Should You Now Join The Marines Over The Army??

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what is going on everybody so recently the army has made several controversial decisions so it kind of all started way back when whenever they tried to implement stretch cards and they gave people basic training patches and then everybody's like oh my gosh the arm is getting soft and then most recently you've had the army uh basically remove the shark attack so because of the situation going on they've removed the shark attack they're looking to make that permanent and more recently they are removing the requirement to pass the pt test to graduate from basic training and i'm seeing all over the place that hey the arm is getting soft i'm going to join the marines so in this video i'm going to actually talk about that and whether or not you should join the marines [Music] sounds kind of like a lot to cover in the first like little bit of my video i usually do it in like three seconds or something but before i actually really start on this video obviously my shirt right here this is the first video that i'm wearing it and i'm just letting y'all know that we as the time of recording this video i'm very close to hitting 200 000 subscribers i've got my 200 000 subscriber t-shirt here i got a couple different font things and white t-shirt and stuff like that variations and this is going to go live friday this friday is going to be the release of the two hundred thousand dollar or not two thousand dollar two hundred thousand subscriber collection this friday i'll let you guys know on instagram so make sure you follow me if you're not following me and then also make sure that you use my code for 10 off use code reward 10 and you will get 10 off do not forget to do that that's for my subscribers so in my recent video that i did talking about i actually did a couple of videos talking about how the army has been removing the shark attack they've removed it from infantry basic training they removed it temporarily at first because of the whole covid situation and then now some uh sergeant major had a brand idea of actually removing it per permanently and replacing with the first hundred yards and then you guys may have been seeing on youtube videos and stuff about the pt test not being a requirement now uh this is another one of those things where it's like i'm a little bit worried because it's a temporary thing even though it's like a whole freaking year-long thing like it's not going to be a requirement to pass the pt test for any army initial entry so whether you're enlisted or whether you're officer until the fiscal year of 2022 so from right now we have a year so fiscal year starts in october first so until next october first it's not going to be a requirement now this has led a lot of people that i've been reading in the comment section to say man like screw the army i'm about to go and join the marines because the marine as we all know is the really hardcore branch right so if you want to be super hula you want to be really hardcore if you want to uh really live out your fantasy of being like a soldier doing soldiery or marine type stuff then you know go join the marines and honestly some people may be watching this video if you are watching this video and you're like this is kind of stupid like of course you should just not change your mind based on this one or two things but honestly a lot of people do join the military or pick the specific branch whether it's marines or army over like the navy or the air force because the marines in the army do a lot more grunt style stuff you have in your mind the marines and the army kind of fill that role for you and so right now some of the in my opinion not the greatest decisions that the army's been making it's been essentially making the army look soft in comparison to the marines so if your driving force of joining the military is willing to join um like the highest most elite essentially branch of the military then you're like oh man i'm gonna go join the marines right now so if you are that person that feels that way in my personal opinion this may surprise some of you out there then you probably actually do want to join the marines if you want to join the brands that's a branch that's the most physically fit if you want to join the brands that seems the most squared away organized uh militarized in a sense you know a lot of people like uh if you view the marines on base pretty much they're always walking in formation they're always looking sharp a lot of times you see some army soldiers and they're just kind of lollygagging around and so the marines obviously look more uh professional essentially and just to be completely honest that's pretty much kind of how it is so if you're leaning that way and the army uh removing the shark attack the army um you know temporarily you know banning the requirement of passing the pt test to graduate from a string then yeah go ahead join the marines i'm not like trying to have any branch wars or anything like that that's just my personal opinion if that's kind of what you're going after then go ahead and do that if you're going after other career goals like more like career progression because it's just a fact if you join the marines it's going to be a lot freaking harder for you to get promoted like a lot freaking harder there's less opportunities for you to advance your career in the marines and so you have to kind of weigh the factors of why you're joining one branch versus another branch so that's just my personal opinion the way that the army is going right now annoys the mess out of me i just want to say that and i've talked about that and i think that the civilian world is encroaching encroaching on the military in a sense a lot of people think that the military should be like the civilian world that they should treat people the exact same way yes people have feelings but at the same time we are in the military you are taking an oath to do all these certain things and you have to do what your superiors say you have to be able to operate effectively in a high high stress environment aka the shark attack you know it's a super high stress environment you know drill sergeants are making everything super crazy super hectic and you have to be able to operate efficiently and effectively in those situations because whenever you actually go downrange and you're in a firefight or really just any situation like if you're in a support role supporting some combat roles some combat units like that's still going to be super high stress because if you don't do your job properly as they support mos then it could end up getting some of the combat mos's soldiers killed just because you're not in a combat mos doesn't mean that the things that you do how you are proficient at your job isn't going to be life or death it may not be life or death for you but it could be life or death for somebody else out there if you are in military intelligence if you are in signal there's a lot of things where if you screw up then it could be life or death for the people that are actually down range training soldiers to operate effectively under super high stress environments is what we should be doing don't know why that the army did that whole thing uh the pt test i kind of understand it hopefully it's not a permanent thing like they did with the whole shark attack removal first it was temporary and it was only going to be until all this stuff was with the pandemic was over and then now they're trying to make it permanent well with this pt testing like i kind of understand it because the reason that they're doing it is one of the reasons that i've said that the acft probably wasn't the route that they should have gone and i've talked about that in my video i may talk about some other things in the video coming up but because the acft is so complicated and you need so much equipment and for some of the events in the acft you kind of need to go to the gym and the past year pretty much since march for a lot of people uh i've been lucky enough to where i can go to a gym sometimes but it was four months essentially since i didn't get to go to the gym if that makes sense i kind of said that weird but it was a four month gap i didn't get to go to the gym there's some people in the us that still can't go to the gym that maybe can't afford to go to the store and get workout equipment if there's actually any available so the reason that they kind of temporarily banned this or removed this requirement is just because the acft pt test kinda requires you to actually go to a gym and work out with heavy weight you know for the deadlift and things like that so if you don't have that available to you then if they test you on this you can't really prepare for it so they're kind of just temporarily doing this again hopefully they don't freaking make this a permanent ban because that would just be stupid you know the army always talks about the standard and meeting the standard and they preach that and they preach that and preach that they they hit it into your head all the time bang it in your head all the time freaking the standard you got to hit the standard exceed the standard and then the army comes along and they're like we're going to lower the standard and you're like what the heck so that's gonna be it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed it enjoyed a little bit my expounding expanding on some of my thoughts and opinions on the whole acft matter and all that stuff since i have made a dedicated video on it uh don't forget about the t-shirt drop this friday haven't picked the time yet hit the like button if you haven't already as well as the subscribe button and the notification bell button that would just be freaking awesome i hope you got some amazing freaking day and i'll see y'all later [Music] i
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 74,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, Army vs marines, Marines, should I join the marines, should I join the army, which is better marines or army, marines vs army which is better, Army removes shark, army removes shark attack, army removes shark attack reaction, army removes shark attacks from basic training reaction
Id: PkPsY9IjUP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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