$15 Water Jerry Can Hack

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if you've been camping in the bush chances are you've used one of these at some stage the humble Jerry can fantastic way to store your water when you're out camping and they cost roughly or twenty five thirty bucks something like that but they can be quite frustrating especially when your vehicle camping just like this so this is one of the places where I keep my water jerry cans but it's pretty frustrating pulling it in and out everytime you want to get the water out of it so in today's video i'm going to show you guys a very simple hack that you can do for fifteen dollars to make it super easy to get the water out of your jerry can first up let's go to the hardware store and grab a few things hi hey yawn today thank you good bye see ya well that was a bit of a long walk but we're back so we've got everything we need now and all up that costs us 15 dollars and 43 cents so let's get into it and show you guys what you need to do so normally to get your water out you'd use one of these taps so we're going to take the top off and instead of using the tap we've got a 20 mil bsp thread - a 13 mil barb so we're gonna screw that in instead and I might actually just check a little bit of thread tape on there I don't know if you actually need thread tape because I'm pretty sure it's tapered but I'm it never hurts to check someone there anyway make sure it doesn't like so I'll just do that just a few wraps never hurts okay so we're just going to screw that in here and I've just got this adjustable spanner here just to tighten it don't need to go too tight because there's threads on these jerrycans aren't great so you don't to go a crazy tight layer just a little touch more okay that should do us nicely next up we've got to get our hose out I'm just gonna go figure out what length I need okay so I'm just gonna cut it at the length that I need so I've just got a little 11 mil 216 meals stainless steel hose clamp here so we'll just slip that over the hose so we'll slip the hose over the barb now we're just going to get this hose clamp here and just tighten it up the two meter hose that I got from the hardware store came with fittings already on the hose which is awesome so now I just need to get this 20 mil bsp thread to Bob with a valve on it and just screw it in here okay so now let's see if anything leaks so do we have water roof we got water so let's just chuck it in the car and I'll show you guys why this is awesome okay so now the jerry cans tucked up right in the back corner of the counter but if I want to use the water all I need to do is grab the end of the hose pull it out and you've got water how simple is that you don't have to pull the jerrican out or muck around with anything all you got to do is grab the end of the hose out and you got water the other cool thing about this if you want to fill it you can pretty much plug in your garden hose here and fill it obviously you got to be very careful not to overfill it otherwise water's going to go everywhere but yeah just a super simple 15 dollar hack to get water out of your jury can without pulling it out every single time and with this setup you can pretty much how the Gerry can anywhere in the vehicle and just have the hose running to a good spot to get the water out so there you go guys I hope you enjoyed this video maybe you might find this tip useful and try it yourself thanks for watching we'll catch you in a different video see ya and then if you ever want to upgrade having a water tank with a pump on it is just awesome seek adventure
Channel: Seek Adventure
Views: 971,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life Hack, Water Jerry Can, Camping
Id: qvYeDePC47Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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