What's My Line? - Lerner & Loewe; Bishop Sheen; David Niven [panel] (Oct 21, 1956)

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time now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my line brought to you by Helene Curtis makers of star bet swab and end and dandruff treatment shampoo now let's all play what's my line now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in papers from coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen gentlemen nice week in New York a wonderful motion picture opened and took the town and the critics by storm the name of the picture is around the world in 80 days and as of last night people were paying $75 to get a ticket to it the star of the show is the gentleman who is going to be our guest panelists again tonight mr. David Niven I love that let's talk about me all night now it's my great privilege to introduce that wizard of a quiz' miss Arlene Francis nice David you're doing Oh Fiorella to bow and now gentlemen who himself personifies the title of his newest and most vastly entertaining book the life of the party mr. Bennett Cerf and now through those portals will pass handsomest most beautifully shaped panel moderator in the country mr. John Charles so Bennet got even with me for years of abuse in one night a wizard introduction good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line once again tonight we're going to be up to our old tricks and one old trick we're going to be up to the paddleboat like it all put on your blindfolds please panel actually we've got some interesting occupations a few variations on our usual plans and we will have a famous mystery guest before the panel a little bit later in the show and we'll meet our first challenger in just one minute all right at the blind holes all in place panel yes good let's meet our first contestant will you come in and sign in please and now if you'll join me right over here Thank You panel as you know in the case of a challenger we're in this initial strike at the program we ask you to put your blindfolds on there's an area of identification about which we're concerned affecting either one member of the panel or perhaps all the members of the panel it could be costuming or handwriting or the name that has been written on the board but at least it's an area which we felt needed to be guarded against so you've been blindfolded now I'll ask our guest are you familiar with how we score this operation good then let's let our friends at home and those who are here with us in the theater know exactly what your line is there you are peddle will tell you our guest is self-employed and we'll begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen do you deal in services yes do people ever watch you when you do what you're doing no no that's one down and nine to go mr. Niven where we blindfolded because we might have recognized your face yes um do you perform this service to men as well as women yes Otto men and women rather yes mm-hmm yeah oh yeah is this a service that I could partake of yes should I I would answer that yes is it therefore for the good of man well this is a very broad term hard here David I would think that to the degree that you can assess the value that might obtain to the individual from the proper utilization of the service which is under discussion he's throwing you off we would have to agree that this was for the betterment of man to the degree that it improves a sense of well-being or is a receiving terminology for enjoyment of one kind or another well I can't even remember what I asked and is it is it anything to do with a charity organization no that's true Donna date to go miss Frances are you a professional man yes and that is an application of the word professional man in its broad context I mean only here not to get you in your din the areas of Medicine law etc you know you're doing it again John well then if we're not to be inured is the profession of profession that any of us in the panel might be interested in for ourselves yeah well I mean I know you don't want to be a doctor for example and David doesn't want to be a lawyer now I was thinking of anything to do with a theatrical profession yes is the more than one person there yes whatever you do do you do it together always yes um did you are um are you performers no that makes it three down and seven to go mister sir have you there's a terrible noise going on here it's all right it's just a big one that's all instead of you ha are you two there are two gentlemen is that correct yes are you in any way connected with a play or picture that is at present appearing in on or about Broadway yes would it be a play yes is it a musical play yes is it a play that might have been based upon something by written long ago by a white bearded gentleman named George Bernard Shaw uh-huh could it be yeah would you gentlemen the one ring down from 62nd Street from my fair lady yes why the dirty dogs were at my house an hour ago would one of the gentlemen be mr. Moss Hart No Delman well I don't know who's at Bennet's house but I was thinking of perhaps the the writing team are you are are you either learner or low we well Bennett that makes us even for that introduction thank you haven't enjoyed anything so much for a long time nice going panel let's see what you can do with the section challenger would you come in and sign in please sir Don Don Smith right where are you from sir cold a spot in Iowa the coldest spot in Iowa uh cold spot Iowa oh no the coldest spot now what's the name of the town the name of the town is washed out Iowa washed uh is that really the coldest spot now yes sir do the folks at home know that does the Chamber of Commerce know that you came here tonight to describe this as the coldest spot in Iowa yes sir and you dare to go home again sir all right fine warming it up your wash sir Iowa is the hometown of mr. Donald Smith and mr. Smith do you know how we score this operation yes I did good if you do then let's let the folks at home and our friends here in the theater know exactly what your line is panel mr. Smith is self-employed and David you look so concerned I think we'll start the general questioning with you you got it um is it a product involved yes is this product um found in the house and home yes would I be in shred like to say this so you're not misled the product involved is found in the home and I am not qualified I believe to say that in rare instances it will not be found as mr. Smith deals with the product but certainly the product can be found in the home modified or in some degree change doing it again John but it could be found in the home yeah what would I be interested in in my home well I I think as the product might make you know reasonable entrance into the home you'd have a reasonable interest in it yes yeah follow a question that re and I'll start Sunday yes could could I sit on it no no compartment ago miss Frances now that means he positively could not sit on it doesn't it I think it's a reasonably good opinion that he could not sit on it that's right pointing I see uh is the product that you have something to do is is it or has it ever been alive yes oh is it part of the animal kingdom yes is it four-legged yes is it more usually not in the whole yes any reason why you couldn't sit on it I would say the product unmodified in any way is most usually not in the home most usually not in the home uh is it fur bearing no two down and eight to go mr. Cerf well mr. Smith I've been in that coldest part of Iowa myself and as I recall riding along the roads there there were two kinds of animals all over the place cattle and hogs is one of the animals that you the kind of animal you deal with either and the cattle family or the pig and hog family yes now I have to guess which one what do you think I think it's a hog if there's been no request for a conference not uh you say you cannot you don't can't sit on this log is that it is because the animal would be too slippery for you and would likely slide out if you tried to sit on it yeah who me you mean slippery in the way the pig is slippery I'm gonna take chances and pigs and hogs no the thing we don't want to mislead you Bennett I mean we presume for instance I just laid on a cow or a hog or big you know it would slide out from under you pigs are usually very slippery animals if you try to sit on a pig John knows you're going to clip a little beat your thing off the thing I want to you want to specifically apply this question - is it a pig a slippery Pig now I want to know is if a pigs and hogs your specialty say yes then it's working the wrong medicine okay yes and no yes oh no you mean they're not pigs and hogs they just either pigs or hogs is that right I'm gonna show my ignorance the United States of America what is the difference between a pig in a hog yeah I mean the hog has a great deal pig is you've got a hundred days he is not a hog until he reaches a hundred pounds oh and how much do you weigh better anything on your I'm even now for the introductions all right anything under hundred pounds is a pig yeah and if over 100 pounds is a heart well do you deal with one or the other yes well I'll guess pigs you shouldn't have well you're right buddy just big it takes but now what is it that mr. Smith has to do with pigs raises them No uh I tell you what we're going to do done because this is a tough one for me to answer no to we'll flip all the cards and say that you're nearly right actually Don owns and runs a pig hatchery raised pigs but he spells little piglet you see guidance John you had a pig come out of eggs somebody's gonna so this is usage custom it is a part of the patois of the farm country that if you just raise it what they call it a hatchery but it ain't really coming from an egg and why did we ever get mixed up and done we've had a wonderful time thanks tonight's mystery guest and just under the special feature of our program for which I have to ask my friends on the panel once again to blind themselves the blindfold themselves really the appearance of our mystery celebrity the blindfolds are all in place are they panel yes sir good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please in the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different form of questioning you ask one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and let's begin with Bennett Cerf well that is the most solid round of applause I've heard in a long time are you a familiar figure in public life until we kill god I think he said all / we yeah a little bit yes actually I would say that our guest is well known in public life in terms of general identification with the public of America mr. gong well am I to regard this as meaning that our guest is something other than a theatrical or motion picture performer we mr. Nibin yeah are you um better known in other countries and you are in this one no one down a nine to go miss Francis if you're not well known in the theater are you well known in television using this a pop I will answer the question yes for our get mr. serve uh have you ever participated in the political arena no two down at eight to go miss Kilgallen you thought it was Mendez Franz ciao boy this Kilgallen well do you by any chance work for any profit-making or non profit making organization we owe mr. Nevin are you not are you seen weekly on television we miss Francis weekly on television and non profit oh boy if you got a crazy sponsor what you be is it possible that you are a religious man that's the only nonprofit on television just spare oh you are I know you are Bennett you know who it is obscene basic coltan jaysene and if I'm a breaking some of the rules sir may I say that we're very proud that you're on my home network ABC it's nice to have you with us and your excellency I don't think we did well enough so we'll flip all the cards over there that's the first thing you and I hardly why'd you save his army yeah we just heard a slight murmur from the other side saying it's profit what are you gonna do with all this profit sir that's a big sum there well I would be grateful if you would send it to there are 300 leopard colonies that are conducted by the propagation of the faith oh that we will do sir and add some more to it and thank you very much for being our guest he is indeed a wonderful man actually anything that I can say about his wonderful talents and his wonderful piety would be super irrigation but we are very happy that he felt he could come and join us and our panel I must say I'm a little bit stunned and surprised that you've done as well as you have tonight but maybe I can still pull one over your eyes was our next challenge you come in inside in three Alexandre yep that's absolutely right mihika Alexander McGee Qian mr. McGee can this is the panel where are you from sir Scotland from Scotland come with me no you're go near them not you come over here now and you sit down with me and I'll ask if you know how we score this operation do you know how we do it I do good if you do it at the folks at home and our friends here in the theatre know exactly what your line is I will all right let's do that if I may call you Alex if I'm Alex um what we'll do is give one little bit of help you tell him you're salaried and they've got about three minutes to catch up with this all right mr. Magee can is salaried and we begin the general questioning with all the inferences mr. Magee keen is such a jolly fellow I do mr. Magee can I am hi uh do you ever do your job out of doors yes sometimes do you ever do it in clothes other than what you've got on oh yes yeah would it ever be considered a costume yes do you look mighty handsome in it depends looking at me do you belong to a special clan mr. Magee Caen yes you wear the clan tartan or plaid when you're in costume no that's one hard line to go mister sir then mr. Magee can can we dismiss as unfeasible the thought that you might be in some band or other player the one tied the bagpipes pardon me I know right you do not play the bagpipe not the ban no mr. McGee keen is not in a band I would assume that any Scotsman who's worth his salt would play the bagpipes at one time or either I meant as a professional occupation well I think we'd have to admit that mr. McGee can play the bagpipe once in a while even professionally yes but that is not what your aren't we're trying to find out if I would say are you a bag pipe player mr. Daly would flip a card over would he not if you were to say are you a bagpipe player Bennett you know what I would do you would flip the card I would say no I would say sometimes and have a bit of a guess in there yeah I know what mr. McGee can that is not your principal source of revenue no right do you do any work the greatest Scotchman I know is it is a gardener named Mackenzie would you be a specialist in gardening of any kind no that makes it two down and eight to go miss Kilgallon well do you wear this costume when you do your work no no base basic work he does not that's three down and seven to mr. Niven 20 years ago were you on the island of Malta yes we're in a very famous Highland regiment yes did you have the misfortune to have me for your officer yes I want a little time to talk to him in a flip all the cards actually what we were hoping David was we'd have enough time to see if you could figure out exactly what Alex does now Bennett came very close to it he was with you in the Highland Light Infantry Division during the war was attached to you and you an officer in that division Alex now plays repairs and sells bagpipes good night here is a word from next week's and now just a quick reminder we're going to go on to good old Eastern Standard Time and we'll be back at 10:30 Eastern Standard Time next week and until next week this is John Daly saying goodnight mrs. Kilgallon goodnight mr. Daly good night David again good night and you're going to hear from your regiment hi lovely to have you here have a good time in Colorado Ohio we'd bet it thank you my dear and good night to mr. Daly who weighs over a hundred pounds good night miss and I was even up to about five seconds ago now I got to do it all over again actually once David it's been wonderful having you with us and next week by the way Douglas Fairbanks Jr is going to be with us in that chair we all have fun I'm sure and for tonight good night and thanks very much for being with us on what's my line What's My Line are made to American Airlines American Airlines flies our contestants in luxurious comfort aboard ec7 flagships mrs. Bennet marketing department luggage television network
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 162,928
Rating: 4.8740377 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Alan Jay Lerner (Author), Frederic Loewe (Author), Fulton J. Sheen (Author), David Niven (Author)
Id: T74qnT7WFZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2013
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