Because we like to think of ourselves as barbecue experts and we gotta go back to the drawing board, man. - Yeah. - More barbecue more often. - This has been a wake up call for us. But for you, it's just an invitation to eat more barbecue. The noun, not the verb. Thanks for liking commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi there. - I'm Kale. - I'm Maddie. - I'm Lisa and we are the three ginger sisters, and we're on the Great Wall of China. And it's time to spin the Wheel of mythical. - Don't miss tomorrow morning's episode. Good mythical crew on this channel where you can see the adventures. The crew went through this week for the show, including how they got all these barbecues riled up. - And click through to "Good Mythical More". We both have to endure the punishment of eating vegan barbecue, but we're gonna try that other barbecue too. - Yeah, we'll do both. - Some brisket from Texas, et cetera. - Beatboxing crows. (mimicking crow call) - It's not bad Daniella, but it's the worst of all of the barbecues, but that's not your fault. - It's really good as a side. - Do you wanna know what's made out of? Cause it looks like pulled pork, right?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,798,871
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Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmm song biscuits, the mythical show, wheel of mythicality, mythicality, mythical, mythical beasts, rhettandlink, rhettandlink2, rhettandlink 2, season 9, bbq, bar-b-que, barbecue (cuisine), barbecue, pork, barbeque, pulled pork, barbecue sauce (food), bbq sauce, best bbq, best barbeque, best bbq pork, taste test, rhett link taste test, rhett link bbq
Id: V9VbC0VvuUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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