What's My Line? - Ella Fitzgerald; PANEL: Tony Randall, Jane Powell (Jan 21, 1962) [W/ COMMERCIALS!]

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what my life brought to you by Kellogg's Kellogg's cereal the best to you each morning from Kellogg's of battle free now let's all pay what my life and now live from New York City let's meet our what's my line panel first the popular columnist whose voice of Broadway appears in papers coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen thank you and on my left I'm very happy to be able to present again returning to this panel a brilliant and very busy actor you will be seeing him February 5th on the Hallmark Playhouse and in a riotous film which will be coming out soon called lovers must learn lover come back I knew I would get it right I got a note on it lover come back and here he is Tony Randall we all must learn and I must learn to walk it is my happy duty and honored to present for the first time the panel one of my favorite tourists in New York 98 pounds of dynamite and mother of four Jane Powell you see me flip and now ladies and gentlemen the man with whom I would most likely to sing a duet the eminent publisher Random House mr. Bennett sir and here's the dean of panel moderators and I always remember Nicolas Marie Butler who was the president of Columbia University before Dwight Eisenhower those used to say there is nothing lower than a Dean his Dean Daley I'll let that remark pass mostly because I haven't thought the many to say yet but give me a little bit of time Miss Powell and Tony Randall it's nice to have you with us on the panel tonight then it's I suppose you had to come but what is most pleasant is we have some very interesting occupations and some nice people who brought them to the theater and we hope to puzzle the panel rather completely in the next half hour we'll also have a famous mystery guest before the panel a little bit later in the program and we'll meet our first challenger after this word from Kelloggs hi I guess you all know the marks of the world traveler but in this particular case I am NOT the traveler the ambassador of goodwill is right here it's Kellogg's cornflakes it brings the best to you each morning it's the best like the world's favorite now here are some of the ways that the world's favorite is dressed in different countries in Australia for instance the package looks pretty much like it does here home but in England it's very different and also in Sweden and in Holland now here's the way the package looks in Africa for instance and then again here's the way it looks in Mexico but the flakes have the same fresh appetizing look crisp and milk and fresh from the oven taste see that's Kellogg's secret a flavor that no other cereal has so how about it why not enjoy the big favorite the real thing Kellogg's cornflakes good nourishment set yourself up with a bowl of Kellogg's cornflakes tomorrow and now let's meet our first contestant will you enter and sign in please actually I think you probably from the reaction have already recognized our first contestant gene fama the middleweight boxing champion of the world a title that he regained I believe in December when you knocked out Benny Paret in the 10th round well I defended it successfully you defended it successfully sorry I got better now gene is here and of course you all know what he does but we feel that Bennett is beginning to get neurotic so we've brought gene here so that Bennett can guess what he does and we've told him and now it'll be easier right Bennett now I've announced that gene is the middleweight boxing champion of the world so panel you're aware of the fact that he is here for another purpose he has a basic occupation which you have to guess first of all where are you from gene West Jordan Utah is that near Salt Lake City yes it's just outside of Solace just how did well I must say I envy you mrs. Daly and I went out there is guest Bob Hinkley whom you might know yes just before they went over to the tabernacle and listened to one of the great organ concert it is there greats a great contrary well now that you've met the panel or will do it formally panel may I present Jean former fine now would you join me over here Jean you know how we keep score on the program fine and we'll let the audience at home and the audience in the theater know exactly what your line is all right panel we can tell you that mr. Palmer is self-employed and he deals in a product and we begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen oh and Jean do work with your hands yes is this product something that I would be likely to have around the house yes lightly uh is it or has it ever been a living thing either plant life or animal life yes it has uh are you engaged in anything that might be termed farming or ranching yes is it farming no one down nine to go mr. Randall you raised some sort of animal yes would we consider it an odd animals such as rattlesnakes no no to down a date to go miss power if it's something that every home should have yes I would say so we certainly would like to see the day come when we die when every American home had this product I was shocked and it is an animal and it's raised on a farm well it's raised on on a farm or ranch I know nothing fugly well and the East you call them farms and in the south or in the West we call the ranches that's about it if it's an edible product no that's three down and forty go mister sir Jean is it a four-legged animal yes is it an animal that would more likely be found outside the house and inside the house well if I made Jean I would say that under some circumstances we agree that you tend to find it outside of the house that other other circumstances of you tend to find it inside the house what the circus it would the thing be that it would be more likely to be outside while it's alive and more likely to be inside after it's ready to be eaten is that what you're trying to tell me John well I would say that some part of what you just said has validity but other parts that are not necessarily as this animal that you were dealing with Jane got something covering its high such as either for wool or pants a suit something like something covering the animal yes yes would it be wool its covering is a cheap that you're raising oh no 4.6 to go mrs. Kilgallon does this animal ever cover people such as women yes would I be likely to have his animal hanging in my closet at home I hope so is it mink right yeah Jainism Inc rancher and actually is in New York so that fortunately we could ask him becoming Jonas died because he's been here to be main whoever eats me didn't know we didn't say you you you just brought that up yourself and pig thought you were having so much fun chewing on the mix but gene has been at the mink auctions here in New York and sold 400 skins I believe that's right right first the idea of the whole thing was flashing through my mind as Jane was asking her questions and fingering her sable well I'm glad you I'm glad you told me Dorothy I was about to make some stupid comment about the make misjudge very well but gene I must say if I may take a minute I hope it won't embarrass you he's also received the Boxing Writers award I think one of the finest awards that a man in the boxing profession can hope to achieve because of the fine habits and conduct which he is brought to boxing and certainly it's a sport which needs if he does it great credit he does his state of Utah great credit and you've done us credit by being our guest tonight thanks very much Bennett plays wonderful alright let's eat our second challenger would you enter and sign in please Nathalie Kushner that right miss or mrs. Kushner miss Kushner where are you from Falacci from Washington nice to have you with this miss Krishna may I present our panel and now would you join me over here are you familiar with the way we keep score miss Cushman fine then we let the audience at home in the audience in the theater know exactly what your line is all right that'll we value that means Kushner is salaried deals in a service and will begin the general questioning with Tony Randall do you work for a profit-making organization no one down and nine to go I'm hot tonight is your job political in any way you mean here let me ask you Mitch and you mean specifically hearing in a membership in either one of the great political parties and activity in the behalf of either one of these parties as a matter of diplomacy a government job you mean is it a government job government job is it a government job yes it is a government job does it deal with politics in any way either of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party no no to dominate you go miss deserve question I wonder if you notice it between yes as Powell took off that for peace yeah if this show goes online now it's going to be a very interesting look I think I ought to explain to you miss Krishna anything can happen in this half-hour just hang on this question the work that you do for the government is this a job that you have to pair some kind of examination civil service or something the sort to get yes do you work in one of the government buildings in Washington sometimes oh you move around in this job yes you work for one of the departments yes is it one of the departments has anything to do with National Defense you mean specifically Army Navy Air Force or Hogan or the Department of Defense the overall yeah that's fine yes developments Gilgal miss Cushing I did your work ever take you to the White House yes do you ever go into the president's office yeah do you go in in a capacity of advising or assisting him yes would it be advising more than assisting no four down and six to go mr. Randol we haven't established what kind of service you perform as you move about would you say it's a in the nature of a secretarial service no five down and five to go mr. Powell do you deal mostly with men I would say so yes yes but this is not necessarily pertinent to the development of what the line may be do you live in Washington yes how could you live anyplace else and perform your service yes the service itself could be performed yes goodness what it mostly pertain to it would your service be mostly used in the large city no no not necessarily so six down and forty Goldmans to search its question to your services have anything to do with any of the functions that take place at the White House banquets or meetings of one sort or another there they caught I think would be the best answer to their pinnacle well do you ever perform any of your services for mrs. Kennedy in other words then you work for the Kennedy family rather than for the president or is it that you work exclusively for mrs. Kennedy do you work exclusively for mrs. Kennedy no that's five minutes that's not a green goldenseal gallery miss Kushner oh when you have left a pet a place is it more attractive looking and it was when you went in I beg your pardon you know perfectly well what I mean Dorothy we're just teasing you I would know the answer would be no it hasn't been a year any of that connotation mr. Randall are you on the White House staff no $9.00 why don't I get a move on I guess yours is mostly an advisory capacity you say no sis no actually the question was advised or assistant it was determined that advise was not the principal function Oh mr. Turks exercise Jana if you do with the Secret Service you're very secretive now send out no more go and miss Kushner is Russian interpreter for the United States State Department and of course our services were used I believe I'm correct when Nikita Khrushchev was here you were at that time translating and she translates at the White House State Department travels with foreign dignitaries who are here who do not speak our language and we had a I hope colleague of yours particular 16 he was with us after I came back from Moscow he was traveling with us a month ago did you understand what mr. Koo shop was saying that I was buying his shoe on the desk well I didn't look at television battaglia heard reports I won't ask you what he said but you also you also went to the unit with President Kennedy Kennedy did you not over there last year and full-time employee of the State Department and you are you were born in Russia we're in we're in Russia in Siberia well thank you with us we went to Siberia we're not too spared lost and Novosibirsk and I must say that for American it's a shock to find it isn't all wild wilderness that there are some great cities there and it's beautiful country nice to have you with us and I hope you enjoyed your stay a little bit frightened to those television cameras but you mustn't be good to have you with us we'll make tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first this word from our sponsor hi this is Dennis James again say what do you do in your family gives you a bathroom scale for Christmas well I know what I do because I can take a hint it's time for me to start losing a few pounds and incidentally I know the way to do it with the Special K breakfast a mighty appetizing meal till you get fruit Kellogg's special cave skim milk sugar and black coffee or tea good solid food but a mere 240 calories so if the holidays have left you a little heftier than you'd like to be I suggest you pick up a package of Special K soon on the back you'll find the menu for the Special K breakfast and how it helps common sense weight control actually I think you'll enjoy Special K even if you aren't watching the scales because it's light crisp tastes really good now when you team it up with milk you get a healthy serving of complete high-quality protium get yourself a package of Kellogg's Special K soon okay okay now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery challenger for which as you all know the panel is always blindfolded are they blindfolds all in place panel yes good would you enter mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery Challenger a different form of questioning one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we begin with the Bennett Cerf have you ever starred or played a very important part in a motion picture yes mrs. Kilgallon are you primarily a motion picture star rather than a record star or a television star hmm one down and nine to go mr. Randall have you appeared on Broadway in a plane hmm do data-date do you wanna know there was a nose yep I wouldn't know um are you a New York resident mm-hmm three nine and seven to go mr. sir have you ever starred in a nightclub or at a hotel room yes miss Kilgallen are you currently playing at the Copacabana 4060 go mr. Randall are you currently playing in any nightclub in New York for dinner room yeah mr. Powell oh my I think I've got it are you of appearing at the yo the world or hmm five thousand five to go mister sir then I take it you're not Carol Channing the dirty trick leaves me out on a limb are you appearing at either the Plaza or the Pierre 6040 governments Kilgallon are you playing in Greenwich Village no devadatta three to go mr. Randall there's something we haven't established are you a man or a woman this is very difficult to answer yes or no take your joint the voice could be either it's a clever job it are you a woman yes Miss Powell oh my goodness so many clubs that were closed I am oh my oh goodness oh I'm afraid I wouldn't have to pass on this I miss dessert I haven't the vaguest idea I pass - MS Kilgallen are you playing in a nightclub which is not attached to a hotel yes mr. andleman do you have a movie now playing I'm the Broadway scene mm-hmm eight thousand two to go Miss Powell you're not Sophie Tucker I know you guys don't know what to go biz consider always working in a club yeah you sing blues songs and and folk songs at all yeah yes and no I mean I think you're covering one area but we can't get anymore miss say yes qualified yes miss Gilgal Fitzgerald uh are you playing in Basin Street East are you Ella Fitzgerald yeah I must congratulate the audience we passed that are benefi Fitzgerald and nobody gave any signal at all so the Dorothea to go get it all by just relying on Basin Street I'm trying to think of every place and funny rod at it I can remember my cell is about just about this time last year you were in the inaugural gala in Washington mr. Daley and I were there and you were wonderful thank you mattering why do i with my incompetence in this field judge I think it is a matter of record that Bing Crosby has said man woman or child Ella Fitzgerald is the greatest we have another contestant after this word from our alternate sponsor there are good drivers and there are bad drivers and the bad ones often have accidents that's not news to you but this is news now all states good drivers save money with all states new good driver rates you probably qualify because a lot of 10 drivers have good driving records if so your good driving skill may entitle you to much lower rates than those paid by bad drivers who have accidents of course you get those other famous features of all state to fast claim service and help when you need it get more information about all state's new good driver rates see an Allstate agent at Sears at an Allstate office or just phone all States it's more proof you're in good hands with Allstate now let's meet a final contestant will you enter and sign in please Joseph greco right there very proud mr. Greco is from Brooklyn may I present our panel mr. Greco will you join me over here you don't have a cheap score fine let the audience at home and the audience in the theater know exactly what your line is all right panel we have very little time for you to exercise your splendid abilities mr. Greco is salaried and he deals in a product and we'll begin with his power is your product prior to a man and woman yes is it a wearable product a wearable product no one doubt a ninth ago mr. sir mr. Greco and the nicest gentleman I ever knew was was that mr. Greco who owned a barbershop can I rule out barbering entirely from your career is the product that you have something to do was made of some solid substance yes can it be used in the home no no it's not made to be used in the home and on that basis will say it should not be to dominate to go miss Kilgallen can it be used out of doors yes is it usually used out of doors yes would you think it rather strange if I owned one of these products so well you wouldn't the exchange of Dorothea owned one of these well there you go you never go ahead Dorothy let me say that mr. Greco doesn't think it would be strange I consider it my dream is it if I had one and I walk down to that and you would it show yes yes if you had it with you it would is this an inanimate object yes doesn't have any moveable parts yes would it be difficult to hold in my hand yes is it as big as a telephone booth I'm a first I think that you got it actually mr. Greco works for the Sheeran metallic company in Brooklyn and they make those attractive all-metal telephone booths that they're installing outside around in the city of New York is that one hoop the digression taken always now we have just enough time to say goodnight mrs. Kilgallon good night John and good night Tony and good luck on the hallmark Playhouse Arsenic and Old Lace thank you good night good night Jane happy for that which we had six more contestants game oh hi John good night Bennet and good night Arlene Francis out there in the Big West come back and see you soon and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on what my life What's My Line is a CBS television network production in association with large foots until cut this is Johnny Olsen speaking in 12 years taken over four million square miles help fight communists send your contribution to Radio Free Europe hello go to Ranger Dennis the Menace on CBS television over most diseased station what file I've brought to you by Kellogg's Kellogg's cereal the best to you each morning from Kellogg of battle dream
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 178,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Ella Fitzgerald (Musical Artist), Tony Randall (Theater Producer), Jane Powell (Theater Actor)
Id: 5fOxxRX2bfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2016
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