What's my line - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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under the special feature of our program for which I have to ask my friends on the panel once again to blind themselves the blindfold themselves really the appearance of our mystery celebrity the blindfolds are all in place are they panel yes will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please no in the case of our mystery challenge here we go to a different form of questioning you ask one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and let's begin with Bennett Cerf well that is the most solid round of applause I've heard in a long time are you a familiar figure in public life until we I think he said I'm / we yeah a little bit yes actually I would say that our guest is well known in public life in terms of general identification with the public of America miss Gilgal well am I to regard this as meaning that our guest is something other than a theatrical or motion picture performer we mr. Niven yes are you better known in other countries and you are in this one no one down a nine to go miss Francis if you're not well known in the theatre are you well known in television he's in the see pop I will answer the question yes where I get this is sir have you ever participated in the political arena no dude out at eight to go miss Kilgallen child for you miss gil-galad well do you by any chance work for any profit-making or non profit making organization we owe mr. Navin are you are you seen weekly on television we miss Francis weekly on television and non profit boy if you got a crazy sponsor can you be is it possible that you are a religious man that's the only nonprofit on television we just spare oh you are I know you are Bennett you know who it is obscene basic Portland's a scene and if I'm a breaking some of the rules sir may I say that we're very proud that you are my whole network ABC it's nice to have you with us and directions see I don't think we did well enough so we'll flip all the cards over there that's the first thing we why'd you save me darling we just heard a slight murmur from the other side saying it's profit what are you gonna do with all this profit sir that's a big sum there well I would be grateful if you would send it to there are 300 leper colonies that are conducted by the propagation of the faith that we will do sir and add some more to it and thank you very much for being I get to the monitor
Channel: GravitasOne
Views: 194,205
Rating: 4.9436026 out of 5
Keywords: Fulton, Sheen, Catholic, TruthLeaker, Truth, Veritas, Atheism, Atheist, Christian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2010
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