What's New at NeoFuns California!

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today we are at neofunds arcade let's go see what we can win [Music] hey guys today we're at neofund which is a really cool arcade here in California so they have a ton of fall machines here guys yeah mini claw machines normal sized claw machines they even have a jam Pusher we haven't been here in a few years so we're excited to take a look around see what's new so before we get started we are starting with a prize because we put so many credits on our cards we're excited ready to have a lot of fun so let's go so we're going to start off on this row of claw machine this already has a play ready to go on the time machine she's going to tie to win the bat alien or whatever that monster is like a cyclops alien I wonder if it's a double tap oh you have to try it again hopefully this time she'll figure it out if it is a double tap let's find them oh it doesn't look like it oh we're probably not gonna play every single machine they have here but this one we have to play look at it it has some ditto squirrels oh yeah that one definitely double tap what do you have a squirtle a Pikachu a Clefairy it's Pikachu and I think I saw a Charmander in a bull bar back there and there's actually a Pokeball in the back too you go for Squirtle again oh wow I think you have to double tap and that one in hold on I'm not sure what these guys are but we're not playing for that I don't think Chris wants to play for Stitch right now but she will try for some Winnie the Pooh prizes piglet she's gonna go for piglet let's see will it hold on to piglet or is Piglet too big of a pig oh oh it got closer it's very close and she can't come any closer with the claw itself so she's hoping that maybe when it goes down it will yes do exactly uh probably not bad forget piglet we're going for poo now will it hold on to poo oh wow maybe you gotta go for E over there make sure you get that double tap just right bail I guess piglet was the lightest one out of all of them this troll right here is gonna go for a trolls character why are you calling me a trolling troll because I got really short when I hit the square down I double tap that oh we actually lifted it up a little bit I thought that double tap was worthless but it actually did pick it up this picks it up again you know I'm gonna play it again Chris if it doesn't pick it up I think I'm gonna have it here guys I think so as well oh that double tap doesn't seem to oh [Music] how did you know Poppy foreign let me try for this main hashara over here right Chris okay yes okay I think I can actually win her all right this is my last try because Crystal doesn't think she's like saying you can't get that so I might believe Crystal I can't believe you forget you you're a lion I don't believe Crystal I'm pretty sure I can win there oh maybe Crystal was right we've never seen this game before it's called colorful balls it looks like you want to try to collect the balls down here as they come down we think the balls are gonna drop down here hit these pegs and then she has to move this like stick around and catch him but we don't know we did read the rules and it says if you catch a certain amount within the time frame so you have 39 seconds oh there they go whoa so so far she's won nine tickets I don't know how many you have to get to actually get the thing they're coming back it doesn't actually tell you where how many you have to get keep it going man these things are moving so fast all right you're at a score of 26 you stop 15 seconds oh I've been you're getting some you got nine seconds or every two points is one ticket it says up there one second all right so she got a total it's not counting those anymore I told her I think it was 36 did you get enough to get a prize because it didn't see oh I don't think anything came out I think these are the prizes that she would have got I mean it's probably better that we didn't get a prize oh check out this game guys it's called pirate chess this game looks really easy but we don't know if it's on skill mode or if it's on you know not let you win mode you'll notice that these are being held up by these little Clips if you can hit the clip I think right perfectly up there you'll let go when it should fall down I want to see if I can win from this so I only have to hit that clip just perfect okay I'm looking for this one right here oh wait what the heck what's it doing what is this delay oh my God so he needed the blue one so now that I know it goes crazy I gotta do a little earlier let's go about there wait what why y'all okay I'm gonna go try a few more times because I do want to win from this let's try right about there oh yes so I move over to the next side I want to see if this one Wiggles as much that one really shakes so much don't wiggle don't wiggle don't wiggle yes this is gonna be my last try Crystal you're gonna have to try on this because I feel like we can win from it okay is this good no I think it's too much look it knows perfectly where to put it I really hope Crystal can get the timing on this because I wouldn't be able to win from this oh Crystal's timing was a little early but you did hit the clip but you just had to hit this one right here so you're a little bit too early she's going again this looks good this looks good come on yeah let's go let's go Crystal got it what actually is it I have no idea what it is oh so you can open it up and it has oh good job that was awesome I took like two plays she's going for another one guys oh come on again again oh that was just little one last play can't she win two please nothing cheated you I'm gonna try one more time guys I can't let Crystal outdo me angel wants to win too I do I just noticed that the blue ones are smaller pegs so you should want to go for the ones that are red like that way that one to come back around oh I don't have any time left yes [Music] oh my goodness good job now it's gym Pusher time can't Crystal win a lemon oh it's actually not a lemon guys I just said that but that's what I meant it's not a lime or lemon it's actually a character from sumiko oh no they fell off but yeah she wants to pick these up make them land back there and then push some over come on pick up another one pick it up pick it up pick it up perfectly look at that I mean it's up to you I actually don't know based on the position I'd probably go for the back these things roll so much that it's oh oh I told you they rolled so much and it's probably not a good idea to go in the back she's lining It Up Guys you think she has one ready to be picked up oh he went a little too early oh Crystal's gonna win so many out of these mini claw machines right here at least she's hoping so she's going for what appears to be a whale shark it looks like it's really high up does it have rubber grippers on it no it does not I hope you can actually pick it up though because it double tap okay it does whoa oh I didn't move it closer or anything this one's gonna be better we hope oh yeah cause they went further down Crystal caught it she's going to win a lot from this now we're moving on down to what appears to be a cupcake is that a cupcake all right let's see can't she win this in like one or two plays oh double tap yeah oh we're gonna let it go I think it actually went a little further back after that was back again I'm not cleaning all right let's see yes oh that was a better double tap look at this banana right here it's so high up Crystal's gonna be able to hit it right here but it wasn't a good hit but it wasn't a bad hit either she's going for the banana oh nice then she has a little face that banana has a face double banana Chris do you want double bananas oh here we go let's go can you win this every single time I don't know dang Crystal's a banana master oh look at this one it's already pretty much over the price you and then that one right there too you have to be able to win one of these Chris do you think you can win it oh she's actually going for the one that's hanging over that's probably the best oh it's probably going to another oh dude you got it you got it come on you're gonna get it next time she's super into this guys will she get it come on here we go here we yeah she got a chili pepper oh man oh my gosh look at that face that face is messed up she's going for another win this time it looks like she's going for I believe it's tokage from sumiko garashi it's that blue one right there can't she win it oh wisdom goes so slow oh Oh I thought you had it oh here we go all right so will it take it all the way or what what no he's not there's a wheel in here a seal in here a bug in here yeah I'm gonna go for the uh the seal this year was actually too big for this call look at the size of this claw it's really small but you never know by the tail oh yeah I don't get that one right now so I'm gonna go for this uh Shamu oh yeah by the whale tank oh is that gonna grab it brought it a little bit closer right do that again I don't think I double tap that one fast enough but I am moving it a little closer all right so watch this oh it doesn't double tap I don't think oh come on come on you know I think if I shake the coal like this a lot Oh I thought it's gonna make it fall off but it did it I'm just gonna go straight down on it okay and hope that it pulls it over just a little oh that's not what I wanted it to do no no it went back the other way all right so let me actually try to go for this one it even made the coil itself security oh my God that's unusual you have to win this Angel oh man it was stabbed oh wait maybe for this one you do like a swing technique because they look like I wanted to pick it up so I can't swing it too much but it does swing some let's see if I can swing it and grab it do whatever you have to do to win the world oh is it gonna get anything oh maybe I should go for the daisies that what you said was yeah this one right here so it's going straight for the grab on this one I don't know if it double Taps let me find did it I think I should go for this one again I I just feel like this is a lucky one oh it's stabbed it keeps stabbing the one beside it [Music] crystal wants to go for it boba and you could say this one is a Sakura themed as well oh this one does double tap I think you double tapped it right yeah I did all right so double tap is in place can't you double tap it just right oh yes looks like she has it where she wants it well this double tap work please please please no it just picked up and dropped the exact same spot last play I got it so close I better win it this time what if you almost win it are you gonna keep playing this is never her last play guys whoa whoa whoa you're technically almost wanted there because I told you guys she's not gonna give up she's going again but will it go in this time or will it do the same thing Chris is your last fight call it now oh what'd you call it might be Crystal's last place but it's my first place these are some weird neon Squirtles look at the face in the back that does not even look like a squirtle these have been inside a black light for all their life but that one is really high so Crystal's hoping that she can make it tumble in did it actually work with the double types all right so let's see if you can double tap it no I don't know if it is yeah it seems like it's stopping right before you're double tapping one last play hopefully this time it picks it up but let's find out or maybe it is more okay no you have to play a game because look at that guys that thing is so high compared to the price shoes oh oh no what is she doing oh what is she doing what is going on here yeah that's what I try to do over there but it didn't work either hopefully this grab is enough yes oh I really want to have to do that Crystal thinks she can win this cat right here come on come on forget the cat she's going for the duck duck duck goose it actually did pick it up though but you didn't have a full grab on it so hopefully this is one more try right here guys one more try for the duck and then we're gone okay let's see can't she get it oh hit the other one he wants to pick this up Chris you have to go one more try well like I said one more try for the duck and we're gone that was cool that's why you always do one more try guys for that win you gotta give this video a like because that was awesome she has to give this machine one more try she's going for the other cat because not what she said is too big oh oh yes you're moving into the weirdly I don't even know what I'm saying here I can't even talk but you're moving it into a really good spot hopefully she can get underneath it yes okay this is going somewhere guys I don't know where it's going am I going here or it might go back there we're gonna find out right here this one could make or break it up but now it's really far left so please come on come on oh wait what is this what does this thing doing what's going on with this thing oh my gosh I'm so nervous take your time is all I will advise you had 12 more seconds are you sure that's where you want to drop it I advise you win it if you don't win it my advice sucks you have three seconds okay please don't go backwards please don't go backwards please don't no it went backwards deciding you didn't want to come home with me Chris I need some advice here what should I do I advise you winners if you don't win it my advice sucks oh that looks good whoa oh my God probably gonna lose but I hope I can win it so one thing I thought you should have done is you try to stab it to roll it because I don't want to just grab it because we see that that doesn't always pay out oh should I go for the swing or what should I do Chris you should do what you're about to do right now okay here we go oh one more time like that though and I'm gonna get it I'm about to win this guys if I win this you better subscribe because I know you're not subscribed so again I'm going not right over it but I want it just to poke it down here we go you know what Chris yeah I'm doing it different this is the win right here whatever you do for the full grab when I'm coming more towards me okay yeah so hopefully this is the win oh dude would have been kidding me this thing is I should not have done that guys oh okay have it in a good position again what do I do here Chris yes right there there look right there I'm going for the swing oh I would not swing it wow here we go oh yes this prize took the longest today but definitely the most worth it check out the coin pusher is called Adventure castle and look at that jackpot that thing was just higher a second ago I think it was like 19 something and I got it yeah but when I got it it wasn't for us the time how did this happen so unfortunately I was just walking by the game I didn't I didn't even play I just pushed the button and it landed in the king and the King back there does a spin yay and it landed on a spin that says jackpot so the person that just played before me I just got them two thousand tickets [Music] I couldn't have done that myself if I was trying honestly it was because I was just walking by I was like just press the button and then the token went in there got the king and then got the jackpot so someone got really lucky and got almost 2 000 tickets yeah I think I was really hoping I'd get to the queen because there's a queen bonus back there if you get three queens you get 150 this thing looks pretty magical but it's going really turbo speed fast so fast so what you want to do in this press this button hit the ball make it go into that hole back there you win the ball and whatever's inside but my oh my is this going quickly recitals I've never seen those before yeah I think you can get it you're gonna spin up here what does jackpot give you I don't know no I don't know hopefully we can find out [Music] [Music] all right let me go one more time can I get another one oh crystal wants to give it a try now let's see can she make one in there it's all about [Music] I guess you might have to hit it a little earlier than that crystal says she's only playing this last time because it didn't do anything what are you yeah it actually shows you right here where you're supposed to hit but it's going so fast and it's really difficult but here are some of the prizes that you can actually redeem for check out this Rilakkuma at least what I think is supposed to be a real Akuma 160 000 tickets whoa that's a lot of tickets but what 350 000 tickets that thing is like impossible but then they have some lower end like thousand three hundred eight hundred five hundred they even have more prizes like around the corner right here not gonna show the whole prize area because in my opinion I don't think it's really possible to get much of this stuff like you can get these kind of things how many tickets did we actually get oh we probably have to go to the counter to find out but what is this we might have enough to get this guy did we get 500 probably not but yeah you can get things like this right 25 000. wait we could actually get that Chris I think it's a sticker set for you you don't want to spend 20 tickets to get a sticker set well guys we had a ton of fun in Neo funds look at all that I mean you can definitely see we had fun yeah and Crystal has her favorites in her hand and I have my favorite right here this one took some teamwork and even then it still did not want to come home but we made it come home with some Swinging with some stabbing we made it possible but we hope you guys enjoyed our time here at neofund next time we're in California we're gonna have to come back but yeah guys we'll see you next time thanks for watching everyone bye foreign
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 130,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, claw machine wins, claw machine, neo funs arcade, neofun, neofuns arcade, arcade tour, how to win from claw machines, how to win, winning, win, winning from claw machine, win from the claw machine, neofuns
Id: -b_Nz7f9Iek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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