What's Next? - Part 2 - Pastor Justin Dailey

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everybody doing ok and welcome to week 2 of a series we're calling what's next is we were sitting around as a team and staff and some of the pastor's coming through this amazing season of our lights camera action series and Easter at all of our locations and and I can't wait to celebrate some of the things that happened at Easter next week next week we're gonna wrap up this what's next series talking about the last couple of things that really we believe you need in your life Pastor Chris talked about it last week did you guys enjoy Pastor Chris last week oh you get up for my pastor and I was with him all week this week just spending time learning and in talking church and talking leadership up in Birmingham Alabama and I'm just so thankful to be from Church of the highlands and be from a great place that loves God doing it the right way they had a hundred and one thousand people on Easter and so they had eleven thousand people give their life to Jesus so just just when I thought I was like hey we we did it we haven't even started and so it's always good to go and be reminded that you have only just begun and so thankful for Pastor Chris and the whole team up there he did an amazing job starting this what next series and we talked about the idea that that we exist he used a passage in Ephesians that we exist to know God that we need to find a point in our life where we start a relationship with Jesus you need to know that the the next three steps after the first step are not important if you don't get the first one like it's kind of one of those things that your journey doesn't even start until you get the first thing right you can never take the second step come on somebody if you don't take the first step and the first step is to know God and if you don't know him we're gonna give you an opportunity at the end of our time together today in all of our locations if you've never heard of this Jesus guy I'm gonna talk about and today but we'd spent the whole last few weeks go back and watch our Easter message and and get a Bible at the end of service meet somebody you have to if you want to spend eternity with God you have to get to know God so important the second step we talked about is finding freedom and that we're gonna camp out today cuz I think after we know God this is the place where most Christians get lost we're talking about that in just a moment and then next week we're gonna wrap it up and we're gonna talk about discovering our purpose and making a difference together that you were created on purpose and for a purpose and you will never find fulfillment until you find your calling and then plug into that calling in the local church and begin to use your gifts for God's glory and to reach and connect people I want to go to the book of Exodus Exodus chapter 6 Pastor Chris last week talked about there's several different passages in fact he thinks there's up to 20 passages where God really lays out these four things that people that you and I men and women were created for to know God to find freedom to discover purpose and to make a difference the first record of that is in Exodus 6 verses 6 and 7 I'm reading out the NIV and you'll see what's happening here is there we really get the four cups of Passover out of this Exodus when Jesus would have been doing the Last Supper with the disciples when he brought the cup it would have actually been the third cup the cup of redemption we'll talk about that in just a moment but there's four cups to the Lord's Supper there's four cups to Passover and you and I were created to live and walk out these four steps so reading in verse six therefore say to the Israelites I am the Lord this is God talking to Moses says I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians that's that first point Pastor Chris talked about last week of knowing God he's going to bring us out of our past that is salvation that you once we're lost but now you are found that you used to live according to your own desires but those have been crucified those have been surrendered and now you know God you know a better way of life you know what it is to live in power you know what it is to have the hope of eternal home that he's going to bring you out you need to know that your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross to bring you out to make a way for you to know God because I say I will free you from being slaves to them that's where we're gonna camp out today because God's gonna free us but wait a second pastor he just said he's gonna bring us out aren't we free no you're free eternally but but you got some junk the people of Egypt were in slavery for over 400 years so like generation upon generation upon generation were in slavery they were in bondage what that means is they didn't know anything else but being slaves so freedom is a process it's not an event salvation justification by faith that is an event but the process of sanctification the theological term the process of freedom it takes a lifetime saved in a moment but but he's got a he's got to take them he's got to take us on a journey for us to find freedom here's the third thing we'll talk about next week and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment that God wants to give you a redemptive calling what it's saying is all the stuff you use for you now God wants you to use that for him it's like everything in your business everything in your relationships all of your gifts that you woke up one day mostly guys come on you've been there for you won't get one day you're like I'm awesome you're not but every awesome thing that you have which is usually quite a bit less awesome than you think that it is it's called your redemptive calling it's the gifts that God gave you to the fourth thing to make a difference here's what it says I will take you as my own people see they had been slaves and now he says I'm gonna take you as my own people what that means is you're gonna find fulfillment you need to hear this today regardless of how good your marriage is how great your kids are at sports or in drama how much money you have you will never never be fulfilled until you find and begin to use and do the very thing that God has called you to do see poor people I see middle-class people I see wealthy people all miserable because they're pursuing something they were never created to pursue and that's themselves you will never find fulfillment until you live your life making a difference for other people I want to go to that setting us free thought here in Exodus six and if you got your Bibles we're gonna be an exit of Exodus 13 and 14 our entire time together today I want to study Israel's path to freedom their path to freedom from Egypt to the promised land was only a week and a half to a couple of week Jerry most scholars believe but yet it took him 40 years why because Allah just like us a lot of us aren't ready for the promised land we need God to work out some things and God God had a path and we're gonna find it here that it was it was a long way but it was never meant to be 40 years it was only supposed to take a couple of weeks he's like hey let's take a couple weeks let's take a breath let's figure some things out but then their disobedience and their lack of repentance and their lack of surrender and their lack of following God led to 40 years in the wilderness that's not what we're talking about today I want to talk about their first few days and their path to freedom you and I have a path to freedom that God has laid out I heard my pastor one time say why why freedom why don't we camp out on this because he brought them out and he brought them out of Egypt but he had to take some time to get the Egypt out of them if that's not you and me I don't know what is I come on you remember come on just Christians for a second you remember when you got saved there's there's two types of salvation that happens and this is not theological this is just Justin's opinion here's the two types the first one is called barely saved like you're still doing all the same things you're like worshiping and then you're smoking a little a little something extra and that night and you're still worshiping you like God created it it's green and he loves it and I love him more when I am worshiping him under the influence you're you're barely saved you're still hanging out with the same people you're still doing the same things but you're you're trying to live for God actually you're not you don't even know what you don't know you're like I love Jesus and I love everything else I love everybody and that it's called barely saved we got to get the Egypt out of you we need some freedom from those addictions and those substances and that behavior come on somebody and then we have the other and this is just as dangerous you are they're really saved nobody wants to be around you come on you you're at 17 small groups and it's Tuesday what are you doing today I don't mean about what are you doing I'm about all day oh that you read your Bible I read the whole Old Testament this morning I'm so excited if you see I've you seen Exodus 13 oh my gosh nobody's excited about Exodus 13 God barely put it in there you're really saved you're over saved and both of you but all of us need to go on a journey of finding true freedom from our past and from the religiousness of the the SuperSave that was for somebody somebody just got set free in Jesus name Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 let's follow the people of Egypt as they're let out of captivity as they're led out of bondage and what's next for us all of us could take our next step in freedom today I don't care if you're barely saved really saved I've been walking with God your whole life I believe that the Word of God is living and active and then we're the process of freedom and that God through the power of the Holy Spirit it's gonna break some things from you today verse 17 when Pharaoh finally let the people go God did not lead them along the main road that runs through the Philistine territory even though get this church that was the shortest route route or route how many roots do we have in here how many route yes a little southern here in Orlando come on in by Sanford winter Springs I don't know route route I tried to say route cuz I thought it made me sound smarter even though from Alabama but a lot of routes in here route is a little more southern it's really important I'm highlighting it because God didn't take them on the shortest route support it to the promise then God said get this if the people are faced with a battle they might change their minds and return to Egypt on our path of freedom right this time you're taking notes don't take the shortest route take the holy route like it wasn't the main road like it wasn't the beaten path that wasn't what everybody thought they should do it wasn't convinced wisdom and when you're in the moment you are not God and I am NOT God and we think God why why don't I have what they have God you healed them that way God they seem way more free they raised their hand last week and their life seems ready to to roll they are in a good spot why am I not on the path of my brother or my sister or my coworker why do you have me on this path why not the one that makes sense why not the one that everybody else is on because in our perspective we think a to be the shortest path is a straight line that's how we should go but God is saying don't don't trust conventional wisdom trust me because he knew that the shortest path could lead them into a battle with the Philistines and they had just been slaves for 400 years you know what that means they didn't have any weapons they didn't have any training they weren't ready for a battle yet they needed to take a little time away a little detour with God because they weren't ready for an attack and you need to know if you've just given your life to Jesus you are not ready for a straight path back to be a missionary to your old life I got to go back and reach those people you're not ready you're not ready for that battle you're not ready for that temptation I love your heart but it is misguided and in fact the enemy will use it to pull you back in you do not get saved at Easter and you're ready to preach that's not how that works look I'm called you're right maybe you are but your character has not caught up to your calling yet so your calling will destroy you because you're not ready I would have clapped there to thank you for the pity applause here at Winter Park somebody Winter Springs lost their mind and I thank you for that you are well past the people here on your path to freedom I need some super safe people to respond to preaching that's what I need not not to tell me about Leviticus 13 but to really respond well Exodus 13 21 in the 22 let's get to the next point I digress the Lord went ahead of him get this church he guided them everybody said guided he guided him during the day with a pillar of cloud he provided light at night with a pillar of fire this allowed them to travel by day or by night and the Lord did not removed the pillar of cloud or the pillar of fire from its place we're not strong readers here okay let's put it up on the screen from his place in front of the people if you're watching locations is somewhere right in here like in front of the people in front of me and lower thirds in front of the people write this down if you're taking notes how do we begin to walk this path to freedom finding freedom let God lead in front of the people we love to include God hey what do you think you think we should go to church this week hey what do you think you think we should spend time with God this morning I'm kind of sleepy I don't know whether looks kind of bad this afternoon maybe we should head out to the beach a little bit early and we wonder why God's not involved in all of our life because he's not leading it in the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire was not behind them was not beside them it was in front of them you will never find the freedom that God has for you leading your own life we have to allow God to lead and sometimes that means going a different direction than we feel in a different direction and what the world says it means that we're gonna allow God to lead if you're like me sometimes I think how in the world did the people of Israel if you know the story they had a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire they had manna from heaven falling at one point like God was like showing up and the Ten Commandments were coming down from the mountain like Ashton Stone like how in the world could they have had all of these tangible things and still have fallen or gotten distracted but yet their fall they're following all of these external things but based off what Jesus Christ did on the cross you and I have a internal we have a purse a relationship with the Holy Spirit it means we can have a dialogue we can have a conversation and yet we get so distracted and so in front and the quietness is called conviction and everyone said well it's good for us to reflect on our life and ask the question is God leading or is he included or is he following or is he not even around at all some of us certain parts of our journey have been leading our life so long that the sad thing is we don't even realize that he's not even around we're gonna find freedom Church we got a you know let God lead here's the next thing let's keep reading in this story they're following a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night we gotta let God lead take the holy route here's what we got to realize - let's drop down to chapter 14 verse 5 and 6 it says when word reach the king of Egypt that's Pharaoh it's the old story Pharaoh Pharaoh oh baby let my people go that's the one sunday-school flannelgraph board you know I'm talking about like Pharaoh Prince of Egypt the the movie you got it Charlton Heston in the old old days No it feels awkward doesn't it cuz awkward when you don't respond to anything that's just one to give you a moment and feel that first five when word reached the king of Egypt but the Israelites had fled Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds what have we done letting all those Israelite slaves get away they asked so pharaoh harnessed his chariot and called up his troops you know what most people most barely saved or really saved people in the early stages of our path to freedom do you know why we get distracted or we get disappointed or we get defeated because for the first time in a long time we actually are facing real opposition write this down this is a truth from this verse right here Satan is a bad loser like he's taking his ball and going home type of God in Pharaoh see what happens is that the the plagues come and he finally gets it enough just has enough with it he doesn't really care anymore he's apathetic the plagues got really really bad so he just says Moses take your people and leave but then once they leave then he notices how we can accomplish everything like when they were with him he didn't notice but once they left and he's like what about these millions of people what if they go and raise up an army now that the Israelites could be and really are in opposition to Egypt now the enemy takes notice so we face opposition for the first time in a long time be encouraged it may be the first time in a long time you've actually done anything worth opposing like if nothing is is happening if I things are just going good and I'm just I'm just kind of half in and half out and I'm kind of just around if you've never faced any opposition Church maybe in this season of your life you're fighting for the wrong team Satan is a bad loser once they put themselves in opposition against him phaedra says no now now I notice now I'm going after them and now we get into the story where the fight really happens now that really saved or that barely saved now we're really finding out where the rubber meets the road we're really finding out how real the revelation of Jesus is going to be in our life what are we gonna do it's not hard to praise God on the mountaintop it's not hard to be excited about our Easter experience or about our salvation and you should but the test of your relationship with Jesus is not what you do when things are good it's what you do when things are tough and here's what happens to the people of Israel and they're in their exodus from Egypt verse 12 there they're up against somebody give you some context they're up against the Red Sea now they're getting chased by the Egyptian soldiers they've got chariots they've got weapons the the men that have been beating them and owning them they were enslaved for 400 years remember now this army is closing in and God's holy route has pinned them up against the Red Sea so they're up against the Red Sea on one side and on the other side is the Egyptian army and here's what they begin to do they say didn't we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt we said leave us alone let us be slaves to the Egyptians it's better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness they weren't saying that but doesn't that sound familiar like when we step out in faith and when we step out and begin to live differently and then things don't happen we begin to question God so God where did you go I'm really saved and it's an emotional experience but God now I don't feel you anymore and I'm facing some difficulty you must not be real why didn't I just stay where as I was better off before and the sad thing is we actually believe that people of Egypt were slaves and we say that we were slaves to sit destined to spend eternity in hell and yet we say God we I was better off before I did this whole church thing before I did this whole sacrificial thing before this whole surrendering thing I was better off really the truth is write this down most of us don't want change lives we just want change situations we don't want anything to have to change internally we just want to make some decisions so everything externally changes I want to be happy pastor well that's seasonal that's based on circumstance if you live your life pursuing happiness you're gonna be disappointed but if you live your life pursuing holiness you're gonna be rewarded thank God God just cares way more about your holiness new happiness he's he's raising us as kids as spiritual sons and daughters and how do you parents know you can't weigh more about your kids holiness and their happiness like I don't really care if you're happy son do the right thing right well the problem is there's not a whole lot of greement here and that's kind of the problem with our kids today is we care way too much about their happiness we're trying to be friend instead of mom and dad and and god is your friend but its secondary to he's your father and he's trying to work something out and you he loves you but he loves you like a good father like a good dad not like an American dad now just trying to make you happy I'm trying to make you holy and I'm all over your toes right now that is fine you weren't clapping earlier you deserve it let me illustrate I was at the soccer field yesterday watching my son Bentley play soccer and uh and we are we're sports people I love sports Bentley is is getting to be a lot better at soccer started started from the bottom now he's here and and here would be like right about average and so but he scored a goal the last two weeks and yesterday we got about a minute left and and he scores another goal the problem is the referee doesn't call it a goal I mean the ball is in the goal the goal keeper goes in like his head gets caught in the net he grabs it out of the goal and he's like no it didn't cross the line sir if you would have been so lazy back at midfield and you've got in the proper position to officiate this game it's very important game point by eight-year-olds at Red Bud Lake Park it got me thinking last year Bentley scored the game-winning goal his first goal his first real goal ever was the game-winning goal in a playoff game and and it was second half and and he he scored in his face like he does this thing where he kind of puts his arms down he's trying not to smile like he's so excited but he kind of looks at me like he doesn't want to be embarrassed by celebrating on the inside he's doing like flips and like it was crazy like I was high five in all of our team Eddie Knight in a chest bump I'm pretty sure I took my shirt off at one time and was running around the field Steph was just sitting there crying like I'm just so proud of my boy it was a moment we had a moment the dailies had a moment if you were there I hope you didn't judge us we were super saved in that moment we were super excited to be there I was so excited about that moment for my son Bentley his happiness was so important to me now this didn't happen but let's just say it did that the next play down the field Bentley misses the kick he rips his Jersey because he's the Incredible Hulk he shouts that word that his mom taught him you know it's always the moms I'm no longer celebrating I'm no longer cheering I'm grabbing his arm we're going to the bathroom for some old school discipline come on somebody taking you the bathroom can't do that in public anymore because at that moment I'm not concerned with what he just did great I'm concerned with teaching him a lesson and your Father in heaven it's concerned way more with your holiness your path to freedom is not a pursuit of happiness I will lead you back to bondage because the pursuit of happiness is about you and your flesh and how you feel pursuit of holiness is laying down your life as you follow Jesus we just want changed situations we need to begin to ask God no change of me from the inside out here's the next thing I want you to write down your path to freedom God God is the ultimate fighter for our freedom here's what it says in the next couple verses let's read it together and then unpack it for a moment verse 13 but Moses told the people don't be afraid that's easy mo like you've been meeting with God you've been studying through this whole thing throwing plagues around that's real easy what is happening but Moses told people don't be afraid just stand still again mo what are you talking about I can swim I'm gone these slower people it's kind of like the the lion and the herd like I don't have to be faster than the devil I said to be faster than the slowest person in this group like I'm out of here no he said just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today the Egyptians you see today will never be seen again the Lord Himself somebody needs to hear this the Lord Himself will fight for you just stake home but the Lord will fight for you if you give god access he will fight any like really fight like he will go to bat for you like we have a real battle ultimate fight how many know that the UFC is real like they're really hitting each other see too many of us in this fight for freedom we think that we're in the WWE and I love the WWE Mean Gene you know snap into a slim jim you know I'm talked about I love it just yelling for no reason it's like right now so I'm gonna just punch in if you really slow it down they missed grip watching WWE thought it was real it was about 16 then I thought my whole world is a lie and how did hulk hogan's hairlines stay in that complete cul-de-sac for 30 years I don't know that's amazing who gets hair plugs around the cul-de-sac I don't know ouka mania see too many of us think this fight for freedom it's just a story if the enemy is not real and that we can just play this Christianity game know there is a battle going on for your soul and once you know God there's a battle going on for your freedom and for your influence and for your quality of life and it is not fake and it is not an interview and it is not going to commercial it is a real battle and you are really getting hit in the face but you need to know that the only way you win is not by fighting back on your own it's by stepping back and watching Jesus fight here it is it kind of is a little bit WWE do you ever watch the Tag Team Championships man I love some some tag team because when you got tired you would get all like what you weren't really tired it's an act but you would get all tired and then just you just barely make it to the corner and you dive in and you slap them and then the guy would come in like he had just strength like 17 red bulls and he'd be punching and in the crowd and I really wish I had a wrestling ring up here right now and could be acting this out because I would love to been a professional wrestler but he tags and then he just kind of lays over on the sidelines while the other guy does all the fighting he just watches his partner fight you need to know you're not in the crowd you're in the fight but your job is not to be in the middle of the Ring your job is to be on the side of the ring just just watching God fight for you there's a real fight going on but he's the one that's gonna win the battle and I found a few verses cuz I really felt like after the WWE reference we need to get back to Scripture and I just believe that these verses could set you free today that you're in a fight against addiction you're in a fight for your family you're in a fight and the struggle against anxiety or depression or insecurity and I'm just believing that the Word of God will do what it says it will do and it will not return void that you'll replace some of that fear and anxiety with some freedom that can only come from the Word of God Psalm 1 says this about your God fighting for you says God is your refuge and strength an ever-present help in times of trouble Isaiah 43 says for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your Savior I say it 43 5 do not be afraid for I am with you Jeremiah 1 do not be afraid of them for I am the one who will rescue you declares the Lord Jeremiah 1:19 today I have made you a fortified city Matthew 28 and be sure of this I am with you always even to the end of the age I love how Paul writes in second Corinthians since we were under great pressure and you will be if you're not under great pressure right now there will be a time and your journey to freedom and your journey on this side of heaven well you will be under great pressure in some area of your life far beyond our ability to endure so we despaired even of life indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God you ever thought that when they came out of Egypt if we don't get to this Red Sea that maybe they would have taken credit for it in our day and age they would have worshipped Moses like we worship people called celebrities and in fact we even do at the church sometimes small group leader team leader pastor Moses wasn't in charged I believe the Red Sea was given to them so when they were under great pressure under great attack that they would not take it for granted he was creating a memory he was creating a moment where he says I'm God and you're not first 10 when a who's is 4 but you need to receive it on your path to freedom today he has delivered us from such a deadly peril and he will deliver us on him like only on him on nothing else set your hope because he will continue to deliver us I don't have time to read it but in the next few verses in verse 21 and 22 God parts the Red Sea if you've been Church do you remember it and a lot of times I I thought about this Red Sea deal and if you picture it like on the flannel board in Sunday school it's like a small little creek like kinda like the creek we have out here at our winter park location you think oh man like that's cool they were didn't get their feet wet but God made it dry so they wouldn't ruin the shoes most college believe at the middle the Red Sea would have been 100 feet deep it took them over 24 hours to cross it over a million people that's a that's a big body of water that's miles wasn't a hop skip and a jump first 22 it says that these people on their path to freedom they had to walk through these walls of water I just put yourself in the story can you imagine taking that first step with a hundred feet walls of water in each side of you I don't know like that first step like I could you see the fish in there it's like an aquarium I just was it like held up and the water was raging I don't know I just knows a hundred feet high several storey building and you're walking through it and you're like oh they didn't have the end of the story Church just one fateful step after the other just walking through the walls of water full gotta be full of fate to take that step that first person man full of faith I thought something news I was reading it this week you know the first few people a lot of faith you ever notice how much easier it is after the person in front of you makes it through can I just tell you you don't have to be the first person to take a step we we already took it for you you can just follow us as we follow Jesus as Paul says that we are going to walk through the walls of water and we're going to keep walking you through the walls of water and you don't have to see the other side you just have to see the person in front of you saying I'm gonna take the step and I'm going to take the step just picture what are your walls of water and I'm not minimizing them today because they're scary this whole world gonna come crashing down on me this relationship gonna die too you you look like you're making away but I'm trying this before fearful write this down last thing freedom freedom is the prize for those who conquer their fears God doesn't make any sense for is it's got to be another way like if he could part the Red Sea why didn't God build a bridge like that have been easier that would have made sense we're trying to make God make sense when he's trying to make faith on the inside of us you have to walk through some walls of water since they get to the other side this is the encouraging part once we take the step once we say god I want to know you and I want to follow you and I'm gonna walk this path to freedom it says I get to the other side like all of them and once the people of Israel are are free it says the Red Sea collapses the Red Sea collapses on all of the chariots and all of the charioteers and all of the soldiers and it says not a single one of them survived like without the Red Sea and without this moment of fear versus faith in them choosing faith in them crossing their enemy still exists their enemy is still in pursuit if God would have made a different way the enemy still would have been on their heels but he says no I gotta take you through something so that you and I have a trusting relationship but once we get to the other side you're past your bondage your slavery it has been broken not a single one of them survived like I was I know when I talk about this you think that's Justin I'm not an addict I don't have any big sins well first of all can we stop stacking sins like this because God stacked some like this they're all the same it's not ones more than the other it's just right here and we all need freedom from all of this I was thinking about this week there was been hundreds of thousands of Egyptian soldiers they would have been all different shapes and sizes so like the big muscular soldier the one where - a medium t-shirt and beaten them all their life yelling at them cussing at them degrading them but when they would have held them captive like that drug addiction like that pornography addiction like that anxiety like that the big things that have been keeping you back wash - what but there had to be some little scrawny Egyptians too you know what I mean like just some some ones that were like going to get water and hanging around around the big guys your little issues can be washed away as well and your freedom may not be from something big but it may be from something small that's keeping you from something big and the Red Sea washed it all the way nothing but the Red Sea could have set them free in that moment and here this church nothing but the red blood of Jesus Christ can set you free from your past his sacrifice and his substitution on the cross for you and for me it is what covers us it is what sets us free the big and small the big addiction the smallest of issues you can find freedom today if you say oh god I'm taking a step and I'm gonna let you lead and I'm going to trust your path and I'm gonna engage in this battle not with my own strength but by trusting more in you and I'm allowing you to change something in me internally so then I begin to live out something different externally God for most of us has gotten us out of Egypt our prayers that we find freedom today and he gets to Egypt the past this stuff out of us would you bow your heads in every location every head bowed every eye closed God we love you go we thank you for your word god we thank you it's living it active and it can change us if we allow it to church every head bowed every eye closed nobody looking around if you're in here today Winter Park Winter Springs Oviedo or Sanford to pass just not I need to I need some freedom but I know that starts not with me but in trusting God I need to take that first step today and faith over fear and believe in him all we've talked about today is what's available finding freedom is available to those that trust in Jesus what if you did that today should i I trust God I'm giving my life to him maybe for the first time ever or maybe for the first time in a long time I read committing your life if that's you and any one of our locations a pastor including me in this prayer I need Jesus I am finding freedom today by knowing God knowing Jesus as my Lord and my Savior you raise your hand right where you are and who I'm praying for I need freedom from my past I needed a new future I need to let God lead I am surrendering my life to Jesus got hands up all over the room here at Winter Park come on Winter Springs I Vito Sanford raise them high Holy Spirit's moving your services as well I need some freedom and I'm starting a relationship with Jesus surrendering my life to his leading come on one more second anybody else proud of you two three four five more in here come on come on all of our locations if you raised your hand you can put them down I pray this in your heart as I prayed out loud say they say God I love you and God I thank you for saving me I acknowledge that I'm a sinner and I'm saved only by your grace I'm confessing with my mouth and I'm believing in my heart that you were the Lord and I'm giving you that place today complete and total control God have your way in my life thank you for saving me I got to pray for all of us every single one of us and I pray this week do you reveal some things that we're off your path that we're off you're leading I got challenges take our next step of faith from the biggest of struggles the smallest of issues that we are gonna get in a small group God we're gonna go to action steps we're gonna allow somebody in our life we're gonna begin to pursue you and pursue other people we're gonna find freedom through relationship with you in a more intimate way in relationship with others in a more authentic way we're gonna open ourselves up Holy Spirit change us from the inside out we love you and say your name we pray and everybody said amen church can we celebrate all the decisions go celebrate
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Id: AoHgN1cCo8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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