Fuel tank and Jerry can repair

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get a Jeff Lewis here from seriously series today what I thought we'd look at is kit equipment that we all use to go out and explore our part of the world now some of this kit can actually cost you a lot of money but there are a few little ways that you can potentially find a piece of kit that's really got some interesting history behind it and give it a new lease on life now what I'm going to be looking at today is actually the Jerry can and this one is from 1952 so I'm going to be showing you how you can actually restore a good old Jerry Kang given a new lease on life and help you to get out to explore your part of the world it should be an interesting video as always it and you know what to do stay tuned [Music] okay so I flushed out the jerrycans using obviously the concentrate degreaser I've then put some water in and after doing that to it a place to actually rinse out Jerry can once again with fresh water because it's amazing the actual rust and the grime and paint flakes and all the rest that build up over time now this applies all also in regards to your fuel tanks now if you're buying a more mature vehicle or vehicle that's been sitting for a long period of time the first thing you want to do is drain that fuel tank get whatever fuel there is in it get it out of it because I can tell you now and I'm telling you this from experience it will cause you a world of hurt it's not too bad if it's a petrol but if it's a diesel megabucks you're gonna be spending megabucks trying to fix that car because if that screws up your injector pump it's it's just not even worth going there so really important to make sure if you're buying an older vehicle with a metal fuel tank make sure you drain it because you're going to have the same problems as what we have here so I've drained the jerrycans I'll show you you can see the blue markings on the bottom here this is where the pinholes are that's one that's two yeah I could quite easily go out and buy brand new jerrycans but these are from the early 1950s and look if you own a Series Land Rover or Willys Jeep or a jeep from this period you want the jerrycans to match of course you want them to match so that's why we're putting this bit of extra effort into these so what we're going to do now is we're going to fix these holes that are in there and we're going to delve into the world of raising and what we're going to do is go to brace over these little holes that are obviously in the jury care but as you can see there's a few pit marks there too and so if there's slight pits and the tank then that's obviously opening up the possibility of them forming into leaks much much later on down the track or maybe not we don't know so it's worthwhile just taking the time do it right do it once so the first thing I guess you're probably thinking why raise them you could use solder if you can get lead solder you can do that silver solder you can use that too you can get copper copper brazing rods or bronze bronze silver nickel rods which is what we're going to use here today now the reason why I'm doing that is you can use poly metal as another one called Farah pray that I've used in the past and really these poly metals and these two-pack epoxies are really all they are and some of you may disagree with this but I'm going to explain why they are only a temporary measure they are not the correct way they are not the correct way of solving a fuel leaking issue with a tank or pressure vessel they're just they're just it does not work the reason being even though they are designed to work in fuel systems they break down and the reason why I'm telling you this is I actually used that to fix a tank in a GQ patrol and problem that I have with that car now is I have to be very careful that the fuel is fresh because it is slowly breaking down in the bottom of the tank it isn't leaking there's nothing wrong with it but you get certain little films certain little bit breaking off because it is a glue it's a putty so you don't get a nice clean finish whereas brazing soldering it's a clean finish there's no little tags there's no little bit second brake off over time so it's much much better way of doing it it's a lot more durable to a lot of these epoxies and putties tend to crack and break they're very brittle whereas as you can imagine with your lead solder it's quite ductile it can bend it can move and all the rest so that's why we're going with this option [Music] rightio so we're nearly complete sprayed up jerrican with a nice olive green paint but the next thing we need to do is obviously look at the seal now if you buy one of the ten jerry cans that literally will last you a lifetime as i've already said these are from the 1950s and by the end of this video they should be going strong so I've got some Pro quit Jerry can seals you can buy these from any I guess half decent automotive distributor store spare parts or whatever and it's pretty simple they're just a bit of a bit of rubber there we're going to dig this out and we'll put a new one inside it and this will keep it sealed means that we won't lose any fuel so by just using a flap we're just using our flat bladed screwdriver we can just pry this out a bit stubborn as you can imagine very stubborn in this case so you can see how brittle that is it's literally break them off don't know why it is it's always easier to pull the stuff apart rather than put it back together righty-o so we've we've actually got that all in there and what I'm gonna do now as I'll leave that jerrican closed overnight and that'll actually help to set the seal in it's no different to really doing your door seals on a Landrover you have to do the same thing anyway so that's pretty much done so here we are the end product and I've sprayed it up with olive green semi-gloss enamel paint so what does that all mean well basically being a semi boss by spraying it directly on look at this nice matte finish which means it's not shiny and any piece of military kit always has matte paint because you don't want reflection coming off the paint because that's how aircraft can spot you that's how snipers can spot you and all the rest you want to be camouflage so that's what I've done here and now I probably wouldn't have been the paint that they would have used back in the day but it's as close as I can get I've put a hardener in it also so it means that the paint is going to be very very resistive over time and particularly with heavy wear and putting it in and out the Landro for a little rest so it's capri aliy well and look I think it's going to be able to keep this jerrican going for at least another few years probably another 10 20 30 years so really not bad at all so anyway I hope with this video that you've learned a few tips and tricks yourself that you can use to fix not just jerrycans but your own fuel tanks and our own fuel issues that might occur down the track because you'll be surprised at what happens when you out there gallivanting around on your next big adventure anyway if you've enjoyed this video and you're enjoying the content here at seriously series as our waste site please do support the generation of content here whether it's 5 patreon or by our website at seriously serious com you and if you're new to the channel then please click on that subscribe button down below click on the notification button too and that way you won't miss out on one single video anyway thanks for watching and I'll catch you in our next video
Channel: Seriously Series
Views: 7,030
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Id: A6Kxw-tGYpc
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Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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